Minutes 03-12-08
HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12,2008 @ 10:00 A.M. AT
Tom Kaiser, Chair
Morris Boruck
Stanley Gavlick
Thomas Krabill
Stuart Preston
Karl Washington
Robert Zimmermann
Chuck Magazine, City Liaison
David Buckner, Alternate
Daniel Fuller, Alternate
Lester McKenzie
I. CALL TO ORDER - Tom Kaiser, Chairman
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m.
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. INVOCATION - Designated
Chair Kaiser gave the invocation. Cramer Hegeman had passed away and he was
remembered by the Veterans members. Chair Kaiser advised he had attended the
ceremony at the church.
The recording secretary called the roll. A quorum was present.
V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, January 9, 2008 & February 5, 2008 (Special
Meeting) - Heard Out of Order.
Mr. Krabill moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Boruck seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 12,2008
VI. AGENDA APPROVAL, March 12,2008
Chair Kaiser reviewed the agenda and there were no changes made.
Chair Kaiser hoped to receive information about the monument at the meeting. He
reminded the members Memorial Day was approaching and they would be at the
Cemetery. He hoped the children from St. Josephs School would participate in helping
to help place the flags at the Cemetery. He announced the Veterans Council presented
a plaque to the school at their Veterans Day Ceremony. The children made drawings
about their feelings about Veterans. He advised on Sunday, the Girl, Boy and Sea
Scouts were at the school and they acknowledged those youth that support them.
The Memorial Day Ceremony would take place at 2 p.m. in the afternoon and they
would place the flags at the Cemetery. He assumed the American Legion would hold
the collation after the ceremony. Refreshments would be available and he urged
members to invite family and friends.
Chair Kaiser explained he recently sold his home and moved to Delray Beach due to his
health deteriorating. Mr. Kaiser announced he was in touch with Jeff Livergood, Public
Works Director, who planned to pave the street in front of the VFW in April. The
members discussed the litter problem has worsened since the signs were installed.
Chair Kaiser thought surveillance would greatly assist in diminishing the problem. Public
Works has been made aware of the problem.
a. Four Chaplains Day, Sunday, February 3, 2008
Chair Kaiser explained the church did a nice job with this event. He explained the
collation was a last minute item and the Church was most accommodating. He
explained he would like to have a collation after the Veterans Memorial Ceremony and
he would speak with the church about it. He explained he would bring in Subway
sandwiches and beverages. At the last meeting of the Veterans Council he advised
they should have some extra money from the inscribed bricks campaign and they
should have a monument to the Four Chaplains. He has been in touch with the Four
Chaplains Association, who, in turn, advised monuments to them were almost non-
existent. Chair Kaiser was requesting a listing of monuments to Four Chaplains from
the association.
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 12, 2008
b. Veterans Memorial at Bicentennial Park
Mr. Magazine distributed copies of the memorial and copies of an article from the
Boynton Forum. He noted there were forms at four different city facilities for individuals
to purchase bricks. Chair Kaiser requested the members distribute the forms.
Mr. Magazine spoke with Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent, about the tentative
schedule for the Veterans Memorial. The target completion date was June 6, 2008.
Chair Kaiser advised the schedule put a great of pressure on Lake Worth Monument; he
spoke about the delays the monument experienced which could have been avoided if
the monument had been reviewed in the beginning of the process. He thought it was
unfair. He announced they did not ask the City to pay for the monument. The
monument started at $30K and the bricks would help defray the cost. On May 1, 2008,
the groundbreaking would occur. He did not understand the delays and it was making
the veterans uncomfortable.
Mr. Zimmermann announced Boynton Beach would be the first city in Palm Beach
County to have a memorial to veterans. He wanted a collation after the Veterans
ceremony at the church and recommended inviting the children who help to the
ceremony. He thought it would be nice for youth to partake in the event. There were no
objections. General Irzyk was invited, who was at D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge,
but he was scheduled to be in Belgium in June. There would be only a few speakers.
The Jewish Veterans would provide a speaker who was also in the Battle of the Bulge.
Chair Kaiser noted there should be a ground breaking for the Veterans Memorial and
the veterans should be a part of it. He requested the City let them know when the it
would occur. He had a drawing of the monument and he asked for comments on it but
none were received. It was noted there would be benches at the monument. Chair
Kaiser would check the price of the benches so any additional benches would be
uniform. Chair Kaiser explained the veterans were giving the monument to the City.
Chair Kaiser thought the City emblem should be displayed on the monument, but a
comment was made the City may not want that. There would, however, be a sign in the
front of the park identifying the park and the City emblem would be on it. The veterans
liked the idea of having the City emblem on the monument with the veteran's emblems
around it. Chair Kaiser advised any veterans needing assistance or having any
questions should contact Mr. Magazine, the Board Liaison who would assist them
c. Brick walkway sponsorships
Chair Kaiser explained the brick walkway is important and the veterans need to raise a
lot of money. He explained they wanted to purchase a Four Chaplains' plaque, the
same size as the Submarine Plaque. It was thought the bricks and the plaques would
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 12, 2008
be the same size. The bricks were 4' x 8', and could accommodate up to three lines
with 14 characters per line. Chair Kaiser indicated the bricks were fairly easy to sell and
if each veteran sold one brick, it would help. Once installed, the City would replace
vacant bricks with inscribed ones, which would be pavers, similar to the brick walkway
at the Children's Schoolhouse Museum.
a. Memorial Day, May 25,2008, Boynton Beach Memorial Cemetery
On Friday, May 23rd, the veterans would place the flags at the Cemetery and on Sunday
afternoon, there would be a 2 p.m. ceremony at the American Legion, followed by a
b. Veterans' Memorial Unveiling, June 6, 2008, Bicentennial Park
This event is scheduled for June 6, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. Chair Kaiser commented press
coverage helps garner support for the effort.
Mr. Magazine commented since Mr. Buckner moved and he would need to resign his
position on the Veterans Advisory Commission. Chair Kaiser requested the members
think of viable candidates who may be interested in serving. Application forms are
located in the City Clerk's office. Chair Kaiser thought a representative from the
Disabled American Veterans may be appropriate.
Chair Kaiser gave the benediction, followed by a moment of silent prayer.
There being no further business to discuss, there was consensus to adjourn at' 10:39
Catherine Cherry
Recording Secretary