Minutes 05-07-07
HELD ON MAY 7, 2007, AT 3:00 P.M.
Denise Chamberlain, Chair
Bernice Begleiter
Lillian Bruzzese
Susan Collins
Robert L. James
Elizabeth Jenkins
Rose Love
Virginia O'Connell
Betty Spinelli, Alternate
Steve Lulkin, City Liaison
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
3. Roll Call
Chair Chamberlain noted the members present.
4. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Bruzzese moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Spinelli seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
5. Approval of Minutes
Ms. Collins moved approval of the minutes. Mr. James seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
May 7, 2007
6. Chairpersons Remarks
a. Introduce new members
Chair Chamberlain introduced the new members.
b. Review Attendance Policy
Chair Chamberlain read the Attendance Policy and advised the board previously made
the suggestion to reduce the members and quorum requirements. She explained the
action was only a recommendation; the official action comes from the City Commission.
There was also board discussion there was no true excused absence. Calls that are
made to advise the Chair that a member would miss a meeting were considered
courtesy calls.
7. Old Business
a. Discuss vote on reduction of membership - not valid
This item was discussed with Item 6 b.
b. Review Number of Meetings, September - November, January,
March, May
Chair Chamberlain reviewed the upcoming meetings for the year. In light of the board
meeting so few times per year, attendance at the meetings by the members was
8. New Business
a. New possible projects from members
Mr. Lulkin announced the center had recently received national accreditation from the
National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC) and would have to renew the accreditation
every five years. Part of that process involved implementing new projects.
The board was very interested in intellectual types of programming but expressed
concern they did not want to have conflicting programs with the library.
The board discussed the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) was lobbying
and attempting to block a measure that would tax social security benefits. Eighty
percent of social security income would be taxed this year and next year the entire
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
May 7, 2007
benefit amount of 100% would be taxed. AARP was looking for people to volunteer
and help lobby against the taxation.
Chair Chamberlain thought the board could send a letter opposing the tax. Ms. Collins
will write the letter and bring it back for the board's approval in September. Chair
Chamberlain would investigate who to send it to and she commented AARP would be
able to provide some guidance. There was agreement the board thought individuals
living on a fixed income should not suffer a tax increase.
On another matter, Ms. Collins asked if the center offered information about Medicare
supplements, or the SHINE, (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders), program at
Bethesda Hospital. She explained maneuvering the different types of insurance and
coverages was a huge decision and guidance should be given. Mr. Lulkin responded
representatives visit the center to discuss the information and there is a newsletter that
advises about the various coverage types. Further discussion was held on the health
insurance options available to new seniors. It was noted different policies had different
The board also discussed all senior programs were on hold until June 12, 2007. The
additional 25K exemption for seniors was one program, but there were other programs
seniors could take advantage of that were also on hold. Mr. Lulkin informed the board
if the rollback occurred, there would be an increase in sales taxes and different taxing
plans were being considered by the State. Nonetheless, Mr. James indicated if all
programs were enacted, there would be a cutback in services. The board thought the
prices for senior services such as Palm Tran would be increased as opposed to being
taken away. Mr. James thought the programs administered by volunteers should be
clearly indicated so the program directors could determine how each department's
programs would be affected. A big expense was the operation of the actual facility.
One measure already made and implemented was cutting back the center hours from 5
pm to 4 pm. The price of coffee and a pastry was also increased from 25 cents to 50
Ms. Chamberlain discussed the accreditation and a full time secretarial position.
Originally, part of the justification for the position was the population increases,
however with the upcoming budget, it was unlikely that position would be filled.
Additionally, it was anticipated that the baby boomers would be deterred from moving
to Florida because of the taxes. Mr. Lulkin commented this was the first year more
people moved out of the state than moved into the state. There still was, however, a
need for services and a large population in the area and many local residents were
turning 65. Programs such as computer labs, fitness rooms, game rooms, and trips
were all activities to attract seniors.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
May 7, 2007
Mr. Lulkin would continue looking for ways to maintain and increase services without
increasing cost.
b. Need still to recruit new members
The board noted there was still a position available on the board.
c. Establish new mission statement for Senior Center
Since Recreation and Parks was accredited, the department must reapply every five
years for new accreditation and show what was added. One requirement was to
establish a new mission statement. The newsletter had the new mission statement,
which was reviewed. The Senior Advisory Board was asked to contemplate a new
mission statement and what services could be added. Mr. Lulkin asked the members
to bring their ideas to the next meeting.
Mr. Lulkin explained they have a general budget that was operations based, not
program based. Most senior activities were free and most services were volunteer.
Since volunteers accounted for a large portion of the programs, Mr. Lulkin thought the
new mission statement should include that.
d. Future projects that need to be addressed for center
accreditation in five years.
Intellectual programs were discussed and the board was concerned they would
compete with the library programs. Chair Chamberlain suggested the board members
look for intellectual seminars such as current event classes, poetry, book clubs, sign
language classes, etc., and bring back ideas and information for the next meeting. If
the programs were feasible, they would try them.
Chair Chamberlain reported an entertainer, Barry Jaffe, approached the center to have
an American Idol type of activity on an amateur level. There would be a cost associated
with the activity. Mr. Lulkin reported the only way to subsidize the activity would be
through sponsors. He clarified the center would not hire anyone to coordinate the
activity .
Mr. Lulkin announced fifty-six seniors were going on an overnight trip to Naples on the
30 and 31st of May. The trip was organized through the Senior Center. The center
would be entering the slow season now but there were still many different programs,
trips and events coming up. Mothers would receive a rose for Mothers Day and all will
have cake. A party for the center's sponsors and advertisers in recognition of their
support was being held. In June there would be a Fathers Day activity and a 4th of
July activity on July 3rd.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
May 7, 2007
Ms. Marilyn Durling put on a show at the center and the 2006 Ms. United States @
Woman winner, Dawn Basham, performed in it. Ms. Basham sang songs from WW II,
and would perform at the anniversary party in June.
e. Senior Center Report - Steve Lulkin
Mr. Lulkin reported all was well. The center was very busy during the winter season.
As of October 1st, just under 1,100 people were registered, exclusive of those coming
for lunch, AARP, medical checks, clubs and homeowners, and other activities. Those
activities drew a few thousand people a year. He reported just under 90 people had to
pay the $40 per year, non-resident fee.
Mr. Lulkin made a presentation to the City Commission regarding the National
Accreditation the center received. The department was awarded the accreditation on
Dec 19, 2006. He indicated it was a great feeling and the staff worked very hard to
receive the recognition. There were seven accreditations received in the State and
Boynton Beach was number six. The Boynton Beach Center, however, was the first
center in South Florida to receive the award.
Chair Chamberlain asked for figures for non-City residents using the senior center. She
asked because Delray Beachs' senior center was opening. The county had a free facility
and Mr. Lulkin pointed out other municipalities were opening community centers, not
senior centers. The Delray center would have a gym, daycare and a senior meeting
room. The Boynton Beach facility was for seniors exclusively.
9. Adjournment
Next Meeting - September 10, 2007 at Senior Center - 3:00 p.m.
There was no further business to discuss. Ms. Bruzzese moved to adjourn. Ms. Spinelli
seconded the motion that unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 4: 18 pm.
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Recording Secretary