Minutes 07-25-000
Lee Wische, Chairman
J. Stanley Dube, Vice Chairman
Larry Finkelstein
Michael Friedland
Woodrow Hay
Steve Myott
Maurice Rosenstock
Robert Ensler; Alternate .
Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning
Nicholas ►gwe, Assistant City of
Boynton Beach Attorney
Lusia Galav, Senior Planner
Pat Frazier, Alternate
Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. and led the Board and
audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chairman Wische introduced the Board members, staff, and welcomed all visitors to the
Mr. Rosenstock made a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Finkelstein seconded the
motion that carried 7-0.
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2000 meeting as
submitted. The motion was seconded and carried 7-0.
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 25, 2000
A. Planning and Zoning Report
Mr. Rumpf reported on the disposition of the following items by the City
Commission at their July 18 2000 meeting;
(1) Woolbright Professional Plaza (Nguyen), a medical office building, was
approved on consent.
(2) Woolbright Medical Building (Freeman) — This Board's recommendation
to postpone, pursuant to the request of the applicant, was also approved
to time this item with the variance process for height exception.
(3) The Bethesda Hospital Site Plan was approved.
(4) The Wood Partners Text Amendment to amend our Comprehensive Plan
High Density Land Use Classification Density maximum was withdrawn.
(5) The Wood Partners Land Use Plan Amendment, the site-specific land use
amendment, was approved.
(6) The Bay Vista front setback variance for structures within the setback was
(7) Under second reading, the M1 zoning district was amended to include
text which allows approved uses which are undefined or not addressed
elsewhere in the zoning code.
(8) The abandonment of the Quantum Park PID utility easement was
(9) The amendment of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from
Local Retail Commercial to Special High Density Residential requested
for Altman aka Bay Vista Project was approved.
(10) The Bay Vista rezoning was approved.
(11) , The code amendment to allow fences, hedges and walls within the front
setback of multi -family zoning from four feet to six feet was approved on
first reading.
(12) The code item that changes the methodology used for the calculation of
parking spaces for recreation areas was approved on first reading.
Change of Venue for Planning and Development Board
Chairman Wische commented that he had been hospitalized during the recent transfer
of meeting; place for the group. He believed, in spite of an apologetic letter, that the City
Manager should have discussed it with the Board Chairman beforehand. He also stated
that the City Manager had been kind enough to come to his house to discuss the matter
with him since he was incapacitated. He mentioned the recent Planning and
Development meeting, where there had been a "musical chairs„ type of scenario. The
crowd exceeded the fire Limitations of Conference Room "C" and had to move to the
Chambers, where the Board and staff had to sit on hard metal chairs for a three-hour
meeting. The Board was not allowed to sit on the dais. His opinion as Chairman of this
Board, was that in a city that is trying to be world-class, this circumstance is not
consistent with that goal In the next few years there will be many such large meetings
as the redevelopment and revitalization effort proceeds. Hopefully, there will be a light
at the end of the tunnel. To Chairman Wische's knowledge, Planning and Development
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 25, 2000
Boards always meet in City Chambers. This was borne out by a person who worked for
the State and in all his years, he does not remember being anywhere but in the
Chairman Wische quoted an excerpt of a letter from Wood Partners, which is attached to
these minutes and made a part hereof. The excerpt he read is as follows:
Dear Sir:
"I would like to commend the Boynton Beach
Development Board members on your professionalism,
experience and intelligence. 1 mean this with all
sincerity. I_ have dealt with similar advisory boards_ in
nearly a dozen municipalities throughout the
southeastern United States over the past nine years and
found Boynton Beach's to be among the most
competent of any I have encountered. In particular, I
appreciated your intelligent questions and believe you
moderated the proceedings at an appropriate pace.
Please accept my compliments and continue to serve
Boynton Beach's citizens with your time, energy and
Mr. Jason McArthur of Wood Partners signed the letter. Chairman Wische asked that
the letter be entered into the record.
Zoning Code Variance
1. Project Name: Bruce Black — Fence Variance
(Postponement requested by the applicant)
Agent/Owner: Bruce Black
Location: 321 S.W. 1't Avenue
Description: Request relief from Chapter 2 -Zoning,
Section 4 General Provisions,J.1. — Other
Structures, requesting a variance to
allow a maximum front yard fence height
of five (5) feet which is a one (1) foot
variance from the four (4) foot maximum
height allowed.
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 25, 2000
Mr. Dub6 moved to approve applicant's request for postponement. Mr. Hay seconded
the motion that carried 7.0.
Chairman Wische asked anyone wishing to speak on any item on the agenda to rise and
be sworn in by Assistant City Attorney Igwe. The persons who wished to speak were
duly sworn in.
A contingent of 5-6 people was in the audience to speak about the postponed zoning
variance, item 7.A.1. A woman from the group asked why the group that had received a
notice to attend this meeting on the zoning variance was not notified that it had been
postponed?. She stated that she had taken off work for the evening and had now lost
that income. She mentioned getting one envelope from the City that was empty. She
then got a second letter four days later with a notice of this hearing. The question was
deferred to Mr. Rumpf, who acknowledged that there had been an error that had been
corrected with the second mailing. He said that once something is legally advertised,
the only way it can be postponed is through this Board's recommendation. The meeting
has to take place. Mr. Rosenstock asked Mr. Rumpf when the City knew that Mr. Black
had requested a postponement? The response was that the letter had been dated July
7, 2000. Mr. Rumpf stated he did not believe there was a process for reissuing notices
when an applicant has requested postponement.
Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that whether this Board recommended approval or denial of
the variance, the group would still have to appear two times: once for the initial hearing
before the Board and again when the Commission considered the matter and rendered a
final decision. Mr. Rumpf stated that if a person wished to speak and was unable to
attend, he/she could either send a representative to the hearing or a letter to the
Planning & Development Board Chairman and/or the City Commission, to make their
opinions known.
Ms. Galav stated that the variance hearing for Mr. Black had been postponed until the
August 8, 2000 meeting of this Board and that he would not be able to put up the fence
until and unless a favorable judgment had been obtained from the City Commission.
The Board commiserated with the people who were inconvenienced by the
postponement and the consensus on the Board was that it would be a good idea to have
some kind of notice in the future. Mr. Rumpf stated he would have no problem with
including a statement on the notice that said something to this effect: "The applicant has
the right to request a postponement of this issue. If you desire to confirm the meeting
date, please telephone XXX-XXXX."
New Site Plan
I Project Name:
P.G.D., Inc. — Second Facility
Richard C. Aherns Companies
Mr. Chris O'Hara, P.G.D., Inc.
Meeting Minutes'
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 25, 2000
Location: Lot 6, High Ridge Commerce Park
Description: Request for new site plan approval
to construct a 25,960 square foot,
industrial warehouse on 1.099 acres
Mr. -Greg Celentano, representing Richard C. Aherns Companies, was sworn in by
Assistant City Attorney igwe. Mr. Celentano stated that his company was aware of all
the staff comments and took exception to none.
Chairman Wische asked for further comments from staff and there were none.
Chairman Wische opened the public hearing. There was no one who wished to speak.
Mr. Finkelstein commented on only having one dumpster for the size of the facility. Mr.
Rumpf did not believe that there was a written standard. He thought that Public Works
had a good sense of logic and history as to what was required for certain uses and
wouldact with the company to get more if necessary.
Mr. Dube moved to approve the request for a new site plan approval to construct a
25,960 square foot industrial warehouse on 1.099.acres subject to all staff comments.
Mr. Finkelstein seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0.
2. Project Name: The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter -Day Saints
Agent: Franz Joseph Shropa
Owner: The Presiding Bishop of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints
Description: Request for new site plan approval to
construct a 11,755 square foot church
on 4.26 acres
Mr. ,Franz Shropa, architect speaking on behalf of the Church, was sworn in by
Assistant City Attorney Igwe.
Chairman Wische stated that there were 21 staff comments and asked that the applicant
address only the ones he disagreed with or on which clarification was required.
Mr. Shropa stated that the comments had been discussed and the Church concurred
with all the comments.
Chairman Wische opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the
Mr. Dube asked for the colored renderings of the project, which the architect produced
and shared with the Board members, who examined them.
Mr. Finkelstein commented on the height exception, comment #21, which stated that "A
height exception is required to allow the height of the steeple to exceed 45 feet. (Ch.
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 25, 2000
2.Sec.4.F.)." Mr. Finkelstein noted that the height appeared to 66-1/2 feet and the
applicant stated it was actually 66 feet, 11 -3/4 inches from finished grade, six inches off
the building.
Mr. Friedland asked how long it would take the edifice to be completely built? The
applicant responded, 10 months.
Mr. Ensler asked a question about the raised rostrum and if there were a ramp for the
handicapped leading to it? The applicant replied that there was no handicap ramp,
stating that Federal regulations exempted houses of worship from this requirement. He
went on to say that the church believed there was a moral obligation to provide it and
would do so if the need for it arose.
Mr. Dub6 moved to approve the request for new site plan approval to construct an
11,755 square foot church on 4.26 acres for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day
Saints, subject to all staff comments. Mr. Hays seconded the motion. The motion
carded 7-0.
1 Chairman Wische commented on a discussion he had with the City Attorney
regarding the Board's discussions with applicants and the issue of intimidation or
perceived intimidation. Chairman Wische maintained that it was the right and privilege
of the Board to ask someone to do more than the Code requires. The Board may not
demand it and cannot infer that it may not vote for it if the applicant refuses. Chairman
Wische cautioned the Board that no inference as to how one is to vote can be made
unless a motion has first been made on the subject matter.
2) The Board again discussed the current procedures pertaining to
postponements and noticing, affirming their belief that the wording of the notices needed
to be more explanatory. There was some feeling on the Board that the applicant
requesting postponement should be required to pay for the notice.
Mr. Rumpf commented that the same procedure had been followed for at least fourteen
years with no problems. Mr. Myoft believed that things should stay as they are now for
the reason that a person could call Mr. Rumpf at4 p.m. on the day of the meeting and
be told that the applicant had requested a postponement. Then, when the meeting
convened, the applicant could, theoretically, appear and say, I changed my mind, let's
go ahead with this". Mr. Rumpf believed that the Board would probably not recognize an
applicant who had already applied for a postponement and who suddenly appeared and
changed his/her mind.
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida- July 25, 2000
Mr. Hay brought up the point about the vote for postponement being a moot vote. He
asked under what circumstances would they ever deny a postponement? Mr.
Rosenstock did not believe that a vote should be taken on postponements, saying that
once the person had requested postponement, the matter was finished. He believed the
Board should be notified of the request on the agenda, where it would simply state
"Postponement Granted". Mr. Friedland agreed with Mr. Rosenstock and Mr. Hay. The
Board asked Assistant City Attorney Igwe to get with City Attorney Cherof to get some
rules and regulations in place to clarify the issue.
Having no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was duly adjourned
at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
July 12. 2000
J. Stanley Dube
Vice Chair
Boynton Beach Planning and Development Board
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P O Box 310
Boynton Beach, FG 3342 5-03 10
Dear Sir:
I would like to commend the Boynton Beach Development Board members on your
professionalism, experience and intelligence. I mean this with all sincerity. I have dealt
with similar advisory boards in nearly a dozen municipalities throughout the southeastern
United States over the past 9 years and found Boynton Beach's to be among the most
competent of any of I have encountered. In particular, I appreciated your intelligent
questions and believe you moderated the proceedings at an appropriate pace. Please
accept my complements and continue to serve Boynton Beach's citizens with your time,
energy and talents.
While 1 wholeheartedly mean everything expressed above, I feel compelled to mention
that I was disappointed that you dismissed our text amendment request without giving
due consideration to the merits of the proposed amendment. You voted against it on the
basis that the city would not make universal zoning code changes to accommodate an
individual project. I firmly believe that a change in the definition of high density
residential from 10.8 units per acre to -12.1 would benefit Boynton. Most of the
apartment communities that have been built in Boynton in recent years have an actual
density of 15 to 18 dwelling units per acre. As aerials of the city indicate, Boynton
Beach is fast running out of 50+ acre tracts on which 15 to 16 unit multi -family densities
can be achieved along side companion office, commercial or lower density residential
uses through the PUD zoning mechanism. As most of the desirable remaining parcels in
the city limits are less than 20 acres, I believe that the city will have to face the reality
that it needs higher residential densities in the near future.
lt;rtJ i'urhr<rc i a C;ruur, ,( ! iIII ihccl l_I,INfit y ( anhanit s
'70(} Nr it! in Klrnr ;e.. (F -.n. Starr 130 13cx-\ 1' r�r:, I -i( t 33131
I thank your for yok time and attention last night an<I for your support of our proposed
zoning change for church property. My hope for this rental community is that it will
exceed your expecF ions and raise the har for all future apartment projects built in
Boynton Beach.
Jason McArthur