Gerald Broening, Mayor
Ron Weiland, Vice Mayor
Bruce Black, Commissioner
Charlie Fisher, Commissioner
William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tem
Josh Aguila
Al DeMarco
I. Call To Order
Lindsey Payne, Board Attorney
Dale Sugerman, Assistant City Manager
Quintus Greene, Director of Development
Mayor Broening called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. All members were
II. Agenda Approval
Commissioner Black moved for approval. Motion seconded by Mr. DeMarco and
carried unanimously.
III. Presentations
IV. Approval of Minutes -
Regular Meeting, September 13, 2000
Motion seconded by Commissioner
Vice Mayor Weiiand moved for approval.
Black and carried unanimously.
V. Unfinished Business
A. Update on Ocean Avenue Promenade
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2000
A copy of the Ocean Avenue Newsletter was distributed to the members. Mr.
Greene reported that Mr. Sugerman had prepared the Newsletter and is now the
Project Manager. It is anticipated that the Newsletter will be prepared on a
regular basis. Mr. Greene asked Mr. Sugerman to give an update on the project.
Mayor Broening asked about the status of Mr. Frantz LaFontant in relationship to
the project. Mr. Sugerman stated that Mr. LaFontant had been designated
Project Coordinator and will be on the job everyday. However, the City Manager
requested that someone with more experience in these types of projects be
placed in charge, which resulted in Mr. Sugerman becoming Project Manager.
Commissioner Fisher requested that the Newsletter be sent out on a monthly
basis and Mr. Sugerman stated it is intended to be a monthly newsletter.
Commissioner Black inquired when Ocean Avenue would be down to one lane.
Mr. Sugerman reported that a decision was made by the downtown merchants
that instead of keeping one side open eastbound from 1st Street to Federal
Highway, they"would like to get the work done in the 500 Block all at one time
and as quickly as possible. The merchants decided that they would like to have
the 500 Block worked on first, complete the 500 Block and then open it up.
Thereafter, it will be one way from 1st to 4th for the duration of the project. At next
week's construction meeting, Mr. Sugerman will find out how long it would take to
complete the 500 Block. This information will be included in next month's
Mr. Aguila inquired if the contractor was present at these meetings? Mr.
Sugerman stated that the contractor, the sub-contractors, engineers, inspectors,
as well as Mr. Sugerman and Mr. LaFontant and any other necessary staff
members attend the weekly meetings. Also, an agenda is prepared and minutes
are taken.
Vice Mayor Weiland inquired about the possibility of a change order due to the
amount of asphalt, which needs to be dug up being greater than expected. Mr.
Greene stated that the contractor anticipated two inches of asphalt, but there
may be a change order if the conditions are significantly more than what was
anticipated. Nothing further on this has been discussed to date.
Mr. Sugerman reported that there would be a change order for construction work
under the railroad, which would have resulted in an additional $27,000.
However, Mr. Sugerman stated he contacted the railroad and was successful in
getting the railroad to stay with the original plan. Further, Mr. Sugerman
anticipates that there will be more change orders because this is the older
section of the City and it is unknown what is underground.
Meeting Minutes ~ '
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2000
Commissioner Fisher asked if it was possible to get an ETA for the merchants in
the 500 Block considering the holiday season is coming up. Mr. Sugerman stated
as soon as a date is available, he will include it in the newsletter. It could be
possible that this date will be known within two weeks.
B. Update on Marina Project
Mr. Greene reported that all of the agreements are in place and the City has
fulfilled its part of the agreement with the abandonment of Casa Loma Boulevard.
Mr. Greene stated that he has spoken with the principals of the project.
Negotiations between Mr. Garcia and Mr. Jarvis are still ongoing.
There are two outstanding permits for the Marina Project that are scheduled to
expire on October 17th and they will be extended.
Vice Mayor Weiland inquired if it was known when work would begin on Casa
Loma Boulevard. Mr. Greene said that the permit has already been pulled, but
he is not certain when the work would begin. The permit allows the contractor to
begin work within six months.
Commissioner Fisher asked about the time line on the incentives. Commissioner
Black thought that the time lines had been pushed back while the lawsuit was
pending. Mr. Sugerman noted that the developer shall complete the
improvements to Casa Loma Boulevard as depicted on the site plan by May 7,
2001. The developer shall complete all Phase 1 construction improvements
depicted on the site plan, which include the marina improvements, the retail
shells and restaurant #1 shell on or before January 1,2002.
Further, Mr. Sugerman read that if Phase 1 improvements are completed prior to
January 1,2002, the City's lien of $770,528.00 shall be reduced to $192,582.00.
Failure to complete the entire project on or before January 1, 2003 shall result in
the forfeiture of the incentives granted by the City. The dates cited by Mr.
Sugerman are the revised dates.
C. CRA Budget
Mr. Greene pointed out that the budget being presented tonight is different from
previous budgets. Mr. Greene spoke with Ms. Reese regarding the $151,000
that was discussed at the last meeting and it was determined that this was not
the CRA's money. The budget presented today is the beginning fund balance
and the ending fund balance from the Tax Increment Fund (TIF). The other
funds were funds of various projects that occurred within the CRA area, but they
were not CRA projects. Therefore, as of September 30, 1999 the beginning fund
balance was $637,096 and over the past year $261,389 has been added in TIF
Meeting Minutes ....
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2000
taxes. After adding in the interest and deducting expenses, there is an ending
fund balance of $720,690.
Commissioner Fisher requested that at the next CRA meeting a 5-year matrix be
provided of TIF funds that have been collected. Mr. Greene will follow through
on this. Mr. Sugerman noted that there was a mathematical error in the budget
submitted and that the ending fund balance in fact should be $872,623. After
reviewing the figures, members concurred that this was the correct figure.
Mr. Greene noted that the CRA needs a key project to bring in some major
money. Also, since the CRA is moving toward becoming an independent CRA it
needs to start looking at property acquisition strategically so that the City can be
in a position to negotiate with the development community. Delray Beach is a
good example of this and that City has been able to use acquired property in
negotiating with the development community.
Mayor Broening also feels that the issue of raising the height limitation is going to
have to be addressed. Mr. Greene said that staff is preparing a request for
proposals to look at the zoning in progress for the Federal Highway corridor. One
thing that staff is looking at is rather than changing the height and placing specific
limitations, it might be better to consider a height setback package. This would
mean if you go up 100' feet, you must have a certain setback. This would avoid
the canyon effect without having a rigid definition for height.
Mr. Aguila hopes that this will be in effect within six months and Mr. Greene
stated that this is anticipated within that time frame.
VI. New Business
Mr. DeMarco said that he has been approached by people who claim that the
new bridge is 2" too long. Mr. Sugerman stated this is not true and that these
rumors have been circulating for a long time.
Mr. Aguila asked Attorney Payne .if she had an opportunity to research his
question on when the CRA sunsets. Attorney Payne said that she could not find
anywhere in the statute that stated the CRA lasts for 15 years. Attorney Payne
stated that the statute does limit the funding mechanism to 30 years, but that
does not apply to the life of the agency itself, Mr. Aguila stated that these
discussions have taken place in Delray Beach and Attorney Payne stated she
would contact Delray Beach to pursue the matter further.
With regard to the Parking Authority question, Attorney Payne stated there is no
Parking Authority in Boynton Beach because it was never established. Mr.
Greene agreed with Attorney Payne and noted in the Central Business District
commercial parking facilities are prohibited. There is no distinction, however,
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2000
between public and private parking and this is something that should be clarified.
Commissioner Fisher inquired if this should be pursued at next month's meeting
and Mr. Greene felt that would be beneficial to discuss it further at that time.
Commissioner Black asked if there is any land being considered for purchase
along Federal Highway. Mr. Greene stated that they have been looking at
various options and will be making recommendations in the future.
With regard to adding members to the Agency, Mr. Greene reported that his
office has contacted people who previously submitted applications the last time,
but were not selected. All those people expressed a continued interest in
serving. Also, staff will be looking to recruit others to be added to the pool of
Members all agreed that the construction taking place downtown is a positive
happening and should attract private individuals into the area.
VII. Public Audience
VIII. Other
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, Commissioner Black moved to adjourn, which
was seconded by Commissioner Fisher. The meeting properly adjourned at
7:20 p.m.
Res pectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)'