Minutes 01-24-08
Jerry Taylor, Chair
Woodrow Hay
Marlene Ross
Ronald Weiland
Jim Cherot, CRA Board Attorney
Ashley Buckley tor Lisa Bright
Jose Rodriguez, Vice Chair
I. Call to Order - Chairman Jerry Taylor
Chair Taylor called the meeting to order at 3:59 p.m.
II. Pledge to the Flag and Invocation
Chair Taylor gave the invocation and led the Pledge ot Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Roll Call
The secretary called the roll. A quorum was present.
IV. Approval of Two Separate Purchase and Sale Agreements and
Memorandum of Understanding Relative to Ocean Breeze
Chair Taylor turned the meeting over to Jim Cherot, Board Counsel. He
explained in October ot 2007, the board approved American Realty as the
selected developer tor the Ocean Breeze project in the Heart ot Boynton (HOB)
district. The selection did not tinalize the transaction rather it began the process.
The CRA Director and staff engaged in negotiation ot an agreement tor the
development ot the property which would occur in several different steps. There
were two resolutions needing approval.
Mr. Cherot read resolution R08-01 by title only which was a resolution ot the
Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency, approving and authorizing
Special Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24, 2008
the Chairman ot the Board or its Vice Chair to execute two (2) separate purchase
and sale agreements between the Boynton Beach CRA and Oceanbreeze, LLC;
providing tor repeal in the event ot contlicts; providing tor severability; providing
tor an effective date. The resolution authorized the approval ot two separate
agreements because the property was being transitioned in two parcels.
The second resolution, R08-02, approved and authorized a Memorandum ot
Understanding (MOU) to be entered into by the CRA relative to the Community
Worktorce Housing Innovation Pilot Program (CWHIP); providing tor repeal in the
event ot contlicts; providing tor severability; providing tor an effective date.
This document would have one amendment in paragraph two that would make
reterence to 140% ot the area median income guidelines tor tirst-time
homebuyers, rather than 80%. The document was the outcome ot serious
negotiations taking place over the last several months.
Attorney Cherot advised there were a number ot amendments made to the draft
document trom his office, and each amendment was accepted. The document
was now in tinal torm. He advised the board needed to make two separate
motions tor each resolution.
Chair Taylor asked it the board had any questions regarding R08-01.
Commissioner Hay asked whether the development ot the two parcels would be
occurring simultaneously. Mr. Cherot explained the purchase and sale
agreements would have concurrent closings and then, contingent upon the
tunding issue, the projects would move torward together.
Chair Taylor inquired about the tinal closing which was scheduled to take place in
December, 2008. He asked why the closing was so tar off, and whether it could
be closed on sooner.
Frank Chirkinian, 625 Casa Loma Boulevard, representing American Realty,
explained it was the intent ot the developer to close as quickly as possible,
contingent on the tax credits and the CWHIP tunds. That was the reason tor the
two separate contracts; because they have two separate qualitications and two
separate applications. He explained they had to be very specitic and that was
why they had legal descriptions tor each application and contract. Mr. Chirkinian
expressed they would like to close earlier and it possible they would.
Commissioner Hay inquired it one ot the tunding sources tailed whether they
would abandon the project.
Mr. Chirkinian responded the most competitive grant was the CWHIP tunds, and
they did not intend to abandon the project it they were unsuccesstul in obtaining
Special Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24, 2008
those tunds. He explained there are other tunding sources, and they would work
through those other layers.
Attorney Cherot asked Mr. Chirkinian about the processing ot documents and
various applications. He requested he expound on the concept and time trame
ot the project. Mr. Chirkinian explained he was not the person to put together the
timetrame because he was only involved with CWHIP and tax credit tinancing.
He expressed they were interested in moving torward as quickly as possible, and
they did not want to delay breaking ground.
He reported, so tar, two conversations took place with Mike Rumpt, Planning and
Zoning Director, and two site plans were put torward tor reviews that have been
adjusted. They are working concurrently on the land use, zoning and ultimately,
the build-out. Mr. Cherot requested having a time trame available at the next
meeting, so all could publicly review the plans.
Chair Taylor explained the City has been waiting tor this project tor a long time
and he wished American Realty the best ot luck in obtaining the tunds. There
were no other questions and the Chair called tor a motion on R08-01.
Mr. Hay moved to approve the Resolution 08-01. Ms. Ross seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Chair Taylor called tor a motion on R08-02
Mr. Hay moved to approve the Resolution 08-02. Ms. Ross seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
V. Adjournment
There being no turther business betore the board, there was consensus to
adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 4:09 p.m.
Chair Taylor thanked the board tor attending the special meeting.
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Catherine Cher;' ,-,-/v -7
Recording Secretary