Minutes 10-11-07
Michael Enkoff, Chair
Janet Prainito, Secretary
Harry "Dale" Hatch
Susan Morrison
Bonni Glinski, Alternate
Karilyn Norem Hohner
1. Call to Order
Chair Enkoff called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. Tom Balfe, Parks Manager, and
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent, were also present.
2. Attendance
Secretary Prainito called the roll and determined a quorum was present.
3. Agenda Approval
Mr. Balfe requested two items be added to the agenda as follows: (1) update on the
electric to the island for the fountain; and (2) gates.
Chair Enkoff requested the additions be placed as Items E and F under "8. New
Business. "
Mr. Hatch moved to amend the agenda as requested. Ms. Morrison seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2007
4. Approval of Minutes - August 9,2007
Mr. Hatch moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion that
passed unanimously.
5. Receipt of Revenue/Expense Sheets - August and September 2007
Chair Enkoff reviewed the reports and had no questions.
Secretary Prainito moved to place the reports on file. Mr. Hatch seconded the motion
that passed unanimously.
6. Receipt of Sales Reports - August and September 2007
Mr. Hatch moved approval. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion that passed
7. Unfinished Business
A. Parks Report - August and September 2007
Mr. Balfe reviewed the August Parks report. There were:
13 Mausoleum Entombments
14 Ground Full Body Burials
3 Ground Cremains
30 Total Funerals
1 DisentombmentjDisinterments
o Disinurnments
Mr. Balfe read the September report. There were:
5 Mausoleum Entombments
15 Ground Full Body Burials
2 Ground Cremains
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11,2007
22 Total Funerals
o DisentombmentsjDisinterments
o Disinurnments
Mr. Hatched moved to accept the reports. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion that
passed unanimously.
B. Review and approve a license agreement including a license fee that
would allow a long or fixed term legal right for benches at the Mausoleum
with the City having control. (Tabled)
Secretary Prainito moved to remove the item from the table for discussion. Mr. Hatch
seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Secretary Prainito distributed the License Agreement with the changes requested by the
board. She advised the License Agreement had gone to the City Attorney's office, and
was returned this date with the changes incorporated.
Ms. Rivers advised Exhibit "A" referred to the location of the Memorial Bench and was
not yet known. Once the location was determined, the Exhibit would be annexed to the
License Agreement. Secretary Prainito advised she did not believe the License
Agreement was provided to the Mayor, as the board was to approve the language and
make a recommendation to the City Commission. Upon the City Commission's approval
of the benches, the License Agreement would be executed by the City.
Chair Enkoff opined as far as the License Agreement was concerned, it appeared
Attorney Cheroff was moving in the right direction. Secretary Prainito added the resale
option was included in the License Agreement.
Mr. Hatch moved to approve the License Agreement so that it could be forwarded to
the City Commission. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2007
C. Replacement shutters for the Mausoleum. (Tabled)
Mr. Balfe advised he had spoken to several vendors since the last meeting, and they
were reluctant to furnish a quote unless Mr. Balfe could provide direction as to the type
of shutters sought by the board. The vendors indicated the clear panel shutters would
not suffice because of the span of the stained glass windows and the two back doors on
the Mausoleum. The aluminum shutters currently being used were not up to code and
were not Dade-County approved. Additionally, the shutters were worn and would be
cumbersome to install when a storm approached. The proposed upgraded, standard
aluminum shutters were code approved. Mr. Balfe was provided a ballpark figure of
$5,000 for all new shutters, tracks, and whatever else was required. If the board opted
for the accordion shutters with mesh shutters on the front doors, (accordions could not
be used because of the pillars), the cost would be $15,000-$20,000. Mr. Balfe's
recommendation would be to opt for the code-approved aluminum shutters, as neither
the accordions nor the clear panel would work on all of the openings, and would
ultimately result in three types of shutters on one building.
Mr. Hatch moved to look into getting the regular approved aluminum shutters, and
believed it would be necessary to replace all the tracks, as they had been there for
some time.
Mr. Balfe advised the only windows that would be protected were in the chapel.
Secretary Prainito inquired whether the ballpark figure of $5,000 would be for all new
shutters. Mr. Balfe reiterated that he could not get any of the vendors to make a
Chair Enkoff pointed out the vendors would not commit as they did not know what
materials to use. He suggested Mr. Balfe pin down the vendors and obtain an estimate
for a quality, thick grade aluminum shutter that was up to code and provide the
estimates at the next meeting. Mr. Balfe advised he would proceed to obtain several
Chair Enkoff added the board would provide a performance list, so that quotes would
include costs for a quality, thick aluminum shutter, and measurements for all windows
and tracks for the building.
Secretary Prainito advised that a motion should have previously been made to remove
this item from the table.
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Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11,2007
Secretary Prainito moved to take this item off the table. Mr. Hatch seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
Chair Enkoff suggested obtaining two quotes if three could not be obtained. Mr. Balfe
pointed out, depending upon the costs and purchasing guidelines, three quotes were
required, unless any of the vendors would agree to acknowledge they were not
interested in submitting a quote.
The board agreed to adopt Mr. Hatch's motion to look into getting the regular approved
aluminum shutters, and believed it would be necessary to replace all the tracks as they
had been there for some time.
D. Consider payment options for inscription on Mausoleum crypt and niche
new sales
Mr. Balfe noted it was important this issue be resolved as there were still approximately
34 crypts and niches with temporary labels. He had spoken with Mr. Osborne who
agreed to have all the crypts and niches inscribed, sandblasted and engraved, at his
cost. Mr. Balfe's recommendation would be to request Mr. Osborne to pay $120 for
each of the crypts. The $120 fee included the full inscription price of $85, and $35 for
the company to enter the year of birth and death. For the niche, the cost would be $45
for a full inscription and $35 for the year of birth and death. In addition to paying for
each niche and crypt to be inscribed, Mr. Osborne agreed to do this for every new sale
that came to fruition after the process was implemented in 2008. Accordingly, it was
Mr. Balfe's recommendation a letter be drafted from either the Clerk's office or Mr.
Balfe's office.
Chair Enkoff believed Mr. Osborne's agreement should be memorialized in writing as
well. He inquired as to the process involved to ensure the inscriptions were precise as
to spellings of names and birth and death dates. Mr. Balfe indicated his staff printed
the inscription just as it appeared on the crypt front. It then would go to Mr. Osborne
and to the Clerk's office for verification. The inscription was then sent to the vendor,
who faxed a template to Mr. Balfe and upon verification as to accuracy, Mr. Balfe would
sign off on the template. Mr. Balfe added he had experienced very few problems as a
result of the process.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2007
Mr. Hatch moved to have the Parks Department issue such a letter.
Chair Enkoff believed the letter should come from the Clerk's Office. Secretary Prainito
offered to draft a letter, commenting the letter could be sent by either the City Clerk's
office or Recreation and Parks.
Mr. Hatch amended his motion so that a letter could be sent from either office, as long
as it was sent. Chair Enkoff added the letter should include a request as to what was to
be done, the fees and timeframe.
Ms. Rivers indicated the fees would be collected up front for the initial inscription and
year of birth and death, so that the families would not be billed at later date. Mr. Balfe
added, each time Mr. Osborne sold a crypt, he would issue a check to the City for $120.
Secretary Prainito recalled a previous discussion with the City Attorney as to the issue of
collecting fees up front, as prices were likely to increase over the years. Chair Enkoff
recalled the conversation, and pointed out the City Attorney indicated an option was
necessary to proVide for inflationary increases in the costs of materials and labor
charged by the sandblasting companies.
Secretary Prainito inquired as to what would occur if Mr. Osborne collected $120 at the
current time, but the inscription was not needed for several years. Mr. Balfe explained
the contract with Mr. Osborne would be expiring and there would no issue once that
occurred. Mr. Balfe's concern was to provide closure, as there were crypts currently in
use which still bore temporary labels, some dating back to 2006. Chair Enkoff added
any new sales would be Mr. Osborne's responsibility until such time as the City took
over the contract.
Secretary Prainito inquired as to a situation wherein an individual would purchase a
crypt on a pre-needed basis, and pay the $120 inscription fee even though the crypt
might not be needed for 10 years. As the $120 inscription fee would have increased
after 10 years, she wondered how the difference in the cost would be made up. The
board recalled conversations with Attorney Cherof and the Finance Department,
wherein it was suggested an interest-bearing account be established in which the fees
would be deposited. Additionally, the Finance Department could pull their monthly
inscription fees from the account. The board agreed the crypts and niches were in
need of inscription. Chair Eckoff recommended going forward with the letter to Mr.
Osborne, and having the Finance Department set up the interest-bearing account.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11,2007
The board agreed to adopt Mr. Hatch's amended motion so that a letter could be sent
from either the City Clerk's office or Recreation and Parks, as long as it was sent. Chair
Enkoff added the letter should include a request as to what was to be done, the fees,
and a timeframe. The board concurred.
Mr. Balfe requested approval of the $120 fee for the crypt and $80 for the niche.
Mr. Hatch moved approval of the fees as requested. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion
that passed unanimously.
E. Update on electric to the island for the fountain
Mr. Balfe inquired as to how much power was required for the fountain. Chair Enkoff
replied nothing greater than 110 volts was needed. Mr. Balfe also inquired as to how
many amps would be needed, as this would have a bearing on the size of the panel to
be installed by the electrician. The electrician would like to do all of the work
simultaneously. The rack would already be placed, and when FPL did their drop, they
would connect the power at the same time. The remainder of the conduit would then
be placed in the ground and piped across the driveway in order for the lights to be
With regard to Mr. Balfe's inquiry pertaining to the panel, Mr. Hatch believed 110 volts,
and no less than 60 amps, were needed. Mr. Balfe pOinted out that most fountain
pumps were 220 volts, as were most pool pumps. In light of the uncertainty as to the
amount of the power needed, Chair Enkoff requested Mr. Balfe delay his advice to the
electrician until an exact amount was determined. Chair Enkoff advised he would
personally speak with Mr. Brogen. Mr. Balfe requested Chair Enkoff telephone him with
the information in order to proceed with the drop.
Mr. Balfe requested clarification as to placement of the lights on the columns, and the
board indicated the lights should be placed on top of the columns.
F. Gates
Mr. Balfe advised he had received additional information from the vendor. The board
had previously agreed on design #4, with the inclusion of the initials "BBMP." The $200
per-foot price was only for the gate. There would be an additional charge for the
initials of approximately $350 per letter. Further, the $200 per-foot price included four
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11,2007
gates, as a result of the span of the entrance, and additional engineering would be
necessary to make the gates longer. Mr. Balfe estimated the entrance to be 8-10 feet
long. He suggested two separate gates be used. However, the price would likely be
more than $250 per foot, as supports would be required on the gates, and additional
engineering would be required. Mr. Balfe pointed out that the board agreed on the
design of the gate at $200 per foot, but had not agreed on footage. If the board opted
for the $200 per-foot price, the vendor could not provide a firm price as the additional
engineering costs would have to be considered. Mr. Hatch suggested the vendor could
provide a firm price based on two 16-foot gates, if the board wished to proceed in that
Mr. Balfe inquired whether the board wished to have the initials included and whether
they wished to proceed with two or four gates. As the cost was prohibitive, the board
decided against the initials, and agreed to opt for two 16-foot gates. Mr. Balfe
indicated he would obtain a firm price on two gates. The board still agreed on design
#4. Members of the board were impressed with the current fence and pillars and
agreed the maintenance building should be painted with the same colors. Mr. Balfe
advised he would proceed accordingly with the maintenance building. Mr. Balfe advised
that 90% of the wall was painted by an 84-year-old gentleman who resided in High
Point, and who had also agreed to paint the curbing and the building. The gentleman
would be recognized at a future Commission meeting.
The board discussed placement of the name, "Boynton Beach Memorial Park," and
suggested this be considered as a future agenda item.
Mr. Balfe advised he would provide the information on the fencing at the next meeting.
Secretary Prainito requested that the Mausoleum Transition Team Status Report, Item
E, under "8. New Business," be moved up, as there were people in the audience who
might wish to comment on this item. There was no objection to this request and Chair
Enkoff announced this item would be moved in front of Item A, "Enhancement of Sara
Sims Cemetery."
8. New Business
E. Mausoleum Transition Team Status Report (taken out of ordef)
Ms. Rivers announced the Mausoleum Transition Team was comprised of Janet Prainito,
City Clerk; Michael Enkoff, Chair of the Cemetery Board; Tom Balfe, Parks Manager;
Chuck Magazine, Risk Manager; either the Assistant or Acting Director of Finance; City
Attorney Jim Cherof; and Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent. The Team met to
determine strategy on obtaining the information needed to discuss the manner in which
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11,2007
the transition would be made. The contract would expire on October 18, 2008. The
team discussed the need for obtaining good records, which were required to determine
sales for both the new and existing Mausoleum. City Attorney Cherof would write to
Mr. Osborne's attorney and request all sales records and other pertinent data. A letter
was received from Mr. Osborne with regard to the contract. He inquired whether the
contract would be continued so that he could construct the new building and complete
sales at the Mausoleum, or whether the contract would be allowed to expire, with the
City buying out the remainder of the crypts. The Team had not yet determined how
this would be handled. As soon as the information was received from Mr. Osborne's
attorney, a meeting would be called to determine the Team's next step.
Fred Hulett, 619 South "D" Street, Lake Worth, inquired as to the timeframe for the
inscription of the niches.
Ms. Rivers replied Mr. Balfe would work with Mr. Osborne to have the niches that had
already been purchased inscribed. Mr. Balfe added as soon as the letter was sent to
Mr. Osborne, and Mr. Osborne's check was received, all the niches would be inscribed,
which would take no more than three weeks to complete.
Mr. Hulett advised he had paid Mr. Osborne in full and Mr. Osborne had repeatedly
contended he had paid the City and was waiting for the City to resolve the matter. Ms.
Rivers advised this was incorrect. Chair Enkoff apologized to Mr. Hulett, adding the City
Clerk's office was very expedient, and Mr. Osborne would have the letter within a few
days. Further, the board would look into this matter as well, and would telephone Mr.
Hulett within 30-60 days.
Mr. Hulett provided his mother's name and year of birth for the record: Marianne
Hulett, born in 1941. Chair Enkoff thanked Mr. Hulett for attending the meeting and
explained that, while Mr. Hulett may have paid Mr. Osborne in full, no inscription
monies had been paid to the City, and would not until an agreement was reached with
Mr. Osborne.
Bob Biehl, 4631 Bucida Road, advised he and his wife had made a preconstruction
purchase in 2001 for the new building. He expressed concern that, to date, nothing
had been done. He sent an e-mail to City Manager Bressnerearlierin the week. Mr.
Bressner advised the contract was due to expire next year and discussions were
ongoing as to whether the contract would be renewed, and if Mr. Osborne would
commence construction of the building. He inquired whether there were plans to
construct the building, and whether the City would receive the preconstruction monies
collected by Mr. Osborne.
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Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2007
Ms. Rivers advised that Mr. Osborne's attorney submitted plans to the Building
Department approximately one month ago. No plans had ever been submitted prior
thereto. Mr. Osborne had advised a number of people that the City was responsible for
delaying the construction because of the permitting process. This was not true. The
plans were under review by the City's Planning Department staff, who met with Mr.
Osborne last week to discuss problems with the site plan. Ms. Rivers advised she would
check to determine the outcome of the meeting. If the plans were approved, and Mr.
Osborne decided to build the Mausoleum, it was anticipated the plans would then go
through a review by another committee, and then submitted for actual permitting. If
Mr. Osborne had hired a contractor, construction could likely commence in the next 60
to 90 days and, within a year, the Mausoleum could be completed. However, it was not
yet known whether Mr. Osborne had determined to go forward with the construction.
In the event the City decided not to extend the contract, Mr. Osborne could change his
mind. The City Attorney was aware of the situation.
Mr. Biehl inquired whether there would be additional inscription fees for the new
building. Ms. Rivers advised there would be no additional fees on crypts that had
already been purchased.
A. Enhancement of Sara Sims Cemetery
Chair Enkoff inquired whether the City was going forward with the enhancements to the
park and whether the fees could be split to improve the appearance of Sara Sims
Ms. Rivers advised the Cemetery Board could choose to allocate funds from the
perpetual accounts to do whatever was necessary at Sara Sims. The board should
advise Recreation and Parks as to its wishes, and the Department would take the
appropriate action. At one point, the CRA was going to purchase additional lots to add
to the cemetery. However, financial restrictions appeared to have prohibited this
purchase. Chair Enkoff suggested the addition of trees and shrubs, adding he would
like to know what Recreation and Parks was going to do. Ms. Rivers advised she
would bring back a plan for the board's review. Mr. Balfe advised trees and shrubs
would be placed on the boundaries, and irrigation at the cemetery would allow for the
survival of plants and shrubs.
B. Discussion of the Process and Paperwork for Disinterment
Mr. Balfe advised the form previously used did not have as much information as the
form contained in the packet, which he obtained from another cemetery. He believed
the form contained all the information necessary for disinterments and could also be
used for disentombments and disinurnments. The same information below the heading
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11,2007
could be utilized to make the form universal. The original form used was the State
Permit Disinterment Form, as permits were previously required for disinterments. Mr.
Balfe advised he sought board approval to begin using this form in the future.
Secretary Prainito recounted a situation wherein a request was made by William Frye to
disinurn his son's remains, take them over to "A Cremation Service," place them in a
new urn, bring them back, and have them put back into the niche. There were no
forms for disinurnments. While Mr. Osborne contended he honored such requests on
numerous occasions, Secretary Prainito would not agree to Mr. Frye's request pending
advice from the City Attorney since there was no proof Mr. Frye was a sole survivor.
When Mr. Frye indicated he was no longer married to his son's mother, he was advised
the authorization of the mother was also required. To date, this disinurnment has not
In order for the City to be protected, the board agreed the long form in the packet
should be used, with the following modifications: (1) "City of Boynton Beach" should
appear on the document; (2) the form should cover disinurnments, disentombments
and disinterments; (3) language should be added to indicate the requestor was the sole
survivor and no other relatives had empowerment; (4) a signatory line should be added
for the Funeral Director; and (5) a notarial section should be added.
C. Discussion of Disinurnment Issues
This item was discussed above.
D. Approve the request of Frances M. Del Casino for a refund in the amount of
$3,225 for Boynton Beach Mausoleum, Serenity Building, Section A, Crypt C-
26. (Original Purchase Price was $6,450)
Secretary Prainito advised the City had not previously bought back crypts; however, in
the past week she had received two other requests, and she anticipated more would be
received. As stated in the Cemetery Rules and Regulations, the City is not permitted to
resell crypts until Mr. Osborne's contract expires. This item was brought before the
board as the request was made by Mrs. Del Casino on July 10, 2007. It was not
known at this time whether Mr. Osborne's contract would be extended. Mr. Osborne
previously purchased back the crypts, and Chair Enkoff believed Mr. Osborne should
purchase this crypt as well. Mr. Prainito suggested City Attorney Cherof review this
request to determine if the City was required to buy back the crypt.
Mr. Hatch agreed the issue should go before Legal. Secretary Prainito advised she
would send a memo to the City Attorney and inquire whether or not the City was
obligated to purchase the crypt. Chair Enkoff suggested Mr. Del Casino, the son of the
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2007
deceased, be invited back for next month's meeting, if he was available. Accordingly,
Item D would be noted as "tabled" pending communication with the City Attorney.
E. Mausoleum Transition Team Status Report
This item was moved to Item A, under "8. New Business."
9. Other
A. For Your Information - Copies of Boynton Beach Mausoleum, Inc., 15% of
cash receipts from April 2006 to Present
This information was submitted pursuant to the board's request at last month's meeting
and was the information provided by Mr. Osborne. This information would now be
provided quarterly.
10. Future Agenda Items
A. City Attorney to draft a rule for the Cemetery Rules and Regulations that
would proVide for specific times and guidelines for
disi ntermentsj disentombments.
Mr. Balfe suggested disintermentsjdisentombments take place weekdays between the
hours of 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. No requests had ever been received for a Saturday
disinterment or disentombment.
D. City Attorney to draft a rule for the Cemetery Rules and Regulations that
would provide for charges for disentombments (taken out of order)
Mr. Balfe advised there were no disentombment or opening and closing fees charged in
the Mausoleum. Chair Enkoff believed the City should charge a fee for disinterments
and disentombments, noting a private cemetery in Palm Beach County would not
perform a disinurnment for less than $2,500. It was noted For Boynton Beach Memorial
Park, opening and closing fees were $400 on weekdays and $500 on weekends. Chair
Enkoff suggested a weekend charge for opening and closing of the grave, which would
be the City's fee for disinterment. Mr. Balfe believed the charge would create problems,
as the people who purchased crypts and niches from Mr. Osborne believed the fees
were all inclusive. Chair Enkoff suggested the charge be termed a "disinterment or
disentombment" fee, rather than an opening or closing fee. He believed deceased
human remains should not be buried with the expectation of moving the remains, and if
a family member opted to do so, they should expect to pay a fee.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11,2007
Mr. Balfe noted there were no opening and closing fees for niches at the Mausoleum.
Chair Enkoff suggested disinurnment/disentombment fees be charged for this as well.
City staff currently performed the disinurnments/disentombments at the Mausoleum.
Discussion ensued as to the fees to be charged. Chair Enkoff suggested $500 for crypts
and $250 for niches, and the disinurnmentjdisentombment fees would be over and
above the opening and closing charges, and would be all inclusive.
Ms. Rivers suggested simplifying the process by eliminating the term "opening and
closing," and in lieu thereof, using "disinterment, disentombment or disinurnment." She
suggested setting separate fees for the niches, the crypts and for in-ground, with the
fees to be all inclusive. She would research other municipalities to determine what they
charged and would have this information by the next meeting.
Mr. Balfe suggested language be added to differentiate fees for biohazardous
disentombments to ensure the costs would be borne by the family, and suggested the
funeral director advise the families of these costs.
B. City Attorney to review Code section on the Cemetery for the purpose of
updating archaic language, and add definitions.
Secretary Prainito noted the City Attorney had mentioned he was going to review the
entire Code as to cemeteries in order to bring it up into the current century; however,
his report had not yet been received.
C. Mausoleum Transition Team to work on:
· The issues of construction of the new Mausoleum building;
· Determining whether it is appropriate to demand funds the City is
entitled to from the Boynton Mausoleum Inc. and/or to compel an
audit prior to contract termination; and
· To begin sending written requests to begin the process of Mr.
Osborne turning over records to the City in anticipation of the
termination of the contract in 2008
The report from the Mausoleum Team was addressed earlier in the meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11,2007
11. Adjournment
There being no further business Mr. Hatch moved to adjourn. Ms. Morrison seconded
the motion that passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Stephanie D. Kahn
Recording Secretary