R00-115 II RESOLUTION NO. ROO-//5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING THE ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ON July 20, 2000, AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID RATIFICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board (SCRWTDB) requests ratification of the action taken by the Board at the uarterly Annual Meeting of July 20, 2000, as set forth in the attached Exhibit "A"; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF HE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, does ereby ratify the actions taken by the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Disposal Board on July 20,2000, as set forth in the attached Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /5 day of August, 2000. , \\\II\\\III1I//JI// ~~\\ -{I'lTON ;//% .::::; <00 ~..U.." <::- ~ ..? 4. /'0?OR4f~\"9o % :::: 0 :()o \ :t ::0 - . - ::-: >:~ i = ~I-\ Q' ~ _ - . 1_ " '-'... ...n?; ..' :::: -:;;. ". ,"::J." ~ '" eo. .0" _ .:s 'l ......... <) '( - ~ ~/. FLO~\ \# TTES'r'~/III!I/! 11 H\I\\\\ ~~ /:" ~ c:; ) ~~c?:~/' 2~~- Vice Mayor J?2t~-f~/U2-v--- Mayor Pro Tern ~ :z=ne~ Commissioner v :ca\Reso\SCRWTD - 072000 Meeting I' EXHIBIT "A" 1. Authorization for Chairman to sign Interlocal Agreement between the City of Delray Beach and South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board for use of 24" Interlocal Pipeline Crossing; 2. Authorization for Chairman to sign Special Warranty Deed Transferring from SCRWT & DB to Palm Beach County a 40" Wide Tract of Land on Golf Road West of Congress Avenue; 3. Authorization for Option for PRE 7/1/98 Grit Claims Member Acknowledgement and File Release Form; 4. Authorization to Expend $25,000 from Surplus Fund to Settle Injury Claims Eddie F. Adams vs. SCRWT & DB; 5. Authorization to expend $8,000 on an Emergency Basis from Repair & Replacement fund to replace 1,200 AMP Breaker for Unit Substation #3; 6. Authorization to expend on an emergency basis from Repair & Replacement Fund $2,000 to purchase five (5) alarms to enhance the chlorine system' 7. Authorization to expend from Repair & Replacement Fund $2,780 for Roy Bell, Inc,. to repair roof in the Administration Building; 8. Authorization to establish Wastewater user rate to Cities for Fiscal Year 2000/01; 9. Authorization for Acceptance of 2000/01 Wastewater and Reuse O&M Budgets and Wastewater Repair and Replacement Expenditures; 17 ou rlf? ,\ RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF JULY 20. 2000 WHEREAS. the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board did on July 20. 2000. by a vote of 7-0. approve AUTHORlZAnON for CHAIRMAN to SIGN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN the CITY of DELRA Y BEACH and SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWA TER TREA TMENT & DISPOSAL BOARD for USE of 24- INTERLOCAL PIPELINE CROSSING. WHEREAS. said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Delray Beach. NOW. THEREFORE. the City of Boynton and the City of De/ray Beach hereby ratify said Board action independently. The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Boynton Beach this .1... day of //#1.0';';': . ,.;f~ . by a JS""-o vote. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: UI Mayor , \\II\I\\\IIII/J111 ~ \\\\ 0'1 N T 0 ,,:////~ '" << '0 ............ <9 ~ ~ 0 ....~poA..j .... ~ ~ ~ ~:::: "(jo l'N._~ -;;.. '", '0' . - Attest: ...~ ~<JE+- f- \ 0 ~ ._ . . ::I: City Clerk % <..l \. 1C?O / t ~ ...........- ..... j;; --:::/ ........... ~ .///, ;:-LOR\Q~ ':\~ '//1. .-' ' - \\\\ flll!li ::;\\,,\\\' Approved as to form: ~,,~~,~; l1~ RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF JULY 20. 2000 WHEREAS. the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board did on July 20. 2000. by a vote of 7-0. approve AUTHORlZAnON for CHAIRMAN to SIGN SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED TRANSFERRING from SCRWT&DB to PALM BEACH COUNTY a 40- WIDE TRACT of LAND on GOLF ROAD WEST of CONGRESS AVE. WHEREAS. said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Delray Beach. NOW. THEREFORE. the City of Boynton and the City of Delray Beach hereby ratify said Board action independently. The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Boynton Beach this .&.... day of /ZJfJh"'" . dt&''''::; . by a .ff"-&, vote. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: ,VI Mayor " \\\1\111111//111/1 "\\\\~OYNTO I//~ .-'" /. "....... -11", ~ " , ,'"po,,:' '" z .:::- 0 "'Of" .....,;... (<\~ ~ .....:: ~ :'~ ~... j? -;. Attest:~ (t~----~~l<U./ ~ ('" 1 ~ ~ City Clerk" ': C?O./ J ," .::: ",,,"' ~ ''':); n~ jf' . \ ~ , \\\\ i',':'\\'\ Approved as to form: .. ~ clJA :5i~ City Attorney I RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF JULY 20. 2000 WHEREAS. the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board did on July 20, 2000. by a vote of 7-0. approve AUTHORIZATION FOR Option for PRE 7/1/98 GRIT CLAIMS MEMBER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND FILE RELEASE FORM. WHEREAS. said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Delray Beach. NOW. THEREFORE. the City of Boynton and the City of Oelray Beach hereby ratify said Board action independently. The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Boynton Beach this /.5" day of O.Nf"//lJl':. ."'?~. by a J"=t:P vote. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,All ~ Mayor \\\1\\11 1 1II1t1111 ,.:::-~\\ ~ aoYtv:///~ s. 0 ........ 0 ~ t ~ ~.l. ....ORP .... A. ~ ,~" o"Ct Q.,.v ~ Attest:C:v 1A/Y.AL/ .C.:J::Jt.. . ~~~ i~ >97;-, ~ ~ , () . (t'." IT\ - City Clerk ~ 1 oj > ~ '1 ,C"):= '.. . '/").., / ~ $ .~,:"...., .~ S' ':\'\' ,.\\' By: Approved as to form: ~ ~ JwC~ S-r~ City Attorney RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF JULY 20. 2000 WHEREAS. the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board did on July 20. 2000. by a vote of 8-0. approve AUTHORlZA nON to EXPEND $26,000 from SURPLUS FUND to SETTLE INJURY CLAIMS EDDIE F. ADAMS VS. SCRWT&DB. WHEREAS. said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Delray Beach. NOW. THEREFORE. the City of Boynton and the City of Delray Beach hereby ratify said Board action independently. The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Boynton Beach this ..d... day of t'~lN1NA7'. ..A~. by a .;--CJ vote. . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: ~/;i~ Mayor , -.. \\\\\\\\11111111111 \\\ OY 1/1. ~~ <0 N.,.o ~ .$' 0'< ......... 1- ~ ::.':, .o;.'of\po,c;',.. ~ ~ ..... ...... ,":v -"'1,)." \Y ..... 2 J.... l~ ~\ ~ ~ :: -; "'\"';; -- 0 . . Cl _ ~ \ f:r: ~ "'" .... 19?O l ~ ~ "'" .". ...... ~ '/~- ........../ ........ ~ /1, .~ 0 R : 0 ~ \~ 111,1; '\\\\ "/l(:i!!l\\\\- Attest:+~~~~.u . City Clerk Approved as to form: ~ cfu~ ~ City Attorney RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF JULY 20. 2000 WHEREAS. the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Oisposal Board did on July 20. 2000, by a vote of 8-0. approve AUTHORlZA nON TO EXPEND IB,OOD. ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS FROM REPAIR & REPLACEMENT FUND TO REPLACE 1.200 AMP BREAKER FOR UNIT SUBSTAnON #3. WHEREAS. said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Oelray Beach. NOW. THEREFORE. the City of Boynton and the City of Oelray Beach hereby ratify said Board action independently. The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Boynton Beach this ~ day of /Z./f./.c:-at: . af~~a. by a ~-t:7 vote. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: ,~,~/{ L Mayor . ~\\\\"\\I11111!1111 \\" ., TO" I//~ ,..:...... ......""- \'" tV /) ~ ..::::"'...,.:~ ............ ~ ~ . v ..'~OR4,..,:., -? ~ --':~ (.:...."'00 a... (') ~ :: :0 \ -;t. ~ ;::0- ;:::: :-.:::: : = , \. g?Q i g ) \....." ;::: . ... ,0" t'to. ~ ........... 0" ~ i::"1:-"~\ ~ _ J \\\' IIIlI\\\\\ AttestJ~4VVJ'~~~.A-!..' City Clerk Approved as to form: ~c*:.: ~~ RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF JULY 20. 2000 WHEREAS. the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board did on July 20. 2000. by a vote of 8-0. approve AUTHORIZA nON TO EXPEND ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS FROM REPAIR & REPLACEMENT FUND $2,000. TO PURCHASE FIVE (5) ALARMS TO ENHANCE THE CHLORINE SYSTEM. WHEREAS. said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Delray Beach. NOW. THEREFORE. the City of Boynton and the City of Delra"{ Beach hereby ratify said Board action independently. The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Del ray :BwAnZ'AI Beach this ~ day of /Z,(1~'(-<ile ..R~. by a ~CJ vote. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Approve as to form: 44IL.- ' - Mayor \\\\IIIIIII"I1II!II~ ;:0" '00'1 NTO I//~ J: /. ......... t\r.L\ ~ ....... -, ,'''.-1PO/:J~'' 'U" ~ /' (.1L-..2 0 "c,oP"t ~ ~ Attest~"~ArJUV~.CJ9r.~.oL'~ ~ {"s "\ ~ ~ City Clerk ~ <..l \ J ::I: ~ ~ .... 1920 l !Ii; ~ ..... ...... ~ 'i..... ........... ~ ~ "//;;-I"II/'Lor:nO \\\\~ ~cL~~~ /1/11/111111111\\ City Attorney f By: RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF JULY 20. 2000 WHEREAS. the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board did on July 20. 2000, by a vote of 8-0. approve AUTHORlZAnON TO EXPEND FROM REPAIR & REPLACEMENT FUND $2.780 FOR ROY BELL, INC. TO REPAIR ROOF IN THE ADMINISTRA TlON BUILDING. WHEREAS, said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Delray Beach. NOW. THEREFORE, the City of Boynton and the City of Delray Beach hereby ratify said Board action independently. The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Boynton Beach this /..5" day of a./fn/J,T. ,~~. by a ,,5"-0 vote. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: LIIL' ; Mayor ~ \\\\\\III""/fll~ ~\\ YN II/. ~~...o "'0 ~ ~ '." .... ~ <:; 0.... ............ .... ;:::.: :::; ",opJ'o", .!o. -'^ ~ ~.).. ..or.; -"";-... ~ ~ :::: I- I~ "", _ ::0 - _. "0,,- :: 0 j .0:: :::. )::Z::: % \1920 F ~ -0. .. ~ ~ J::- .......... ~ ~//I/. (ORIOP- ~\\~ 111/f!lllll\l\\\\~ Attest:\" ~~~./~~{<2<"'" City Clerk Approved as to form: ~~~.~~ RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF JULY 20. 2000 WHEREAS, the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board did on July 20. 2000, by a vote of 8-0, approve AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH WASTEWA TER USER RA TE TO CITIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000/2001 AS FOLLOWS: 2000/2001 OPERA nONS & MAINTENANCE SINKING FUND TOTAL $0.5425/1,000 GAL $0.1500/1.000 GAL $0.6925/1,000 GAL WHEREREAS, said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Delray Beach. NOW. THEREFORE. the City of Boynton and the City of Delray Beach hereby ratify said Board action independently. The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Boynton Beach this /5 day of t2.nf~ear. . df&P~ , by a S-CJ vote. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: ~itL. Mayor '- Attest:~~CJ1GW-'~a0 City Clerk \\\\\\11I11'''111 ~'1NTO II///. ~ ~ .;::$ ,~ ........ J\r ~ ~ ~ :'f. ...~~poFti.... ""~ ~ ~ 0/,,0 ~\"'?~ :: ;;.. :<f '0, 0 ::0 == f- i- J ::I: :: = 0: = ~ \...1920 j ~ "0 .. ~ ~ .......... t- ~ ~//. "'LOf\\Q ~\~ 11111/ f 1 /1/1\ \ \\\\\\ Approved as to form: ~~ttC::y J1~ RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF JULY 20. 2000 WHEREAS, the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board did on July 20. 2000. by a vote of 8-0. approve APPROVAL OF CORPORATE RESOLUTION ALLOWING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO A THREE (3J YEAR LEASE AGREEMENT WITH SA TURN OF DELRA Y FOR A L W 6 CYLINDER WAGON AT A RATE OF $275.50 PER MONTH. WHEREAS. said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Oelray Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Boynton and the City of Oelray Beach hereby ratify said Board action independently. The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Boynton Beach this /5 day of a/f.~~<2.t: . ~~tPo, by a .L)-CJ vote. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,4! Ii-, ' -,""'"'''''''''' Mayor ,-$:-'\~ dOYN7'O~//0. ~ ,. " 'A. ~ ~ -"' ..........'V" ~ :::: 0 '-o('J'O~'" <!) ;::, ~ /J_~UA" J r: ~Ci ~\ ~ % Attest. "/7'-';./'0 ........,., "T'(yJ <J<.... ~ (3 i ! ~ g City Clerk ~ \ 1920 J ~ -::-. ...;::: ~ .... .." ;:::. 'l .......... ~ ~/I ""LORIO" ,~ IIII/I!!I/ II I\\\\\\\\\; By: Approved as to form: ~~~0 City Attorney ~ RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF JULY 20. 2000 WHEREAS. the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board did on July 20,2000. by a vote of 8-0. approve AUTHORlZAnON FOR ACCEPTANCE OF 2000/2001 WASTEWATER AND REUSE O&M BUDGETS AND WASTEWATER REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT EXPENDITURES. WHEREREAS. said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach and the City of Oelray Beach. NOW. THEREFORE. the City of Boynton and the City of Delray Beach hereby ratify said Board action independently. The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Boynton Beach this .d.... day of a~1~-'<2t: ,&"tt't? by a F-If/ vote. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: /~/L Mayor _. \,\,\\\\111111"~/1// ,,,\\\"J ,,',T0'~1 I<~,.. ::. ',~ "c:. Attest: ~~qq,.. ~,-a~ J City Clerk ,'I" ",- 'P,\'" :-;;' _ i";" \,\" '''"1111\\\\\\ Approved as to form: ~~~~ AGENDA II I (2) SALIENT BUDGET CHANGES 2000 - 2001 WASTEWATER OPERATION It MAINTENANCE (Cost Distributed to Cities by Flows) 1999/2000 2000/2001 TOTAL 0 It M BUDC:;~T 3,102.000 3.130,000 (0.9% Increase) PERSONNEL SERVICES - TOTAL 1.149.000 1.207.000 (5.0% Increase) 1212 Regular Wages 818.000 853.000 4% Average merit increase recommended 5% Salary adjustment recommended for: Maggie Woodall - Financial Assistant Employee whose excellent work skills. attitude and performance has improved our cost control systems. 3% Salary adjustment recommended for: Robert Schmidt - Operator II ("C"). Employee with excellent work skills. attitude and performance whose hourly rate is less than co-workers in the same pay range, 1223 Health Insurance 53.000 60.000 Group health insurance rate increased 10% during last Fiscal Year. 1224 Workmen's Compensation 30.000 35.000 Anticiapted increase. 1236 Pension 90.000 98.000 Function of regular wages. SERVICES - TOTAL 693.000 679.000 (2.1 % Decrease) 3120 Services G &. A 13.000 9.000 Performed more accounting services with staff. 3411 Grit Hauling 60.000 55.000 Overestimated last year's loads. Page - 2 - 3500 Services (0 & M) 60,000 56,000 Lawn maintenance contract for wastewater portion of plant decreased. OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 764,000 734.000 (4.0% Decrease) 4300 Electricity 450,000 425.000 KWH decreasing due to installation of VFD's and monitoring of electric usage for off peak hours. 4500 Insurance 80.000 120.000 Property liability package increased due to insurance appraisal. Pollution liability (3) year policy due this Fiscal Year. 6400 Capital Assets 73.000 23.000 No major purchase required. Purchase of boom lift last year inflated this number. !: :MICALS & SUPPLIES - TOTAL 383.000 395,000 (4.1% Increase) 5210 Chemicals 289,000 301.000 General Increase in chemical costs particulary chlorine price increase from $250 ton to $300 ton. OPERATING CONTINGENCY 50.000 50.000 (0% Increase) ENGINEERING 63.000 65.000 (3.1 % Increase) Performing Risk Management audit this year WASTEWATER RE-IERVE FlDlD Funds in Escrow - As of 06/01/2000 = $2.250.000.:!:.. (Cost Distributed to Cities 50/50 Anticipated Projects $1.833.000 " ALL ITEMS ARE MAJOR REPLACEMENT OR REPAIRS TO EXISTING EQUIPMENT OR BUILDINGS, ..i.nOD UUSE OPERATIOlU 8l MAINTENANCE TOTAL REUSE BUDGET 1999/2000 $243,000 2000/2001 $232,000 (4.7% Deaease) Decrease is due to installation of VFD's on reuse pumps reducing our estimated electric bill by $17.000. corel\reuseOO . DR4Fr WASTEWATER OPERATIONS It MAINTENANCE BUDGETS 1991-2000 DRAFT DESCRIPTION 1990.-1 1997.-8 1998-1999 1999-2000 1999-2000 2000-2001 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET SUMMARY TOTALS PERSONNEL SERVICES 31,176,339 31,101,868 31,102,886 31,149,000 31,116,950 31,207,000 OPERATING EXPENSES: 1,775,732 1,811,597 1,658,497 1,840,000 1,772,500 1,808,000 SERVICES 742,880 847,282 608,022 693,000 680,000 679,000 OPERA TlONSIMAINTENANCE 755,934 734,441 852,623 764,000 702,500 734,000 CHEMICALS/SUPPLIES 277,118 429,874 388,852 383,000 390,000 395,000 TOTAL PERSONNEL AND OPERATING EXPENSES 2,952,071 2,913,493 2,781,383 2,989,000 2,889,450 3,015,000 OPERATING CONTINGENCY 0 0 0 50,000 0 50,000 ENGINEERING 132,887 20,890 90,000 63,000 49,000 65,000 TOTAL BUOGET 33.084.938 32.934.353 32.851 ,383 3,102.000 32.938.450 33.130.000 f 0513012000 PAGE 02 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD iQWtEL ACCOUNT NQ. DESCRIPTION 1990-81 1997-88 1998-1999 1999-2000 1999-2000 2000-2001 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET 1212 REGULAR WAGES $840,485 $794,_ $776,000 $818,000 $794,000 $853,000 12121 SICK LEAVE REDUCTIONS 9,920 8,173 24,680 6,000 5,000 6,000 1214 OVERTIME 38,628 55,105 47,345 50,000 45,000 50,000 12151 EMPLOYEE ASSIST. PROG. 691 5n 574 750 700 1,000 12152 PLANT PERFORMANCE 35,979 9,600 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1221 SOCIAL SECURITY 71,154 63,624 67,888 74,000 70,000 75,000 1223 HEALTH INSURANCE 70,489 42,098 47,532 53,000 57,000 60,000 12231 DENTAL INSURANCE 6,498 5,997 5,815 7,000 5,000 7,000 12232 DISABILITY INSURANCE 8,325 6,113 5,548 7,000 6,000 7,000 12233 LIFE INSURANCE 2,060 921 1,036 1,250 1,250 2,000 1224 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 29,929 27,469 27,238 30,000 31,000 35,000 5 UNEMPLOYMENT 865 2,575 1,715 1,000 2,000 2,000 5 PENSION 60,958 84,482 86,505 90,000 88,000 98,000 1240 PAYROLL CONTINGENCY 338 474 1,014 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES $1.176.339 1.101._ 1102 886 1.149.000 $1.116.950 $1 ,207,000 PAGE 03 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARO , lIQES . , .__OUNT 1990-81 1997-88 1998-1999 1999-2000 1998.2000 2000-2001 NQ. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET 3100 MEDICAL SERVICES $81 $288 $2,104 $1,000 $500 $1,000 3110 LEGAL (GENERAL & ADMIN) 30,452 6,806 5.427 17,000 10,000 17,000 3112 LEGAL (TOXICITY) 39,966 0 0 5,000 0 5,000 3120 SERVICES (G & A) 19,564 17,116 9,942 13,000 6,000 9,000 3200 AUDITING 16,497 18,992 18,000 20,000 18,000 20,000 3400 PRETREATMENT 8,328 2,770 5,769 7,000 30,000 7,000 3402 TOXICITY TESTING 14,375 16,789 17,837 20,000 18,000 20,000 3404 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 2,145 2,996 3,753 5,000 4,000 4,000 3406 METER CALIBRATION 7,028 6,497 6,453 8,000 8,000 8,000 3410 SLUDGE HAULING 564,572 490,791 446,752 475,000 475,000 475,000 3411 GRIT HAULING 20,897 39,560 41,408 60,000 55,000 55,000 3412 TRASH HAULING 1,06B 291 0 2,000 500 2,000 ''''''l SERVICES (0 & M) 17,887 44,586 48,577 60,000 55,000 56,000 TOTAL SERVICES $742.880 647,282 806.022 $693.000 $680,000 $679.000 PAGE 04 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD t fA liONS/MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT 1990-91 1997-98 1998-1899 1999-2000 1999-2000 2000-2001 NQ. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET 4000 VEHICLE EXPENSE $6,996 $5,874 $5,199 $8,000 $7,000 $8,000 4020 BOARD CONTINGENCY 5,970 2,499 2,004 3,000 3,000 3,000 4100 TELEPHONE 9,158 12,405 12,189 13,000 13,000 12,000 4102 POSTAGE 2,803 2,553 4,000 4,000 4,000 4300 ELECTRICITY 456,390 484,628 427,062 450,000 415,000 425,000 4302 WATER 8,930 13,025 11,626 14,000 12,000 12,000 4303 IRR. REUSE WATER 0 0 0 10,000 7,000 10,000 4400 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 520 153 1,725 2,000 1,000 2,000 4500 INSURANCE 81,089 97,753 68,854 80,000 70,000 120,000 4600 M & R EQUIPMENT 127,747 38,087 36,082 40,000 40,000 40,000 4620 M & R VEHICLES 5,130 6,901 4,742 7,000 6,000 7,000 M & R GROUNDS 2,959 4,797 14,960 3,000 8,000 5,000 M & R BUILDINGS 13,083 4,854 5,109 6,000 4,000 6,000 4650 M & R UNSPECIFIED 19,623 20,681 19,988 20,000 15,000 20,000 4900 ADVERTISING 1,115 S69 1,699 1,000 1,500 2,000 4902 LICENSE & PERMITS 2,609 12,254 '14,388 15,000 13,000 16,000 5400 MEMBERSHIP DUES & SUBSCRIP 2,123 1,375 6,n6 7,000 5,000 9,000 5410 TECHNICAL TRAINING 8,706 4,114 2,501 5,000 4,000 5,000 5420 EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES 3,788 4,_ 2,173 3,000 4,000 5,000 6400 CAPITAL ASSETS 0 17,293 12,995 73,000 70,000 23,000 TOTAL OPERATIONSIMAINT. 5755.934 $734.441 S652.623 5764.000 $702.500 5734.000 PAGE 05 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ~ICALS/SUPPLlES ACCOUNT 1990-81 1997-89 1998.1999 1999.2000 1999-2000 2000-2001 tjQ. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET 5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES $7,215 $5,396 $4,442 $7,000 $5,500 $6,000 5201 SAFETY SUPPLIES 14,442 3,085 4,_ 4,000 4,000 4,000 5202 GENERAL OPERATING 16,337 18,144 18,414 20,000 20,000 20,000 5203 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 4,890 1,435 1,211 2,000 1,500 2,000 5204 LABORATORY SUPPLIES 16,839 32,944 30,302 30,000 30,000 30,000 5210 CHEMICALS 191,474 348,794 317,987 289,000 295,000 301,000 5220 Oil, FUEL, LUBRICANTS 6,727 9,299 9,247 15,000 20,000 15,000 5230 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 2,749 268 1,731 3,000 2,000 3,000 5240 UNIFORMS 4,488 5,593 6,093 7,000 7,000 8,000 5250 SMAll TOOLS < $500 7,347 2,768 3,025 3,000 3,000 3,000 5251 OFFICE EQUIPMENT < $500 2,488 1,602 1,656 2,000 1,500 2,000 5252 LAB EQUIPMENT < $500 2,122 546 1,095 1,000 500 1,000 --- TOTAL CHEMICALS/SUPPLIES $277,118 $429,874 $399.852 $383,000 S390.ooo $395,000 OPERATING EXPENSES ISUMMARYl SERVICES $742,680 $647,282 $606,022 $693,000 $680,000 $679,000 OPERATIONSIMAINTENANCE 755,934 734,441 852,623 764,000 702,500 734,000 CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 277,118 429,874 399,852 383,000 390,000 395,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $1.775.732 $1.811.597 $1.658.497 $1.840.000 $1.772.500 $1.808.000 PAGE 06 OPERATING CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT I'lQ. DESCRIPTION 4990 OPERATING CONTINGENCY TOTAL OPERATING CONTINGENCY SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD 1990-81 ACTUAL $0 $0 1997-88 ACnJAL $0 $0 1888-1898 ACTUAL $0 $0 1888-2000 1989-2000 2000-2001 BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET $40,000 $0 $50,000 $50.000 $0 $50.000 . Pf,GE 07 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD C ~EERING J.>....."'OUNT 1990-81 1991-88 1998-1999 1999-2000 1999-2000 2000-2001 NQ. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET 3150 GENERAL $106,314 $20,890 $80,000 $50,000 $40,000 $55,000 3160 BIOTOXICITY 17,249 0 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 3162 PRETREATMENT 9,304 0 5,000 5,000 7,000 5,000 3163 THERMAL SCREENING 0 0 0 3,000 2,000 0 -- TOTAL ENGINEERING $132.867 $20.890 $90.000 $63.000 $49.000 $65.000 LOTUS\8UOG99 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD PERSONNEL CCT. NO. 1212 12121 1214 12151 12152 1221 1223 12231 S OF 05/3012000 DRAFT ACCOUNT TITLE REGULAR WAGES DESCRIPTION Base wages - 23 Employees 4 Administrative 4 Lab & pretreetment 10 Operators 5 Maintenance Includes 4% average merit pay increase 5% salary adjustment (1) employee $72,000 for Reuse (27.00/hr) SICK PAY REDUCTIONS Employees have the annual option to cash out (at 50% payment) ell sick days in excess of fifteen (15) accrued in sick day bank. OVERTIME Shift coverage as required for plant operations. Employees working over 40 hours per week (excluding sick hours) are paid at time and a half. 12141 Hurricane Watch 12142 Maintenance 12143 Shift 1 Coverage 12144 Shift 2 Coverage 12145 Shift 3 Coverage 12146 Training 12148 Holiday Coverage 12149 Lab/Pretreatment 12150 Special Projects EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE Board cost: $2.25 per employee per PROGRAM month. Provides family counseling and referral services to employees and their families. PLANT PERFORMANCE Award given to those employees whose performance has contributed to overall efficiency of Plant as recommended by Executive Director and approved by the Board.. SOCIAL SECURITY/ Employer's estimated cost: 7.65% MEDICARE currently = Social Security - 6.2%; Medicare - 1.45%. BLUE CROSSI8LUE SHIELD Board cost per employee is estimated @ HEALTH INSURANCE $225.00 monthly. (Dependent coverage not provided by Board). DENTAL INSURANCE Board cost per employee: $25.00 monthly (Dependent coverage not provided by Board). Reuse Westewater 3,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 2,000 16,000 4,000 2,000 200-2001 BUDGET $925,000 172 000) 853,000 6,000 50,000 1,000 10,000 75,000 60,000 7,000 PERSONNEL (cant.) ACCT. NO. ACCOUNT TITLE DESCRIPTION 2000-2001 BUDGET 7,000 '2232 DISABILITY INSURANCE Long term disability insurance provided by the Board at approximately 1 % of 40 hour base pay per employee. Cost: $0.60/$100.00 compensation. 12233 LIFE INSURANCE Board provides $10,000 life insurance. $.40 per $1,000. 2,000 1224 WORKERS' COMPENSATION Cost per employee based on a 40 hour base pay. 35,000 1225 UNEMPLOYMENT Paid on a reimbursable basis according to claims received. 2,000 1236 PENSION Defined Board contribution based on 40 hours base pay for participants plus administrative fees. 98,000 1240 PAYROLL CONTINGENCY Employee annual appreciation dinner and luncheons (i.e.: retirements, recognitions, and safety ewards). 1,000 TOTAL PERSONNEL $1,207,000 OPERATING EXPENSES: SERVICES; MAINTENANCE; CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES OPERATING EXPENSES: SERVICES; MAINTENANCE; CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES (cant.) SERVICES .CCT, NO. 3412 3500 ACCOUNT TITLE TRASH AND HAULING SERVICES: Operations, Maintenance, & Professional TOTAL SERVICES DESCRIPTION Tipping fee for trash hauling. 35001 Centrifuge 35002 Air Scrubbers Balancing 35003 Generators 35004 Lawn Maintenance 35005 Admin. Building Cleaning 35006 Lab Equipment Calibration 35008 other 35009 Contract Labor 21.000 2,000 5,000 18,000 6,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 2000-2001 BUDGET 2,000 56,000 $679,000 ---------- ---------- OPERATING EXPENSES: SERVICES; MAINTENANCE; CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE 2000-2001 ACCT, NO. ACCT. TITLE DESCRIPTION BUDGET 000 VEHICLE EXPENSE Lease vehicle: Mileage reimbursement @ $0.29/mile; Fuel for 2 pickup trucks and 1 leased automobile. 40001 Leased Vehicle $4,000 40002 Mileage Reimbursement 1,000 40003 Fuel for Vehicles 3,000 $8,000 4020 BOARD CONTINGENCY Public relations, good will tours, floral arrangements or fruit baskets, cards for illnesses or funerals, and miscellaneous business expenses: 40201 Board Expense: Appreciation 1,000 40202 Board Expense: Meals and Entertainment 1,000 40204 Board Expense: Travel, Lodging 1,000 3,000 4100 TELEPHONE EXPENSE Monthly base fees and long-distance usage 12,000 including Fax machine, 3 cellular phones and E-mail.. 4102 POSTAGE U.S. Mail 4,000 4300 ELECTRICITY $0.045 per KWH including surcharge for 425,000 peak usage. 4302 WATER CONSUMPTION Budgeted for 486,000 gallons monthly 12,000 @ $2.06 per 1,000 gallons (estimate). 303 IRR. REUSE WATER Irrigation water cost 4,000,000 gal/montrh @$.20/1000 10,000 4400 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Cranes, various equipment, and instru- 2,000 ments as required in maintenance and operations. 4500 INSURANCE EXPENSE 45001 Property Liability Package (B & M) (EDP) 75,000 45002 Vehicle Insurance 7,000 45003 Public Officials and Employees 6,000 Liability 45004 Fidelity and Public Officials Bond 1,000 45007 Petroleum & Tank Liability 1,000 45008 Polution Liability 30,000 120,000 4600 M & R EQUIPMENT Annual repair items for pumps and plant equipment: 46001 Influent Building 4,000 48002 Aerators 2,000 46003 Blower Building 4,000 46004 Scrubbers 4,000 46005 Clarifier 1,000 46006 Return Building 1,000 46007 Chemical Building 6,000 46008 Chlorination 1,000 46009 EQ Building 1,000 46010 Effluent Building 1,000 46011 Shop Building 1,000 46012 Office Building 1,000 46013 Dechlorination 1,000 46014 Miscellaneous (GMS) 10,000 46015 Operators Office 1,000 46016 Lime Silo 1,000 OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE lcont.) $40,000 2000-2001 ACCT. NO. ACCT. TITLE DESCRIPTION BUDGET 4620 M & R VEHICLES Annual repairs for vehicles: 46201 Trucks and Tractor 3,000 46202 Leased Auto 500 46203 Service Carts 2,000 46204 Boom Lift 1,000 46205 Other 500 7,000 4630 M & R GROUNDS Landscaping, sprinkler systems, retention 5,000 ponds, piping, fertilizer, etc. 4640 M & R BUILDINGS Painting, Repair or replacement of doors, 6,000 screens, locks, windows, ceiling tiles, bulbs electrical, plumbing, and lighting. 4650 M & R UNSPECIFIED Funds for emergency or unidentified 20,000 equipment deficiencies that require upgrade or improvement in operation. 4900 ADVERTISING Advertisement and legal ad allowance 2,000 related to plant operation or bids and public notices. 4902 LICENSES AND PERMITS 16,000 SIAI.E Lab Certification 400 Operating Permit 7,500 Storage Tank 100 Risk Management 1,000 9,000 PALM BEACH COUNTY Operators' Licenses 3,950 Air Pollution Licenses 150 Wellfield Permit .350 Storm Water 1,150 Tags on Trucks 200 5,800 CITY & SPECIAL DISTRICT Solid Waste Assessment 300 Special District Fee 100 other 800 1,200 5400 MEMBERSHIP DUES AND Dues - Professional organizations (FWPCOA, 9,000 SUBSCRIPTIONS WEF, AMSA). Professional Registration Journals, Newspapers, Personnel, and Human Resources subscriptions and Dues. Operational subscriptions and Dues; Utility Council. OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE (cont.) ACCT. NO, ACCT. TITLE DESCRIPTION 5410 TECHNICAL TRAINING Operators' Short Schools, Regional schools, Lab Technical, and Quality Assurance Short Schools; Personnel Seminars; Computer Classes; WPCF Convention; Technical Schools; Annual Conference. 54101 Conferences 54102 Meals 54103 Travel & Lodging 2,000 1,000 2,000 5420 EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES Classes, books, fees and CEU courses. 6400 CAPITAL ASSETS Purchase of needed Assets Required for Continuous Operation and not amoritized in Sinking Fund. 64001 Two (2) used Golf Carts 64002 Distillation Unit Lab 64003 Gas Powered Air Compressor 64004 Strap On Flow Meter 6,000 B,OOO 2,000 7,000 TOTAL OPERATIONS/MAINT. 2000-2001 BUDGET 5,000 5,000 23,000 $734,000 ---------- ---------- OPERATING EXPENSES: SERVICES: MAINTENANCE: CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES CHEMICALS AND SUPPLIES CCT. NO. ACCOUNT TITLE DESCRIPTION 2000-2001 BUDGET 5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES Copier paper, stationery, 6,000 business cards, check printing, general office supplies, & necessities. 5201 SAFETY SUPPLIES Gloves, protective glasses, face shields, 4,000 hearing protection, overboots, ear-plugs, muffs, emergency eye wash, cartridge respirators, gas cartridge, sterile storage bags for resp- irators, disinfection systems for respirators, frt test ampoules, respirator storage cabinets, disposal respirators, chemical spill absorb- ents, oil sorbent, liquid chemical neutralizers, barricade tape, hazardous materials response kit, salvage drum, diffusion detector tubes, signs, labels, tags, first aid supplies, fire extinguishers and accessories, hazardous area lights, emergency small tools, safety charts, books. 5202 GENERAL OPERATING Operating supplies, raingear, hard-hats, 20,000 SUPPLIES boots, drager tubes, gloves, hoses, firehoses, chart pens, charts, DO meters, sludge jugs, flags, coffee supplies, water cooler supplies, batteries, hurricane supplies, and other miscellaneous supplies. 5203 JANiTORIAL SUPPLIES Mops, brooms, paper goods, brushes, all 2,000 necessary janrtorial cleaning supplies. 5204 LABORATORY SUPPLIES Laboratory upgrades and replacements. 30,000 Reagents, glassware, replacement of equip- ment, apparatus. Lab supplies consumed by testing procedures including Chlorine Testing. 5210 CHEMICALS 52101 Polymer: 89,000 Ibs @ $1.24/1b. $110,000 52102 Lime: Calculated 650 tons @ $98.00 64,000 per ton. 52103 Chlorine: 245 tons @$300.00Iton. 74,000 52104 Bisulfite: 345,000 Ibs. @ $.10/lb 34,000 52105 Misc. Chemicals 2,000 52106 Caustic 8,500 gal @$1.42 per gal 12,000 52107 Sulfuric Acid 76,000 Ibs. @$.06/1b. 5,000 301,000 CHEMICALS AND SUPPLIES Icont.) 2000-2001 ACCT. NO. ACCOUNT TITLE DESCRIPTION BUDGET 220 OIL, GREASE, DIESEL, AND 10,000 gallons Diesel fuei for generator, gas, 15,000 LUBRICANTS grease, oil, and lubricants for pumps and mowers. 5230 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL Walkways, signs, fencing, rails, platforms, 3,000 small shelters, concrete, etc. Additional office and storage units. 5240 UNIFORMS Board participates 50% in uniform rental. 8,000 Board cost: $4.05/week. Cost to purchase 7 pants and 7 shirts provided on a one-time basis cost of $225.00 per employee. (Provides 3 new sets each year. $100.00). Annual work shoe allowance: $85.00 per employee per year. Annual prescription Safety Glasses: $75.00. 5250 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIP- Handtools, drills, bits, files, small toolboxes, 3,000 MENT PURCHASE electrical equipment, and small maintenance tools < $500.00 value. 5251 OFFICE EQUIPMENT Filing cabinets, chairs, calculators, adding 2,000 machines, office mats, shelves, printers, tables < $500.00 value. 5252 LAB EQUIPMENT Magnetic stirrers, automatic titration attach- 1,000 ment, oxygen probe, and small equipment < $500.00 value. -- TOTAL CHEMICALS AND SUPPLIES $395,000 ---------- ---------- OPERATING CONTINGENCY ACCT. NO, ACCOUNT TITLE DESCRIPTION 2000-2001 BUDGET 990 OPERATING CONTINGENCY To be utilized as a supplement for any line items which are exceeded during the budget year. Status of this Fund to be reported to Board. $50,000 E:N'3INEERING ACCT. NO. ACCOUNT TITLE 150 GENERAL 3160 BIOTOXICITY 3162 PRETREATMENT TOTAL ENGINEERING GRAND TOTAL BUDGET: LOTUS\BGTBRKOO DESCRIPTION 31501 Permit Assistance 31502 Process Control 31503 Risk Management Audit $25,000 25,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2000-2001 BUDGET $55,000 5,000 5,000 $65,000 ---------- ---------- $3,130,000 ---------- ---------- WASTEWATER RESERVE FUND 2000 - 2001 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING CARPET REPLACEMENT 8,000 PISTA GRITTER REPLACEMENT - SCREENING BUILDING. 25,000 MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL & CAKE SLUDGE CONVERSION SCREENING CONVEYOR ROLLER REPLACEMENT VALVE INSTALLATION "A" PLANT BLOWER BUILDING CAKE SLUDGE CONVERSION DRNE UNIT REPLACEMENT "A" PLANT CLARIFIERS 1,800,000 TOTAL' $1,833.000 SNKFNDOO as of 7/12/00 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT I[ DISPOSAL BOARD ANNUAL REUSE BUDGETS: ACTUAL, BUDGETED, PROJECTED 2000-2001 ACCOUNT 1998-99 1999-2000 1999-2000 2000-2001 NO. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET R 1212 REGULAR WAGES $69,466 $72,000 $76,000 $72,000 R 31101 LEGAL 487 1,000 500 1,000 R 31502 ENGINEERING 0 5,000 4,000 5,000 R 32001 AUDIT 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 R 3402 TESTING 5,270 5,000 5,500 6,000 R 3406 METER CALIBRATION 592 2,000 1,500 2,000 R35004 SERVICES (LAWN MAlNT) 6,445 7,000 7,500 12,000 R 4300 ELECTRICITY 102,062 100,000 97,000 80,000 R 45001 INSURANCE 1,597 2,000 5,000 5,000 R 45014 M & R EQUIPMENT 1,939 5,000 5,000 5,000 R 4640 M & R BUILDING 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 R 4902 LICENSES & PERMITS 0 1,000 500 1,000 R 5204 SUPPLIES LAB 3,360 5,000 5,000 5,000 R52103 CHEMICALS CHLORINE 32,929 35,000 30,000 35,000 TOTAL BUDGET: $226,139 $243,000 $240,500 $232,000 LOTUS\REBUDOO AS OF ell elOo SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD REUSE BUDGET 2000-2001 ACCT. NO. ACCOUNT TITLE DESCRIPTION BUDGET R 1212 REGULAR WAGES Reuse charged ($27.00/hr) $72,000 for work perfonned on system R 31101 LEGAL Atttorney fees associated with 1,000 reuse R 31602 ENGINEERING Engineering fees associated 6,000 with reuse R 32001 AUDIT Audit fees for reuse 2,000 R 3402 TESTING Costs associated for lab fee 6,000 required by DEP R 3406 METER CALIBRATION Calibration of transmitters, 2,000 totallizers, recorders as required R 35004 SERVICES Cost Incurred for maintenance 12,000 of grounds associated with reuse R 4300 ELECTRICITY per KWH including surcharge for 80,000 peak usage R 45001 INSURANCE Property liability package for 5,000 reuse covered under plant policy R 46014 M & R EQUIPMENT Annual repair items for reuse 6,000 pumps & equipment R 4640 M & R BUILDINGS Cost incurred for repair of reuse 1,000 buildings R 4902 LICENSE & PERMITS Cost for State & local reuse 1,000 pennits R 6204 LAB SUPPLIES Lab supplies consumed for 6,000 testing raquired by DEP for reuse R 62103 CHEMICALS Chlorine 116 tons @ $300 36,000 per ton TOTAL BUDGET: $232,000 AS OF 5/15/Z00 lotus\REBRKH