Minutes 03-05-08
HELD ON MARCH 5, 2008, AT 5:30 P.M.,
Jose Rodriguez, Chair
Stacey Robinson, Youth Violence Prevention Program Coordinator
Buck Buchanan, Boynton Chamber of Commerce
Lt. Kelly Harris, Boynton Beach Police Department
Kathleen Perry, Boynton Beach Community High School
Vinola Rada, Non-Voting Board Member
Jim Kidd, South Tech Academy
Nate Nichols, Children's Services Council, Palm Beach County
Beverly Johnson, Executive Director, YMCA
Erin McCloskey/Robin Johnson, Palm Beach Community College
Laura Elena Santos, LaPalma News
Robert Taylor, CFO Bethesda Memorial Hospital
Elivio Serrano, Vice President Programs, United Way of Palm Beach County
I. Welcome and Opening Comments - Jose Rodriguez, Chairman
Chair Rodriguez welcomed the members to the board's first meeting at the Carolyn
Sims Center.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and determined a quorum was present.
III. Introduction of Guests
No guests attended the meeting.
IV. Approval and/or Additions to the Agenda
Chair Rodriguez requested adding under VIII. New Business, a discussion relating to a
reorganization of the board's Charter and the manner in which the board operated, as
well as the possibility of combining the Steering Committee and the Executive
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 5, 2008
Ms. Perry moved approval of the agenda as amended. Ms. Robinson seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
V. Approval and/or Additions to the Minutes of the February 6, 2008
There were no minutes for February 6, 2008 as the meeting consisted of a tour of the
new facility.
VI. Chairman IS Comments
Chair Rodriguez noted the opening ceremony for the new facility.
VII. Old Business
A. Teen Coordinator
Ms. Robinson noted there had been a glitch in hiring the Teen Coordinator as the result
of a City policy in place. She believed this could be resolved and would have a
definitive answer on March 6, 2008. The individual selected was the only candidate
that met all the qualifications. The position was full-time, with flexible evening hours.
Ms. Robinson would contact Ms. Perry with regard to a baCkup plan if the situation
could not be resolved.
VIII. New Business
With regard to the budget, Ms. Robinson noted $65,494.60 remained of the $130,000
encumbered from Awards and Grants to be disseminated to service providers. This
indicated some of the service providers had submitted their invoices for their staffing.
Invoices were to have been submitted by the tenth day of the month. The contract
required that if the receipts were not submitted by the tenth day of the month, the
funding could be utilized for other sources. Ms. Robinson articulated she had contacted
the three providers that had not submitted their invoices and they were aware of the
policy set forth in the contract. Approximately $3,200 remained in Payment to Non-
affiliated Organizations. The sum of $800 was utilized from Building Renovations for
the purchase of locks for the doors, leaving roughly $4,000 which could be used
towards building renovations or, if there were no building renovations, the funds could
be moved. Additionally, $8,245 was available from Employee Benefits and Salaries. Ms.
Robinson had intended to address the entire budget at the next meeting and make
recommendations as to where to move the funds.
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 5, 2008
A. Funding request from Boynton Beach Cheerleaders
Chair Rodriguez noted in order to determine criteria, an evaluation was generally made
with regard to providers approaching the board for funding. Ms. Robinson indicated the
cheerleaders would be attending the Nationals, and the funding would constitute a one-
time grant. Ms. Robinson had received approximately 40 letters from the girls providing
an explanation as to why they sought board sponsorship. Chair Rodriguez expressed
concern that a precedent would be set, as attending the Nationals was a privilege, and
it was important the board stay within their established guidelines. The cheerleaders
should be scrutinized in the same manner as other organizations which approached the
board for funding. Ms. Robinson noted the sponsorship of the cheerleaders would be
similar to the board's past sponsorship of a basketball team of 40 youths. Chair
Rodriguez noted such sponsorship differed in that the activities occurred at the center,
keeping the youths off the street and exposing them to other programs. It was noted
the Recreation and Parks Department was making the request on behalf of its program
for cheerleaders who were unable to meet their financial responsibilities. Chair
Rodriguez did not believe this was appropriate, as it was not the responsibility of
Recreation and Parks to fundraise for individuals.
As the board believed a more concrete proposal was needed, which contained
benchmarks and measureables, Ms. Robinson suggested tabling the item until the next
meeting. It should also be determined who approached the board for funding.
Additionally, information should be obtained to determine the precise use of the funds,
the school(s) attended by the students and whether the students were located in the
target area. It was requested that funding for non-affiliated providers be discussed at
the next meeting as well.
Mr. Buchanan moved to table the item. Lt. Harris seconded the motion that passed
B. Update on Youth Empowerment Center and Program Providers
Ms. Robinson circulated items to be published, including a calendar of events, a
newsletter and spring break information. The program had serviced 250 youths within
a week's time, and the Department of Juvenile Justice has been referring youths to the
program for community service hours.
Ms. Robinson noted some of the issues at the center included the need for additional
staffing and police presence. Lt. Harris advised that special detail was not built into the
program. Therefore, police officers working the zone would stop by the center. Chair
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 5, 2008
Rodriguez noted the CRA board funded additional CRA policing which would cover the
center. In order to obtain greater police presence, Lt. Harris was suggesting police
volunteer their time during the spring break program. This would present an
opportunity for the police to build relationships with the youths. The spring break
program would be limited to 25 youths, aged 12-18. Ms. Robinson would be calling on
service providers to chaperone the event. A barbecue would be held for the parents
and youths the Saturday following spring break, and providers would be present as
The board addressed consideration of a program focusing on self esteem for youths,
especially young ladies. Ms. Robinson indicated a modeling and charm program could
be put together, but a more comprehensive program would require funding. The board
suggested this might be a topic for the Steering Committee to research. At the present
time, a life skills program was held on Tuesdays and Thursdays through R.M. Lee and
Mad Dads and was well attended. Mad Dads also sponsored teen pregnancy prevention
and male responsibility programs. It was suggested students attend programs at the
center in lieu of school detention, and honor students could accrue community hours by
tutoring youths at the center during the week. This would be further discussed at the
next meeting.
The Steering Committee had discussed creating a volunteer program, reaching out to
Executive Committee members, Bethesda Hospital, the YMCA and other organizations.
Ms. Robinson noted the computers would be delivered to the center as soon as the
locks were placed on the doors.
Ms. Robinson noted she was under the auspices of the Recreation and Parks
Department and if there were issues with the youths, the youths would be forced to
leave the building and the building would be closed. Chair Rodriguez recommended Ms.
Robinson meet with the person in charge of the building to discuss alternatives.
Security issues in the building were discussed, as security measures were not provided
for in the budget. It was suggested monies that had not been allocated be utilized to
purchase cameras or other security items so that the facility would not have to be
closed. Chair Rodriguez noted the City contracted with the County to obtain funding for
this program and agreed to provide in-kind contributions. He asked Ms. Robinson to
look into this to determine the City's commitments in order to obtain the funding. The
importance of providing a safe facility was discussed. Ms. Robinson believed Recreation
and Parks should bear as much financial responsibility to secure the facility as did the
program. If the program continued to absorb the costs, there would be fewer available
funds to run programs. The program was already paying $800 for deadbolt locks on
four doors in order to secure the computers. Ms. Robinson believed both the program
and Recreation and Parks Department should be responsible for their proportionate
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 5, 2008
share of the costs. Chair ROdriguez suggested Ms. Robinson follow up on this item with
Recreation and Parks.
C. Update on Steering Committee and Teen Council
Ms. Rada advised she attended the recent meeting of the Steering Committee, which
was attended by five members. The volunteer and tutoring programs were discussed.
Volunteers were sought for the 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. time slot weekdays and
Saturdays. Ms. Rada requested Ms. Perry's assistance in soliciting the students from
the International Baccalaureat (IB) and Honors Math programs to volunteer their time.
Ms. Perry noted she would proVide the necessary information to the students. Ms.
Rada also planned to approach Santaluces High School and PBCC in search of
volunteers and would contact the School of Education at Florida Atlantic University
(FAU) to determine whether they could support the future teachers program. For
spring break (the week of April 7-11, 2007) Ms. Rada and her director at South Florida
Water Management District (SFWMD) were exploring the idea of taking the students on
an outing to DuPuis Preserves, which provided miles of hiking trails and numerous
recreational activities. A date of April 9, 2007 ("Wild Wednesday'') was considered for
this event. Ms. Robinson would explore possibilities for transporting the students from
the center to SFWMD and to DuPuis.
Ms. Robinson noted the following people had consistently attended the Steering
Committee meetings over the last three months: Steve Miller and two women from the
Department of Juvenile Justice, Dwayne Cyr, Ms. Rada, Lt. Harris, Sgt. Suzanne Gitto
and Joyce Fisher, of Workforce Alliance. Neither Anne Watts, of the Library, nor Sherry
Johnson, of Community Caring Center, could attend.
D. Discussion on reorganization the board's charter, and whether to combine
the Executive and Steering Committees
Chair Rodriguez discussed the original structure of the program. The Executive
Committee's primary responsibility was for the distribution and accountability of dollars.
The Steering Committee's primary responsibility was to make recommendations to the
Executive Committee for programs to fund and/or to point out gaps in programs. He
did not believe the program was working as originally intended. Ms. Perry noted a
procedure followed by the School Board wherein the School Board would meet as a
board and reconvene as the entity requiring governance. The board believed it made
sense to combine the Steering Committee and Executive Committee. Chair Rodriguez
had no objection to combining the committees but wondered whether that would
resolve the issue of who determined the gaps and the providers needed to fill the gaps.
Ms. Robinson suggested the Teen Council could proVide the information. With the
opening of the facility, Ms. Robinson had begun to develop a relationship with the
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
March 5, 2008
youths. It was anticipated the Teen Coordinator would connect with the youths, but it
would take time to develop a committed group to provide an effective leadership team.
Ms. Robinson believed as the Teen Council progressed, the original structure of the
board would function as intended. In order to organize and promote the Teen Council,
flyers and applications were sent out. Additionally, Ms. Robinson advertised through
the service providers to identify youths who would be interested in joining the Teen
Council. The intent was to empower the youths and create a teen government. Ms.
Robinson had invited six youths to attend a four-day National Crime Prevention Council
Youth Conference in Miami at the end of March 2008. It was her intent to launch the
Teen Council during this period. The six youths had indicated their interest in attending
the conference and were consistent attendees of the program. Ms. Robinson will
provide Chair Rodriguez with information pertaining to the conference. Chair Rodriguez
suggested that, once the Teen Council was underway, the board would further discuss
combining the Executive and Steering Committees. The board concurred.
IX. Member Comments
The members were pleased to be in the new facility and commended Ms. Robinson and
Lt. Harris for their fine work.
Chair Rodriguez also thanked Ms. Robinson and Lt. Harris for their hard work and
efforts and looked forward to future triumphs, and to working with the youths through
the volunteer program.
X. Guest Comments
Mr. Buchanan moved to adjourn. Ms. Perry seconded the motion that passed
unanimously. The meeting property adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Stephanie D. Kahn
Recording Secretary