Minutes 02-12-07
Mark Bobich, Chair
Chuck Magazine, Vice Chair
Catherine Cherry-Guberman, Secretary
Ray Altman
John Bebensee
Craig Clark
Eric Falstad
Dorothy Mack
Glendon Morgan
Angelena Quinn
Leslie Rogers
Michael Rumpf
Barbara Scott
Rodney Vicki
Risk Management
City Clerk
Fire Rescue
Recreation & Parks
Golf Course
Human Resources
Public Works
Police/Code Compliance
Carisse Lejeune/Pam Welsh
City Manager
I. Call to Order
Chair Bobich called the meeting to order at 10: 11 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Secretary called the roll and determined a quorum was present.
III. Acceptance of January 8, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes
Mr. Bebensee moved to approve the minutes as presented. Vice Chair Magazine seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
A report will be given next month.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
February 12, 2007
V. Unfinished Business
A. Fire Drills
Ray Altman explained the Fire Department conducted fire drills at their stations. He had sent
them a copy of an article about a fire station that burned to the ground due to a fire engine that
caught on fire in the engine bay. They decided to stage a similar event to see how they could
respond without their own vehicles. He reported one individual took a smoke machine and
smoked up the station in the middle of the night. The firefighters were forewarned a fire drill
would be held, but they did not know when. They held it in the middle of the night, which was
a dangerous time, but he reported it was a good drill. Mr. Altman explained all of fire
administration conducted drills and Fire and Life Safety was forthcoming.
Assistant Fire Chief Ness extended an invitation for all departments to conduct fire drills. Vice
Chair Magazine also pointed out fire extinguisher training should take place since most
employees are not trained in their use. Jim McIntyre, Fire and Life Safety should be contacted
to schedule the fire extinguisher training.
There was a short discussion with Chair Bobich and Vice Chair Magazine about scheduling
drills for the East and West Plants. It was also requested when scheduling a drill, to let him
know so they can coordinate with other departments.
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
Chair Bobich read an article from the Sun Sentinel, which detailed Thorley Johnson, Jr. and
Karey Isom, both Senior Crew Workers who received the Proud to Be a Safe Worker Award. A
power line fell in front of Johnson's truck, and they used their vehicle and cones to keep cars
from approaching the power line until the Fire Department and FPL arrived. This took place on
January 11, 2007.
On December 14, 2006, Andrae Robinson, Location Specialist with Utilities, and Norm Dawson,
Irrigation Specialist with the Parks Department saw smoke at 309 NW 11th Avenue while
working on NW 10th Avenue. He drove around the corner, saw the street filled with smoke and
saw the back of a house on fire. A man yelled for help when he saw the City vehicle and the
employees heard him. The front door was open, so they entered and the man needing help led
them to two elderly individuals in the living room in the front of the house. Norm Dawson
assisted in removing the individuals and stayed with them until the Fire and Police Departments
arrived and got the situation under control. Oxygen was administered and no one was hurt. All
of these employees demonstrated integrity and good stewardship.
Chair Bobich thought the information should be passed on to the DISC Team.
C. Deoartmentallnsoections & Safety MeetinQs
Vice Chair Magazine requested all Departments submit their safety inspections, and advised his
department was still receiving them. He announced he would make sure everything has been
updated on the shared drive.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
February 12, 2007
D. Defensive Driver Course
Vice Chair Magazine reported classes have been scheduled for the Defensive Driver Courses.
He reminded the committee the course needs to be completed every three years. Those
needing to take the class should contact Pam Webb or Farah Persaud.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
1. Requiring wearing gloves while working on tires.
Vice Chair Magazine announced there was an incident that occurred in Fleet Management. A
mechanic got cut while working on tires and he did not have safety gloves on. He advised there
was no requirement in the Personnel Protective Equipment that required gloves. A review was
conducted by Tim Calhoun, and it was determined the mechanic could still wear gloves and
perform the duties of the job. The recommendation was approved by the IRB. The policy would
also be added to the Administrative Policy Manual under "Tire Repair Basic" adding leather
glove hand protection. Mr. Bebensee expressed concern that not all employees would be able
to fit their hand in the gloves.
Vice Chair Magazine moved to add hand protection under "Tire Repair Basic". Mr. Altman
seconded the motion that passed 13-1, (Mr. Bebensee dissenting).
Vice Chair Magazine will update the policy and distribute it to all departments. Chair Bobich
also requested the change be put in the Safety Manual at the next review.
F. Safety Manual Review
Vice Chair Magazine contacted the Police Department about whether to move disabled vehicles
off the road and the consensus of the Police Department was to move the vehicle when
For the distribution of the manual, he announced he would e-mail the document to the Safety
Coordinators and they would determine how to distribute the document. Each employee would
need to sign an acknowledgement that would be placed in the employees personnel files. Vice
Chair Magazine indicated he would get the information to the committee members next week.
Vice Chair Magazine also indicated there had been discussion at a prior meeting about Safety
Footwear that did not have the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) marking showing
the footwear was approved as a safety shoe. The footwear had the American Society of
Testing Materials (ASTM), which is basically the same thing. OSHA changed from ANSI to
ASTM. The requirements the Safety Committee established would need to be revised to reflect
the new changes. Vice Chair Magazine asked for a motion to make the revisions. The
information wouldalso include "ASTM standard, F2412-05 and F2413-05 that either
those two or the ANSI are acceptable for designation for safety footwear for the City of Boynton
Beach. "
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, FL
February 12, 2007
Vice Chair Magazine moved to approve the revision. Mr. Falstad seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
Chair Bobich explained from time to time employees request prescription protective eyewear.
The employees wear glasses and need protective eyewear, and it was cumbersome to wear the
two and he reported there were a limited number of employees that would be affected. Utilities
employees asked if the Safety Committee could form a subcommittee, or look into the matter for
them with Human Resources. He asked if anyone was willing to volunteer for the
Vice Chair Magazine explained this issue had surfaced in the past and the Safety Committee
authorized, through the warehouse, the purchase of the protective glasses that fit over the
regular glasses. He explained it would be very expensive to request safety prescription glasses.
One issue was who would pay for the doctor's appointment to write the prescription and
because vision changes, who would pick up that cost each time it did? Vice Chair Magazine
explained the glasses were not goggles, rather more of a surrounded band, which does provide
eye protection to employees with prescription glasses. The Safety Committee had taken a
position on the matter in the past, and Vice Chair Magazine thought the issue should be left up
to negotiations between the Union and the City.
Mr. Bebensee and Ms. Quinn will sit on the subcommittee and Chair Bobich would keep the
Safety Committee apprised.
VII. Announcements
Vice Chair Magazine announced the 10th Annual Safety Awards & Auction Luncheon would be
held on March 8, 2007, at the Palm Beach Airport Hilton. He advised the Committee he would
be in Tallahassee and could not attend, but anyone interested in attending should contact Pam
Webb. Vice Chair Magazine clarified the Palm Beach County Safety Council was holding the
luncheon, and only regular members, not alternates, were eligible to attend.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, March 12, 2007 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:48 a.m.
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Catherine Cherry- Guberman