Minutes 08-31-07 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA PREVIEW MEETING HELD IN BOYNTON BEACH, CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 2007 AT 9:00 A.M. Present: Jerry Taylor, Mayor Ron Weiland, Commissioner Mack McCray, Commissioner Carl McKoy, Commissioner Kurt Bressner, City Manager James Cheraf, City Attorney Janet Prainito, City Clerk Absent: Jose Rodriguez, Vice Mayor CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. 1. First Budget Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2007/08 Budget 2. Proposed Resolution No. R07-100 Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2007/08 Re: Adopting the Proposed 3. Proposed Resolution No. R07-101 Budget for Fiscal Year 2007/08 Re: Adopting the Tentative Commissioner McCray requested staff's proposals to further reduce the budget since the budget workshop hearings. Mr. Bressner did not recall any request for additional cuts beyond what had been presented during the workshop. He noted the budget was balanced and the Commission had approved the budget in concept previously. Commissioner McCray maintained an updated version was needed to reflect any further reductions suggested by staff including any comments. Commissioner Weiland expressed his concern with the reduction of a staff position in the Recreation and Parks Department and suggested every effort be made to retain the employee in another position. Mr. Bressner advised he would be meeting with the employee. Commissioner McCray agreed with Commissioner Weiland's concerns. 1 Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Boynton Beach, FL August 31, 2007 Mayor Taylor confirmed the budget and resolutions would be public hearings. Mr. Bressner questioned if it was the Commission's direction to restore the position. Commissioner Weiland reiterated his concern for the employee's pension and hoped discussion among the entire Commission could be held at the meeting. Commissioner McCray joined with Commissioner Weiland requesting discussion regarding the position. Mayor Taylor understood it was difficult to make cuts and cross training to another position might be possible. Mr. Bressner concurred it was being pursued. He cautioned there were no positions available at the pay grade level of the current employee. A salary cut would be necessary for the opportunities that were available. III.C.2.Presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to the City of Boynton Beach in appreciation for outstanding support of D Company 2-327 of the 101 st Airborne and selfless service and devotion to the soldiers and their families. Mayor Taylor commented Carisse LeJeune had written a narrative on her trip and he intended to read it at the meeting. V. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Taylor pointed out there was an applicant for the Cemetery Board. VI.A.1. Regular City Commission - August 21,2007 Commissioner McCray thanked staff for making the minutes available to him in a more timely fashion. VI.B.1.Authorizing the restoration of two sections of 8" sewer mains on Quantum Boulevard by utilizing the Polk County Board of County Commissioners' Bid No. 06-133 which was awarded to Killebrew, Inc. of Lakeland, Florida. The anticipated cost for this repair is $218,314.68. Commissioner McCray advised he would pull the item for discussion relating to the timeframe for completion of the work. VI.D. Authorize the Financial Services Department to reduce the Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts by $34,918.02 in the Sanitation Fund and by $24,011.03 in the General Fund. Commissioner McCray indicated he would pull the item for discussion and Mayor Taylor added he also had questions on the item. XII.C.3.Proposed Ordinance No. 07-026 Re: Amending Article 1 of Chapter 2, Section 2-13.2 relating to the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to provide that the City Commission shall be the governing body of the 2 Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Boynton Beach, FL August 31, 2007 CRA and the Mayor and Vice Mayor the CRA Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson. Commissioner McCray indicated he would pull the item for discussion regarding if the rotation of the Vice Mayor position would apply to the eRA board as well. XIII. Motion to Reconsider the receipt of revisions to the Recreation &. Parks Department Revenue Policy Manual regarding fees and charges and accounting for all revenue and provide an effective date of October 1, 2007 (TABLED ON 08/21/07) Commissioner McCray requested a presentation, for the benefit of the public, by the Recreation and Parks Department, to address the increase in fees. XIII.B.Discussion of Resolution R03-164 Mayor Taylor inquired if no one from the prevailing side of the original vote asked for reconsideration, could the matter be brought back before the Commission. Attorney Cherof confirmed that was the standard rule under Robert's Rules. He understood the discussion was not specifically a reconsideration of the resolution, but the subject matter. The resolution was attached as a point of reference for discussion purposes. Attorney Cherof noted the rules had never been so stringently applied that a subject matter could not be brought forward with a different format. Commissioner McCray explained the issue should at least be discussed in a public format. Attorney Cherof suggested the appropriate agenda item should be, Discussion regarding Code of Conduct/Ethics. XIV. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mayor Taylor properly adjourned the meeting at 9:11 a.m. (Continued on next page) 3 Meeting Minutes Agenda Preview Boynton Beach, FL August 31, 2007 ATTEST: ,. ------,- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH omm~er Mack McCray // / -' ~ y ,/'~"~~ ... /~ ,,---. .,...:::::..__.~._.._~ ------' - - ,-'~~- "----.-- 4