Minutes 10-23-06
ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 23,2006, AT 6:30 P.M.
Betty Pierce-Roe, Chair
Bill Orlove, Vice Chair
John Allard
Patti Hammer
Janelle Sloan
Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent
John McVey, Alternate
I. Call to order
Chair Pierce-Roe called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.
II. Attendance
Chair Pierce-Roe called the roll. A quorum was present. The board discussed there were three
openings on the board.
III. Approval of Minutes - September 25,2006
Mr. Orlove moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Hammer seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IV. Unfinished Business
A. Updated CIP Projects
Wally Majors, Recreation and Parks Director, provided an update on the Wilson Center. He
reported the bids came back within the budgeted amounts. West Construction was selected
and the item would be presented to the City Commission at the first meeting in November. The
project was anticipated to be a one-year project. A Notice to Proceed would be issued in
December. Mr. Majors reported they were pleased with the bids received. They had been
unsure how they would come in.
The Intracoastal Park project is being developed. The park was closed from October 30th to
November 20th, as a safety issue while the dirt that is being excavated for the building is
removed from the park. The park would be reopened for the Veterans Day Ceremony and then
after that, the park would be opened with the construction site being sealed off.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
October 23, 2006
Ms. Rivers reported the lifeguard towers came in under bid. A pre-construction conference was
scheduled, and that project would take about three to five months to complete.
The Southeast Neighborhood Park construction team was assembled. A meeting would be held
to decide who would be doing each portion of the project and to establish a project schedule.
The Jaycee Park construction drawings were received and would be sent to permitting and then
put out for bid.
Mr. Majors reported there had been a few meetings held for the Boundless Playground/Park,
which focused on the funding and feasibility of the project, and to gain a sense how the project
would unfold. The Committee was looking for as many contacts as possible to at least provide
an opinion about the project. These individuals could be potential donors, individuals of interest
or having some influence in the county.
Once the list was compiled, the fundraiser would meet with them and render an opinion about
the feasibility of the project and then move on to the fundraising campaign if warranted. That
would take the project into February. Based on the minutes, it appeared the fundraiser was
enthusiastic about the project and thought they could raise the entire amount of funds for it.
Ms. Sloan requested when Marie Sacs was contacted, her name be in the letter.
Mr. Majors announced "Hamburger Helper" has a fund that supports local playgrounds or park
projects. The CVS pharmacy has a foundation specifically for Boundless Playgrounds. He
explained there were only five or six Boundless Playgrounds in the state. He recommended the
members view the Boundlessplaygrounds.org website. Most of the parks were not accessible to
the general public, and were either part of a YMCA, or Easter Seals in West Palm Beach. The
playground in Lake Worth would be open to the public, as well as the City of Boynton Beach's,
once it was constructed.
Ms. Rivers reported the Hester Center playground equipment was installed. There was a ribbon
cutting ceremony scheduled for October 25, 2006. Ms. Rivers explained every year, equipment
is replaced at three or four different locations.
Mr. Majors clarified the word "Revised" on the agenda was an error.
v. New Business
A. National Accreditation
Mr. Majors advised the board they traveled to Seattle to receive National Accreditation. He
indicated Seattle was a beautiful City with beautiful public art. They had taken about 200
pictures for Debby COles-Dobay, the Public Art Administrator. The hearing was on a Tuesday
and was a formal hearing. They sat before the board and explained what they would do to
meet the standards they did not meet. They had planned to complete a programming plan,
which was a comprehensive document. The hearing took about 20 minutes. They left the
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
October 23, 2006
room and then were called back in and congratulated. The bulk of the accreditation process
involved the self-assessment and the review processes.
Chair Pierce-Roe and the board thanked Mr. Majors, Ms. Rivers, and their staff for taking the
time and effort to put the information together to receive the accreditation. Mr. Majors
reported the process took about two years. There were 66 agencies in the United States that
were accredited. The accreditation confirmed accountability and gave assurances to the public
that what they do is appropriate and efficiently managed. It was thought that eventually, the
accreditation might be tied to federal grant funds when more agencies became accredited. In
the meanwhile, it could assist the City with their funding requests and possibly give an edge.
Mr. Majors announced they would be making a formal presentation to the City Commission,
with a quick summary of how they went through the process and why. The accreditation
established the department as a well-organized agency with methodologies and standards and
it encompassed all kinds of business aspects. It was, in essence, a system/operational audit.
Chair Pierce-Roe asked if there were any internships in the program. Mr. Majors explained they
were in the early phases. The accreditation was good for five years. He noted Coral Gables
and Lee County had just renewed their accreditation.
B. December meeting (scheduled date is December 25)
The next meeting was scheduled for November 27, 2006. There was consensus to cancel the
December meeting.
Ms. Rivers announced there were some changes with the Holiday Parade. This year, instead of
spreading all the events downtown, over a series of weekends, they were being combined into
one weekend, with the parade beginning at 5:30 p.m. and ending at the Schoolhouse Museum
where the tree lighting would take place. The concert would then be held later in that general
area. The activities would be held on December 9, 2006. Crystal Gayle and the Gatlin Brothers
would be performing at the concert. The Medieval Festival would be held the same weekend.
C. Monthly Report
The members reviewed the monthly report. Mr. Majors advised a new floor was installed in the
Civic Center and was good quality.
D. Items for the City Managers Attention
Mr. Orlove asked for a status on the smoking at the beach and the littering issue. Mr. Majors
explained he would be putting together a package for the City Manager every six months and
they would have a campaign every six months on the issue. The City Attorney was looking at
ways to accomplish the request from a legal standpoint, but he commented it would be
challenging. There were already signs located at the bottom of each ramp prohibiting littering
and there were garbage cans throughout the park for litter. Mr. Major's thought if they held a
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
October 23, 2006
campaign on the issues twice a year, with signage, volunteers and butt ashtrays, it might be
helpful. Ms. Rivers reported they had posted a "No Littering" sign with a bag dispenser for
litter and a trashcan. The board thought that would reinforce the issue, but also acknowledged
it probably would not totally stop the occurrences.
There was discussion about placing a sign indicating the amount of the fines at the site, which
could be done. Mr. Majors was hoping the board could gather a group of people who could
approach for example, someone smoking on the beach, and give them an ashtray.
Supplementing the Coastal Cleanup and bringing buckets filled with collected debris showing
what the problem was could have an impact. It was an educational issue. Ms. Pierce-Roe
commented there are always plenty of butts and lighters collected at the clean-up events. Mr.
Orlove asked whether there could be a police presence there to stop the littering.
Ms. Rivers advised they were looking into the possibility of deputizing some of the lifeguards
when they had downtime, and giving them the ability to ticket violators. She emphasized there
was no opportunity to provide staff for that specific purpose. The City's support for the Coastal
Cleanup could help. Mr. Majors also suggested holding a meeting on a Saturday at the park.
Setting up a booth at functions such as Pirates of the Intracoastal or other City functions. The
board also discussed youth groups needing service points. Ms. Rivers explained those
volunteers were funneled thought the Sand Sifters.
Mr. Orlove reported on the Ordinance discussed at the last City Commission meeting that
pertained to how facilities would be named. He spoke on behalf of the board. The two issues
he had with the Ordinance were the criteria for naming a facility needed to be a person that
was not living and that there would be an advisory committee appointed of five people,
appointed by the City Commission.
Mr. Orlove thought individuals appointed to the committee should include members of existing
advisory board's, including Recreation and Parks. His initial take on the matter was the City
Commission was including all those changes, but only one was discussed, which was the
naming of the facility. The selection of the advisory board members was not discussed and he
did not know the final outcome. Mr. Orlove noted there was a facility named for Tommy
Williams, and Tommy Williams was alive and well. Mr. Orlove had indicated that by using
members from existing advisory boards, those members could provide historical information
and perspectives that could lend itself to why something should be named after an individual
and noted the advisory boards were comprised of members who lived in the area. Mr. Majors
would try and get the final version of the Ordinance.
Mr. Majors would also advise the members of the City Commission meeting date the
Accreditation presentation would be made.
VI. Next Meeting: November 27,2006
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
October 23, 2006
VII. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting was properly adjourned
at 7:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Catherine Ch rry-Guberman
Recording Secretary