Minutes 06-29-07
ON FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007 AT 9:00 A.M.
Jerry Taylor, Mayor
Jose Rodriguez, Vice Mayor
Ron Weiland, Commissioner
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Carl McKoy, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 9 a.m.
I.D.Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Mr. Bressner advised there was on add-on with respect to an agreement with Nextel. A
frequency change on the radio system had been required by the FCC. There would be no cost
to the City. Mayor Taylor indicated the item should be added as Item VI.C.l0.
Commissioner McCray requested an update on the Youth Violence Prevention Program be
added to the agenda. Mayor Taylor indicated the update would be added under IX. City
Manager's Report, Item B.
Vice Mayor Rodriguez commented all the liaisons from the advisory boards should be asked to
contact Neighborhood Services or Regenia Scott regarding any activity involving youth violence
programs so it could be coordinated. Mr. Bressner agreed to make that contact. Commissioner
McCray asked for the name of the CRA member participating in the Youth Violence Prevention
Program. Vice Mayor Rodriguez advised Lisa Bright had been participating.
Vice Mayor Rodriguez inquired if letters from the Urban Form Design Group Inc. on the validity
of the Ocean Breeze RFP had been reviewed by the Legal Department. Attorney Cherof advised
he had not reviewed the letters, but would do so.
VI.B.l. Approve the piggyback on the contract of Solid Waste Authority of Palm
Beach County, to PHILLIPS &. JORDAN, INC. for Debris Collection and Disposal 2007
Hurricane Season. The RFP #07-240, is to be utilized as an insurance policy on an
"AS NEEDED BASIS". All expenditure will be eligible for reimbursement from FEMA.
Commissioner McCray inquired if any minority firms had been considered. Mr. Bressner noted it
was a piggyback to the County's procurement process and the County would have to be
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
June 29, 2007
VI.C.2.Proposed Resolution No. R07- RE: Approving the co-location
of Metro PCS on the existing telecommunications tower at the Public Works
Compound (222 NE 9th Avenue).
Commissioner McCray inquired if any funds would be received from Metro PCS. Mr. Bressner
advised there would be a revenue stream and Mr. Mummert would be able to provide those
VI.C.7.Proposed Resolution No. R07- RE: Approving and
authorizing execution of Amendment #4, Task Order No. 17 to CH2M Hill
totaling $70,041 for additional engineering services as the construction of the
City's Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well No.2 (ASR-2) nears completion.
Commissioner McCray advised he would pull the item for an explanation and public discussion.
VI.C.9.Proposed Resolution No. R07- RE: Approving and
authorizing execution of the Planning Funding Agreement with Nextel
Operations, Inc. for the reconfiguration of the public safety 800 MHz
frequency band. There are no costs to the City association with this project.
Commissioner McCray suggested a figure be obtained and announced for the public, relating to
cost savings that would be generated. Major Frank Briganti advised there would be no actual
cost or savings as the FCC required Nextel to make the changes nationwide due to a conflict in
banding that Nextel created. Mr. Bressner suggested research be done to determine the cost to
Nextel for the entire project. Doug Solomon estimated the cost to Nextel was several million
dollars. Commissioner McCray advised he would probably pull the item for discussion.
VII.A. Accept the Settlement Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and
Jeanne Go, M.D. and Ka Hock Go, M.D. and Go &. Go, M.D., P.A. for the recovery
of staff's total administrative costs and attorney's fees of $5,000 associated
with Code Compliance cases 04-2232 &. 06-731.
Commissioner McCray needed to know what was done and why it was settled for $5,000. He
would pull the item for public discussion.
(aka Uptown Lofts @ Boynton Place)
Epoch Properties, Inc.
Epoch Properties, Inc.
Extending 300 feet south of SE 12th Avenue
Request for abandonment of a 50 feet wide by 300 feet long
utility easement containing an area of 15,000 square feet or 0.34
acre. (1st Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 07-)
Vice Mayor Rodriguez inquired if the City wanted the easement for any reason. Mr. Bressner
indicated staff had determined there were no City utilities or anticipated future use. Mr. Rumpf
indicated any utilities were relocated and reservations made if needed.
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
June 29, 2007
IX.A. Report on negotiations with Intown Partners LLC, City and CRA - Heart of
Boynton and Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard.
Commissioner McCray inquired when the final vote for the project would be held. Mr. Bressner
advised any vote would be at the Commission's discretion. There had been direction to bring
the matter back before the Commission on July 3rd for discussion and possible action on the
issue. Mr. Bressner had prepared a list of possible alternatives including terminating the
discussions. Commissioner McCray advised he would be calling for a vote on the matter.
XI.B. Resolve the issue of access and funding of access to the Ocean 95 Project
Mayor Taylor anticipated public comments and suggested a motion and vote be taken first.
Commissioner McCray advised he would make a motion and would not need further public
XIII.A.Discussion of disposition of Old High School (Request postponement to
August 21, 2007)
Mayor Taylor noted there was a request from staff to table any discussion until August 21.
Commissioner McCray inquired if the Historical Society would be allowed to make a
presentation. Mr. Bressner explained the request to table any discussion until August 21st
would give sufficient time for all interested parties to prepare presentations. Mayor Taylor
maintained the Old High School was under the CRA's jurisdiction. Vice Mayor Rodriguez
indicated he asked the item be added to the agenda due to the reverter clause.
Vice Mayor Rodriguez mentioned the appointment of the Chair and Vice Chair for the CRA
should be added to the agenda also. Mr. Bressner advised there was not a timeline involved. A
chair pro tem would be Mayor Taylor in the interim. There would be an organizational meeting
of the CRA on July 10th. The appointments could be made at any time. Mayor Taylor
suggested the selection should be done at the July 3rd meeting. Attorney Cherof advised the
appointments would be added to the agenda under V. Administrative, Item A.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mayor Taylor properly
adjourned the meeting at 9:14 a.m.
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
June 29, 2007
dith A. Pyle
Deputy City Clerk
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