Minutes 07-27-06
ON THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006 AT 7:00 P.M.
Stephen Waldman, Chair
Loretta Wilkinson
Hattie Miller
Robert Chiste, Regular Voting Member
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Susan Buchanan
Melinda Mallon
Marlene Ross
Christine Hogenkamp, Regular Voting Member
Alyssa Ewing, Regular Non-Voting Member
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silent Reflection
Mr. Chiste led the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence for our troops overseas.
Ill. Approval of Minutes of June 22, 2006
There was one correction to the minutes: Page 3, Item C, first paragraph should read "Sand
Sifters" and not "Sand Sisters".
A motion was made by Ms. Wilkinson to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Miller seconded
the motion that unanimously carried.
IV. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. Chiste to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Wilkinson
seconded the motion that unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
July 27, 2006
V. Announcements/ Presentations/ Correspondence
A. Sister Cities
Ms. Jeanne Heavilin gave an overview of the Sister Cities International Program and explained
President Eisenhower convened a summit in 1956 on citizen diplomacy that was a grass roots
effort. The summit resulted in a People to People Program, matching one person to another,
from which Sister Cities International evolved, pairing one community to another. It was
thought the resulting mutual respect and understanding from these personal relationships could
transform diplomatic relations and steer the world away from war.
Presently, there are 700 member communities in the United States that have partnered with
1,800 communities in 130 countries. Ms. Heavilin reported Ms. Chris Francoise, who was
present at the meeting and serves as Vice President of the Sister Cities Committee, attended
the 50th Anniversary Conference this month in Washington. The theme was "Peace Through
People" and 1,200 delegates from throughout the world attended. The conference included a
plenary session about freedom in the Middle East. Ms. Heavilin reported it was exciting to see
there were mayors from Palestine and Israel sitting next to each other discussing peace and the
role Sister Cities and youth could play. This took place the day Israel and Lebanon were
The Sister City for Boynton Beach is Qufu, China - the birthplace of Confucius. Boynton Beach
became the official Sister City of Qufu in September 2001. The Chinese Delegation came to
Boynton Beach to sign the agreement the day before 9/11 occurred and the Boynton Beach
Delegation traveled to China the next week and signed the agreement. A report was given to
the City Commission who then appointed a steering committee.
Early in 2003, the Sister City Committee formed a 501 C (3) Corporation, which was a totally
independent, non-profit organization utilizing a volunteer board. The Sister City by-laws require
the local government to approve and sign off on any Sister City relationship, so the program is
also a government-to-government program. The relationship with Qufu was the result of Mr.
Dan DeCarlo, a former City employee, who served as liaison to the Community Relations Board.
Ms. Heavilin explained the committee, in reflecting the demographics in the community, was
now trying to establish a relationship with Eluethra, Bahamas, as its second Sister City.
Ms. Heavilin spoke about the Young Artists Showcase, which was an art program of Sister City
International that was designed for middle and high school students. Last year the theme was,
"What Does Global Citizenship Look Like?" With the assistance of the Arts Commission, there
was an exhibit at the Children's Schoolhouse Museum, showcasing the entries from the
Ms. Heavilin explained because it was the 50th Anniversary of the program, an official
commemorative tee shirt for the conference was made which had the Sister Cities' logo on the
front and the selected artwork on the back. The artwork selected was from a student from
Christa MacAuliff Middle School. The name of the artist could not be released pending
notification; however, she noted the tee shirt sold out the first day. Ms. Heavilin was
investigating the possibility of using the tee shirt as a fundraiser, showing the artwork and the
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
July 27, 2006
words Boynton Beach on the back. There were 83 entries from around the world, and
Boynton Beach was selected as one of the entries for the international competition. The ten
winners of that competition would have the opportunity to showcase their art, and tour the
country for one year. If Boynton Beach is one of the ten winners, they hoped to be able to find
a facility to host the artwork. The theme this year was, "An Open And Accessible World For
All", which will focus on disabilities.
Another program Sister Cities International has was a partnership with the Wheelchair
Foundation. The Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create awareness
of physical disabilities, to create the joy of giving, create global friendships, and to deliver a
wheelchair to every child, teen and adult in the world that needs one, but cannot afford one.
China has indicated they need eight million wheelchairs. Qufu needs 500 wheelchairs. With the
partnership, for every $60 raised, the Wheelchair Foundation will match and purchase the
wheelchair for $120. Sister Cities was committed to raising $30,000 for the 500 chairs that
Qufu needs. They received their first donation and have obtained seven chairs to-date. In the
fall, the fundraising events will commence.
Ms. Heavilin reported an electronic Pen-Pal Program has been started that they would like to
institute at the middle schools. This initiative would introduce Sister Cities students to each
other, and they could exchange information each month via different topics such as hobbies,
what they learned in school that month, etc., culminating with a town meeting, via satellite
feed, to talk face to face. It was hoped they could extend the program into high school, and
their goal was to add a class each year. It was also hoped the school district television station,
that was severely damaged from hurricanes, would be ready to operate soon. Currently the TV
station is running out of a different facility. The Boynton Beach facility, however, needed to be
Sister Cities International recently came out with a Sister Cities School Program. The program
would adopt a Sister City School in China, and would encompass, not just the Pen Pal Program,
but also teacher exchanges, student exchanges, and anything else that could benefit the youth.
A Sister City September Concert, which is a day of music and a call for peace on September
11th, which happens to be the 50th Anniversary of Sister Cities, would also be planned. The
concert was a new activity and the only requirements were to provide free music somewhere in
the community, to someone in the community, and to provide time for reflection. Ms. Heavilin
thought a youth choir or youth group would be ideal for this activity.
Sister Cities International is self-funded through the sale of poinsettias during the holidays, and
other items as available. A fundraiser they scheduled was the Second Annual Night Golf
Tournament at the Links, which was an activity earmarked for youth exchange programs. She
explained there was a small amount of money from membership fees, but it did not go far. She
explained the Young Artists Program receives sponsorships from various corporations and
individuals for the cash awards it gives. She added last year, the City provided some funding
for the award. In most cases, cities provide assistance.
Ms. Heavilin invited the board to participate in the process, and requested one member serve
on their board to act as a liaison, thereby ensuring a sharing of information. She distributed
information about the programs.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
July 27, 2006
Another new program was a Youth and Education Network, which uses local Sister City
partnerships to get the youth involved in the community. By partnering with the Education and
Youth Advisory Board, the goal would be to involve the Boynton Beach youth and make them
global citizens.
The Sister Cities Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at noon. Ms. Heavilin
indicated if they needed to change the meeting time to accommodate any board members, they
could, but they would not be meeting until September. There was a discussion about how to
attract children. Ms. Heavilin explained the Young Artist Program was one way they were
approaching the task and thought between the two boards, they would brainstorm and develop
some strategies. Another way to involve youth was to incorporate international gardens at the
proposed Boundless Playground. The Education and Youth Advisory Board liked the concept of
the two boards working together for the Sister Cities Program. Ms. Heavilin indicated her hope
that, by having participation in the program at the middle schools, over the course of three or
four years, it would evolve into an Ambassador Program, identifying those students as
exchange students.
Mr. Chiste noted students were always looking for things to do, and thought if it were an
attractive program, students might be interested in it. The students would also receive credit
for participating in the program through the board Volunteer Bank. It was suggested Boynton
Beach might want to partner with Delray Beach, who has two Sister Cities. Some of the board
members would meet informally, with the Sister Cities organization, on August 22, 2006 at Mr.
Waldman's home, at 6:30 p.m. to discuss how to get the students involved in the programs and
initiating a Youth Sister Cities Council. Chair Waldman thanked Ms. Heavilin for the
VI. Public Audience
There were no comments.
VII. Old Business
A. Bowling Tournament (July 23, 2006)
Ms. Claude reported there were 26 participants at the tournament, and the profits and
donations received totaled $59.50. Ms. Wilkinson suggested revisiting the issue to determine
how to increase participation. Her observation was that holding the event on a Sunday was
problematic, or individuals did not want to pay the fee. Ms. Claude noted a mailing was sent to
last year's participants. She thought the board should consider whether the event was intended
to be more of a fundraiser, or a family activity. Chair Waldman suggested the board decide
whether they want to continue the event, or how to get more participants. Ms. Claude
commented promoting the activity as a charity event might be helpful, and suggested improving
the pre-planning advertising by starting earlier.
Ms. Wilkinson suggested lowering the price for certain people, similar to the tennis carnival. For
those individuals who attended the last event, it would be $15. Kids that participated in the
tennis carnival were not notified for this event. The event proceeds go to the Bob Borovy fund,
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
July 27, 2006
which gives a $1000 cash award to the high school senior who made the greatest contribution
in volunteer work.
On another matter, Chair Waldman, distributed information on the Points of Light Program from
the State of Florida. The program was all about volunteer opportunities for high school
students. He indicated this information could be of use with the Youth Bank, and thought
pushing the program or doing a mailing might be a good way to have youth partner with the
board. This item will be put on the next meeting agenda.
B. Teen Center
There was no report given.
C. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
There was no report given.
D. Fundraising Ideas
There was no report given.
E. Youth Expo (October 14, 11:00 - 5:00 @ Boynton Beach Mall)
Ms. Claude announced this event was scheduled for October 14, 2006, at the Boynton Beach
Mall. A planning committee meeting will be held at the Madsen Center, at 12 Noon on August
22, 2006. Chair Waldman invited the Sister Cities Committee to participate in the Expo. At this
event, the various City entities and non-profit groups have informational tables with brochures,
posters, pictures, and other items of interest available.
F. Tennis Carnival Event
Ms. Claude reported the event was tentatively scheduled for November 11, 2006, from 9:00
a.m. to 12 Noon, at the tennis center. She will have a more detailed update for the next
meeting. Ms. Claude explained the intent was to have tennis pros come and partner with the
kids. Hunters Run tennis pros may be asked to participate. It was also noted this event falls
on Veterans Day, which may conflict with other Veterans Day activities. Ms. Claude will follow
up on this activity.
Chair Waldman acknowledged Hattie Miller's donation to the Borovy Award and thanked her.
VIII. New Business
Ms. Claude announced the Recreation and Parks Department recently had an accreditation visit
from the Commission for the Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA), where
CAPRA spent three days reviewing the department's policies and procedures. A reception was
held with key department heads and chairs of other boards that interface with Recreation and
Parks. CAPRA met with staff and toured the facilities. There were 156 standards in 10 major
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
July 27,2006
areas. The department met 150 of them and met 95% of the non-required standards, which
was above the 85% needed. A National Conference in Seattle, in October, is when an official
accreditation announcement would be made. Florida leads the nation in departments nationally
accredited, having 12 agencies in the State with the accreditation. Chair Waldman
complimented the department. Ms. Claude explained the department put two and a half years
of work into the effort, and was very proud and excited for the accomplishment.
Chair Waldman asked Ms. Heavilin for an update about the Confucius Centers. Ms. Heavilin
responded the Chinese government decided to establish 10 Institutes in the United States for
the purposes of furthering the teachings of Confucius, the Chinese language and to promote
the culture of China. Through the school district, their teaching of Chinese and the Sister City
relationship, the application had been accepted and was being seriously considered. Boynton
Beach was competing against FIU in Miami, and if selected, Boynton Beach would be the first
non-university site in the country. Due to the virtual classroom activities provided by Palm
Beach School District Educational Television, selection as a site was a real possibility. The
Chinese Delegation, when they visited in December, was very impressed. Ms. Heavilin was
optimistic, and hoped to hear the results of the site selection process by the end of the year, or
early next year.
Future Meeting Dates:
August 24, 2006 and September 28, 2006
X. Adjournment
There were no other discussions.
Ms. Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Mr. Chiste seconded the motion, which unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine C erry-Guberman
Recording Secretary