Minutes 06-26-07
Barbara Ready, Temporary Chair
Cheryl Arflin
Angela Budano
Barbara Lentz
Christine Moeller
Nubia Richman
Halena Wolf
Deborah Brookes, Alternate
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art
Alan Burgess, Alternate
Temporary Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
Self-introductions were made. A quorum was present.
Ms. Coles-Dobay requested the addition of the following items: (1) Two artwork
changes for Avenue of the Arts program (artists Beth Ravits and Cobert Collins), to be
discussed under "Avenue of the Arts"; and (2) The Children's Services Council Public
Art Project, and the Boynton Town Center Public Art Project, to be discussed under C.5.
Ms. Brookes moved to amend the agenda as requested. Ms. Wolf seconded the motion
that passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Special Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2007
Ms. Wolf moved to approve the ARTavox minutes of May 22, 2007. Ms. Richman
seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced the June 2007 issue of the Greater Chamber of Commerce
Business Monthly newsletter contained an editorial on the City Hall lobby project, and
would feature the Marina Summer Fest/Avenue of the Arts in the July 2007 issue. The
newsletter was distributed to the Chamber membership and was posted on their
website. Additionally, Linda Haase, would be featuring an article in the Neighborhood
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed the Public Art Fee Collection Administrative Policy Manual
for the board's review and comments. Input could be e-mailed to Ms. Coles-Do bay,
and she would add this item for discussion at the next meeting. All City Department
Heads had reviewed the document and provided input as well.
Temporary Chair Ready noted it was necessary to elect a Chair and Vice Chair. She
opened the floor for nominations for the position of Chair.
Ms. Brookes nominated Barbara Ready to serve as Chair. Ms. Wolf seconded the
motion. Ms. Ready indicated her willingness to serve.
There were no other nominations, and Barbara Ready was unanimously elected to serve
as Chair.
Chair Ready opened the floor for nominations for the position of Vice Chair.
Ms. Lentz nominated Cheryl Arflin to serve as Vice Chair. Ms. Richman seconded the
nomination. Ms. Arflin indicated her willingness to serve.
There were no other nominations, and Cheryl Arflin was unanimously elected to serve
as Vice Chair.
Meeting Minutes
Special Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2007
A. Review of Arts Commission Ordinance
B. Purposes
C. Duties
D. Leadership
The discussion set forth below incorporated items A through D noted above.
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised the ordinance, which was taken from the Arts Commission's
Guidelines and Recommendations, was included in the packet for review purposes.
There were no changes to the ordinance. Also included for review and discussion was
the Arts Commission Advisory Board Overview.
Chair Ready suggested board members could assist Ms. Coles-Do bay with projects, as
she did not have a support staff. Ms. Coles-Dobay noted all of the members had
contributed on different levels, whether assisting with projects, sitting on a selection
panel or providing recommendations where necessary. Ms. Coles-Dobay emphasized
the importance for the Arts Commission to be the advocates of the Arts and Arts in
Public Places (AIPP) in Boynton Beach.
In furtherance of effectuating a stronger board, the absences of Mr. Burgess were
discussed. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained the process for the termination of a membership
based on absence. If applicable, the membership of Mr. Burgess would be terminated,
and a replacement would be appointed. The board discussed recruitment of members,
qualifications, and the backgrounds sought for prospective members. It was suggested
Leadership Palm Beach County could provide a pool of possible candidates.
Ms. Coles-Dobay commented she endeavored to keep the board advised of what was
going on in the City via newspaper articles and information provided at conferences.
This would assist the board when addressing the AIPP Program as well as articulating
the manner in which the Program would help to revitalize the downtown area. In
addition, Ms. Coles-Dobay offered to prepare a document consisting of bulleted
speaking points, which the board could discuss at the next meeting. The board agreed
to have Ms. Coles-Dobay prepare the document.
Ms. Cole-Dobay pointed out the board's duties included assisting in the development of
the Master plan. She advised she placed this item on the agenda for discussion
purposes in order to move forward.
Meeting Minutes
Special Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2007
A. Tag Line
The board adopted the tag line, "Enriching our Community through Public Arts."
B. AIPP Mission Statement
Ms. Coles-Dobay indicated the Mission Statement included in the packet was in draft
form and was taken from the board's Guidelines and Recommendations. She inquired
whether the board wanted to work on the Mission Statement at home and e-mail any
comments to her for discussion at the next meeting. The board opted to discuss the
Mission Statement at tonight's meeting, and believed it should be limited to one line.
Considerable discussion ensued, and the board agreed on the following Mission
Statement: "The Art in Public Places Program is dedicated to creating a cultural
environment by promoting Boynton Beach's heritage and character while stimulating
economic growth."
Ms. Budano moved to accept the Mission Statement. Ms. Brookes seconded the motion
that passed unanimously.
(Ms. Richman left the meeting.)
C. '06/,07 Program Review
1. Avenue of the Arts
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced this event would be launched at the Marina Summer Fest
on August 4, 2007. Three of the five pads had been poured. It was anticipated the
remaining pads would be poured at the end of August 2007 for the September 2007
date. This would not preclude the artists from working with the board for this event.
Artist Frank Varga advised he would place his work on a pedestal on Fourth Street and
Ocean Avenue. He would move his work, store it, and bring it back after the pads were
poured. The works of Steve DiLeonardo were slated for display at Veterans Park, and
the works of Rick Beau Lieu and Tom Brewitz were slated for the marina area. The
packet included all of the information pertaining to the artwork and artists on board at
this time.
Artist Beth Ravitz originally submitted a piece entitled "Woman 1". However, she could
not have it manufactured in time. She therefore wanted to submit a piece entitled
"Feline Foliage." Ms. Coles-Do bay circulated pictures of the artwork, the dimensions for
which were 12 feet by 8 feet by 6 feet. The piece itself consisted of abstract
Meeting Minutes
Special Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2007
silhouettes of cats situated on different areas on a pole attached to a pedestal. Board
approval was required for the change.
Ms. Wolf inquired as to rusting of the artwork. Ms. Coles-Do bay advised the program
was a year long in duration and a portion of the artwork would be replaced. One of
the factors to be considered when purchasing artwork or accepting submissions would
be the selection of artworks that would endure and which were not high-maintenance
pieces. Artists submitting their work must also provide the maintenance program
required with respect thereto. Ms. Coles-Dobay inquired whether the board approved
the new artwork submitted by Ms. Ravitz in lieu of the piece formerly submitted.
Ms. Budano moved to accept "Feline Foliage" by Ms Ravitz in place of "Woman 1". Ms.
Brookes seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Artist Cobert Collins requested the other change. He sold his original submission,
"Synercistic Rhythm," which was a ten-foot high, stainless steel and bronze piece to be
placed by City Hall. The new submission, the "Wave Factor," was an eight-foot high
stainless steel and bronze piece. Mr. Collins was to have submitted a picture.
However, Ms. Coles-Dobay had not yet received the picture. She advised she would e-
mail the image of the artwork to the board. One of the items discussed in the Avenue
of the Arts Program pertained to the sale of an artist's work prior to a scheduled event.
In the event of such sale, it was determined consideration would given be to an artwork
of similar quality, material and imagery. Ms. Coles-Dobay advised the replacement
piece would be displayed at the same location.
Ms. Budano moved to accept Cobert Collins' replacement, the "Wave Factor," for the
previously submitted "Synercistic Rhythm." Ms. Wolf seconded the motion that passed
a. Marina Summer Fest
Ms. Brookes provided a report on the event. The AIPP Program would be introduced on
August 4, 2007. The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) staff would assist in
promoting the event. Two Georges would be having their Ninth Annual Fishing
Tournament at the same time and would provide a barbecue. Other vendors would
also be located throughout the area, but basically, Two Georges would be supplying
most of the food. The entire parking lot at Two Georges would be cordoned off where
the artists would be setting up their booths. Trolley transportation would be provided.
Meeting Minutes
Special Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2007
Ocean Avenue from Seacrest Boulevard to First Street would be closed to traffic. The
Schoolhouse Children's Museum would be sponsoring its own event with numerous
activities offered in conjunction with the Police and Fire Departments. Ms. Lentz would
be coordinating with the shops at Ocean Plaza. Ms. Brookes emphasized the intent for
Summer Fest to be a quality event, promoting good art in Boynton Beach. As
applications from artists were being received slowly, Ms. Brookes encouraged the board
to invite local, quality artists, potters and sculptors, especially as this would be the first
year for the event.
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised the event itself would be held from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.,
with a variety of activities taking place at various times in different areas of the City.
Volunteers were needed to assist in the Arts Commission booth to promote the AIPP
Program. The other purpose of the AIPP booth would be to check in the artists and
direct them to their booths. Ms. Coles-Dobay advised Kathy Biscuiti, Special Events
Manager for the CRA, was very good with planning events and had everything
organized and under control. Craft vendors were not being solicited, as this event
would be the kick-off for the AAIP Program, establishing Boynton Beach as an art
community. However, if there were any crafts, the vendors would be located along the
docks. Armory booths would be set up, and Sister Cities indicated they might
participate. Ms. Wolf would also contacted the Dreyfus School. Ms. Coles-Do bay
suggested offering booths to Janet DeVries, who maintained the historical books for the
City, and Sharon Koskoff, President of the Art Deco Society of the Palm Beaches, a non-
profit group. Ms. DeVries was writing a book on the subject of fishing, and Ms. Koskoff
wrote the "Art Deco of Palm Beach County." Ms. COles-Dobay felt it would be
appropriate for both Ms. DeVries and Ms. Koskoff to be located at the marina. She also
suggested offering a booth to The Lighthouse, in Jupiter, a non-profit organization
having a community educational component. The booths would be offered to the non-
profits and the Dreyfus School, at no charge, for this year. The Visual Arts School in
Delray would be contacted, and would be charged for a booth.
Several members volunteered their services, and Ms. COles-Dobay advised she would
put together a schedule and e-mail it to the members.
2. Carolyn Sims
Ms. Coles-Do bay announced a workshop would be held on Monday, July 2, 2007 from
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. She provided flyers for distribution.
3. Eternal Flame
Ms. COles-Dobay announced this item was on the Consent Agenda at the last
Commission Meeting and approved, and the City Commission was moving forward in
Meeting Minutes
Special Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2007
the direction of the Eternal Flame Public Art Memorial at Bicentennial Park. However,
the item is on hold at this time, as the Veterans Advisory Commission would be
providing a presentation to the City Commission in August 2007 with regard to the
submission of another memorial.
4. CRA Public Arts Projects
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced several locations were explored and the CRA was moving
forward with a Master Plan company to come into the City. A charrette would be held
on July 21, 2007 at the Women's Club. Ms. Coles-Dobay urged the board to attend and
advised she would e-mail the official notice to the board members upon her receipt
thereof. One of the issues to be discussed at the charrette would be the Old High
School. (Continued later in the meeting).
IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Taken out of order)
A. Artists Space Study
1. Resource Companies to Perform Study
2. Develop Scope of Work
3. Coordinate Scope with Partners
4. Approval by City Commission
The items set forth above were incorporated into the following discussion.
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised the board would move forward with the needs assessment for
artists' space in order to determine whether there was a market for this in Palm Beach
County and whether Boynton Beach would be a feasible location for such project. She
sent an e-mail to the board's cultural partners, seeking their input on the scope of
services to be included in the needs assessment. She requested board input as well.
Thereafter, she would prepare the scope of work and solicit quotes from three
companies, which was consistent with City policy. Board approval would be required for
any organization partnering in the study.
With regard to the Needs Assessment Study, Ms. COles-Dobay estimated the cost at
$5,000 to $10,000. However, she pointed out the board would receive financial
assistance from its cultural partners. Prior to any commitments being made, the board's
approval would be required. Thereafter, it would be presented to the participating
partners, and then submitted to the City Commission.
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised of a grass roots community group, which would be meeting
on Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at the Women's Club. While the Arts
Meeting Minutes
Special Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2007
Commission could attend, the Arts Commission would remain independent of the grass
roots community group.
4. CRA Public Arts Projects (Continued)
· Mural Recommendation
Ms. Coles-Dobay requested the board's approval to present the project to the
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA).
Board discussion ensued. While the board believed in the project, it was noted it would
be premature to expend any monies at this time, pending clarification from the CRA as
to whether they wanted a recommendation from the Arts Commission. Thereafter,
action could be taken. Ms. Coles-Dobay provided a background on the scope of the
proposed project, which included thoughts on how to create a temporary fix for the Old
High School. She met with a muralist with respect thereto. Ms. COles-Dobay pointed out
suggestions would be required to go before the CRA and, thereafter, any decisions by
the CRA would be brought to the City Commission at a future meeting.
It was the consensus of the board to keep the idea on hold pending further clarification.
5. Added Items
· Boynton Town Center Public Art Project (Added to agenda)
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed depictions of the final submission. The depictions reflected
the location for the artwork. The change involved the pictures of the horses, which
would incorporate smaller and larger pictures to fill the space and make it more
i nteresti ng.
Ms. Wolf moved to accept. Ms. Budano seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
· The Children's Services Council Public Art Project (Added to
A panel was selected and narrowed down to three artists. Out of the three artists, Frank
Varga and George Gadson, made their presentations. The selection was George
Gadson. The building had a main entrance and two huge columns on either side.
Thus, there was a main entrance with two large open areas, and this is where the art
would be placed. Ms. Cole-Dobay circulated a concept of the artwork, which was made
of bronzes attached to a steel structure with Plexiglas. The Plexiglas added a safety
feature to the piece, making it virtually hurricane proof. Each piece was 4 by 4, 12 feet
Meeting Minutes
Special Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2007
tall, and a foot and a half wide. The base was 8 x 8 x 24. The artist spent a good deal
of time visiting the site and spoke with the interested parties in order to discern the
criteria sought. He considered the color scheme, the architectural design of the
building, and invested considerable time and thought into the project. Mr. Gadson was
clearly the winner. Ms. Coles-Dobay advised the board's approval was required.
Ms. Budano moved to approve. Ms. Moeller seconded the motion that passed
There being no further business, the meet properly adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
~ QJ--
Stephanie D. Kahn
Recording Secretary