Minutes 03-05-07
HELD ON MARCH 5, 2007, AT 3:00 P.M.
Denise Chamberlain, Chair
Rose Love, Vice Chair
Lillian Bruzzese
Betty Spinelli, Alternate
Steve Lulkin, City Liaison
Robert James
Elizabeth Jenkins
Leota Suah
Bernice Begleiter, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Chair Chamberlain called the meeting to order at 3: 11 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Bruzzese moved to accept the agenda as presented. Ms. Love seconded the motion
that passed unanimously.
V. Approval of Minutes
Ms. Bruzzese moved to approve the meeting minutes from November 6, 2006. Ms.
Spinelli seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 5, 2007
VI. Chairperson's Remarks
a. Need to recruit new members
Chair Chamberlain spoke of the need to recruit new members. Sue Collins, the recently
retired Recording Secretary from the City Clerk's office, had submitted an application for
Discussion was held on finding new projects and programming to increase participation
and membership. The Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) program with
Assistant Fire Chief Ness had consistently been well attended. Hurricane preparedness
had not attracted participation. Other suggestions included providing simple sessions
and informational pieces about insurance and taxes. Chair Chamberlain recommended
board members identify new projects for the next meeting.
b. Renewal of membership
Betty Spinelli and Lillian Bruzzese have submitted their renewals for membership. Rose
Love advised her renewal would be submitted shortly. Chair Chamberlain indicated she
would contact Bernice Begleiter to remind her about the renewal requirement.
VII. Old Business
a. Distribute New Transportation sheet
Chair Chamberlain distributed the new Transportation Information Sheet listing all
transportation options, schedules and costs on one page. The Boynton Beach Trolley,
new to some members, was discussed.
b. Report on 27th Meeting with "We Care"
In November, Chair Chamberlain and a few volunteers met with Sheila Pechman from
the Retried Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). Efforts to organize the program had been
disappointing. Only 17 people responded to the 700 flyers distributed, nine people
agreed to participate and only two showed up. It had been decided to postpone the
initiative until January when the winter residents returned for the season. In January,
Chair Chamberlain and Ms. Pechman met again and nobody else showed up.
RSVP had put together an excellent "We Care" presentation to be used moving forward.
The goal would be to present the program to any community wanting to develop a
"neighbors helping neighbors" program. Chair Chamberlain and Steve Lulkin, City
Liaison, were committed to moving forward with the program and would continue to
solicit volunteers.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 5, 2007
c. Lack of attendance at January 8, 2007 meeting
There had been no quorum at the January meeting. Originally, there had been nine
meetings scheduled for the year, then the number of meetings had been reduced to
five to accommodate winter residents. Meetings were scheduled in September,
November, January, March and May.
VIII. New Business
a. Lack of membership - possible change of number of members
needed to vote
In response to the lack of membership and attendance, Chair Chamberlain expressed
interest in reducing the required number of members on the board. The requirement
had been seven regulars and two alternates. With a reduction to five regular members
and two alternates, the members could adequately handle the workload and represent
the community.
Ms. Spinelli moved to change the Senior Advisory Board membership requirement from
seven regulars to five regulars, with two alternates. Ms. Bruzzese seconded the motion
that passed unanimously.
b. Betty Spinelli - re-instated as regular member
Ms. Spinelli could be reinstated as a regular member.
c. Discuss "senior investment Strategy Program"
1. Pass out information sheets
Chair Chamberlain distributed and reviewed an information package from RSVP entitled
'Think You Have What It Takes?". The program offered seniors advocacy training and a
chance to go to Tallahassee in 2007. The goal was to enhance resources to offer
seniors meaningful and unimpeded service program choices and community-based
long-term care.
The program, initiated in November, 2006, publicized "Senior Day at the Capitol" on
April 29th, 2007. Eleven buses had been planned to transport participants from the Area
Agencies on Aging up to Tallahassee to advocate for the Senior Investment Strategy.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 5, 2007
There had been high hopes for the event but, to date, the response had been marginal.
It was possible key advocates would still meet with the Governor, but the event would
probably be on hold until 2008. Chair Chamberlain would keep everyone advised.
2. Possible sign-ups for April 29, 2007
Contact Recreation and Parks to sign up.
d. No Senior Center report
Steve Lulkin was in Chicago accepting the accreditation plaque.
IX. Adjournment
Ms. Bruzzese moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:55 p.m. Ms. Spinelli, seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
Next meeting: Monday, May 7, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. in the Senior Center.
Robin Hemingway I
Recording Secretary .
Senior Center Bus-----------.:.---------------561-742-6570
Pick up-8 and 10 a.m. Return----12:45 and 3;00 P.M.
Monday thru Friday Roundtrip=$1.00
Must call Center before 3 :00 p.m. the day before
Shopper Hopper( in city )--------------------561-742-6590
Monday thru Saturday ----8a.m. to 4 p.m.
Senior base fare----$ 1.00 Round trip
Palm Tran--------------------------------------561-841-4t287 'f 'A g 7
7days a week---Monday thru Friday 6a.m. to 7 p.m. .-
Sat. and Sun. 8 am. to 6 p.m.
850!' over free----65 or over -base fare .60 one way---all day- $2.00
Service at least once every hour
Palm Tran Connection----------------=-------561-649-9838
7 days a week---Must call for appointments
Applicants are screened and provided with an eligibility determination
Within 7-21 days Most round trip fares are $5.00
Call for an application.
Mae V 0Ien--------------------=----------------561-736-3820
60 or over------Must live south ofHypoluxo Rd'.
Appointments needed----call for times
Donations-requested for medical facilities
Boynton Crosstown Trolley------------------954-568-21 00
FREE---every day----M-F 7:15 a.m. to 6:15 p.m.
Sat-Sun 9:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Signs with" INFO: on poles throughout the city
. Want to ensure your voice is heard?
. Want to improve the lives of our
elders who have contributed so
much over the years?
. Have a desire to meet with your
elected official and participate in our
democracy? Remember, officials
work for you!
. Tired of high paid lobbyists having
control over your lives? Who speaks
for you?
. Have a computer and one hour a
. Feel you understand elder issues
well enough to communicate your
story to an elected official?
. Want free advocacy training and a
chance to go to Tallahassee in
. To offer seniors, including
those on Medicaid,
meaningfull and unimpeded
community CHOICES
. Non-profit and local
government community-
based providers
. Programs for which they are
. Services within those
. Community-based long-term
. During Senior Day at the Capitol, 11 bus~
from each ofjhe Area Agencies Qn Aging will
arrive in Tallahassee to advocate for the
Senior Investment Strategy.
. All Members will be targeted with special
targeting of all leadership positions in the
majority party.
. A special delegation comprised of key
advocates will meet with the Governor's Office
and Secretary of the Department of Elder
. 170/0 of Florida's Population is 65+ (2.8 million
. Retirees spend $37 billion+ annually
. 200/0 of older Floridians live alone
. 80/0 of Floridians have self care limitations
. 7.90/0 of Floridians live in poverty
. 10.3% of older Floridians live in rural areas
. Approximately 450,000 Floridians have some
form of dementia
. Enhance resources for the Community-Based
Long Term Care, including Nursing Home
Diversion (NHD)
. Repeal Florida Senior Care (FSC)
. Require statewide and full implementation of
Aging Resource Centers (ARC)
. Enhance resources committed to the
Community Care for the Elderly (CCE), and
Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (ADI) Programs
. Once the personal meetings
have been completed in
Tallahassee, those same
t~ will,write letters, send
email~, and make phone calls
urging their Members to
support the Senior
Investment Strategy. Upon
completion of the Florida
Leg islative Session, the
Governor's Office will be
targeted heavily to support
any and all legislation that
resulted from the House and
Senates work in 2007.
------~;;' ",," .
. Name
. Address
. City
. Zip Code
. Phone Number
. Email Address
. Prior advocacy experience?
. County you reside?
. Are you a voter?
. Precinct number? (if you
don't know it, it is easily