Minutes 04-26-07
HELD ON THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2007, AT 3:00 P.M.
Michele Costantino, Chair
Richard Yerzy, 1st Vice Chair
Lisa Simshauser, 2nd Vice Chair
Kathy Cook
Robert Foot
George Moyer, Alternate
Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator
David Tolces, Assistant City Attorney
Kathleen Carroll
I. Call to Order
Chair Costantino called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Election of Chair, and First and Second Vice Chair
The board discussed tabling the election of officers and was unsure whether the
elections had to take place during the month of April. Attorney Tolces advised the
elections could be tabled to the next meeting.
Second Vice Chair Simshauser moved to table the elections to the next meeting. Mr.
Moyer seconded the motion that passed 5-1. (First Vice Chair Yerzy dissenting)
Mr. Foot suggested moving forward with elections for the position of Chair only. After a
short discussion, Mr. Foot withdrew his suggestion and there was agreement to hold all
elections at the same time next month.
III. Approval of Agenda
First Vice Chair Yerzy moved to approve the agenda. Second Vice Chair Simshauser
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Lien Reduction
Boynton Beach, FL
April 26, 2007
IV. Approval of Minutes
Second Vice Chair Simshauser moved to table the minutes. First Vice Chair Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
The board recessed at 3:03 p.m. to allow the applicant, who was en route, time to
The board reconvened at 3:09 p.m.
V. Swearing in or Witnesses and Introduction
Attorney Tolces administered the oath to all who would be testifying.
VI. New Business
A. Lien Reduction
Case #06-1739
Ouze Noncent & Kinson Maxi
627 SW 3rd Ave.
Code Compliance Administrator Slasie presented the case and distributed photographs
to the board that were taken on October 10th and three photographs he had taken on
April 16, 2007.
Maxi Kinson, residing at 1860 Locust Circle in Lantana, arrived at the meeting at 3:09
Mr. Dorcent, 428 NE 15th Court, interpreted for Mr. Kinson.
Code Compliance Administrator Slasie had inspected the property and showed the
board photographs. He noted the items that were removed. Different photos showed
different areas of the home that had peeling paint; however, the house had been
painted. There was a brief discussion about the inspection process. Mr. Slasie
explained the inspection took place and if the violation still existed, it would have been
noted. Code Compliance Administrator Slasie reviewed the various inspections
associated with the case and the violations still outstanding at the time of those
inspections. The process called for the Inspector to note the outstanding violations on
the inspection tickets.
Ms. Cook asked Mr. Kinson why it took from August to April or March, to comply.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Lien Reduction
Boynton Beach, FL
April 26, 2007
Mr. Kinson explained the issues arose from the hurricane. They could not make repairs
until the insurance adjustor visited the site.
Ms. Cook discussed the furniture on the back porch. The property was a rental
property and Mr. Kinson did not know furniture was on the porch. Mr. Slasie confirmed
Mr. Kinson's comments were correct and the applicant had obtained a Susiness Tax
Receipt (Occupational License) on April 7, 2007. The applicant also indicated he never
received the notice. He advised he had been living in Lantana for two years and
explained he updated his address with the Property Appraiser's office as soon as he
moved. Mr. Slasie had a printout from the Property Appraiser from July 2006 showing
his address as 627 SW 3rd Avenue, which was the violation location. The applicant
viewed the printout provided by Mr. Slasie.
First Vice Chair Yerzy noted the board repeatedly hears the same excuses; that the
renter receives the complaint and the owner knows nothing about it. He asked what
could be done to alleviate those situations.
Attorney Tolces explained the statute provides for notice to be provided at the address
on the property tax roles, unless information for a different address is known. If it is
known beforehand that the owner does not reside at the violation address, the address
of record is the only address the board could go by.
There was a question about the physical service of the notice. Attorney Tolces
explained if an individual refused to accept service, the notice is posted on the property.
Mr. Slasie clarified, in this instance, the owner denied he signed the receipt. Mr. Slasie
also added the board's obligations under the statute had been met.
Sased on testimony and evidence presented in Case #06-1739, and having been
advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth in
Section 2-84 through 2-89 of the City of Soynton Seach Code of Ordinances, Ms. Cook
moved that this board reduce the fines instituted in Case #06-1739, by virtue of this
board's order of September 20, 2006, to an amount of $634.12, which includes
administrative costs. Second Vice Chair Simshauser seconded the motion that passed
5-1. (First Vice Chair Yerzy dissenting).
Mr. Slasie explained the results of the proceedings to Mr. Maxi and advised if Mr. Maxi
did not agree with the outcome of the hearing, the matter could be brought before the
City Commission.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Lien Reduction
Boynton Beach, FL
April 26, 2007
VII. Adjournment
Ms. Cook moved to adjourn.
Chair Costantino indicated she spoke with the City Clerk and the board needed to make
a motion to vacate Mr. Lamb's seat. She asked Attorney Tolces to research the issue.
Attorney Tolces advised the motion previously made at the last meeting was to request
the City Clerk advise the City Commission that Mr. Lamb had missed considerable
meetings and that he should be removed from the board. Attorney Tolces suggested a
motion be made to declare Mr. Lamb's seat vacant due to the fact that he missed at
least three successive meetings and request the board appoint an individual to fill the
Mr. Foot moved that the City Commission be advised that Mr. Lamb missed Code
Compliance meetings held on January 17, 25 and February 21st, and also missed a
meeting on March 21st. Mr. Lamb missed more than two of three successive meetings
without cause, without approval of the Chair and therefore as required by Section
162.05(E) Florida Statutes, the Code Compliance Soard would declare that Mr. Lamb's
position is vacated. First Vice Chair Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously
Chair Costantino will send a letter to the City Commission. Attorney Tolces advised
both motions could be included in the letter. The motion he referred to from the last
meeting had not declared the seat vacated.
Ms. Simshauser moved to adjourn. Ms. Cook seconded the motion that unanimously
passed. Meeting adjourned at 3:34 p.m.
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Catherine che/ry-Guberman
Recording Secretary