Minutes 07-09-07
Mark Bobich, Chair
Chuck Magazine, Acting Chair
Catherine Cherry-Guberman, Secretary
Ray Altman
Craig Clark
Angelena Quinn
Dorothy Mack
Chris Mitchell
Jody Rivers
Leslie Rogers
Barbara Scott
Rodney Vicki
Pam Welsh
Risk Mangement
City Clerk
Fire Rescue
Public Works
Human Resources
Recreation and Parks
Finance Warehouse
City Manager
Glendon Morgan (Cathy McDeavitt)
Eric Falstad (David Bailey)
Golf Course
I. Call to Order
Chair Bobich called the meeting to order at 11:09 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and announced a quorum was present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of June 11, 2007 Regular Meeting
There was consensus to accept the meeting minutes as presented.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 9, 2007
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program - "LOTO"
Chair Bobich had a video about a program called "LaTa" which stands for
LockoutjTagout for Safety.
This program was developed by the American Waterworks Association and
pertained to the safety of electrical equipment, or any other type of equipment
where energy could be retained or released. Water was only once source of
energy and the safety concept could be adapted to accommodate other sources
of energy, which could be isolated.
The video provided definitions, common applications, devices and other elements
that could assist in reducing accidents on the job. Highlights included turning off
the machine or equipment before commencing work on it. Disconnecting the
equipment and the circuits from the power source and locking out the energy
sources and operating controls, with a lock that holds the control in the off
position was being promoted.
The video further explained placing a tag stating only authorized personnel may
reconnect the power, operate the controls or remove the tag was beneficial. The
video explained how testing to ensure the circuit and equipment were really de-
energized was important.
Once the work was over, qualified employees could ensure the tools and
equipment were removed from the area previously worked on and supervise the
removal of the log or tag.
The video explained a group lockout procedure could be used. It highlighted the
importance of a written energy control program. Training and follow up
procedures should be used when servicing equipment. The program should have
a scope, purpose, authorization and technology to be used and should detail
under what circumstances the program should be implemented and when. Steps
for placement, and removal of the equipment should be included. Employees
and their agents and contractors should have access to the program and
ensuring they would follow the program was paramount.
It was noted the video was geared towards water utilities, but the concept was
good for other types of utilities.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 9, 2007
Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Mr. Clark announced the Library had a false alarm. The building was vacated,
but it was not determined what caused the alarm to sound.
At City Hall after hours and before a Cemetery Board meeting, the fire alarm
sounded twice. It also was not known what caused the alarm to sound.
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
None. The members were asked to document employees exhibiting safe work
practices. Employees would be appropriately recognized at the safety meetings.
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
The members were asked to please schedule these meetings routinely for their
respective departments.
D. Defensive Driver Course
The members were asked to schedule these meetings routinely for their
respective departments. Ms. Quinn noted there was a scheduling problem with
Solid Waste because the employees were out on route during the times the
course was offered. Ms. Quinn was referred to Risk Management to reserve a
date and time that was appropriate for the employees to take all at once and
they would be accommodated.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
None. Vice Chair Magazine indicated the Safe Worker Award form was on the
shared drive.
F. Designated Smoking Area, City Hall
Chair Bobich explained employees were smoking in the designated area,
however, it was now being kept clean. No formal decision had been made by
the City Manager on whether to discontinue smoking on City property.
The Human Resources Department set up two smoking cessation classes. They
were schedule on July 25 from 4-5 and on July 26, from 11-12. Both classes
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 9, 2007
would take place in the City Commission Chamber. Representatives from the
Palm Beach County Health Department, and the American Cancer Society would
be present.
G. Broken Curb and Wheel Stops - Development
This item was added due to comments Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning
Director, had received regarding City property/premises in need of repair. Ms.
Quinn would contact Glenda Hall about repairs.
H. Smoking Cessation Classes - Human Resources
This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.
I. Other
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
Mr. Altman asked if the committee was interested in starting a near miss
accident reporting system. He explained he was aware situations would arise
that were potentially life threatening and steps could be taken or training given
to avoid them. Additionally a methodology to help identify potential accidents on
an anonymous basis could be beneficial. The committee was not opposed to the
concept and a form would be put on the shared drive or in the Safety
Newsletter. A drop box method could be instituted.
Mr. Altman would send out sites and reports for the committee members to
review. The near miss system would be used City-wide, not just for City Hall.
B. Other
VII. Announcements
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 9, 2007
VIII. Next Meeting Date
The next meeting would be on Monday, August 13, 2007 at 11:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 11:44 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry-Guberman
Recording Secretary