Larry Finkelstein, Chairman
Jeanne Heavilin, Vice Chair
Jos6 Aguila
Al DeMarco
Don Fenton
Henderson Tillman
Quintus Greene, Director of Development
Lindsey Payne, Board Attorney
Dan DeCarlo, Neighborhood Specialist
Dick Hudson, Senior Planner
Hanna Matras, Economic Research Analyst
Octavia Sherrod, Community Redevelopment
Meg Smith, Economic Development Specialist
Palm Beach County
I. Call To Order
Chairman Finkelstein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and a quorum was declared present.
III. Agenda Approval:
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Mr. Finkelstein noted that members received a packet of invoices and suggested
adding a, section E under "Director's Report" to discuss the invoices.
B. Adoption
Mr. DeMarco moved to approve the, agenda, as amended. Motion seconded by
Vice Chair Heavilin and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
IV. Approval of Minutes:
Workshop Meeting March 3, 2001
Regular Meeting March 14, 2001
Mr. Fenton moved to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Mr. Tillman and
unanimously carried.
V. Director's Report
Mr. Greene reported on the following:
A. Budget
Members were referred to the Balance Sheet included in their packet. In
accordance with requests, a number of notes have been added to the Balance
Sheet for the period ending March 2001, which addresses some of the Board
members' questions that had been raised.
With regard to their being no interest income for January and February on the
previous balance sheets, Ms. Reese, the City's Finance Director informed Mr.
Greene that the March figure of $8,852 included the January and February
interest income and that it had not been previously posted.
Mr. Aguila requested that legal fee costs include more details. Mr. Greene
informed the Board that it is anticipated that the Board's Attorney will be utilized
to hire real estate people, appraisers, etc. and the Board needs to determine how
much detail it would like to see. It was suggested that this be further discussed
when the invoices are reviewed.
B. Project Updates
Mr. Greene reported that the MLK Project received six proposals from
planning firms for the planning study for the MLK Corridor. Staff has
performed an initial review and four bidders will be interviewed to be
conducted tomorrow. The interview panel will include staff and three
representatives from the Community.
Sidewalk Cafes in the CRA only has been approved by the City
Commission. Currently, outdoor dining is permitted citywide, but only
chairs and tables on the sidewalk are permitted in the CRA area.
There is an issue of capital facilities fees, because the City Code
charges on a per-seat basis for all dining and outdoor dining and
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Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
sidewalk cafes are excluded only during season. This needs to be
addressed ~her.
C. Future Agenda Items
There were none.
D. Commission Action Update
Sidewalk cafes were the only CRA item addressed by the Commission.
E. Invoices
Mr. Aguila requested that Mr. Greene inform the Board who the people were on
the invoices and their positions with the City. Mr. Greene reviewed the names of
staff on the invoices and their positions and functions for the Board's benefit. Mr.
Greene noted that some concerns have been expressed with regard to the costs
for the services of Margelly Beltran. Mr. Greene said that the City related
activities need to be separated from the CRA Town Square Area. In Ms.
Beltran's invoice, there are items that should be attributed to the City and not the
CRA and Mr. Greene will have these taken out.
With regard to the Summary Sheet, Chairman Finkelstein inquired if the total
expenses were the Board's costs and was informed that they were material costs
as opposed to staff costs. Chairman Finkelstein inquired if the fees for
development applications are included as CRA income and Mr. Greene stated
that all income taken in by the Department goes into the City's general fund.
VI, Announcements and Presentations
Chairman Finkelstein announced that there will be a City
Commission/CRA/Planning & Development Board Workshop scheduled for
Thursday, May 10, 2001 at 6:00 p.m. in the Library Program Room. The
topic of discussion will be apartment housing and overview.
Chairman Finkelstein noted that there was a guest present from Palm Beach
County and asked if the Board would like to have the presentation made under
Public Audience or at this time. After discussion, members agreed that they
would like to hear the presentation at this time.
Ms. Meg Smith, Economic Development Specialist from the County's
Planning, Zoning & Building Department took the podium and informed the
Board that she has been charged by the County Commissioners to coordinate
Brown Field Redevelopment and said she would like to speak briefly on this
subject. A brown field is nothing more than a potentially contaminated site, which
means the site does not have to be contaminated, but a perception of
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Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
contamination must exist. The term originated in the northeast and central
sections of the United States where heavy industrialized areas have become
abandoned and are now old and brown.
In Florida, a brown field has a very different appearance and could be a
waterfront development, a gasoline station, a landfill site, or a vacant lot that
used to be a dumping ground years ago. A brown field area can be any area that
a City representative wants to designate and under the State program it is a
voluntary process and a helpful redevelopment tool.
Once an area is designated a brown field, it allows you to take advantage of a
large amount of various incentives. The State provides tax credits for property
owners. At the Federal level accelerated depreciation is permitted and the
Federal government has grants available called Brown Field Economic
Development Initiatives. Applications have a May 22nd deadline. Ms. Smith said
she would be glad to come back to speak to the Board further on this.
Ms. Smith also noted that Palm Beach County is part of a partnership, which
performs assessments on properties, and she will gather the necessary
information to present to the Board at another meeting. Chairman Finkelstein
said that Ms. Smith would be contacted to return for a future presentation.
VII. Unfinished Business
Chairman Finkelstein reminded Mr. Fenton that at the last workshop he stated
that he would like this Board to adopt the projects and priorities that were
outlined in the minutes of the March 3, 2001 workshop on Page 12.
Mr. Fenton moved that the items on Page 12 of the March 3, 2001 workshop
minutes be adopted as this Board's priorities (a copy of said page is attached to
these minutes). Motion seconded by Mr. Tillman.
Mr. Aguila noted that the Board discussed splitting the Boynton Beach
Promenade and Riverwalk into two separate items and this is not reflected in the
minutes. Mr. Aguila would like the motion to also include the Riverwalk project.
Mr. Fenton amended his motion to include the Riverwalk project. Mr. Tillman
seconded the amended motion, which unanimously carried.
VIII. Public Hearing:
Chairman Finkelstein announced that this is a public hearing and anyone wishing
to speak on any item must be sworn in. Chairman Finkelstein requested the
Attorney to administer the oath to all persons who wished to testify.
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Community Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
Zoning Code Variance:
A. Project Name:
Lot 15 & 16, Block 1 Happy Homes Heights,
Lot Frontage, Lot Area and Rear Setback
Robert Dwelle
Willie Ward
Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, Happy Home Heights
Variance requested for relief from the City of
Boynton Beach, Code of Ordinances, Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning,
Section 5.f.2.a to allow a single-family home in
a substandard R-2 zoning district lot.
Variances for: Lot Frontage, Lot Area and Rear
Mr. Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, stated that he would be rePresenting
the project and will be assisted by Ms. Octavia Sherrod from the Community
Redevelopment Department. A representative from the Local Faith Based CDC,
who is on his way to pick up a photograph of what the home will look like, will
also be present. Mr. Rumpf reported that the Local Faith Based CDC proposes to
purchase, assemble and split three lots, Lots 14, 15 and 16 within the Happy
Home Heights Subdivision, which is located on NE 12th Avenue, east of
Seacrest. The two applications are identical and the facts presented apply to
both applications.
Mr. Rumpf reported that the City's Code has built in some provisions for the
development of single family homes on non-conforming lots without a variance,
provided that several requirements are met. Those requirements are:
The lot would have to be a home platted lot;
The lot would have to be a minimum of 50 square feet or 50 feet
wide and 5,000 square feet in area;
The combining of the parcels, to make the subject lot conforming,
cannot make the adjacent lots non-conforming;
A single owner could not own and develop two adjacent lots if they
were non-conforming; and
Ownership of the lot to be developed must be owned by the person
who owned it prior to the new regulations being in place for the
non-conforming lots.
However, tonight's case does not meet all of the conditions, thus necessitating
the variance. Mr. Rumpf displayed transparencies of the lots in question and the
applications would be typical of the units already in the area, which are single
family homes and would be larger that the current homes in the area.
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Community Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
Mr. Tillman inquired if there were any landscaping requirements that had to be
met? Mr. Rumpf stated the City's landscape code, Chapter 7.5, does not apply
to a single family home or duplex.
Ms. Sherrod, Community Development Manager, took the podium and stated
with regard to landscaping, St. Augustine grass would be planted, together with
one or two trees and some shrubbery.
Mr. Tillman inquired why the City was supporting the applications and Ms.
Sherrod stated they support the applications because the houses will increase
the value of the surrounding neighborhood. In addition, it will help eliminate slum
and blight and will be putting in housing costing around $85,000. Mr. Tillman
inquired if there would be a garage and Ms. Sherrod stated the houses would
have a one-car garage and are 1,675 square feet under air, which does not
include the garage or the covered patio and front porch.
Mr. Tillman inquired if both items could be approved at the same time. Attorney
Payne stated they were separate and that separate motions would be best,
which Mr. Rumpf agreed with.
Chairman Finkelstein announced the public hearing. Since no one wished to
speak, the public hearing was closed.
Vice Chair Heavilin moved that the variance requested for relief from the City of
Boynton Beach, Code of Ordinances, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2,
Zoning, Section 5.f.2.a to allow a single-family home in a substandard R-2 zoning
district lot for Lots 15 & 16, Block 1 Happy Homes Heights, be approved. Motion
seconded by Mr. Tillman and unanimously carried.
B. Project Name:
Lot 14 & 15, Block 1 Happy Homes Heights,
Lot Frontage, Lot Area and Rear Setback
Robert Dwelle
Willie Ward
Lots 14 and 15, Block 1, Happy Home Heights
Variance requested for relief from the City of
Boynton Beach, Code of Ordinances, Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning,
Section 5.f.2.a to allow a single-family home in
a substandard R-2 zoning district lot.
Variances for: Lot Frontage, Lot Area and Rear
Mr. Rumpf noted that this is the second application from the Local Faith Based
CDC and this application applies to lots 14 and 15 and staffs supports the
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
application. Mr. Rumpf noted that a hardship applies and recommended
Chairman Finkelstein announced the public hearing. Since no one wished to
speak, the public hearing was closed.
Vice Chair Heavilin moved that the variance requested for relief from the City of
Boynton Beach, Code of Ordinances, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2,
Zoning, Section 5.f.2.a to allow a single-family home in a substandard R-2 zoning
district lot for Lots 14 & 15, Block 1 Happy Homes Heights, be approved. Motion
seconded by Mr. Tillman and unanimously carried.
Project Name:
Federal Highway Corridor Development
Michele Mellgren and Associates, Inc.
Presentation on 1st Draft
Mr. Greene introduced Ms. Michele Mellgren and Ms. Molly Hughes.
Mr. Greene updated the Board and audience on the following. Last year in
October the City Commission issued a notice of intent to declare a zoning in
progress along Federal Highway and established a six (6) month timeframe.
This was the result of concerns expressed regarding the uses being allowed
under current zoning along the Federal Highway Corridor, which lies entirely
within the CRA. The area north and south of the Central Business District was
added to the CRA in 1998. The CRA Plan was adopted in 1984 and did not
include these areas. Therefore, there was no plan for zoning for these areas.
Therefore, it was necessary to first update the CRA Plan to include these areas
and to make recommendations on rezoning.
Staff went out for RFPs and Michele Mellgren was selected as the consultant to
perform the study. Mr. Greene noted that Ms. Mellgren has done an admirable
job and members had been furnished with a copy of her report.
Mr. Greene requested that Ms. Mellgren present her draft report (a copy of which
is attached to the minutes) to the Board. Ms. Mellgren stated that Ms. Hughes
was present tonight because she collaborated with Ms. Hughes' firm, who are
transportation planners and Ms. Mellgren is an urban planner. Ms. Mellgren
wanted to make sure that her recommendations would be acceptable to the
Ms. Mellgren stated she has identified five planning areas and will point out some
of the major issues and opportunities. After that she will review the
recommended programs and projects that the CRA needs to undertake in order
Meeting Minutes -
Community Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
to initiate redevelopment. Ms. Mellgren pointed out that the CRA is starting from
scratch and the Federal Highway Corridor is a stdng of uncoordinated land use
and development. There are no historic districts or roads or downtown buildings
to rehabilitate, which puts the City behind the market competition. However, by
starting from scratch the CRA can create a vision for the downtown core area, as
well as the overall corridor.
Ms. Mellgren said she would continually stress the primary importance of
establishing sufficient density and intensity so that the population could support
the commercial redevelopment. Commercial redevelopment is an outgrowth of
the population base, which is key to redevelopment efforts along the Federal
Highway Corridor.
Five Planninq Areas
Ms. Mellgren pointed out the five planning areas that she has identified on the
map to the members and each area would be addressed individually.
[] Ama I on the northernmost area of the Corridor and Ama 5 on the
southernmost area of the Corridor are the entrances to the City.
[] Areas 2 and 4 are the gateways to downtown.
[] The final area is the corridor, which is the downtown area
For Planning Ama 1, which begins at the northern City limit to the C-16 Canal,
predominately residential is recommended for this area. Next reviewed was
the zoning and land use. The area is zoned for 10.8 dwelling units to the acre
and there is density of 38.3 units to the acre. There are a number of parcels
that are underutilized or vacant and includes mobile home sites. There is
inadequate parking, landscaping and buffering with strip mall commercial.
There are older single family uses throughout and there are some stable
communities to the south, which are on lots with very large front, rear and
side setbacks. The overall area is mixed with multi-family development in
good condition.
u Planning Area 2 begins at the C-16 Canal to NE 6th Avenue, and MLK
Boulevard is the center point of activities. On the west side of Federal
Highway there is a C-4 zoning designation and includes uses that am
incompatible with a residential neighborhood. Uses in this area include
vehicle-related uses, car washes, auto parts, U-Haul with outdoor storage,
and adult entertainment. The density around the southern edge of this area
ranges from 40, 18.1 and 17.9 units to the acre. Therefore, there is a
disparity between zoning and land use as exists in Area 1.
u Planning Area 3 is the core downtown area that extends from the north edge
of the Mangrove Nature Park to SE 2nd Avenue on the south. Its land use is
mixed use and is zoned CBD. Them are nine (9) lots that are contiguous to
the railroad that are C-4 zoning. There has been no mixed-use development
here, which is what is needed. Back in 1984 the original CRA plan called for
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
mixed-use development to include a waterfront park, a convention site hotel
and a marina project.
Planning Area 4 extends from SE 2nd Avenue to 13th Avenue. Densities are
much greater than what is allowed and there are densities that have 30, 20.3,
18.6 and 18 units to the acre. Again the maximum allowable would be 10.8
dwelling units to the acre. The west side is predominately commercial and
the uses are uncoordinated and unrelated.
Planning Area 5 extends to the southern City limits. Woolbright Avenue and
SE 23rd are two major intersections with traffic lights. In this area there are
densities of 27.7, 25.4, 32.2, and 21 units to the acre, which has the 10.8
dwelling units per acre zoning. There is also a fifth development that has 5.3
units to the acre, which is allowed. Area 5 is a mix of land uses with no
logical order of development. Some are in a state of decline and there is a
great deal of outdoor storage and display. Even though these parcels are not
within the City limits, they appear to be in the City limits and it detracts from
the corridor.
Issues and Opportunities/Redevelopment Strategie,~
Ms. Mellgren requested members refer to Page 76 of the report, which
addresses issues and opportunities, as well as redevelopment strategies.
Beginning with the downtown area, Ms. Mellgren requested members review the
bulleted paragraphs beginning on Page 78 as follows:
Establish a focal point.
[] Encourage mixed-use development.
[] Create a destination atmosphere.
[] Require urban form.
Encourage public activity in all of downtown.
Define pedestrian spaces.
[] Create a safe pedestrian environment.
[] Establish an aesthetically pleasing identity.
The issues and opportunities for the gateway areas are similar to those that are
present at the entrances to the City. Members were requested to review the
bulleted paragraphs for the Gateways and Entrances to the City as follows:
[] Establish a sense of community.
[] Protect community character.
[] Require a transition to the downtown urban form.
[] Provide for a variety of adequate housing.
[] Require compatibility between uses.
[] Enhance the visual appearance of the community.
The following strategies are recommended for the entire Federal Highway
corridor Community Redevelopment Area:
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Community Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
[] Provide consistency between existing uses and the zoning and land use map.
[] Emphasize major activity nodes.
Improve visual appearance with coordinated signage.
[] Consider a public presence.
Redevelopment Programs and Pro|ect~
Ms. Mellgren said she is recommending ten (10) programs and six (6) specific
Amend the Comprehensive Plan to create two different land use
designations for mixed use. One would be a mixed use-high designation
for the core downtown area and a mixed use-low that would apply to the
gateways to the downtown. The mixed use-low would focus on residential
uses with supporting neighborhood commercial.
Once the mixed use high and Iow is created, implement it.
Create new development standards for the mixed use-high to eliminate
restrictions on density, but maintain control over the visual appearance.
Increase the maximum conditional height in the core area from 100' to
150'. Boynton Beach needs to invite redevelopment and create incentives
to get developers to come in. This. can be done through financing
mechanisms or land acquisition. An easier way would be to increase the
intensity and density. Encourage tourist-oriented uses.
In areas 2 and 4, eliminate the restrictions on density, but control the
visual appearance. The maximum height should be increased to 75' and
eliminate the vehicle related uses in order to sustain the residential
Create new zoning districts for the R1A and R1AA located east of Federal
Highway. These are water oriented, single family detached zoning
Protect neighbOrhood communities and establish distance separation
between residential uses and uses that serve alcoholic beverages,
including adult entertainment facilities.
Develop a signage program to address the myriad of signage on Federal
Highway and to define what signage is.
Develop a design program for structures to include colors and
architectural themes and create Land Development Regulations for areas
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Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
2, 3 and 4 to address building placement, parking, parking location, mixed
uses and pedestrian chanalization. Ms. Mellgren requested that members
refer to the guidelines outlined on page 87.
Projects for the CRA to Undertake
Project 1:
Find and assemble three to five acres of land and market it for a
convention style hotel in the core downtown area.
Project 2:
Assemble land for public parking to be located west of Federal
Highway. Be sure that as demand for parking grows, the parcel
could be converted to a parking garage.
Project 3: Address the City entrance signage.
Project 4: Establish a public presence to provide community stability.
Project 5:
Address the outdoor storage located on the south end of the
corridor, which is a blighted condition.
Project 6: Provide pedestrian crossings.
Ms. Mellgren concluded her report and asked if there were any questions.
Mr. Tillman pointed out at the time the marina project was being developed, he
felt it was too small and he felt that the City needed to have a planned downtown
to include the Federal Highway Corridor. Mr. Tillman said he was very pleased
to see these ideas come to fruition and noted the importance of implementing a
plan. Mr. Tillman would like to see some type of continuum in terms of
landscaping throughout the Federal Corridor also being adopted to create a
relationship among all the areas.
Mr. Aguila commended Ms. Mellgren on an excellent job and was very impressed
with the thoroughness and detail of the report. Mr. Aguila questioned the
recommendation of considering a grocery or food store with a minimum size of at
least 27,000 square feet. Mr. Aguila pointed out that there are grocery stores
within other redevelopment areas that are smaller in size and this might be
something the Board may want to reconsider.
On Page 86, regarding Recommendation 7, Mr. Aguila inquired if Ms. Mellgren
intended to eliminate restaurants because they serve alcoholic beverages. Ms.
Mellgren said that she was referring to the other segment that sells and serves
alcoholic beverages, not restaurants, which predominately sell food.
On Page 87, regarding Recommendation 9, Mr. Aguila pointed out that a palette
of color is already being created on the Ocean Avenue area and he thinks that
Meeting Minutes -~
Community Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
the Board should build upon that instead of looking for something completely
On Page 95, Objective 2.1 states "provide incentives for development and
redevelopment". Mr. Aguila asked how the Board could identify these incentives.
Ms. Mellgren said she could provide examples. In her opinion, this should be a
policy issue of the Board to determine how the Board wants to approach
redevelopment and what incentives the Board wants to offer.
On Page 96, GOAL 3 states that "the Community Redevelopment Agency will
pursue activities and projects that will create an aesthetically pleasing
environment." On the same page, Policy 3.1A states "that vehicular orientation
shall not be permitted in the downtown community or the communities that are
the gateways to the downtown". Mr. Aguila requested clarification on this
statement. Ms. Mellgren replied that she was referring to automobile oriented
uses compared to more destination and neighborhood serving uses.
On Page 98, Mr. Aguila questioned the "safeguard' dealing with conveyance of
property and whether this referred to property conveyed through the CRA and
not private development? Ms. Mellgren stated this interpretation was correct.
Ms. Meligren said that the Plan serves two purposes: one to update text and the
second to redo the redevelopment plan for the Federal Highway Corridor. In
order to update the plan, the Florida Statutes must be followed, which is Chapter
163, Part 3, and this language comes directly from that Statute and is a technical
On Page 99, dealing with a time certain and severability, Mr. Aguila requested
clarification. Ms. Mellgren said this is another provision of Florida Statutes. Mr.
Aguila pointed out that it has been determined that the CRA does not have a time
certain and questioned how this would apply. Attorney Payne said that she has
not seen this document and would speak to Ms. Mellgren regarding this
Vice Chair Heavilin referred to Recommendation 4 on Page 84, which deals with
eliminating certain types of businesses. Vice Chair Heavilin felt that these uses
should also apply to multi use-high. Ms. Mellgren did not think that these uses
were included in multi use-high.
Chairman Finkelstein opened up the public hearing.
Mr. Mike Fitzpatrick, 101 SW 4th Avenue, Boynton Beach referred to the
Overlook Road Preserve located north of the City and purchased by the County
for $4 million and is a nine acre parcel that encompasses one-third of the entire
area of the Town of Hypoluxo. There are scrub jays on the site and until a few
years ago, there were additional birds in Boynton Beach but they have been
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Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
killed off by development. The 55-acre Seacrest Scrub is located to the south of
the City.
Three years ago the Greenways Project Team held a public charrette for
Greenways at the Library. One location for a Greenways was determined to be
the FEC railroad corridor. What is envisioned for this land is the planting of
native plants and a bikeway and that a 200' easement on both sides of the FEC
railroad be created. Mr. Fitzpatrick feels the best future for south Florida would
be high-density, quality development, surrounded by forests with connecting
roads and other means of transportation. Mr. Fitzpatrick felt that this would
attract visitors to the City. He pointed out that the City Commission recently
approved a bike connection through a new development between Golf Road and
Gulfstream Boulevard. Mr. Fitzpatrick requested that a greenway be placed in
the redevelopment plan as a base to build upon.
Chairman Finkelstein acknowledged Mayor Broening and City Manager Bressner
who were in the audience. Chairman Finkelstein closed the public audience and
asked staff what the Board's next step would be with regard to the plan.
Mr. Greene pointed out that there are a number of specific recommendations in
the plan that staff is intending to carry forward. The plan needs the approval of
the CRA, as well as the City Commission. The plan would be used to form a
basis of an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and sets the stage for
rezoning in the Federal Highway Corridor. The amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan will have to be approved by the DCA.
Mr. Greene mentioned during the last workshop that there was discussion on
whether to request that the Commission extend the notice of intent. After further
review, staff has decided not to extend the notice of intent and that staff will
attempt to initiate the plan once it has been approved by the Commission. Mr.
Greene asked Mr. Dick Hudson, Senior Planner/Comprehensive Planning, to
explain to the Board the process involved in amending the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Hudson displayed a chart showing how the DCA describes the amendment
process and then displayed a chart that he prepared which was easier to
comprehend. The dates for the City have been inserted in the amendment cycle.
Mr. Hudson explained that the City publishes the dates for closing of the
amendments and the City is allowed to amend its Comprehensive Plan twice
each year. The first hearing has traditionally been with the Planning and
Development Board and now the CRA Board will also go through the review
process with that Board. It has been determined that the earliest the
amendments could be presented to the City Commission for transmittal would be
July 3, 2001. It takes DCA approximately 90 days to issue its report that comes
back to the City which informs the City if there are any changes or corrections
that need to be made.
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Comm unity Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
After that, the City has 60 days to make changes and then take the packet
forward for adoption by the City Commission through an Ordinance. Once the
Ordinance has been adopted, staff has 10 days to assemble all the adopted
materials and send it to DCA and various review agencies. DCA has 45 days to
examine the amendments and will inform the City whether the amendments are
in compliance. If the amendments are in compliance, the citizens have 21 days
to challenge it. If no challenge comes in, the amendment becomes effective.
Therefore this process, which began on July 3, 2001, would not be completed
until February 8, 2002.
By the time the City adopts the amendments, staff can have the zoning ready to
be adopted, but it cannot become effective until the Comprehensive Plan
Amendment is approved.
Mr. Fenton inquired if the Board could isolate a particular item for fast tracking to
send a message to the business community that Boynton I~each is serious about
raising the height limit? Mr. Hudson stated that the height could be increased,
because this does not have to be included in the Comprehensive Plan.
However, he stated most of the recommendations in the study must go through
the Comprehensive Plan amendment process. However, Mr. Hudson pointed
out that this would be a piecemeal method and it would be better to do it all at
one time.
Mr. Greene replied that there are some zoning changes that could be adopted,
but there are other things that by amending the Comprehensive Plan would have
an effect upon the height change. Ms. Mellgren pointed out that if there were any
discrepancies between the City's zoning and its Comprehensive Plan, the
Comprehensive Plan would prevail.
Chairman Finkelstein inquired if staff would be addressing the Comprehensive
Plan in-house, as well as the zoning changes, and Mr. Greene replied this was
the way they were planning to do it. Mr. Greene stated that it is their objective to
do the zoning re-write, simultaneously with the Comprehensive Plan process.
Chairman Finkelstein inquired if the Board is being requested to approve the
Plan tonight in order to move forward with the zoning and Comprehensive Plan
changes and Mr. Greene replied that it was. Further, Chairman Finkelstein
inquired if the Board was being asked to approve the Plan in total or in general.
Mr. Greene said they would like the Board to endorse the Plan in total.
Chairman Finkelstein inquired how the Board would address the specific items
that Mr. Aguila raised? Mr. Greene said that the Board's approval could always
be conditioned upon further review or revision of those specific items. Mr.
Tillman pointed out that the presentation tonight was entitled first draft and he
would like to have the opportunity to study and possibly include the comments
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Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
that have been made tonight. However, Mr. Tillman said that he was ready to
approve the plan in its entirety and then have those items included.
Mr. Greene pointed out that the Plan presented tonight would remain a draft until
it is presented to the City Commission. Therefore, it is subject to amendment by
either this Board or the City Commission.
Mr. Aguila noted that the points he raised tonight concerning the Plan have never
been discussed by this Board and asked if the Board would have an opportunity
to express their opinions before the Plan becomes final? Mr. Aguila would like to
have the opportunity to have his opinion heard before the final adoption of the
Plan. Chairman Finkelstein stated that he would like to have a workshop to
review staff's changes so that this Board could have more input regarding design
Mr. Tillman said he felt tonight's report was for this Board's endorsement and that
changes and corrections could be discussed while the Comprehensive Plan is
being amended.
Mr. Bressner addressed the Board and stated he felt the report is the second
rung on the ladder of great opportunity, the first one being when the Board was
appointed. Mr. Bressner said that if the Board is comfortable with the context of
the report, pending some revisions to the report as a result of members'
comments, he would like a recommendation to the City Commission to go
forward, subject to the revisions being added to the "second edition of the report".
The second edition of the report could then have a public hearing and then be
reviewed and approved by the City Commission.
Mr. Bressner said he was in favor of the Comprehensive Plan and the zoning
amendment being done simultaneously. Mr. Bressner said that the items in the
report that are Comprehensive Plan amendments need to be reviewed
immediately by staff, the consultant and the CRA. Mr. Bressner stated that the
zoning amendments could then be reviewed, prepared and implemented. The
third stage would be to look at the zoning text amendments that are dependent
on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment being processed and approved by DCA
and then be ready when the Comprehensive Plan is approved. If all these steps
were taken, by February 2002, a complete action plan would be in place.
Mr. Bressner referred to the specific design recommendations in the report that
can be revised, reviewed and implemented, because they are not part of the
Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Bressner suggested that the CRA establish a sub-
committee to begin working on the design elements, which could be integrated
into the Plan by late summer or early fall. Mr. Bressner felt that staff may need
some help and that the possibility may exist in going to outside consulting firms in
order to meet the time line. This is not a reflection upon staff's ability, but Mr.
Bressner felt that staff has a great deal of projects they are working on and
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
because the implementation of the CRA plan is one of the Commission's prime
directives, he wants to ensure that it is ready on time.
Mr. Bressner said that he would come back to the Board to refine an action plan,
which might include outside help, particularly in the area of defining the
Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Also, Mr. Bressner would like to have some
zoning analyses to determine what has and has not worked in other
Chairman Finkelstein inquired about the Exhibit on Page 14 of her report
regarding the street layout. Ms. Mellgren said this is in the process of being
prepared and is required by Statutes.
Vice Chair Heavilin inquired that as the recommendations are being changed in
order to comply with the plan, would they be brought back to this Board and the
City Commission for review? Mr. Greene said that they would. Mr. Greene
pointed out that the goal statements are really general statements and the actual
implementation of the goal statements needs to be determined through
workshops and hearings.
Mr. Tillman moved that the CRA accept the Federal Highway Corridor
Redevelopment Plan, pending all necessary staff revisions to be placed before
the City Commission. Motion seconded by Mr. DeMarco,
Mr. Aguila requested that the motion be amended to be made subject to all the
comments made tonight. Mr. Tillman restated his motion as follows:
Mr. Tillman moved that the CRA accept the Federal Highway Corridor
Redevelopment Plan, pending all necessary revisions before it is brought before
the City Commission. Mr. Aguila stated he was seconding the motion subject to
all comments made by the Board this evening. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Aguila asked when the Board would begin to address the plan and Chairman
Finkelstein stated this could be done at the next workshop and brought before
the Board at its next meeting.
IX. New Business
IX. Public Audience
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 10, 2001
X. Other
Mr. Aguila requested that as Ordinances are changed that the members receive
copies of the final approved Ordinances and Mr. Greene said he would take care
of this with regard to Ordinances pertaining to the CRA.
Chairman Finkelstein inquired when the Plan is presented to the Commission for
approval, will a specific outline of how to implement the plan be presented at the
same time? Mr. Greene said that the Plan would be presented in that manner.
Xl. Adjournment
Mr. Aguila moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Vice Chair
Heavilin. The meeting properly adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
ReCording Secretary
(2 tapes)