Minutes 01-23-07
Richard Beau Lieu, Chair
Suzette Urs, Vice Chair
Cheryl Arflin
Barbara Ready
Barbara Lentz
Nubia Richman
Christine Moeller, Alternate
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator
Angela Budano
Debbie Brookes, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Chair Beau Lieu called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
II. Roll Call of Members
All members were present except Angela Budano and Deborah Brookes. A quorum was present.
III. Agenda Approval
The agenda was approved by consensus.
IV. Minutes Approval November 28, 2006
The minutes were approved by consensus.
V. Business Items
A. Announcements
1. Email Address UpdatejVerification
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed an updated list of board member names, addresses, telephone
numbers, and email addresses, and asked that the members verify the accuracy of their
information. The members were amenable to receiving minutes byemail.
2. Art & Culture Magazine Article
An article about public art in this magazine entitled "A Sense of Place" mentioned Boynton
Beach and its public art fee ordinance. A copy was distributed to the members.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 23, 2007
3. Broward Light Project Event
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced the unveiling of the Broward Light Project by nationally and
internationally known public artist, Dan Corson, on January 25, 2007 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30
p.m. It will take place in Huizenga Plaza in downtown Fort Lauderdale, located on the corner of
Andrews Avenue & Las Olas Boulevard. The project consists of illuminated trees and a laser-lit
lawn. Colorful laser lights are projected in a variety of patterns when activated by visitors,
including medallions on the walkway and the trees lining the park. This light show will be a
continuing feature at the Plaza.
4. Chamber Guide Article
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed copies of the Greater Boynton Beach Quality of Life & Relocation
Guide prepared by the Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce. In it were articles about the
Boynton Beach Arts Commission.
5. Schoolhouse Children's Museum Film
A CD film composition on the murals at the Children's Schoolhouse Museum was available for
viewing after the meeting. The film featured the work of the muralist Halena Wolf, and was
meant to be the beginning of an ongoing effort to showcase the existing art in public places in
Boynton Beach. Ms. Coles-Dobay planned to use a series of short films like this to advertise on
the Arts Commission Web site and on BB1V, a television station that would broadcast City news
and announcements to Comcast subscribers in the City limits.
B. Board Amendment to Voting Ordinance
This ordinance was distributed to the members for their perusal and information. It pertained
to voting conflicts and other information required by board members in the discharging of their
C. Board Member Changes
Chair Beau Lieu announced that he and Suzette Urs would be retiring from the board after the
March meeting. He believed Ms. Budano also planned to retire early, but she was not present to
confirm it. Chair Beau Lieu asked the board to consider voting for a new Chair and Vice Chair at
this meeting, but the consensus was to wait for the presence of the full board. Ms. Ready would
serve as Chair if elected. Ms. Arflin was interested, but not ready to commit.
Two potential new board members were present: Alan Burgess and Halena Wolf. The board
welcomed them and each gave a brief description of their background, interests and activities.
Alan Burgess graduated from Temple University in Philadelphia in television and film
production. He worked in a construction firm in Philadelphia designing and implementing ways
of monitoring projects. Mr. Burgess recently moved to South Florida and spoke of his
experiences at the Milagro Center in Delray Beach, a cultural center giving art and academic
instruction to "at risk" kids. He was now engaged in a startup company, Educate Kids. They
had formulated a remediation program for standardized testing and were in the process of
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 23, 2007
implementing it in 26 schools in Palm Beach County. Mr. Burgess described himself as a
filmmaker, photographer, artist, writer and poet, with a passion for art.
Halena Wolf graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design and became a china and
tabletop giftware designer for large companies such as Lenox. She went on to explore
historical restoration in Boston, Providence, and Newport, where she learned many finishing
techniques. Ms. Wolf had operated a decorative painting business in Boynton Beach for ten
years where she did faux finishes and murals along with some private commissions and portrait
work. She was motivated to join the board because she wished to interact with those who
shared her interests.
D. Dedication to Robert Ensler
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced that individuals wishing to make a donation in memory of Mr.
Ensler should send them to the Boynton Regional Symphony Orchestra.
The board decided to send a letter to the family expressing the board's deepest sympathies as
well as appreciation for Mr. Ensler's contribution to the arts and support of the Arts
Commission. Ms. Coles-Dobay would draft a letter and circulate it for comments prior to
E. Projects
1. Offices at Bamboo Lane
This development was to have an artistic, modern bicycle rack as its contribution to public art.
Submissions from the artists were due on January 31. Two board members were needed to sit
on the selection panel on February 15. The time and place were to be decided, but Ms. Coles-
Dobay would try to schedule it for 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Ms. Ready, Ms. Arflin, and Ms.
Moeller expressed interest in serving on the panel.
2. Carolyn Sims Project Update
Ms. Coles-Dobay displayed the maquette for this project provided by the artist, Edward Varga.
There was much positive comment about the piece. It had symbolic arms of a man, a woman,
and a child, reaching out to the community to make a better life, from a base of what appeared
to be rays of the sun topped with Florida flora and fauna. The completed piece would be
displayed at the Carolyn Sims Community Center.
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed a flyer of scheduled workshops and tours where people could:
1) Watch the artist build the Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial
2) Name the Carolyn Sims Memorial
3) Write a dedication or poem for the Memorial
4) Visitthe artist's studio
Attendance at these tours would:
1) Demonstrate how public art was made
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 23, 2007
2) Encourage participation in a public art project
3) Inform of progress of the construction of the Carolyn Sims Community Center
The workshops would be filmed for documentary purposes.
Field trips would be offered through the Recreation & Parks programs, the Library, the
Schoolhouse Children's Museum, and Neighborhood Services. The schools involved in the field
trips would be Poinciana Elementary, Galaxy Elementary, and Boynton Beach High School.
Ms. Ready suggested adding Forest Park Elementary to the list of schools and asking the school
principals to put the information in newsletters so the parents would be informed. She further
suggested a video of the work in progress and an informational package could be distributed to
the schools, in light of the large class sizes and the small size of the artist's studio.
The flyers would be distributed through Neighborhood Services to most of the homeowner
associations in the City, to all Recreation & Parks facilities, in the City newsletter, local
newspapers, on the Web site, on television, and through a press release(s).
C. Eternal Flame Project Update
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced the artists responding to the Call on this project would be
submitting their complete proposals along with actual maquettes by January 31. On February
15, they would present their concepts to the selection panel in person.
The original selection panel had two veterans, Chair Beau Lieu, Heather Spillane, and Vice
Mayor Ensler. The Veterans Commission preferred to replace Mr. Ensler with another veteran,
possibly Mayor Taylor. The Arts Commission preferred to fill the empty seat with a member of
the Arts Commission. Ms. Nubia Richman offered to serve on the selection panel and the board
D. City Hall Beautification
At the City's request, Ms. Coles-Dobay offered artistic input on the City's lobby beautification
project. The City dedicated $5K for public art and the selection panel could choose from among
the many interesting submissions and allocate the money as they deemed fit. The submissions
included photography, watercolors, wall sculptures, and ceramics. The selection panel would
meet on January 30 at a place and time to be determined. Among the planned renovations,
Chair Beau Lieu's turtle sculpture, on loan to the City since 1993, was going to be moved next
to the entryway on a raised pedestal that would have a mural around its base and a public art
E. Avenue of the Arts - Timeline & Costs
Ms. Coles-Dobay declared the main restriction on the display of public art in the City was the
requirement to have all pieces withstand winds of 140 miles per hour. Most of the sites the
board had chosen for the nine sculptures were not suitable from that standpoint. They needed
the assistance of a structural engineer on the pads. Including the insurance, structural
engineering, pouring of the pads, the stipend to each artist for shipping and installation, and
plaques, the estimated cost of the project was $38,720.00.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 23, 2007
Sponsorship dollars were needed. A suggestion was made that the Bank of America on Federal
Highway might want to be involved with the sculpture near them and any communication with
them should include a map so they could readily see the sculpture in question. Ms. Coles-Dobay
would speak with Ms. Brookes, because she understood her daughter was a fundraiser. Ms.
Cole's niece also worked in fundraising and she would speak with her. In brainstorming, some
of the ideas were: A professional fundraiser; radio announcements; have a picture of "your
name goes here"; and flood the banks with letters. Ms. Coles-Dobay would also approach the
CRA about this.
Ms. Coles-Dobay declared in the future, the Arts Commission would have to procure an
umbrella insurance policy.
F. Heritage Celebration
Ms. Coles-Dobay declared the entire month of February was Black History Month nationwide.
In Boynton Beach, the event was called the Heritage Celebration. The City and the CRA had
contributed money to it to make one special, long weekend, with the Library providing a variety
of activities all month long. The big weekend would be Friday, Saturday and Sunday on
February 23, 24, and 25. Friday night, February 23, would be the kickoffjVIP night at the
Schoolhouse Children's Museum. The board members were invited. Across the street, they
would have a speaker's forum where prominent speakers would talk to the public. On
Saturday, February 24, there would be activities at the Hester Center all day. They would have
dance, bands, art, and basketball tournaments. On Saturday night, Kool and the Gang would
give a free concert from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Ocean Avenue. On Sunday, February 25,
there would be basketball at the Hester Center. In the afternoon on Sunday, there would be a
gospel concert from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Civic Center.
Ms. Coles-Dobay declared the Arts Commission's contribution to this event was to have public
art on display for the VIP night at the Museum. They would have an art exhibit featuring Andria
Heaven and her Best Known Black History Facts, including African American inventions, artwork,
and accomplishments of musicians and athletes. They would also have an exhibit under the
direction of Katie Barr, the Director of Fine Caribbean Art, specializing in the works of Haitian
Artists, Florida's Highwaymen, and the Artists of Eastern Cuba. The work of Jamaican artist
Peter Marshall would also be on display. Roslyn and Ike III Powell's Gallery would have an
exhibit of Afro-centric fine art including original paintings, color pencil works, mixed media
limited edition giclees, prints, sculptures, and African textiles.
The City and the CRA wanted to make this a signature event for the City. Ms. Coles-Dobay
asked the board to think about the Arts Commission's contribution to this event in 2008.
F. Boynton Beach Arts Marketing Materials
Ms. Coles-Dobay was working on developing the Web site and the BB1V television opportunity.
VII. Public Art Ordinance
Ms. Coles-Dobay indicated the first reading had taken place on January 2, 2007 and the second
on January 16, 2007. A single-family homeowner tore down a home and rebuilt one that was
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 23, 2007
appraised for $339K and had paid $3K+ for an art fee on it. She came before the Commission
to complain about it. The Commission voted to refund the money to the applicant and
expressed a desire to exclude single-family residences from the Ordinance. Ms. Coles-Dobay
stated when properties were purchased along the Intracoastal, torn down and rebuilt as multi-
million dollar residences, and the single-family residential aspect was excluded from the
Ordinance, the Art in Public Places Program would receive no benefit. The Ordinance was on
the agenda for the February 13, 2007 City Commission meeting.
VIII. New Business Items
A comment was made during the meeting that the Arts Commission should have bylaws,
especially if they intended to pursue 501(c)(3) status. They also needed a mission statement.
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed a copy of the City's sign ordinance. A discussion ensued about the
relationship between signs and art and the Arts Commission's role. The item might be put on an
agenda for discussion in the future.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary