Minutes 05-03-05
For the City:
Bill Bingham, Fire Chief
Ray Carter, Deputy Chief of Operations
John Jordan, Assistant Director of Human Resources
For the Union:
Lt. Dean Kinser, President
Lt. Robert Kruse, Vice President
Lt. Larry Lederhandler, Treasurer
Lt. Thomas Murphy, Jr., Secretary
Firefighter J.e. Julia, Business Agent
Firefighter Barkley Garnsey, Information Command Coordinator
Call to Order
Chief Bingham called the negotiation meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. A sign in
sheet was circulated and provided to the Recording Secretary for inclusion with
the records of the meeting.
Corrections to Minutes of April 12, 2005
Chief Bingham stated the following corrections should be made to the minutes of
the meeting of April 12, 2005:
. Page 2, first paragraph, the third line should read, "Parties would be if an
Article were TA'd..."
. Page 2, first paragraph, the first word in the last sentence should be
. Page 2, the first major subtopic that states "Hurricane Emergency
Designation Status", should be "Emergency Phone Numbers".
Meeting Minutes
IAFF Negotiations
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
. Page 7, second paragraph should read, "The City has offered the following
. Page 7, first paragraph, line 3 references the word "he", but should be
. Page 8, first paragraph, on the second last line, the word "employees"
should be crossed out.
. Page 8, the last full paragraph, the last sentence should read, "Chief
Bingham inquired if longevity was factored into the figures, and Mr.
Garnsey stated they did, except for Boynton Beach that does not have the
same longevity formula."
. Page 9, the second full paragraph, the first line should read, "Chief
Bingham inquired if the Articles that are attached to the matrix relate to
salaries in..,"
. Page 9, the last paragraph that says, "For the record", a sub-title should
be included called "Other Issues".
Mr. Barkley stated in the past they have not gotten involved making corrections
to the minutes, however he had a suggestion to correct the following:
. Page 5, under Article 16, second paragraph stated, "Shift officers of the
employees who are exchanging time shall permit the exchange ...", but it
should read, "Shift officers of the employees who are exchanging time
shall not permit the exchange..."
Chief Bingham said he provided draft language to some of the articles they
discussed at the previous meeting, and clarified that the Union also brought
some proposed language to the table.
Chief Bingham mentioned that until the articles are TA'd, any changes are
tentative for approval.
Meeting Minutes
IAFF Negotiations
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
Article 1 - Recognition
Section 1
Chief Bingham wanted to see if they were close on the language for the Battalion
Chief article, should the City choose to approve it. He pointed out the concerns
Mr. Garnsey had at the last meeting, and provided some subsequent language.
Mr. Jordan pointed out that it would have to be approved by Mr. Bressner's
office. Chief Bingham wanted to know if the language he proposed was
workable, assuming that Mr. Bressner and the City are okay with the item.
Section A
Mr. Bressner stated he would move the asterisk to the left side of the "A".
The City caucused at 1:19 p.m., and the meeting reconvened at 1:22
Chief Bingham stated Deputy Chief Carter brought up a good point, that the item
was written with the understanding that there is a timing issue. This timing
issue is that the Battalion Chiefs are moving on July 1, 2005, therefore leaving a
three-month gap in promoting to the Battalion Chief position. The way the item
is worded means they would be appointing someone into the Battalion Chiefs
position and effectively making them exempt employees. Chief Bingham thought
if they move someone into that position before October 1, 2005 it would create
problems. He wrote the language with the intention of not filling the Battalion
Chief position until October; subsequent to the promotion tests that will be
taking place within the first week of October. That way, they would not only be
promoting that Battalion Chief, but also the new Captains and Lieutenants.
Lt. Kinser clarified the Administration's position on the Battalion Chiefs was to
hold the position until October, and Chief Bingham stated that was their intent.
Lt. Kinser said they agreed with waiting until October. Chief Bingham also
pointed out they have staff that can step into that position for a couple of
months to carry them through the 3-month period.
Lt. Kinser reiterated it was agreed the Battalion Chief position would be put on
hold until October. Chief Bingham inquired whether there should be competitive
promotional testing for this position, should it be in the union.
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IAFF Negotiations
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
Lt. Kinser felt if the Battalion Chiefs were promoted in October, there would be a
time period where they could address the issues of the Battalion Chief in the
career ladder and make some identification to the position. They could take a
formatted look at the position and what would work best for both parties as far
as making it an appointed position or creating a testing procedure. He did think
there should be some identification of time, rank and grade of an officer
considered for the position.
Lt. Murphy did not think that traditional testing like a written test or practical
scenarios would be the best method to use to fill the position. He thought that
an interview with special attention to the individual's credentials, time and grade
on the job, should be considered.
Chief Bingham said the way the individuals would be tested is a management
issue. What he wanted to know was if they would prefer a competitive test for
the Battalion Chief position, or if it should continue to be a Fire Chief's
Lt. Kinser thought there should be an application process and a formal interview
for the position.
Chief Bingham stated that in the past, the union has handled this situation very
professionally. After the testing process was over, they would select people they
thought were best fitted for the job. He thought the dynamics of the Battalion
Chief position are going to change in several areas should they go from exempt
to nonexempt status. They would expect more qualifications from a Battalion
Chief than a Captain, and in that respect a more objective format should be used
for the position rather than appointing them the same way they appoint the
Captains, although they already have good Battalion Chiefs who were appointed
that way.
Chief Bingham said he would develop some draft career ladder language and he
and Deputy Chief Carter would try to come up with an answer for how they
would deal with the promotional aspects of the Battalion Chief position.
Lt. Kinser pointed out they discussed some additional information at initial
discussions where neither the administration nor the negotiating team for the
City was in attendance. That department went through a yearlong internal
investigation because, after individuals made the Battalion Chief position, it was
decided that they no longer wanted these people as Battalion Chiefs. Since
these individuals were out of the union, it gave the city the opportunity to
dismiss them. One of those individuals was Bob Brown, who was demoted
through the City's investigation process and formally left. Lt. Kinser felt that was
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IAFF Negotiations
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
one of the factors why the city withdrew the Battalion Chiefs from the collective
bargaining agreement. To this point, the Battalion Chiefs are given
administrative days they could take, and if they were put back into the union
they would fall under the formatted selection process of Kelly days and vacation
selections, which would be a savings to the City.
Chief Bingham said they never entertained any discussion with regard to the
financial implications of the Battalion Chiefs position. The current Battalion
Chiefs, as exempt employees, make more money than they would normally if
they were in a pay structure similar to the one that exists in the community
contract. He did not think it was a financial decision, but as far as his bosses are
concerned, it is primarily a philosophical decision. He reiterated that they were
not looking at this as a big financial savings to the City. Once they get through
the issue of where the Battalion Chiefs are with regard to the DROP Plan, they
would have created a situation where all 24-hour shift employees are in the
union with a few exceptions.
Lt. Kinser asked Chief Bingham to provide a format within the pay scale showing
the Battalion Chiefs position for discussion, along with the draft for the career
ladder. Chief Bingham did not think it would be a good idea to start with the
current salary right now, and Lt. Kinser stated they would come up with some
suggestions for review.
Chief Bingham pointed out he struck out "Fire Inspectors" in the proposed draft,
and put it back in sequence. He asked if the proposed language was okay and
Lt. Kinser thought it was adequate.
Deputy Chief clarified that if this becomes a part of the agreement, the next
promotion for Battalion Chief would be after October 1, 2005, to which Lt. Kinser
Article 3 - Payroll Deduction Dues
Section 2
Chief Bingham pointed out he included some language relevant to Lt.
Lederhandler's suggestions at the previous meeting. Lt. Lederhandler stated he
was in agreement with the new language.
Article 4 - Union Business
Chief Bingham stated he had some discrepancies between his notes and the
meeting minutes. What he understood from the meeting was they wanted to
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IAFF Negotiations
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
make a distinction between Section 1 and Section 2 and make Section 3 a part of
Section 2. What he did was make it clear that Section 1 dealt with Union
Business and Section 2 dealt with Union Time Pool. His notes indicated that they
had agreed to strike the ending of the last sentence in Section 1, which stated:
"no later than the preceding corresponding shift". Lt. Kinser said they agreed to
strike that sentence because sometimes they would need the current shift for
union business or time pool, and that time cannot impact the operation of the
Chief Bingham pointed out Section 2 was the Union Time Pool issue, with part A
and part B to that Section. The same language which was struck out in Section
1 ("no later than the preceding corresponding shift''), also appeared in Section
2B. He asked if that was supposed to be struck out as well. Lt. Kinser agreed
that language was also supposed to be eliminated for the same reason it was
taken out of Section 1.
Deputy Chief Carter thought the term "authorized leave" in Section 2B should be
eliminated because authorized leave is a specific type of leave for a specific
purpose. It was agreed that the first sentence in Section 2B, which read:
"Approved Authorized Leave criteria, as identified in SOG, must be followed",
should be struck out in its entirety.
Section 8 - Hours of Work
Chief Bingham stated they took out the words "every three (3) weeks" and
replaced them by "during the 21-day work schedule."
Deputy Chief Carter was concerned that because of the way the language was
worded, whether for administrative purposes or the change of Kelly days, there
were employees who got paid for hours they did not work, because of the
gradual migration from one Kelly day to another.
Deputy Chief Carter handed out copies of the current 2005 BBFD Shift Calendar
for discussion. He stated the collective bargaining agreement provides for a 48-
hour work week for fire fighters, which is stipulated in the contract. He said the
Kelly day is just a day off of work that is placed into the schedule during the
21-day work cycle, to make sure the shift employee does not work more than
144 hours during that 21-day cycle. He also pointed out it was not
compensatory time, since no one worked extra hours to earn a Kelly day. If an
employee chose to change Kelly days, the department has established a policy
that on or by October 1 of every year that changeover occurs. The key is that
the change of those Kelly days has to occur so an employee does not work more
or less hours than they are being paid for. The problem was the 21-day pay
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Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
cycle did not match up to the pay cycle. They were trying to establish the time
the Kelly day change should occur when matched to a 21-day cycle, and the
start of the pay period. This would eliminate the problem of paying people for
time they did not work. He explained that the transition schedule for the "C"
shift last year created a situation where there were nine employees who chose to
change their Kelly days and got paid for 288 hours of work. These employees
had only worked 264 hours. To make a clean change from one Kelly day to
another, Deputy Chief Carter felt they should start and stop the Kelly day cycles
on the same days the pay period starts and stops. He proposed they use the
shift calendar and the effective date of the change over as October 17, 2005,
which is the beginning of the 21-day cycle. He said he spoke about this issue
with Lt. Kinser and he understood the concept but he also wanted to be sure
that everyone was comfortable with it, and he would also have to explain it to
the employees.
Chief Bingham added that they would not be making any changes to the union
contract, that it was an administrative procedure.
Lt. Kinser said they accept the new language because the old language was
misleading. He felt because this language would not take effect until October 1,
2005, individuals might want to know why they were making the change.
Should the change be made, Mr. Garnsey suggested including a "letter of
understanding." He felt this would avoid the situation of employees filing
Deputy Chief Carter said he would make the presentation to the shifts, so they
could ask questions about it.
The Union caucused at 2:07 p.m., and the meeting resumed at 2:09
Lt. Kinser thought the best way to handle the situation would be to include a
"letter of understanding", to alleviate any issues they may encounter due to past
practices, so they could move ahead with the new Kelly day selection process for
August and September. He also stated they agreed with the contract language.
Article 18 - Compassionate Leave
Section 1
Chief Bingham addressed the union's concerns that included adding stepfather,
stepmother and stepchild to the language. He included foster parents to the
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Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
language with the thought it might have been a typographical error, since they
agreed to add it at the last meeting.
Chief Bingham added a Section 2 to the article for discussion. He felt employees
who benefited from compassionate leave should provide official verification of
death. He had originally drafted language to eliminate the opportunity for
Compassionate Leave but he realized it would not accomplish anything because
an employee could say someone died, not produce proof and get a free
unscheduled vacation day.
Chief Bingham said the procedure is if an employee needs time off because
someone has died, they would be given vacation time. Upon approval, the
vacation time is converted to compassionate leave. Chief Bingham proposed that
an employee provide some type of verification of death to the payroll clerk within
30 days of the leave so the clerk could log that person in as taking
compassionate leave. If they do not receive verification of death, this time
would go back into the vacation bank and pay would be taken from the
individual's paycheck for the hours he/she did not work.
Mr. Garnsey felt the language should state the union supports administration, if it
is found that an employee took time off under false pretenses, and would be
subject to progressive discipline. He did not agree that a person should not get
paid for the hours absent until there is evidence that the person did something
Chief Bingham agreed that if they find out an employee has taken time off under
false pretenses, the employee would be subject to disciplinary action. Mr. Jordan
reported there was only one instance, when an employee did not produce
documentation and after they were questioned, admitted they'd lied.
Mr. Lederhandler questioned the Firefighter's Bill of Rights pertaining to an
employee being docked a day's pay.
Deputy Chief Carter stated the Firefighter Bill of Rights addressed disciplinary
action against Firefighters.
Chief Bingham stated the issue was not disciplinary action. It was a matter of
responsibility. If an employee does not produce verification of death within the
3D-days from the time they are off, that person should not be paid for that time.
Mr. Jordan reported that most employers who offer compassionate leave have
these requirements. Usually, they give their employees until they return to work
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IAFF Negotiations
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
to produce documentation and thought the City was generous, allowing
employees 30 days to produce the verification.
Lt. Kinser thought they should consider modifying "official written verification"
and list the types of verification. He also thought the "payroll clerk" should be
addressed as the "fire department payroll clerk", and they should consider
changing the language to 30 business days rather than 30 days.
Chief Bingham stated the common forms of verification were obituary or death
certificate but wondered if they were other forms of verification. Mr. Jordan
suggested changing the language to read, "verifiable written verification".
Chief Bingham said he would reword the item and bring it back to the next
meeting for discussion.
Article 11- physical Exams Be. Immunization
Mr. Garnsey suggested changing Section 1 and Section 2, to Section lA and lB.
Section 1 B
Chief Bingham was concerned that if an employee did not follow up with their
subsequent testing, the City would not know if that person was fit for duty and in
the interim, the employee would be working every day. This could cause a
problem if something happened to that person while on the job. He included
language as Section lB for discussion. This language stated,
"It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that physical exams and all
necessary follow-up testing be completed in a timely manner, as scheduled.
Failure to do so, due to the importance of certification of fitness for duty, will
result in the employee being placed in an unpaid leave status until such time as
the full exam process is completed. Employees will be given opportunities to
schedule appointments and/or association medical tests while on duty. These
additional tests can be performed by the employee's own physician (at the
employee's expense) provided the results of those tests are approved by the
department's clinic physician, an arrangement that is the responsibility of the
Chief Bingham felt it was important that when their employees are on duty, that
they are medically fit for duty.
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Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
Lt. Kruse referred to the language that stated, "These additional tests can be
performed by the employee's own physician provided the results of those tests
are approved by the department's clinic physician, an arrangement that is the
responsibility of the employee." He was concerned this may start conflicts,
should the employee's physician and the department's clinic physician have
different diagnosis.
Chief Bingham agreed it might be best to take the language out, and just deal
with the physician who made the initial ruling.
Deputy Chief Carter stated the problem they were addressing had to do with an
employee who is told to go back to the physician for a follow-up, ignores it for
months and continues to work. The City then receives a note from the physician
stating they cannot certify the worker for duty because that employee refused to
do follow-up testing.
Mr. Jordan felt it was in everybody's best interest to ensure the safety and
welfare of employees.
Lt. Murphy expressed that the results from the physician do not state whether an
employee is fit for duty. Chief Bingham responded that the City receives that
Lt. Kinser felt the documentation from the clinic should be specific and clear to
alleviate any misunderstandings, because he would not want an employee who
did not have the relevant information, to be put on unpaid leave status.
Deputy Chief Carter agreed and suggested making contact with the clinic to
ensure that the employee receives a copy of the fit for duty statement along with
the other lab work they receive.
Section 3B
Lt. Lederhandler suggested adding Hepatitis A and Varicella (chicken pox), to the
list of immunizations provided by the City.
Section 3C
Lt. Lederhandler suggested modifying this section to read, "The city shall offer
flu and pneumonia shots for all members as a means of protection from
contracting the flu and pneumonia while working during flu season".
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IAFF Negotiations
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
Section 3D
Lt. Lederhandler suggested adding a Section 3D to read, "The city shall offer titer
testing for Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) during annual physicals and
provide booster shots when indicated. Also to make sure that the member has a
current tetanus shot."
Deputy Chief Carter suggested adding Hepatitis B to Section 3D as well. He
inquired whether the union had any idea about the cost of the additional
vaccinations. Lt. Lederhandler did not know. Chief Bingham stated they would
entertain any suggestions to keep their employees healthy and said they should
go ahead and get the cost of the package.
Chief Bingham noted he would reword the language with some of the
suggestions that had been made.
General Rules and Regulations
Chief Bingham pointed out that number 8 which stated, "All members of the Fire
Rescue Department will provide Fire Administration with a current telephone
contact number", was new language. He also made changes to the Class of
Uniforms and asked if anyone had any other changes.
Medical Certification
Chief Bingham stated he had an issue regarding medical certification, and Lt.
Kinser said they provided him with a list of the current comparison pays with
paramedic. Chief Bingham said he saw their proposal and the City might be able
to compromise.
Chief Bingham thought the unique thing about the union's proposal for the
longevity package, was that it was not a lump sum but increased the salary.
Article 16 - Exchange Time
Deputy Chief Carter stated some employees request shift: swaps far ahead of
time and approval is granted. However, they wanted to put a mechanism with a
reasonable time frame in place, should something happen after that request was
Lt. Kinser pointed out they drafted new language as Section lA, which addressed
some of their concerns, which stated:
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Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
"Shift swaps will remain on the tentative approval 8 weeks prior to the requested
swap date. Upon 56 days prior to the requested swap, the swap will
automatically receive final approval unless the employee has been notified of a
necessary cancellation. Any cancellation of swaps shall be in writing and
received by the employee prior to the 8-week time frame".
Chief Bingham questioned if "in writing" excluded emails and Lt. Kinser felt there
could be a lot of miscommunication if it was via email.
Deputy Chief Carter said the shift swaps were put on the ops calendar and asked
if all the shift employees had access to the shift ops calendar. He suggested
sending out written notification to shift employees also, explaining to them that
their request was denied because of light duty; should that situation arise.
Lt. Lederhandler suggested changing "shift officers" in Section 1, third line, to
"Battalion Chiefs".
Chief Bingham stated he would put it in the draft contract article.
Lt. Kinser requested the following language related to the uniforms be changed:
. Strike "In the event that the City change's boot/shoe vendors" from
Section 1.
. Add language in section 1 to reflect that the amount reimbursed for shoes
will not exceed $125.00.
. There were two job shirts listed but felt it was only necessary to have one
shirt per employee because of the amount of time they actually wear
. He also wanted to identify in Section 1 that wide-brimmed hats are a part
of the uniforms now (for sun block), and two long sleeved tee shirts
should also be added.
Chief Bingham questioned the need to change the amount reimbursed for boots
from $65.00.
Lt. Kinser stated he personally had not found a decent pair of boots costing
$65.00. Deputy Chief Carter thought the "magnums" cost $65.00-$70.00, but Lt.
Kinser felt it would be more economical to buy a more expensive boot since you
would probably have to replace the "magnum" every year.
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IAFF Negotiations
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
Both parties agreed that they should change "coveralls" in Section 1 to
"jumpsuits", for clarification purposes.
Article 41- Retiree Insurance
Lt. Kinser stated this was a proposed new article. Chief Bingham thought it
should be before Article 40 (Duration). It was agreed they would switch the
articles and make Article 40 - Retiree Insurance and Article 41 - Duration.
Lt. Kinser stated this would be a benefit to retired individuals. According to the
summary plan description and the way the plan is set up, beneficiaries may
receive up to 1 year of the benefit. He understood what it would cost to provide
retiree insurance, so they drafted information of what is currently available. Lt.
Kinser stated he would like to invite their Attorney who specifically deals with
these funds, to the next meeting.
Chief Bingham asked if they were hoping for a City contribution for this
insurance. Lt. Kinser stated they were hoping for a contribution match, and the
union would possibly contribute 1% and the City 1%. He said this contribution
would remain fixed until the third year of the contract.
Mr. Jordan asked if it would be a 1% start up at the beginning and then a
contribution of 10/0 during the year relative to salaries, or if it was just based on
an annual basis of 1% for the first and second year, which goes up to 2% on the
third year.
Lt. Kinser said the way they start up their plans is usually date specific to when
the contribution would be made and paid into the fund. The fund is usually set
up under the summary plan with the Board of Trustees.
Lt. Kinser reiterated he would invite his Attorney to the next meeting who would
be able to answer any of their questions, and elaborate on the specifics of the
Chief Bingham felt even though they only had three meetings, they were already
at the point to start discussing wages, insurance, longevity and medical
Lt. Kinser stated they were anticipating the proposals from the City.
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IAFF Negotiations
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 3, 2005
Lt. Murphy pointed out they did not discuss the article on sick leave, and it was
decided that they would discuss it at the next meeting. Lt. Kinser noted that it
should fall under the same format as compassionate leave and mention foster
and stepchildren and parents, and also grandparents and grandchildren, should
be included.
Chief Bingham was concerned that this may open the doors for abuse of the
system. Lt. Kinser did not want to create an atmosphere where an individual
would have to lie. Lt. Kinser thought they should create some language to try to
come to an agreement. Chief Bingham asked the union to come up with some
language because he found it difficult to come up with similar language for other
A meeting date was set for May 12, 2005 at 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Lt. Kinser
stated if the Attorney is not available to attend the meeting on that date, to
discuss the Retiree Insurance, he would schedule it for the following meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 3:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
c~:_o--,,~ .
Catherine Wharton
Recording Secretary
(May 4, 2005)