Minutes 02-27-07
Richard Beau Lieu, Chair
Suzette Urs, Vice Chair
Cheryl Arflin
Angela Budano
Barbara Ready
Nubia Richman
Debbie Brookes, Alternate
Christine Moeller, Alternate
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator
Barbara Lentz
Chair Beau Lieu called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m.
All members were present.
The agenda was approved by consensus.
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator, clarified the minutes of January 23, 2007,
Page 5, Paragraph 1, to read that Debbie Brookes' daughter was in fundraising. The
corrected minutes were approved by consensus.
Ms. COles-Dobay announced the Children's Services Council had prepared its Call To
Artists with a budget of $75,000. The organization would be placing an advertisement
in the newspaper and on their website, www.cscpbc.org., and had requested two Arts
Commission members sit on the selection panel. The first meeting on April 9, 2007, was
for review and selection of a short list of three finalists. The second meeting on June 7,
2007, would be to select the concept.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 27, 2007
Originally, the Children's Services Council building had fountains in the large areas to
the left and right of the building entrance. The City indicated that fountains were not
acceptable that close to the Tri-Rail station. The Arts Commission had suggested a clock
similar to the one at the Museum of Science and Discovery in Ft. Lauderdale. Now, the
Children's Services Council had requested something "in celebration of Palm Beach
County children and families". The board reviewed the Call To Artists that detailed the
criteria and project goals.
1. March 27, 2007 meeting date change to Wednesday,
March 28th or Thursday, March 29th, 2007
Ms. Coles-Dobay would determine the date and advise the board members.
Chair Beau Lieu advised the following appointments would expire in April, 2007: Chair
Richard Beau Lieu; Vice Chair Suzette Urs; Debbie Brookes, Alternate; and Christine
Moeller, Alternate. Two new applicants had submitted to the City Commission for review
in April, 2007: Alan Burgess and Halena Wolf. Ms. COles-Dobay inquired if Debbie
Brookes and Christine Moeller wanted to be reappointed as regular members.
Ms. Brookes advised she would be doing a lot of traveling and, though she was
concerned about missing meetings, would consider moving up. Ms. Moeller requested
reappointment as an alternate. Chair Beau Lieu and Vice Chair Urs would be finished in
Apri I.
Chair Beau Lieu inquired if anyone would be interested in being Chairman. He clarified
that the Chairman would have to be available to work closely with Ms. Coles-Dobay. Ms.
Brookes suggested Barbara Ready for Chairman.
Ms. Urs moved to nominate Barbara Ready for Chairman. Ms. Arflin seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
Chair Beau Lieu suggested Ms. Arflin for Vice Chair.
Ms. Urs. moved to nominate Cheryl Arflin for Vice Chair. The motion passed
Ms. Arflin suggested a celebration. Ms. Brookes volunteered to host a celebration party
at her home.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 27,2007
1. Review projects in the City that are subject to Public Art
a. Offices at Bamboolane
The Call To Artists for the bicycle rack received two submissions, one local and the
other from Boston, MA. The selection panel chose artist Mark Favermann from Boston.
1. Recap of selection Panel February 15, 2007
There were safety issues with the design that would be addressed by architects working
in collaboration with the artist. The committee preferred Mr. Favermann's design style
for the modern, linear building.
b. Carolyn Sims Project update
1. Status of Project
Ms. COles-Dobay distributed the new Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial Project brochure.
It detailed the workshops that gave the public an opportunity to learn how public art
was made, be involved with the naming of the memorial, help write the dedication or
poem for the memorial and participate in the documentary filming of the project. It was
hoped the community's involvement in the project would enhance public endorsement
of the art.
At the Heritage Celebration, the new Carolyn Sims brochures and information were
handed out at the VIP Night event at the Schoolhouse Children's Museum, the Civic
Center events on both days and the Hester Center activities. The response was positive
and most folks knew of Carolyn Sims.
2. Varga contract, Sims brochure, workshops
The workShOps would begin on March 15, 2007 at the Madsen Center from 6:30 to 8:30
p.m. Frank Varga, the public artist, would give an overview of the creative process,
explaining what the memorial symbolized and highlighting program activities. The last
workshop on January 10, 2008, would be a celebration prior to the opening of the
Ms. Coles-Do bay expressed that she needed support for these events and would
appreciate volunteers. Suggestions were made to consider distributing brochures in
water bills, the Library, City Hall, City Hall in the Mall, the Senior Center, City
newsletters, the City's website, the Mayor's letter (quarterly) and the Chamber's
Business Monthly. The information would be included in the Community Sections of the
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 27, 2007
Sun-Sentinel and Palm Beach Post. Research would be done and contacts identified to
determine if the brochure could be distributed to art departments in public schools. The
documentary could also be shown in art classes. Brochures would be distributed directly
to churches, women's' clubs, YMCA's, art centers/camps and after school programs.
Ms. Ready suggested preparing a strong cover letter, perhaps from Mayor Taylor, to
accompany the brochures. Ms. Eete Coles-Dobay agreed to provide an information
package with cover letter. Everyone complimented Ms. Eete Coles-Dobay for a great job
done on the brochure design and production.
The City Commission would review Mr. Varga's contract and the matching grant on
March 20,2007.
c. Eternal Flame Project Update
1. Committee selection panel review, finalist
proposal and concept
On February 15, 2007, James Mastin and Beth Roberts, two of the three selected
artists, presented their proposals for the project. The panel was made up of two
veteran board members, Bob Zimmerman and Tom Kaiser; and Rick Beau Lieu and
Nubia Richmond from the Arts Commission. The artwork would reside in the circle in
Bicentennial Park.
A mock up of the memorial was displayed. It would be triangular, about eight feet high
with multicolored, poured concrete, stainless steel and brass or copper. Each concrete
color represented a different war: World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the
Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf War. Stainless steel and cast bronze structures
represented concepts such as war, stability, and epilates. The names of the Boynton
Beach veterans who passed would be listed. On top was a stainless steel dish with a
mist fountain atomizing water that mists over the top, lit by colored LED lights. When
the mist was lit, it simulated a flame, and it would be lit at all times to symbolize an
"eternal" flame.
Overhanging the front of the memorial would be a bronze sculpture symbolizing flowing
water and the confluence of the rivers of life, backlit with LED lights. The back two
sides of the triangle would hold the seals of the City of Boynton Beach, the American
Legion and the MIA symbol. The flame was encircled by four stainless steel bands that
divided the plinth into five increasingly smaller segments, representing the successively
fewer combat deaths in each of the five major wars that the US joined. The sculpture
would need a water line and electricity. Additional plaques might be added at additional
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 27,2007
The budget was $35,000.00, $30,000.00 of which was already in the account. The
veterans would add $5,000.00 or more, and expressed they were pleased with the
concept. The City would provide water and electricity for the memorial. The water
trickled into a bowl and evaporated on its way to the ground, so the memorial would
only use one or two gallons of water a day, an ongoing expense for the City.
The City Commission would review the Eternal Flame project contract in March, 2007.
Ms. Coles-Dobey added that Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent, would assist with
location. Benches and surrounding public art would be considered.
d. City Hall Lobby Beautification
1. Update on project
The Call To Artists had been released for beautification of the City Hall lobby, with a
budget of $5,000.00. The panel, Barbara Ready, Christine Moeller, Wilfred Hawkins,
Assistant City Manager, Jeff Livergood, and Paula LeBlanc, Public Works, reviewed the
artwork submitted. After scoring of the pieces from one to five, the top six pieces were
purchased for just under $5,000.00. Locations for the artwork had previously been
determined. Additionally, the turtle that had been stuck under the stairwell for the last
decade had been moved into the main lobby and placed on an appropriate stand.
Ms. Arflin suggested it was important for the new art pieces to be appraised by an
independent appraiser to determine fair market value and replacement cost. Chair Beau
Lieu indicated it normally would cost more to replace artwork than to create it, and
some art could not be replaced. Ms. Brookes stressed that appraisals were subjective
and needed to be updated. You buy the "artist", not just the art.
A contract could be signed with Chair Beau Lieu as an independent appraiser after April
7, 2007, when his term on the board expires. Appraisals would not be costly.
Ms. Arflin moved that all new art pieces bought with public funds be appraised in a
timely manner by an independent appraiser. Ms. Ready seconded the motion that
passed unanimously.
Additionally, Ms. Coles-Dobay arranged for artist Tom Brewitz to create a commissioned
piece at cost for the City Hall lobby. It would be finished in about a month. She
suggested in a few years the new artwork could be sold and refreshed, providing more
dollars would be available in the public art fund.
Ms. Richman left the meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 27, 2007
Ms. Coles DobcyDobay spoke about the "Let the Music Play" piece, a piece of
undiscovered art given to the City in 1992, hanging in the lobby on the first floor on the
left. Chair Beau Lieu appraised the piece, at no charge, to be worth $4,000.00. Ms.
Arflin suggested that discovering this valuable piece would be a good public interest
story. Ms. Coles-Dobay would develop the story on the undiscovered art and the lobby
Chair Beau Lieu brought up a new art website, "fineartamerica.com". He recommended
all artists check it out.
e. Avenue of the Arts
The project was moving forward.
1. Update
Ms. Coles-Dobay met with the CRA to discuss bringing people to the area, stimulating
interest, and initiating promotions regarding updates and events happening in Boynton
Beach. She suggested advertising the amenities the City already had in place to
increase visibility such as: The Marina project, Ocean Plaza, art galleries, Civic Center
activities, and the Children's Schoolhouse Museum, voted four years in a row to be the
best children's museum in Florida by Parents Magazine.
The CRA expressed interest in "connectors", such as the Avenue of the Arts, and was
behind the project to help with funding for the pads on which the sculptures would be
installed. Public Works was communicating with a cement contractor. There was an
August 4, 2007, event at the Marina to be considered as a good kickoff for this project.
Ms. Ready inquired if it was time for a Call To Artists. Ms. Coles-Dobay identified there
were eight artists to be contacted to confirm interest. First, it needed to be determined
how many pads would be poured. The map of locations previously chosen was
distributed for review. All locations looked good but none had been finalized. A
permanent art entry way for the Marina and Promenade turnaround were planned to
connect the areas, and the CRA definitely wanted the Arts Commission to be part of the
Chair Beau Lieu noted that the pads were an integral part of the sculptures. Ms. Ready
suggested that pieces could be interactive with the environment; to be walked over,
played on, or crawled under. There was already a circular location at the Boynton Beach
Extension Promenade that could be utilized for artwork. Tax deductible, corporate
donations could be solicited.
Ms. Arflin suggested checking out a possible conflict of interests regarding the purchase
of artwork created by Dave Coles-Dobay, Debby Coles-Dobay's husband. It was
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 27,2007
stressed that Ms. COles-Dobay was a City employee, not a voting board member.
Additionally, Ms. Coles-Do bay was not on the selection panel that voted on the artwork.
For due diligence, it was agreed by consensus, Risk Management would be contacted.
f. Heritage Celebration
1. Schoolhouse Children's Museum Heritage
Celebration review
Distribution of the Carolyn Sims brochures during this event was previously discussed.
Ms. COles-Dobay indicated the Arts Commission had been contacted to participate in the
Heritage Celebration at the last minute and had responded with the help of artists. In
the future, it would be wise to be ready for a quick response. More art and interactive
activities for children were needed.
The theme of "what does your heritage mean to you" was discussed. During workshops
held throughout the year, children's drawings, some chosen and projected on large
boards, could be collected. Many multicultural heritages could be displayed and
honored. Perhaps a non-partisan art festival honoring multicultural heritages could be
developed to attract people to the City. The Avenue of the Arts could be a great
g. Boynton Beach Arts Marketing Materials
1. AIPP program tag line
This item was not addressed at this meeting.
A. Public Art Ordinance Amendment 2nd Reading
This item was not addressed at this meeting.
A. American Assembly
Ms. Budano reviewed her attendance at the assembly on Hutchinson Island. Ms. Arflin
had also attended. Ms. Budano was on the implementation team and five different
subcommittees were being set up: Education, Community Relations, Beautification,
Infrastructure and Government Affairs. Volunteers were needed for the committees and
recommendations would be taken to the City. Art was the perfect vehicle to revitalize
and empower our communities, increase economic development, attract visitors and
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 27, 2007
improve quality of life. Ms. Budano would provide a copy of relevant documents and
keep the others apprised.
There was a great deal of discussion about the prior Gala events. The goal was not to
recreate the Gala, but to create an art event. It was noted there had been too many
events planned during the season, and many large charity events were currently not
well attended. An off-season event was being considered.
Ms. Sudano left the meeting.
Ms. Ready opined it was a mistake to not reinstitute the Gala, a well attended,
signature multicultural event. Chair Beau Lieu suggested an event had to be held for
successive years to build participation. The goal should be participation, drawing people
to Boynton Beach, and money made could be donated to charity.
On the subject of marine scenes, Ms. Ready reported there was text included on the
mural that was considered to be a sign, so the text had to be removed. The mural could
easily have been modified.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:45
Reporting Secretary