Minutes 08-24-06 (2)
ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2006 AT 7:00 P.M.
Stephen Waldman, Chair
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Hattie Miller
Susan Buchanan
Christine Hogenkamp, Regular Student Voting Member
Alyssa Ewing, Regular Student Non-Voting Member
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Robert Chiste, Regular Student Voting Member
Loretta Wilkinson
Melinda Mallon
Marlene Ross
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silent Reflection
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence for our troops
III. Approval of Minutes of July 27, 2006
A motion was made by Ms. Buchanan to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Morera
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Ms. Morera to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Buchanan
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
V. Announcements/ Presentations/ Correspondence
Sherri Claude, City Employee Representative, distributed a magazine article "Defining a
Communil:)!' which appeared in the Parks and Recreation Magazine regarding how to engage
teens. The article was distributed for the members to read at their leisure.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 24, 2006
Chair Waldman announced in October there would be a Visions Committee meeting to help
steer the direction of development in Boynton Beach. Chair Waldman thought it would be good
to have students be a part of the committee and he indicated he would be approaching the City
about having the students included in the process.
Chair Waldman reported he received an e-mail from Marlene Ross indicating she could no
longer serve on the board. Chair Waldman was aware of another interested individual who was
an assistant principal, and would get an application to her.
VI. Public Audience
No public audience was present.
VII. Old Business
A. Sister Cities
Chair Waldman indicated there was a meeting at his home with other board members and the
Sister Cities Committee members. They discussed the Young Artist Showcase and the Pen Pal
Program. The deadline for all submissions for the Young Artist Showcase is April 30, 2007. It
was agreed Chair Waldman would find out who the area school superintendent was and contact
Jeanne Heavilin, President of the Sister Cities International, with the information. Ms. Heavilin
would make an appointment with them to garner support for the program with the school
district. Similarly, with the Pen Pal program, they would like to have the school district push the
program with the 7th and 8th grade students. Poinciana and St. Joseph's Middle School were
discussed. These schools could participate in the Pen Pal program with the supervision of the
principal who would oversee the content and grammar of the correspondence. The Young
Artist program was for students 13 years of age. Chair Waldman pointed out that Boynton
Beach is one of the 10 cities in the country to have a Confucius Institute where the concepts,
ideas and cultures of Confucius would be taught. They did not discuss having a second Sister
City, which would be Eleuthra in the Bahamas at the meeting. Ms. Heavilin would be contacting
Carol Shetler, the area superintendent about the program.
The Sister Cities program would have a booth at the Youth Fair with information about the
program and Chair Waldman will contact Ms. Heavilin to advise her to contact Ms. Claude
about the program.
B. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
There was no report given.
C. Fundraising Ideas
Chair Waldman asked the members if they had any ideas for fundraising. Chair Waldman
announced the Sister Cities was holding a golf tournament. Ms. Buchanan indicated spaghetti
dinners usually make a lot of money and a local school held a virtual spaghetti dinner where
they sold tickets in person and on-line and no one had to attend. There was discussion on
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 24, 2006
whether donations would be tax deductible. Ms. Claude indicated in the past they
decided not to say donations were tax deductible. Ms. Claude was asked to check into that
aspect once again. A pancake breakfast was discussed. Ms. Hogenkamp commented Poinciana
had a pancake breakfast, followed by a craft show, similar to an all day carnival. It was noted
the schools have the students to support the event. A true spaghetti dinner or pancake
breakfast needs a lot of support from those organizations sponsoring the event.
Ms. Buchanan suggested finding someone to donate foods, such as sweets or desserts, to sell
at the oceanfront concerts. Selling foods at soccer games and other sports functions could be
used to fundraise as well. It was also noted the CRA would have their Sunday Jazz on the
Avenue Concerts soon and the Education and Youth Advisory Board could have a booth there.
The Kiwanis Club used to have a popcorn machine. Ms. Morera suggested something like snow
cones, made with just sugar and ice could be a good item to sell. Ms. Buchanan suggested
contacting area bakers and vendors for donations. There was consensus to investigate the
concept further. The members would try to coordinate the event at the September 28, 2006
meeting. Members will contact Palermo Bakery and Panera Bread. Ms. Claude would speak
with Wayne Segal about coordinating the event and the board would target the October concert
as their event.
D. Youth Expo (October 14, 11-5 at Boynton Beach Mall)
Ms. Claude reported there was a meeting held for the Youth Expo and she distributed the
meeting notes to the board. Ms. Claude would be contacting Heather Spillane of the Recreation
and Parks Department, to contact Marlene Ross of WXEL Radio to advertise the event and to
see if they could get a cartoon character to attend the Expo. Ms. Claude did not have the
entertainment schedule for the event yet. Usually choirs, dance troupes, gymnastics and karate
groups performed at the function. Ms. Buchanan noted at the Children's Museum, the DayStar
and Galaxy Elementary Schools bought their students in to put on a show. Sponsors were
always looking for a way to promote their pupils and programs. The Recreation and Parks
Department would have a booth at the Expo, as would the Sister Cities Program.
E. Tennis Carnival Event (November 11, 2-4 p.m. at Boynton Tennis Center)
Ms. Morera announced nothing has been done on this event except for the advertising in the
Funfare Magazine. She would be contacting Bob Howell about what they needed to do. For
the Hunters Run event, they usually provided snacks for the children. It was not known
whether Mr. Howell would be providing tee shirts. A flyer has not yet been created. Ms.
Morera suggested not generating too much publicity because the tennis pros can only
accommodate about 50 students. Ms. Morera was asked to contact Commissioner Ensler about
sponsoring the Youth Expo. Her understanding was the Tennis Carnival scheduled for next year
would still move forward.
There was no other old business.
VIII. New Business
There was no New Business.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 24, 2006
IX. Future Meeting Dates
Chair Waldman announced the next meeting was scheduled for September 28, 2006. The
November meeting date would be announced at the October 26, 2006 meeting.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned by consensus at 7:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine C erry-Guberman
Recording Secretary