Minutes 12-10-07
HELD ON DECEMBER 10, 2007,11:00 A.M. IN THE
Mark Bobich, Chair
Chuck Magazine, Vice Chair
Catherine Cherry-Guberman
Ray Altman
Eric Falstad
Dorothy Mack
Glendon Morgan
Mike Naughton
Angelena Quinn
Jody Rivers
Mike Rumpf
Barbara Scott
Rodney Vicki
Pam Welsh
Risk Management
City Clerk
Fire Rescue
Golf Course
Human Resources
Public Works
Recreation and Parks
City Manager
1. Call to Order
Chair Bobich called the meeting to order at 11: 1 0 a.m.
I. Roll Call
The secretary called the roll and determined a quorum was present.
II. Acceptance of Minutes of 11/19/2007 regular
Vice Chair Magazine moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Rivers
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
III. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
Chair Bobich had a short video to play in preparation for updating the safety manual.
The video was on Personal Protective Equipment, (PPE). Highlights of the video
./ There will always be hazards in the workplace. The best way to ensure one's
health and safety is to wear the PPE. If it is provided or required, an employee
is required to wear it.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
December 10, 2007
./ Ear plugs, safety glasses, gloves, and respirators were all examples of safety
equipment that commonly avoid injury. Dust masks are widely misused and can
not be used for vapors or spray painting. Hardhats, boots and shoes are also
widely used.
./ There are other types of safety equipment not considered as PPE, and they
should all be considered. Keep equipment in good condition or repair. Keep a
good attitude about PPE.
./ On July 5, 1994, (OSHA) Occupational Safety Health Administration, required
employees to conduct an assessment of hazards in the workplace that may
require PPE and identify them. It also required documentation the assessment
was completed. Training was mandated under the new rule for the equipment
and PPE.
./ Generally PPE is simple to understand, but specific training may be required for
employees using pesticides and other chemicals. Personal Protective Equipment
and training improves worker acceptance on using equipment. Safety is a team
Chair Bobich pointed out much equipment was available or could be ordered through
the warehouse.
IV. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
This item was tabled due to Mr. Altman being out of town. Mr. Landress was unaware
of any recent drills, but he did acknowledge paperwork from the Recreation and Parks
Department that was distributed indicating their department conducts fire drills. These
would be reviewed at the next meeting.
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
Mr. Magazine advised they made a presentation at the City Commission meeting to two
employees who received the award. He expressed they hope to make more
presentations in the future.
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Mr. Magazine announced his staff was finalizing the list. Anyone needing to forward
their inspection information should do so promptly.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
December 10, 2007
D. Defensive Driver Course
1. Solid Waste Drivers, special class (not yet requested)
Mr. Magazine advised he recently distributed the notices for the first quarter of the year.
The course was required every three years if the employee drives a City vehicle or uses
their personal vehicle for City business.
The Solid Waste Department was still working on their list.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
F. Smoking Cessation Classes - Human Resources
Ms. Mack reported the Human Resource Department was finalizing documentation to
be distributed later in the week regarding a smoking cessation class.
G. Near Miss Accident Reporting System - Fire (Altman)
This item was tabled to the next meeting.
H. Other
Mr. Magazine reminded the members about the revisions to the Safety Manual. He
needed those by the end of the month, so they could be reviewed at the n'ext Safety
Committee meeting. He was also looking for department responses, confirming the
members for the Safety Committee and Incident Review Board. These departments
were the Development, Police and Utilities Departments.
V. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
B. Other
Mr. Magazine explained there were issues that came up regarding the parade that were
safety related. He had advised the City did not want anything thrown from floats. They
had spoken with Recreation and Parks and the CRA about this beforehand. The Sun
Sentinel threw items at individuals on the stage for the concert, and the people on the
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
December 10, 2007
stage threw them back. The Sun Sentinel will no longer be invited to participate in the
parade as a result of their actions. The sidewalks were an issue along 4th Street.
Another safety issue at the concert, was a large boa constrictor which caused concern
to the attendees. Because pets or animals were not restricted, the police could not do
anything about it. In the future, pets or large animals would be restricted and it was
noted at the concert there an arrest made on another matter.
The City was working with the CRA on these issues for future events. Boynton Beach
was one of the few entities with an active Safety and Risk Management program for
these types of activities, but Mr. Magazine stressed these events generate incidents.
He gave kudos to his staff. Ms. Rivers noted it was not uncommon for cities to ban
animals from special events.
Another issue was certain individuals were invited onto the stage, however, many
individuals and dignitaries exceeded their guest limit and abused their privileges. The
stage capacity may have been exceeded which was a major issue. Ms. Rivers
commented they would try to make additional accommodations next year.
Another issue was the tower lights. Mr. Magazine explained everyone had a job and
those individuals needed to stay with that job. He thanked all the departments for their
contributions to the event. There were no serious incidents this year.
VI. Announcements
Mr. Rumpf announced two individuals had their purses stolen from area gas stations
while they were pumping gas recently. Another helpful hint for employees doing holiday
shopping was to try to make the more than one trip home and then come back to finish
shopping. Shoppers are sometimes watched in parking lots placing gifts in their cars
and going back to do more shopping, allowing opportunity for theft.
VII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, January 14, 2008,11:00 a.m.
VIII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, there was consensus to adjourn
the meeting at 11 :48 a.m.
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Catherine Cherry ,,'-V'V ~O
Recording Secretary