FEBRUARY 27, 2001 @ 7:00 P.M.
Lee~ Wische, Chairman
Ro§ert Ensler
Mike Fitzpatrick, Voting Alternate
Mike Friedland
Woodrow Hay
Steve Myott
Mau rice Rosenstock
James Barretta, Alternate
Nicholas Igwe, Assistant City Attorney
Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning
Lusia Galav, Principal Planner
J. Stanley DubS, Vice Chair
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and led the Board and
audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Introduction of the Board Members
Chairman Wische introduced the Board Members, Nicholas Igwe, the Assistant
City Attorney, Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning and Ms. Lusia Galav,
Principal Planner.
3. Agenda Approval
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Mr. Hay
and unanimously carried.
4. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Hay moved that the minutes of the February 13, 2001 meeting be approved.
Motion seconded by Mr. Rosenstock and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 27, 2001
5. Communications and Announcements
A. Planning and Zoning Report
1. Final disposition of February 13, 2001 Planning and
Development Board meeting agenda items.
Mr. Rumpf reported on the disposition of the following items by the City
Commission at their February 20, 2001 meeting:
The Guth variance was approved to allow for a screen enclosure
that was already in place.
The future land use element amendment, a/k/a Wood Partners was
approved on second reading.
The Quantum Park DRI amendment was denied on first reading.
Mr. Rumpf concluded his report.
6. New Business
1. Project Name:
Ideal Paint & Body, Inc.
Gregory L. Celentano, Ahrens
Ideal Paint and Body, inc.
610 Industrial Avenue
Request for approval of a site
plan modification to construct a
1,600 square foot addition to an
existing paint and body shop use.
Chairman Wische requested that Assistant City Attorney Igwe administer the
oath to all persons who would be testifying.
Mr. Richard Ahrens of Ahrens Companies, 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2,
West Palm Beach, Florida took the podium. Chairman Wische pointed out that
there were five staff comments and requested that the agent only address those
comments on which he does not agree with or needs clarification. Mr. Ahrens
said he was not aware of any staff comments and thOught they had all been
Chairman Wische announced the public hearing. Since no one wished to speak,
Chairman Wische closed the public hearing.
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 27, 2001
Mr. Barretta requested that the Board recommend that the downspouts in a
commercial facility be concealed. He pointed out that exposed downspouts tend
to get damaged over time and become unsightly. Many municipalities throughout
South Florida require concealed downspouts and he would like to see the City
adopt this. Mr. Ensler noted this is the second time that this has-come up and
asked Mr. Rumpf to comment.
Mr. Rumpf said that there is nothing in the Code that requires concealed
downspouts and noted this is a steel building within an M-1 zoning district.
Mr. Myott inquired if a different standard was applied to West Industrial Avenue
versus Industrial Avenue. Mr. Myott also inquired if West Industrial Avenue is
considered an art district. Mr. Rumpf replied that it is a self-designated district
and it is only represented by one artist, who has done a great deal of
enhancement to the area.
Mr. Friedland moved to approve the request for a site plan modification to
construct a 1,600 square foot addition to an existing paint and body shop use,
subject to all staff comments. Motion seconded by Mr. Hay and unanimously
Project Name:
Outpatient Clinic
Terry Matts/Petra Builders
James H. Degerome, M.D.
2401 S. Seacrest Boulevard
Request for approval of a site
plan modification to construct a
2,900 square foot medical office
building on a 0.72 acre lot.
Mr. Charles Dusenberry, architect, 113 NW 11t~ Street, Boca Raton, Florida
assumed the podium. Chairman Wische noted there were 31 staff comments
and Mr. Dusenberry said that they agreed with all staff comments, but would like
to have the option to continue to work with staff on Comment #8.
Mr. Rumpf pointed out that the applicant's plan shows that the stalls will result in
vehicles having to back out at an odd angle without clear visibility of incoming
and outgoing traffic. Mr. Dusenberry said they would like to eliminate one of the
three stalls because the applicant would like to have the use of the parking as
close to the building as possible. The applicant is agreeable to deleting the stall
furthest to the south and would continue to work with staff on ways to address
this. Mr. Rumpf said they would be willing to modify the condition to basically
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 27, 2001
require the applicant to work with the engineering staff to resolve this conflict.
Chairman Wische said any motion made would have to be subject to this
Mr. Rosenstock wanted to know what would happen if they cannot work it out?
Would it come back to this Board or go directly to the Commission? Mr. Rumpf
stated this action would take place after the Commission reviews it with the same
modified comment.
Mr. Barretta requested that the Board object to this. He felt those spaces were
very dangerous and to give a condition that someone work something out simply
skirts the review of this Board and the Board won't have an opportunity to see the
Mr. Friedland asked Mr. Dusenberry if there was any reason why he couldn't
work with staff to come up with a reasonable resolution that would satisfy both
parties. Mr. Dusenberry replied that he would not anticipate any problems
working with staff.
Chairman Wische announced the public hearing.
Mr. Bob Foot, 2400 SW 1st Street, Boynton Beach took the podium and said his
property is west of the applicant's property. Mr. Foot had three issues to present.
First, Mr. Foot inquired if there would be an emergency generator on the
premises, since the generator to the outpatient clinic has become a nuisance.
Also, Mr. Foot asked if the air conditioning units located to the west of the
building could be shielded by more vegetation than shown on the plans to keep
the noise down. His greatest concern was the drainage in the neighborhood and
he would like this Board to address the drainage issue and not leave it up to staff
Mr. Barretta stated he has never seen a site plan approved by a Planning and
Development Board with unresolved issues, especialiy safety issues. This is the
whole purpose of a Planning and Development Board to review plans in their
final stage; not to review plans that still have major issues to be resolved.
Mr. Dusenberry said there would be no generator on the property. Secondly, he
stated that they employee a civil engineer who will be working on the project and
they would be relying upon his good judgment.
Mr. Myott pointed out that the applicant is exceeding the required amount of
parking and noted the parking lot has two dead end driveways. Mr. Myott
assumed this was the case because the applicant would be sharing the parking
with the outpatient center across the street. Mr. Dusenberry agreed that they
had plenty of parking. Further, Mr. Myott pointed out that once a patient pulls
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 27, 2001
into the lot and couldn't find any reom to park, they would be unable to drive
around and recirculate. Instead, they would have to backup because there is no
place to turn around. Mr. Myott suggested that the new parking be connected to
the existing parking to allow for patients to tumaround.
Mr. Foot said that parking at the outpatient clinic is overflowing and people park
on the swales and on the nursery school property, as well as in front of his
Mr. Ensler pointed out on Comment #24 that there was no site lighting plan. He
has concerns about the lighting upon the neighbors, the drainage and the fa(;ade
materials are unknown. Mr. Ensler felt that these questions should be addressed
before the Board votes on the application. Also, Mr. Ensler inquired about
utilizing hidden downspouts and stated he did not have any problem with the
project, but there are open issues that need to be addressed first.
Mr. Fitzpatrick reported that the City's Fire Rescue gets lots of calls to medical
centers and if there are cars pulling in and out, there is no place for the rescue _
truck to park and this delays response.
Mr. Myott moved to deny the request for approval of a site plan modification to
construct a 2,900 square foot medical office building on a 0.72 acre lot. Motion
seconded by Mr. Rosenstock. The motion to deny carried 5-2 (Messrs. Friedland
and Hay voting against denial).
Project Name:
Photography Studios in C-1
Zoning Distdct
Frank Donnino
Request to allow photography
studios as permitted uses in the
C-1 zoning district
Mr. Frank Donnino, 7944 La Rose Court, Lake Worth, Florida took the podium.
Chairman Wische stated there were no staff comments. Mr. Rumpf stated that
them was one staff comment, which he mad: "no retail sales of photograph or
picture accessories and no customer film finishing/developing". Mr. Myott
pointed out that no retail is allowed within an office zone. Mr. Ensler inquired if
there would be any type of sales and Mr. Rumpf replied that the applicant would
be selling a product as a result of a service, i.e. a photograph.
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 27, 2001
Chairman Wische opened the public hearing. Since no one wiShed to speak, the
public hearing was closed.
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the request to allow photograph studios as
permitted uses in C-1 zoning districts and further to allow the request of the
agent, Frank Donnino, provided there aro no off the street sales. Motion
seconded by Mr. Friedland and unanimously carried.
D6cor Elements/Furnishings (Ed Carey
Design) - Quantum PID
Ed Carey/Ed Carey Design
Request to amend the current list of
approved uses in the Quantum Park PID
to allow design, manufacture, storage
and distribution of d6cor elements and
furnishings on lots classified for office
and industrial use
Mr, Ed Carey, 925 Chapel Hill Boulevard, Boynton Beach took the podium. Mr.
Rumpf distributed a brochure of the applicant's products to the BOard to review.
Mr. Carey stated that they are artists, woodcarvers and sculptors and have done
work for Disney and Universal Studios. They have carved mahogany crests and
coat of arms for cruise line ships and do a groat deal of work that cannot be
furnished by regular sign companies.
Chairman Wische announced the public hearing. No one wished to speak.
Mr. Rosenstock moved to approve the request of D6cor Elements/Furnishings
(Ed Carey Design) to amend the current list of approved uses in the Quantum
Park PID to allow design, manufacture, storage and distribution of d~cor
elements and furnishings on lots classified for office and industrial use. Motion
seconded by Mr. Friedland and unanimously carried.
5. Other
Mr. Fitzpatrick inquired if staff has determined where the saltwater intrusion line
is and how far away it is from the well field on Woolbright? Mr. Rumpf said he
could not answer this question. Mr. Myott suggested that this question be
presented to Mr. Sugerman, the City's Assistant City Manager.
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 27, 2001
Mr. Myott noted that the new parking lot across from Bethesda Hospital is
complete and as he predicted with regard to crossing the street, people are
continually jaywalking across the street and this is a very dangerous situation.
There have been several bad accidents Where pedestrians have been hit in front
of the hospital. People are just not using the crosswalk as had been stated by
the representatives of the hospital.
6. Comments by Members
7. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)