Minutes 11-27-07
Barbara Ready, Chair
Cheryl Arflin, arrived 7:28 p.rn
Angela Budano
Barbara ~ Lentz
Nubia Richman
Halena Wolf
Debby Coles-Dobay, City Liaison
Christine Moeller
I. Call to Order
Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
II. Roll Call of Members
Self-introductions were made. A quorum was present.
III. Agenda Approval
Chair Ready requested Mr. Osborne's item be moved to the top of the agenda.
Ms. Wolfe moved to add Mr. Osborne's item to the top of the agenda. Ms. ~ Lentz
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approve Meeting Minutes
The minutes were approved as read.
V. Announcements
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator, made the following announcements:
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 27, 2007
1. Arts Commission Meeting January 22, No December Meeting
2. Master Plan Workshop, Saturday, January 26, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.,
Intracoastal Clubhouse. Ms. Coles-Dobay advised lunch would be provided.
3. South County Public Art Ribbon Cutting
The ribbon cutting would be at the South County Civic Center, for a Palm Beach County
Project completed by artist Mark Fuller.
4. Children's Services Council Grand Opening December 12,5:00-7:30 p.m.
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised this group changed their artwork from a fountain to a mooR
nicer project. public art proiect. She explained they did not have to adhere to the art
requirement; however, they voluntarily participated.
Ms. Coles-Dobay introduced Brady Osborne of the Boynton Beach Mausoleum. She
distributed handouts and a site map of the park. One more building was being added to
house crypts. The financial breakdown was attached to the meeting materials and she
explained the project would be $500K. The funds for the public art would be $3,500.
The proposed artwork was an existing stained glass wall six-feet by eight-feet, and
flanking the two sides would be columns, 18-feet high and 10-feet apart. She advised
Conrad Pickel was the artist. He was in the Guinness Book of World Records for
creating the largest stained glass window in the world and was also responsible for
designing thousands of windows for more than 800 churches. The glass was about
three-inches thick and was set more in a mortar than lead strips. The estimated value
was about $1 OOK. Mr. Pickel was a local artist, living in Boynton Beach since 1956.
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained Mr. Osborne was requesting the artwork be considered as
fulfillment of the art requirement.
Mr. Osborne explained when the building was completed; in the back of the chapel was
a store front window type of building and he thought something needed to be there. He
contacted Mr. Pickel to design something that would bring in revenues, and that was
what he came up with. Mr. Osborne was planning on building a new building, and once,
certain criteria had been met, he would commence construction. The City, when a
certain amount of crypts were sold, would receive funds which would go into a perpetual
care fund. He explained they paid for the land under the mausoleum and the
mausoleum was state of the art. The outside surfaces were solid granite, and the
chapel was marble. The columns were solid limestone. The challenge would be to
satisfy the public art requirement.
Chair Ready thought the art fee percentage, which amounted to $3,500 would do very
little in the way of public art. Ms. Wolf thought the piece would satisfy the requirements,
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 27, 2007
and the Arts Commission should make use of the art, and publicize the work. She
thought it was great Mr. Osborne had the forethought to have the work created and
installed. Ms. Coles-Dobay thought this should be highlighted in the public art brochure
as a hidden jewel. There was nothing indicating that Mr. Osborne had the building built,
or the piece was commissioned by him. The artist has his name on the artwork. Mr.
Pickel had several pieces in the area and in other local municipalities. The $3,500 art
fee and what it could be used for was discussed, but no decision was made. The board
thought Mr. Osborne had already met the requirements of the Public Art Ordinance.
The Arts Commission would promote the work.
Ms. Budano moved to accept the existing stained glass as satisfaction of the
requirements of the Public Arts Ordinance. Ms. Wolfe seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
There was agreement that, as an action item, they recommended Ms. Coles-Dobay
take steps to bring attention to the artwork.
VI. Details for '07/08 Program
A. Avenue of the Arts
1. Filming
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced the City invited the artists who have work exhibited on the
Avenue of the Arts and filmed interviews with them. She reported there was a good
turnout from the artists, who were known nationally and internationally. The film will be
aired on Boynton Beach TV, and it would also be posted on the website. The film could
be used as a tool to obtain public information on the services, amenities, and the
speaking points and the tour could be an added attraction. The fashion merchant who
relocated next to Hurricane Alley was interviewed and she expressed art added to the
area's economic development. They interviewed this merchant and other individuals in
the area for their feedback, and the art was well received.
D. Artwork Collection - City Hall
1. Sell & Replenish Artwork
This item was on the agenda to discuss how the Commission may want to replenish the
art. The art was renewable and could be consigned and changed out or even event
driven or sold on-line. Ms. ~ Lentz explained she has an art gallery and if something
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 27, 2007
does not sell in three-months, it gets marked down. If still there after six-months, they
ask the artist to remove the piece and replace it. This was a way to keep the artwork
fresh. Members were asked to think about how to replenish the artwork. When the art
was sold, the profits from the sale would go to replenish the art. It was noted the City
purchased the existing artwork for much less than what the artist would typically sell
them for in the open market. The Commission discussed having prices included with
the pieces. Also discussed was putting information about the fundraising on Boynton
Beach Television (BBTV).
Ms. Richman asked if they could place art in City Hall if they were selling it. The Arts
Commission felt they do not have to sell art, but the artist's business card could be right
there. A discussion followed that Rick Beau-Lieu loaned the City his turtle piece. Some
members had artwork they would like to show and it was thought it would be a conflict
of interest. Ms. Coles-Dobay would check with the Legal Department about it. The Art
Commission discussed holding its own exhibit, but the Legal Department would
determine whether that were possible. A Boynton Artist Showcase for the Arts
Commission members was discussed.
The Commission was apprised the library was very interested in using art as a fund-
raising mechanism. There was also discussion about the American Lung Association
using art as a fund-raiser. Ms. Wolfe asked if there were any auction houses that
regularly auction work of this type. Ms. ~ Lentz thought they would not make their
money back and thought holding their own auction would be better.
E. "Eternal Vision" Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial
2. November 15th Workshop Results
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced on November 15th there was another workshop. The
workshop was publicized and the location was moved from the Madsen Center to the
Hester Center due to Code Compliance occupying the building. She advised they had a
great turnout. The workshop was to promulgate a statement for the memorial piece.
That was being finalized and the endeavor was on schedule. The Grand Opening
would be February 9, 2007 from 11 :00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
3. Grand Opening Celebration Saturday, February 9, 11 :00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced the grand opening for the Carolyn Sims project at Wilson
Park was set. The date was February 9, 2007 from 11 :00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
D. Heritage Celebration/Highwaymen Program
1. Program overview, news, images
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 27, 2007
Ms. Coles-Dobay advised the Hester Center Kids Club and the Arts Center Kids Club
painted two murals for the program. Ms. Wolfe had volunteered to help teach the youth
how to paint the murals. An introductory class provided information on the
Judy Dempsey broke down the process into steps for the children. The Highwaymen
style was fairly easy to lend itself to production painting. The commission felt it was a
good way to introduce kids to art skills and history.
Ms. Coles-Dobay announced on February 13th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the library
there would be a Highwaymen Heritage Road Show. Artlink International would be
visiting the Library and talking about Florida artists and the Highwaymen in particular.
They were also encouraging people to bring Florida artwork to the meeting and they
would do free appraisals, not only of Highwaymen work, but other Florida artists.
Florida artwork was defined as work that might be a Florida Highwaymen piece. They
would also show a preview of the documentary they are working on and which would be
airing on PBS in February. Artlink has 16 signed Highwaymen Art books. The entire
budget was $1,500, which was covered as a CRA event under the Heritage Celebration.
The dates for the Heritage Celebration are February15-17. Opening night will be at the
Woman's Club on February15th. I\rtlink International 'Nill bring in work from
High'.vayman and ,1\1 Slack '.viII bring in the only work from the only female Highwaymen.
Artlink International will brinq in Hiqhwavmen work. Mary Ann Carroll. who is the onlv
female Hiqhwavmen, and AI Black will be present. Ms. ~ Lentz asked if they could
incorporate City Hall artwork. There would be a documentary there for sale. Artlink is
very familiar with Florida art and was a leading expert on the Highwaymen.
An AI Black painting will be donated as a prize. Copeland Davis would be playing piano,
and Artlink would have their art upstairs. The Fashion Design Institute will be present
and there would be many exhibits upstairs as well as food. The evening was intended to
be a kickoff celebration for the major stakeholders.
The next day would feature activities at the Hester Center. The center would post the
work from the students throughout the City. The winners of the event would be invited
to the Grand Opening Celebration. And their work would be displayed in the Library.
VII. Art in Public Places (AIPP) Master Plan
A. Discussion of Public Art, What is Public Art?
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed information and asked the members to review it. The
workshop on January 26 would be for this item and from there, a second public art
workshop would be held. Community stakeholders and the public would be invited to
attend. There would be specific action steps that should be adopted. Ms. Coles-Dobay
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 27, 2007
would bring an overview of the next project to the next meeting, having more details and
what they encompassed for each project. The CRA was concerned with their area, but
art would not be limited to the CRA district.
Ms. Arflin thought the Commission should focus not only on public art projects, but
programs the Commission could initiate over time, such as art communication projects
and others. She believed it should be a multi-tiered effort. Ms. Coles-Dobay agreed
being knowledgeable about what projects were ongoing with the City would be
B. AIPP Process Outline
There was no discussion of this item.
C. Future projects review
Ms. Coles-Dobay spoke about the Dr. Motes artwork. She announced artist Frank
Vargas Varqa was awarded the project. She spoke about the Ocean 95 Exchange
project and how Betty Massi of Genesis Development submitted a letter indicating they
were advocates of public art. Ms. Massi indicated her assistant would forward pictures
of a recent project completed elsewhere. She was pleased they would keep art in
projects for Boynton Beach. Hard costs were a part of the build and could be made into
public art. Even a walkway, through a visual decorative element, could work. Using
colored cement could help public art. What constituted public art was unknown to the
City Commission. Ms. ~ Lentz explained the process and the guidelines and
recommendations were provided at the last City Commission meeting. One of the City
Commissioners spoke about instituting a cap. Ms. Budano felt the Commission needed
substantial education and should not make arbitrary decisions. It was noted Vice Mayor
Rodriguez was a supporter of the ordinance.
VIII. Unfinished Business
This item was not addressed.
IX. New Business
A. Discussion of City Commission's decision to amend Public Art Ordinance
Ms. Wolfe thought it was possible they could lose funding if the ordinance were
amended. The first reading of the Public Art Ordinance was December 3, and
December 18th was the second reading. The Arts Commission wanted to know how
they could get involved and Ms. Arflin asked if anyone contacted the Legal Department
to discuss the Arts Commission's view. It was thought the way the ordinance was being
amended, may not be the correct way.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 27, 2007
Ms. Richman had high hopes the Commission would consider the impact the Art in
Public Places had and she wanted them to save the program. She spoke about fees
and the different cities that have the program. She included two articles from I\rlene
Medica, Lee Modica, the Director of the State of Florida Art in Public Places Program.
She believed the article educated the reader about the importance and contribution of
public art and hoped the information provided a different approach for the Commission.
She read a portion of a letter she wanted to send to the City Commission.
Chair Ready and Ms. Budano also noted a Sun Sentinel article omitted the fact that
70% of the 1 % fee stayed with the project. A $5M development was not expected to
pay $50K, only $15K. There was discussion that members should mount an educational
campaign. The fee 30% was to make the program self-funded. The Arts Commission
had already taken funds in and suffered a $227K cut the first time, through a prior
amendment. Commissioner Weiland indicated he wanted to add individuals who were
originally excluded from the ordinance, back in.
Ms. Coles Dobay indioated some of the developers near Linens IN Things, did not have
to comply \...ith the art requirement but saw an opportunity to create something better.
Ms. Coles-Dobay indicated the Boynton Town Center outparcels were contributinq to
the roundabouts and Linens 'n thinqs did not have to comply with the public art. They
have contracted with Mark Fuller for an art piece there.
The Arts Commission felt they were allowing a small contingency of vocal developers to
establish public policy. The Arts Commission had conducted a great deal of research
based on successful models. This was not an arbitrary program or fee. It was noted
18 cities used 1 % in their ordinance; two had 1.25% to 1.33%; twelve had 1.5%; one
had 1.75%; and 15 had 2%. Seventy-five percent of the study was of City ordinances.
Twenty-two percent was County programs and fifty-four percent (53.7%) was City
The Arts Commission wanted to stress they did not want the changes and they suffered
with the first change. There would be dire impacts on the program. Additionally, any
progress that would be made would be for naught.
Ms. Coles-Dobay noted projects that were in process, and showed the one percent fee
and what it represented to the community at construction value dollars. Ms. Coles-
Dobay reviewed her handout. With all the projects that may be due in 2007/2008, a
fraction of those costs could cover a minus balance. Ms. Coles-Dobay then spoke
about the site plan application process. It was felt the developer paid the fee but
passed on the costs, which was much less than the aggregate total of all the units they
would sell.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 27, 2007
There was agreement the Arts Commission would be proactive and obtain letters from
developers in support of the ordinance for when they attended the meeting
x. Adjournment
There was no further business to discuss and the meeting adjourned by consensus at
8:45 p.m.
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Recording Secretary