~IULY 3, 2001, 5:30 P.M.
Gerald Broening, Mayor
Ron Weiland, Vice Mayor
Mike Ferguson, Commissioner
Charlie Fisher, Commissioner
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
]ames Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Mayor Broening.
Assistant City Manager Wilfred Hawkins stated that he wanted to 1) discuss contract
tow rates, 2) rates for City vehicles, 3) get City Commission direction regarding the
option of a franchise fee and 4) move forward with the Request For Quote (RFQ)
process for the towing contract.
He stated that the current towing contract began May 20, 1997 and has been in effect
for four years. Towing is done on a rotation basis among six companies. Prior to this
time, the City was served by one company. The reason for a towing contract is to
provide the ability to tow City owned vehicles, wrecked cars and junked or abandoned
vehicles. He explained the RFQ process and the timetable. The process would begin
approximately July 13 and the new contract would become effective October 1, 2001.
iVlr. Hawkins said that he needed direction from the City Commission regarding two
issues - rates to be charged in the new contract and rates for City owned vehicles and
Code Compliance tows. Current rates have been in effect since 1997. The proposed
rates were presented by local tow companies. According to a Finance Department
survey of eight cities, Boynton Beach would have the highest rates.
Mr. Hawkins asked the City Commission to make a determination whether they want to
maintain the current rates, adopt the rates proposed by the industry or set rates
somewhere in between.
Meeting Minutes
Tow Services Contract Renewal Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
.luly 3, 2001
According to the survey, most municipalities have reduced rates or no charge for
City owned vehicles. Prior to 1997, the City was not charged for City owned
vehicles. The City is charged 50% of the contract price in the current contract.
Staff recommends that this remain. The proposed contract says that abandoned,
unregistered or wrecked vehicles are to be towed at no cost to the City. Other
changes to the current contract came from local towing companies and are
language clarifications and procedural adjustments. Most of these changes are
either in bold or underlined and staff agrees with these changes.
David Katz, 742 NW 11 Street - Respectfully corrected Mr. Hawkins. This contract
has been in effect since 1993 and not since 1997. Since 1993, towing has been on
a rotation basis. He is glad to see that the charge for City owned vehicles would
remain at 50%. He suggested that we need a second workshop between the City
Commission and the tow companies. He does not think this survey is a fair
representation and he does not think it is fair to charge a franchise fee.
Mr. Bressner commented that he believes it is a staff function to get together with
the towing companies. ]:t is the City Commission's responsibility to give direction.
Mr. Katz agreed.
Steve Beck, Beck's Towinq - He believes the proposed rates are fair considering that
the cost of a tow truck went up $7,000 in one year and his rent went up $800 in the
past two years. Other cities in the survey are served by a single tow company and
some are much larger cities with many more tows. One third of vehicles that he
tows for the City of Boynton Beach never get picked up so no money is made on
them. He believes an increase in rates is needed.
Mr. Bressner stated that a question had come up whether it was equitable for the
tow companies to open up their impound area after hours at no additional charge.
He suggested that language should be included in the contract to charge for this
occurrence for individuals. However, there should not be a charge to the City.
Vice Mayor Weiland stated that he agrees with most of the contract. However,
there needs to be a labor rate for C vehicles because these vehicles need to have
the drive shaft removed before they are towed. He recommended $25 to $35 an
hour. He also recommended some slight increases for class B and C towed vehicles
as well as increases for extra time at the scene.
Meeting Minutes
Tow Services Contract Renewal Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
3uly 3, 2001
Mayor Broening asked when the last increase occurred and was told there have
been no rate increases since 1993.
Commission McCray agreed that the tow companies need an increase.
Mr. Hawkins merely wanted to get general direction from the Commission. Staff
wants something economical for the City and fair to the people.
Commissioner Ferguson stated that the rates look fair to him.
Vice Mayor Weiland said that Code Compliance vehicles were not nearly as lucrative
as other tows so some tow companies do not pick them up. There should be
something in the contract for a penalty when this happens. Also, the tow
companies must do better on cleaning up after accidents. He would like language in
the contract relative to the above.
Mayor Broening stated that he believed the consensus of the Commission was that
there needs to be a rate adjustment. City staff and tow companies should sit down
and discuss the issues before this comes back for a formal decision from the
Commission. The Mayor questioned the franchise fee.
Mr. Bressner stated that there are administrative costs involved.
Mayor Broening is not in favor of a franchise fee.
Commissioner Fisher asked how we would cover our administrative cost.
Mayor Broening stated that it is the City's responsibility to clean up after accidents,
etc. He thought recovery of the administrative costs was a good negotiable item
when the City staff works with the tow companies on the contract prices.
Vice Mayor Weiland stated that we should figure administrative costs and what the
City would pay at 100% rather than 50% and see how they compare.
Commissioner McCray suggested that staff should do an evaluation on companies
regarding complaints for next renewal time.
Mr. Bressner wants to avoid having the highest rates in Palm Beach County. He
wants an equitable rate structure that provides true costs and he would expect the
tow companies to provide that documentation. There are some administrative
Meeting Minutes
Tow Services Contract Renewal Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
.luly 3, 2001
There was a consensus of the Commission that they do not want a franchise fee or
an administrative fee.
IVlr. Hawkins asked who he should contact for negotiations with the tow companies
and was told to contact Mr. Katz.
The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
S:\CC\WP\MINUTES\COMM\Workshop - Towing 07030:L.doc