ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 AT 6:30 P.M.
Larry Finkelstein, Chairman
Jeanne Heavilin, Vice Chair
Al DeMarco
Don Fenton
Michelle Hoyland
Henderson Tillman
Jos~ Aguila
Quintus Greene, Director of Development
Lindsey Payne, Board Attorney
Diane Reese, Director of Finance
I. Call to Order
Chairman Finkelstein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
III. Agenda Approval
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Vice Chair Heavilin requested that th e presentation to former Commissioner Bruce Black
be moved up to follow the approval of the minutes. She also wished to add a discussion
of a proposed CRA article in the City's newspaper under New Business.
Mr. DeMarco made a motion to accept the agenda as amended. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Fenton and carried unanimously.
IV. Approval of Minutes of the Regular May 8, 2001 Meeting
Mr. Tillman moved to accept the minutes of the May 8, 2001 meeting. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Fenton and carried unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12, 2001
V. Announcements and Presentations
Chairman Finkelstein presented former Commissioner Bruce Black with a plaque from
the CRA honoring Mr. Black's devotion and dedication as a true servant to the citizens of
Boynton Beach and his loyal support of the goals and objectives of the CRA. Mr. Black
accepted the plaque with thanks.
VI. Director's Report
CRA Budget Mr. Quintus Greene, Director of Development, addressed the
financial statement for the month of May, noting the CRA's available balance of
$1,023,466. Mr. Greene then pointed out a transfer from the CRA budget to the
Community Improvement Fund in the amount of $32,678, stating that subsequent
months would show further reductions until this year's financial requirement of $49,017
was met. This represented the CRA~s portion of the City's mandatory 20% good-faith
contribution towards the SHIP Program/Community Improvement Fund. Ms. Diane
Reese confirmed that this would be an annual financial requirement from the CRA's
budget, the amount to vary according to the amount received from the SHIP grant.
Chairman Finkelstein sought assurance that there would be no more surprises
concerning the budget as the CRA was trying to budget for a loan from its TIF funds and
it had to know how much money was available. Ms. Reese did not know of any further
budget impacts and was to forward copies of the 2000 - 2001 City budget to the Board.
TIF Update The projected 2001-2002 TIF revenues to the CRA were $829,900
compared to $305,000 for the current fiscal year. Over forty percent of this increase
came from the Manatee Bay apartment development that came onto the tax rolls this
year for $17.5M, increasing the ability of the CRA to carry out its mandate in the district.
$3M Financing for CRA Mr. Greene referred to a series of discussions being held
among staff, the City Manager, City bond counsel, Bank of America and others
concerning the ways and means of securing $3M for the CRA so that it could carry out
its mission. Mr. Greene presented a preliminary proposal from the Bank of America with
associated amortization schedules. All of the rates were taxable rates. Tax-free
financing was not available because the CRA intended to purchase properties that would
be subsequently sold for redevelopment.
Chairman Finkelstein was in favor of a line of credit that would be drawn down by the
CRA as needed. Mr. Fenton was in favor of zero coupon bonds which, according to Ms.
Reese's advice from the City's bond counsel and investment advisers, were very
expensive and hard to sell to investors. Ms. Reese advised against a line of credit,
saying that if the money were used within six months and not invested, the CRA would
have lost an opportunity to increase its funds by gaining interest on its money. Ms.
Reese cited the City's practice in issuing bonds where it took all the money up front,
invested it, used it as needed, and gained interest on the money. Ms. Reese strongly
recommended that the CRA enlist the services of a financial adviser to assist them in
making a decision on the financing of the CRA.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelop ment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12, 2001
The Board discussed financing methods at length and decided that it wanted to have a
response from at least three banks to include all the relevant factors such as
points/fees/indexes/rates and have these facts put into a matrix from which they could
make their decision. If a Board member wanted to ask a particular bank to make a
proposal, they could do so and have that proposal submitted to Mr. Greene.
Project Update
MLK Mr. Greene advised that a Start Work Notice was issued on this project
on June 1, 2001 to the Strategic Planning Group of Jacksonville, Florida. Stakeholder
meetings were scheduled during the day on June 15 and 18 with a community meeting
hosted by Commissioner McCray planned for 7:00 p.m. on June 18 at 7:00 p.m. at St.
John's Missionary Baptist Church at 1900 N. Seacrest Boulevard.
Marina, Phase One The Casa Loma work should begin in one month and an
item will appear on the June 19 City Commission meeting extending the completion of
the project from May 7 to October 15, 2001.
FEC Property/Shared Use Parking Agreement/Fee-In-Lieu-Of The City has
acquired the FEC railroad property on 4 Street and First Avenue. It also has a Shared
Use Parking Agreement with the Congregational Church on Federal Highway. Between
those two parcels, the City now has approximately fifty-five parking spaces that can be
made available to the public. This related to a Proposed Fee-In-Lieu-Of Parking
Regulations Ordinance scheduled to appear on the June 19, 2001 City Commission
agenda, an updated version of which was distributed and discussed at this meeting.
Economic Development & PID Ordinances The Economic Development
Ordinance 096-46 for the CRA Area and the Ordinance for the Planned Industrial
Districts were being updated and were also scheduled for the June 19, 2001 City
Commission meeting.
Chairman Finkelstein brought out the fact that if the incentive fees were to be paid by the
City, the money would probably come out of CRA funds and there was no provision for
CRA review of the incentive applications. Mr. Greene affirmed that the City Manager
was the person who took the responsibility for making a recommendation to the City
Commission on these matters. Chairman Finkelstein deemed it difficult to manage funds
when others had control over them and he asked Mr. Greene to pass his comments
Commission Action Update
Mr. Greene reported that the City Commission approved the Federal Highway
Redevelopment Plan at its May 15, 2001 meeting. They delayed a decision about
abolishing the old high school to allow further inspection, analysis and fundraising by the
preservation group.
At the July 10, 2001 meeting, the Federal Highway Corridor Land Use Map Amendment
would be put before the Board. It was important that this item be kept on schedule so
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12,2001
thatthe amendmentcould beincludedin the current cycle. Also, three variances willbe
on the agenda.
Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan
Mr. Greene referred to the consultant agreement with Michele Mellgren wherein she was
to complete a draft of the amendments to the Land Development Regulations,
implementing the recommendations of the Plan. The amount will be $9,990 and Mr.
Greene recommended that the CRA pay for this item since it was for amendments that
lay entirely within the CRA's boundaries and jurisdiction.
Mr. Fenton moved to approve payment of the Consultant agreement for the Federal
Highway Corridor Zoning Code Amendments in the amount of $9,990. Mr. DeMarco
seconded the motion.
Mr. Tillman believed that the City should pay for this since the City had initiated the study
and he did not want to see a precedent set. Chairman Finkelstein reminded everyone
that the result of all the redevelopment that would be done pursuant to the MLK Study
and the Federal Highway Corridor Study would be increased TIF income for the CRA.
Vice Chair Heavilin believed that most such studies in the future would probably be
initiated by the CRA.
Chairman Finkelstein said the Board wished to make a change to the Scope of Services
section of the Consultant Agreement where it talked about regulations concerning single
family areas along the Intracoastal Waterway. The Board preferred to strike this
language and insert instead, "...regulations concerning Planning Areas I and V...".
The motion passed 5-1, Mr. Tillman dissenting.
Draft Ordinance on Parking Regulations and Fee-in-Lieu Mr. Fenton asked
about the prohibition against private and commercial parking facilities and Mr. Greene
referred to Ordinance 99-07 that delineated the prohibition. Mr. Greene added that the
Ordinance was put in place to prevent private operators from occupying land that was
potentially valuable to the City in its redevelopment efforts. This Ordinance did not
prohibit the City from building a commercial parking facility since it would be a publicly
owned and maintained structure.
Mr. Greene explained that the ordinance was being presented to the Board for its
information since it pertained to something that was within the CRA's jurisdiction. He
offered to forward any comments of the Board to the City Commission and had already
included some Board comments from the workshop in a staff letter that he had sent to
the CommissiOn along with the ordinance. Some members believed that the ordinance
should have been sent to the CRA for their review before putting it on the City
Commission agenda for approval.
The Board discussed the draft ordinance at great length but no firm consensus was
reached. At the request of the Chairman and the Board, the essence of the individual
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12, 2001
member's comments are listed below.
Mr. Tillman:
Mr. Tillman did not believe the CRA should be drawing up specific criteria and
deliberating about them since it had not been formally asked to do so by the City
Commission. The item was placed on the CRA agenda for purposes of information only.
Mr. Fenton
Mr. Fenton's opinion was that there was no problem with parking downtown and the
CRA had already taken steps towards securing property for a future parking garage.
The ordinance was premature and the fees would unfairly burden the early
entrepreneurs. There were other ways to handle the parking situation without assessing
fees. If the fees were approved, he believed they should be cut in half.
Mr. DeMarco
Mr. DeMarco wanted to study the parking situation and continue the "land banking" the
CRA had already begun. He agreed with Mr. Fenton that the fees were too high and
suggested extending the "0" for two years instead of one.
Chairman Finkelstein
Chairman Finkelstein believed that the discussion and comments on the draft ordinance
were appropriate and within the purview of the CRA. Also, he believed that the City had
already gone an extra step by going from a 35% reduction in the CBD to a 50%
reduction and that there were plenty of incentives for developers now, especially with the
"0" requirement in the fee-in-lieu option for the first year. He was in favor of expanding
the requirements through Ocean Avenue and Seacrest so that area could be included.
Chairman Finkelstein favored the fee structure suggested by Ms. Hoyland and contained
in the draft ordinance of $0 for the first year, $3K second year, 5K, third year, 7K fourth
year, and 10K from then on. He also thought the issue should be addressed now, rather
than later on when it became a problem and they might not have the money or land to
handle it.
Vice Chair Heavilin
Vice Chair Heavilin agreed with Chairman Finkelstein's view, adding that she thought the
fee-in-lieu option should be offered as a last resort, on a hardship basis, after exhausting
the on-site, 50% reduction, shared parking, and any other means of meeting the needs
of the business. She did not know enough about what other cities were charging for
fees to suggest changes to them. In Section 2, Item #1 she asked that "off-site" be
added to the following: "When the Community Redevelopment Agency finds that the
property owner seeking an expansion cannot effectively or economically provide for the
additional on-site parking,. .... ".
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelop ment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12,2001
Michelle Hoyland
Ms. Hoyland also believed that the options should go in descending order with fee-in-lieu
being the last option available. She believed the "0" requirement should be in effect for
one year from whenever the Commission approved the Ordinance, and then go up
annually $3K, 5K, 7K, and 10K thereafter. She strongly believed in this increase in fees,
considering the $7K price tag on a surface parking space today. Also, Ms. Hoyland
wanted to see the fee-in-lieu application process include a listing of public parking
spaces available in reasonable proximity to the applicant's business.
VII. Unfinished Business
VIII. Public Hearings
IX. New Business
Vice Chair Heavilin mentioned the desire of the Board to do a marketing statement about
the CRA, letting the residents know the reason for their existence and what they planned
to do. Mr. Segal suggested that City Visions would be the best vehicle and the next
issue will come out in July. Vice Chair Heavilin offered to draft an article that Chairman
Finkelstein would look at and pass on to Mr. Greene, who would be responsible for the
final approval and publication in the newsletter.
X. Public Audience
Robert Ensler, 26 Woods Lane, Boynton Beach, addressed the Board and suggested
that the CRA consider moving Public Audience up to the early part of its agenda so that
people would not have to sit through an entire meeting before having an opportunity to
speak. He also was concerned that the agenda was not specific as to what was up for
discussion. He thought it would be helpful to the public to have specific topics for
discussion so that the public could be prepared to speak. Mr. Ensler agreed with the
comments he had heard suggesting that the CRA should have been formally directed to
review this ordinance as part of the approval process.
Xl. Other
The Board settled on a date for its next workshop of July 28, 2001 in Conference Room
C from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. They were to continue work on fine-tuning their Goals and
Objectives. Ms. Hoyland wanted 'to forward back-up material to Mr. Greene so it could
be distributed to the members prior to the workshop if possible.
Vice Chair Heavilin commented on Mr. Ensler's request about moving Public Audience
to the early part of the meetings. She thought there was a lot of merit to this idea and
asked for comments from the other Board members. After discussion, the Board agreed
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12, 2001
to leave itthe way it was and addressitin the future ifthey began to have more public
Ms. Hoyland agreed with Mr. Ensler's comment about the lack of detail on the agenda
and asked that the agendas be more specific as to the topics to be discussed.
Xl. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was duly
adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Res pectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)
(06/13/01 )