Minutes 03-12-08
ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 2008 AT 7:00 P.M.
Brian Miller, Chair Thelma Lyons, City Representative
Blanche Hearst-Girtman, Vice Chair (Arrived at 7:06 p.m.)
Belky Cruz
Eddie Mitchell
Joyce Mura
Victor Norfus
Stanley Sorgman
Phyllis Stern
Judy Immer, Alternate
Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag.
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
A motion was made and seconded by Ms. Mura to approve the agenda as written. The
motion carried unanimously.
V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 13, 2008 (Previously mailed by
City Clerk)
There was discussion that some of the members had only received their minutes on the
day of the meeting. Ms. Cruz explained the City Clerk's Office was short-staffed and
that was the reason for the delay.
Community Relations Board
March 12, 2008
Chair Miller reviewed the minutes for the edification of the members who had not
received the minutes.
Ms. Mura moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Norfus seconded the motion that carried
. Youth in Government Day - Scheduled for April 17th
Ms. Lyons reported there was no additional information available at this time. The
event is still in the planning stage. Only the date has been secured at this time. The
same format as last year will be used this year.
. Great American Clean-up - Scheduled for April 19th
Ms. Lyons advised this event is also in the planning stage with respect to securing
volunteers; however, the date has been confirmed. Ms. Lyons will send out flyers.
a. Pride in Boynton Update - Poinciana Elementary School -
Brian Miller
Chair Miller reported he is working regularly with the school students planting flowers.
There was one minor setback approximately 2112 months ago when all of the newly-
planted marigolds were eaten by snails. They have been replaced with other flowers.
At the present time, the students are taking FCATs; therefore, everything is on hold
until they are complete.
In response to an inquiry, Chair Miller advised that this planting program is one of the
board's projects. He requested more involvement in this effort especially at some of
the other schools. Now that Galaxy is painted, volunteers are needed for spring
b. Neighborhood Crime Watch Report - Victor Norfus
Chair Miller asked Mr. Norfus for an update of his progress with this effort. Mr. Norfus
said he was not successful in getting Officer Kellam out to the meeting. However, there
are a number of people who are interested in setting up neighborhood associations;
Community Relations Board
March 12, 2008
specifically, one in the area of Palm Drive and Atlantic and another in the area between
14th and 16th Avenues. No progress can be made until Officer Kellam visits the
Ms. Cruz reported that approximately 200 people attended the Neighborhood Watch
meeting. Officer Kellam and Police Chief Immler made a presentation. Everyone really
appreciated the presentation.
Vice Chair Hearst-Girtman said she has attempted to organize Crime Watch in her
neighborhood at least two or three times. It is difficult because the community is
transient. Hers is a working neighborhood and people are gone most of the day. Crime
Watch has not worked well in this area.
Responding to a question from Mr. Norfus, Ms. Cruz advised the meeting was held at
6:30 p.m. on Thursday at Village Royale on the Green. Ms. Cruz reported that both
Officer Kellam and Officer Huntington are available for this purpose. Also, the Police
Chief could be requested to attend.
Ms. Immer, who resides in Cedar Ridge, said there was an incident in her community
and Officer Huntington calmed the community. One year later, Officer Kellam visited
the community again after another incident and on both occasions, he did a great job.
Both of these visits were on nights during the week.
Since the lighting was improved, Mr. Norfus reported the drug dealers are now moving
to streets with less lighting. He will work with the residents to arrange for an evening
meeting or perhaps have two meetings; one in the evening and one on Saturday.
Chair Miller acknowledged he has witnessed the residents along 16th and 1ih picking up
their own trash. He commended Mr. Norfus who felt that was the result of the
residents becoming self-empowered.
Crime Watch - Presentation of the American Assembly Implementation
Community Relations Sub-Committee - Phyllis Stern
Ms. Stern reported to the City Commission on the previous Tuesday to continue the
objective of developing ideas for effectively carrying out action items given by the
American Assembly. The recommendations were as follows:
Community Relations Board
March 12, 2008
· Identify means by which citizenry and its leaders may foster a sense of
community and common purpose, unite on critical issues and marshal their
resources to take advantage of the City's strengths and address its weaknesses.
Sub-committee Recommendation: The sub-committee agrees that in order for
Community Relations to effectively begin to establish a sense of community and
common purpose, it is important to get to know the communities on a more personable
basis. For suggestive purposes, the sub-committee proposes that the Community
Relations Team hold meetings in specific communities. By holding meetings within
specific communities, it may provide a better perspective of the needs of the
community by being visible and attentive to those of the community. In addition, this
may give the respective communities a perspective on how their support will help mold
this city into a "gem".
· Identify any perceived divisions (geographically, economically, age-wise,
ethnically and racially) and develop recommendations to promote greater unity.
Sub-Committee Recommendation: How are we as a sub-committee effectively
able to provide such information? The perceived divisions in the community are of
opinionated nature. The recommended "road show" may provide a clearer objective or
indicator for what needs to be established to promote greater unity.
. Create spaces, events, and forums for collaboration and interaction.
a. Boynton Beach is a "city of varied cultures". Develop a plan for continuing
to hold and expand on events that celebrate this diversity.
b. Boynton Beach has competing centers scattered around the City. Identify
and develop strategies for promoting particular areas as the city center,
the cultural center, library, and recreation facilities.
c. Develop ideas and identify partners for a signature event that highlights
the City's character and successes.
Sub-Committee Recommendation:
a. Community forums, events, informational galas all held in centrally located
areas/places might promote interest among the respective communities.
Location suggestions: Boynton Beach Mall, one of our local high schools.
b. The Boynton Beach Marine Wildlife and Educational Aquatic Center.
Community Relations Board
March 12, 2008
c. Correlates with a. and/or b.
The Sub-Committee's opinion is that Boynton Beach needs an identity. There is the
"affluent" in Boca Raton, the "artistic" in Delray Beach, and there is Palm Beach. The
Sub-Committee suggests identifying Boynton Beach with the Boynton Beach Marine
Wildlife and Educational Aquatic Center developing small aquarium educational systems
for the different schools. This would be good for tourism and enhance awareness of
the children and parents in a positive way.
Ms. Immer expressed confusion regarding this committee. She questioned whether this
sub-committee was part of the Community Relations Board or an outside committee.
Ms. Lyons explained that this sub-committee was part of the American Assembly.
Ms. Stern advised that the mission of the American Assembly Community Relations Sub-
Committee was to address cultural diversity and race relations. Chair Miller advised the
Mayor and City Commissioners charged several different groups with preparing
proposals on different issues within the City. One of those items was community
relations. Ms. Stern updated the Commission on the progress of that sub-committee.
Ms. Lyons provided copies of Ms. Stern's report to each of the members.
· On another issue, Ms. Immer discussed the City Commission agenda had been
announcing an open position on the Community Relations Board as an
"Alternate" position; however, it should have read "Regular" position.
· Ms. Stern reported the CERT team in Hunters Run has planned an end of the
year evening event that will include the Fire Chief and others from CERT. She
invited other CERT members to let her know if they were interested in attending
the event.
· Another CERT class is beginning in April. Anyone interested should contact Ms.
Immer. In addition, Chair Miller provided Jim Ness's phone number at 742-6332.
· Ms. Hearst-Girtman complimented the City for what it has done to eliminate out-
of-place garages and homes. Further, in the area where she lives, there is a
public park that is sometimes left unsightly with trash because of the people who
frequent the park. The surveillance is very good and the next day, all of the
trash is removed.
· Chair Miller advised that within the next two weeks, the trash receptacles that
were ordered months ago will be obvious throughout the Heart of Boynton.
Community Relations Board
March 12, 2008
· Mr. Norfus reported that Sarah Williams, who was in charge of the Community
Forums, was recognized for her longstanding service to the community. She was
previously a member of the Community Relations Board and has been a dynamic
leader in the City for many years.
There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting properly
adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
Next Meeting will be Wednesday, April 8, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
anet M. Prainito, CMC
City Clerk
Transcribed from one recording
3/28/2008 12:19 PM