Minutes 01-10-08
Michael Enkoff, Chair
Janet Prainito, Secretary
Bonnie Glinski
Harry "Dale" Hatch
Susan Morrison
Tom Balfe, Parks Manager
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent
Karilyn Norem Hohner, Alternate
1. Call to Order
Chair Enkoff called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
2. Attendance
Secretary Prainito called the roll and determined a quorum was present.
3. Agenda Approval
Chair Enkoff requested Item C, "Cost Estimates for Sara Sims Landscaping," be added
under 8. New Business.
There was consensus to approve the agenda with the recommended change.
4. Approval of Minutes - November 8, 2007
Mr. Hatch moved approval.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 10, 2008
Discussion ensued with regard to the fee structure, and continued while Secretary
Prainito left the dais at 6:06 p.m. and returned at 6:08 with the fee structure. It was
agreed certain disinurnment fees should be reversed. Disinurnment of cremated
remains from the ground should be $500 and disinurnment from the Mausoleum should
be $400. Secretary Prainito pointed out a new Resolution would be required reflecting
the change.
Mr. Hatch moved to reverse the figures. Disinurnment of cremated remains from the
ground should be $500 and disinurnment from the Mausoleum should be $400.
Secretary Prainito seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Secretary Prainito noted she would request a new resolution to reflect this change.
Ms. Morrison moved to correct the minutes, reversing the two numbers. Secretary
Prainito seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
5. Receipt of Revenue/Expense Sheets - October and November 2007
Mr. Hatch moved to accept the Receipt of Revenue and Expense Sheets for October and
November 2007. Ms. Glinski seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
6. Receipt of Sales Reports - November and December 2007
Secretary Prainito noted she received the reports after the agenda was sent. She
therefore requested the item be tabled until the next meeting. Chair Enkoff agreed to
the request, and there was no objection by the board.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Parks Division Reports - November and December 2007
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 10, 200S
Mr. Balfe reviewed the November and December Parks reports, copies of which are on
file in the City Clerk's office.
Secretary Prainito moved to accept both reports for November and December. Mr.
Hatch seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
B. Replacement Shutters for the Mausoleum (Tabled)
Mr. Balfe spoke to the only company that would respond, Category Five. Mr. Balfe was
still looking into the feasibility of piggybacking the quote provided by the representative
from Category Five. If the City could not piggyback Category Five's quote, Mr. Balfe
could obtain quotes from other companies. The quote provided for a combination of
shutters. For the second floor, clear panels would be used and would cover the west
side windows and the north and south side windows. The windows on the front of the
Mausoleum on the second floor would require aluminum panels and would be Dade
County approved. The current panels were not Dade County approved. The entrance
of the Mausoleum would also require aluminum panels. The representative suggested
clear panels be used on the back doors. A combination of accordion and clear panels
would be used on the stained glass windows. The clear panels on the second floor
would be installed only once, and could be left up all year. The Lexan shutters could be
used downstairs on the panels on the front doors, but this would be more costly.
Category Five manufactured the accordion shutters and the representative was desirous
of using additional accordion shutters. However, Mr. Balfe believed this would result in
safety risks to staff. The only area requiring shutters before a storm would be the
windows in the front. While the panels were clear, the board felt the appearance of the
shutters would be objectionable. Mr. Balfe reiterated he did not receive responses
from any other companies. Although purchasing guidelines required municipalities to
obtain quotes, this would not be necessary if the City could piggyback a quote from
another company.
Chair Enkoff requested this item be tabled until the next meeting in order that he could
explore other possibilities.
Mr. Hatch moved to table. Ms. Morrison seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
C. Gates, Lettering and Lighting for Cemetery Entryway
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 10, 200S
Mr. Balfe advised the board previously decided upon two 16-foot gates and the
placement of the cemetery's name on the gates. The cost of the gates was $6,400 to
fabricate and install one set of 32-foot wide, aluminum double driveway gates for the
design selected. The cost for the letters would be $25 per letter. Mr. Balfe advised he
was still communicating with Bulldog Fence with regard to the gate designs.
Chair Enkoff suggested the board approve the purchase of the gates, (32-feet wide with
two sections of double driveway gates).
Ms. Morrison moved approval. Ms. Glinski seconded the motion that passed
Discussion ensued as to the height and cost of the lettering "BBPM" for each gate, as
well as the fonts to be used.
The board selected #3 for the letters for the gates, with a 10-inch bold font.
Mr. Balfe provided designs for the lighting for the pillars. He noted the lights were
costly. He viewed several websites, and most of the photographs were protected and
could not be printed. Discussion ensued as to photo-celled lighting, and it was noted
lights would be powered with a timer that would be controlled from the center island.
The cost of the lights shown in the designs ranged from $150 to $300.
Mr. Hatch advised he dealt with a number of lighting companies and he could obtain
superior lighting at a lesser cost.
Mr. Balfe suggested tabling the lighting portion of this item. However, he would
proceed with the gates. Ms. Rivers will work with Messrs. Balfe and Hatch with regard
to the lighting.
The board agreed to table the lighting for the entryway.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 10, 200S
8. New Business
Chair Enkoff noted it was his intent to add an item to the agenda concerning the new
fountain. However, the individual who was to address this item could not be present.
Chair Enkoff assured the board this issue would be resolved shortly.
A. Approve the request of Frances M. Del Casino for a refund in the amount
of $3,225 for Boynton Beach Mausoleum, Serenity Building, Section A,
Crypt C-26. (Original Purchase Price was $6,450) (Tabled)
Secretary Prainito advised Mr. Del Casino was present and wished to address the board.
Mr. Del Casino advised he was representing his mother, who had submitted a formal
request for a refund in July 2007. The crypt had been vacated since mid-June 2007. It
was their understanding that the City had an exclusive right to buy back the crypt at
half the cost paid by the Del Casinos. If the City was not prepared to buy back the
crypt, he would like to engage a third party with respect thereto.
Secretary Prainito advised that she was awaiting a response from the City Attorney with
respect to the board's inquiry as to whether the City was obligated to buy back crypts.
The board members had decided at a previous meeting that they were not ready to buy
back any crypts at that time. However, this did not preclude the board from ever
buying back the crypts.
Mr. Del Casino's understanding was that because the City was not in a position to sell
the crypt until the agreement with Mr. Osborne expired, the City was reluctant to
purchase and warehouse it until it could be sold. He contended the Rules and
Regulations acknowledged the City would not be able to sell the crypt immediately.
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent, advised she would request a response from the
City Attorney in the morning, and would get back to Mr. Del Casino before the next
meeting. Secretary Prainito pointed out that Mr. Del Casino had been very patient in
this matter.
Chair Enkoff advised Mr. Del Casino that the City had been involved in a contract issue
with the Mausoleum owner. Ms. Rivers indicated the City Attorney was still working on
this. Chair Enkoff assured Mr. Del Casino this would be addressed at the next meeting.
Mr. Del Casino provided the following information for the record: Joe Del Casino;
telephone number, 561-738-4586; address, 11211 S. Military Trail, Apartment #5523,
Boynton Beach, 33436.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 10, 200S
B. Update on inscriptions on Mausoleum crypt and niche new sales
Mr. Balfe advised the first grouping had been sent out and had come back. The second
grouping had already gone out, but had not yet come back. Once an invoice was
received from Lake Worth Monument, it would be photocopied and given to the
cemetery staff. Staff would then verify that all the names were inscribed correctly. Mr.
Osborne would be invoiced when Mr. Balfe received the paperwork back from the
cemetery staff. Mr. Osborne had agreed to pay for the inscriptions on the crypts, but
not in advance. Mr. Balfe provided Mr. Osborne with a list of the names to be sent out.
Mr. Balfe noted Mr. Osborne had not yet received the first invoice. Secretary Prainito
advised the invoices could be processed through the City Clerk's office. Mr. Balfe will
provide the necessary information to Secretary Prainito and will provide this information
in his reports.
C. Cost Estimates for Sara Sims Cost Estimates Landscaping (added item)
Ms. Rivers advised staff sent out Requests for Quotes and received two responses, one
from Conco Horticultural in the amount of $4,220, and the other from Vila & Son in the
amount of $4,175.60, which included the Magnolias requested by the board at the last
meeting. Mr. Balfe indicated proper irrigation was in place and could be extended.
Bubblers (mist-type irrigation) would be used.
Chair Enkoff believed Sara Sims Cemetery was in need of enhancements and he
believed the board should proceed on this item.
Secretary Prainito moved to approve Vila & Son, in the amount of $4,175.60. Mr. Hatch
seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Ms. Morrison commented on the sparse appearance of the trees placed near the fence
on the Woolbright Avenue side of the cemetery. Ms. Rivers pointed out that the leaves
would fall from the Crape Myrtle trees in the winter and would pop back out in the
Ms. Glinski noted a provision in the Rules and Regulations allowing the removal by City
employees of items placed on a gravesite that became untidy or unsightly. She pointed
out there were a number of gravesites bearing items that were not permitted. Mr.
Balfe noted staff was in the process of improving the area and in particular, the fencing,
high statues and large windmills, and advising plot owners of items permitted at
gravesites. Chair Enkoff believed employees should use caution in removing items from
gravesites, as plot owners could become hostile. Area cemeteries would send plot
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 10, 200S
owners a letter regarding an unsightly grave, setting a date certain by which the owner
was to remove items that were not permitted. If the owners did not comply, cemetery
staff would clear the gravesites. If the items were not retrieved by the owner by a
specified date, the items would be discarded. Chair Enkoff suggested Alex Carrion copy
and highlight the applicable portion of the Rules and Regulations, and place the copies
on untidy gravesites. The matter could then be tabled and placed under Future Agenda
Items. The situation would be monitored and all inappropriate items would be
9. Other
10. Future Agenda Items
A. City Attorney to draft a rule for the Cemetery Rules and Regulations that
would provide for specific times and guidelines for
disinterments/ disentombments
To date, no response had been received from the City Attorney. Secretary Prainito will
send a reminder.
B. City Attorney to review Code section on the Cemetery for the purpose of
updating archaic language, and add definitions
Secretary Prainito advised this project would take some time to complete.
C. Mausoleum Transition Team to work on:
. The issues of construction of the new Mausoleum building;
. Determining whether it is appropriate to demand funds the City is
entitled to from the Boynton Mausoleum Inc., and/or to compel an audit
prior to contract termination;
. To begin sending written requests to begin the process of Mr. Osborne
turning over records to the City in anticipation of the termination of the
contract in 2008; and
. Look at inscription costs for crypts and niches
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 10, 200S
With regard to the second item, Ms. Rivers advised the City Attorney had requested
certain information from Mr. Osborne and Mr. Osborne's attorney, but had not received
it to date. Therefore, the Transition Team had not met again. The Transition Team will
meet as soon as the information is received.
Secretary Prainito advised the site plan for the new building was approved by the City
Commission at the last City Commission meeting. At that time, Mr. Osborne noted once
he received the permits, the building would be completed within six months. Ms. Rivers
added, the owner's developer was required to apply for building permits. Once the
permits were issued, the developer could begin construction of the last mausoleum.
Secretary Prainito advised a sealed copy of the site plan was delivered to her office this
date. She noted the site plan and contract were independent issues and handled
separately. Chair Enkoff noted in the event the contract was not approved or extended,
the City would take over the final construction. Ms. Rivers pointed out that the City was
still in a contractual arrangement with Mr. Osborne. Therefore, Mr. Osborne had the
right to build the last mausoleum. His contract would not expire until October 2008 and
as such, there would be enough time for Mr. Osborne to complete the mausoleum. If
the contract was terminated, the City would take over that mausoleum, the sale of those
crypts, and the sale of the crypts in the other mausoleums that were still vacant.
11. Adjournment
There being no other business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
~ f}J-
Stephanie D. Kahn
Recording Secretary