Minutes 04-02-08
HELD ON APRIL 2, 2008, AT 5:30 P.M.,
Stacey Robinson, Youth Violence Prevention Program Coordinator
Buck Buchanan, Boynton Chamber of Commerce
Lt. Kelly Harris, Boynton Beach Police Department
Sgt. Suzanne Gitto, Boynton Beach Police Department
Kathleen Perry, Boynton Beach Community High School
Jim Kidd, South Tech Academy (arrived at 5:46 p.rn.)
Robin Johnson, Palm Beach Community College
Laura Elena Santos, LaPalma News (via speaker phone)
Vinola Rada, Non-Voting Member
Jose Rodriguez, Chair
Nate Nichols, Children's Services Council, Palm Beach County
Beverly Johnson, Executive Director
Robert Taylor, CFO, Bethesda Memorial Hospital
Elivio Serrano, Vice President, Programs, United Way of Palm Beach County
I. Welcome and Opening Comments - Jose Rodriguez, Chairman
Ms. Perry welcomed everyone to the agenda.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and determined a quorum was present.
III. Introduction of Guests
No guests were present
IV. Approval and/or Additions to the Agenda
There were no additions or corrections to the meeting.
Mr. Buchanan moved approval. Ms. Robinson seconded the motion that passed 8-0.
(Voting is not permitted via speakerphone.)
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 2, 2008
V. Approval and/or Additions to the Minutes of the March 5, 2008 Meeting
Mr. Kidd moved approval. Lt. Harris seconded the motion that passed 8-0.
VI. Chairman's Comments
VII. Old Business
A. City of Boynton Cheerleading Team Funding
At the last meeting, the board had requested Ms. Robinson obtain additional
information. A memo dated March 11, 2008 from Mary DeGraffenreidt, Senior
Recreation Manager, acknowledged the Cheerleading program was a City program run
by the Recreation and Parks Department. She confirmed the yearly fee for the program
was $700 which was required to be paid prior to entering the program. Other
components of the Cheerleading program included self development. Ms.
DeGraffenreidts memo set forth the names and addresses of the girls to determine
whether they resided in the target area. Information was also provided as to the
schools attended, and whether they were private or public. However, percentages of
private versus public schools were not included.
Ms. Robinson noted 80% of the girls in the program were required to reside within the
target area. There was approximately $2,000 in the budget that had not been
allocated, and a portion thereof could be contributed if the board felt it was appropriate
to do so. Ms. Robinson indicated the cost for all the cheerleaders to attend the
Nationals would be approximately $25,000. Both the senior and mini teams had
qualified to compete in the Nationals.
It was noted the board previously sponsored a Boys' Basketball program, comprised of
40 boys aged 13-15, at a cost of $45 per person. This did not include competing in the
Ms. Robinson noted numerous fundraising efforts had been made on behalf of the
Cheerleading program through car washes and the sale of candy. She believed the
cheerleaders would still attend the Nationals, even if the board did not contribute to the
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 2, 2008
As the board previously funded the Boys' Basketball team at a cost of $45 per person, it
was suggested, in order to promote gender equity, the cheerleaders be funded in a like
amount. In the event the board opted to sponsor the cheerleaders, the monies would
not be paid in advance and expense receipts were required for reimbursement. If the
cheerleaders did not attend the Nationals, clearly there would be no receipts to submit.
Mr. Kidd moved that the board equitably fund the cheerleaders in a like amount as
previously funded the male-sponsored programs. (This would result in funding of $45
each for 32 cheerleaders, for a total of $1,440.) (The board previously provided $1,800
to the Hester Center to sponsor a basketball team of 40 boys at a cost of $45 per
person.) There was no second to the motion.
Board discussion ensued with regard to other possible uses for the funding.
Suggestions included funding existing programs, or providing funding in the fall to those
cheerleaders who were unable to pay the yearly participation fee of $700. It was also
suggested funding be provided to extend the Art of Film Making, currently a six-week
Mr. Kidd withdrew his motion.
Ms. Robinson reiterated there was approximately $2,000 in the budget for funding. The
board concurred it would be more suitable to fund existing activities by enhancing the
programs and attracting more participants.
Mr. Buchanan moved that the board not fund the cheerleading team. Sgt. Gitto
seconded the motion that passed 8-0.
B. Introduction of Teen Coordinator - Lt. Kelly Harris
Lt. Harris introduced Vickie Henderson, the new Teen Coordinator, who came on board
in early March and was in the process of assembling a Teen Council. Ms. Henderson
was of the opinion that funding should be provided to existing programs. She had
observed the interest shown by the youths in the Art of Film Making and the positive
reinforcement provided by the program.
James Brown presented a commercial made by the students in the Art of Film Making
program. The commercial pertained to a poster and social issue, Keeping a Real
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 2, 2008
Superstar, Trash in the Can, Keep the Hood Clean and Mean. The commercial will be
aired and copies of the poster will be distributed in the community.
Ms. Santos announced she was disconnecting, as it was difficult for her to hear the
VIII. New Business
A. Budget and Recommendations - Stacey Robinson
All the monies had been moved in the budget, with the exception of item 26,
Communications/Utilities. The sum of $580 was moved from Building Maintenance and
Renovations into 26.a, Telephone, for a new total of $4,100. This would cover the
computer, DSL and other unanticipated expenses.
The most significant item, 31.h, Awards and Grants, was originally budgeted at
$130,000. However, as Ms. Henderson commenced her employment later than
expected, the additional funds available were added to Awards and Grants, for a total of
$141,630. It was Ms. Robinson's recommendation the additional funds be utilized to
extend the Art of Film Making program from six weeks to eight weeks during the
summer. This would provide an opportunity to enroll new students into the program.
Lt. Harris left the room at 6:19 p.m.
Ms. Robinson advised the sum of $3,200 remained in item 31.j, Payment to Non-
Affiliated Organizations, after deducting $1,800 for the Boys' Basketball program. A
portion of this sum could fund the art portion of the Spring Break program. Ms.
Robinson inquired whether it was necessary to obtain board approval as to the manner
in which the funding was utilized, or whether funds could be generically approved for
one-time events or other short-term programs. The board discussed approving a dollar
amount, and anything over the amount approved would require the board's
authorization. Ms. Robinson indicated she would require approximately $700 to fund
the art portion of the Spring Break program.
Mr. Buchanan moved to approve $700 for the Art Program for Spring Break plus
another $500, at the discretion of Ms. Robinson, for incidentals that may come up. Sgt.
Gitto seconded the motion that passed 7-0. (Lt. Harris was absent for the motion.)
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 2, 2008
Ms. Robinson noted another motion was needed to utilize the sum of $11,630, (the
monies over and above the $130,000 originally allocated), to extend the Art of Film
Making program through the summer.
Mr. Buchanan moved approval. Sgt. Gitto seconded the motion that passed 7-0. (Lt.
Harris was absent for the motion.)
Ms. Robinson noted there were funds in the budget to allow for incidentals. In
particular, $3,000 remained in Food Service, $2,300 in Equipment Purchases and
$7,300 in Printing and Supplies. Additionally, there was approximately $5,000 in the
budget for shortfalls. The budget was prepared in such a manner that funds were not
required to remain earmarked in a specific category. Ms. Robinson noted while the
budget could be amended this year, only two amendments could be made next year.
As such, she was endeavoring to move funds at this time. This would serve as a
guideline as to the manner in which the funds would be utilized next year.
B. Publicity and News Releases - Sgt. Gitto (Taken out of order)
Sgt. Gitto requested, for any type of media relations, interviews or comments pertaining
to the Youth Violence Prevention Project, the Police Department's Public Information
Officer (PIa), Stephanie Slater, be contacted at 742-6191. The Sun-Sentinel had
published an article on March 30, 2008 pertaining to the Hooked on Fishing, Not on
Drugs program, but there were inconsistencies in the article. It was recommended the
media be referred to Ms. Robinson, who would then contact Ms. Slater. In this way,
the information provided would be consistent and the appropriate programs, people
and entities would receive recognition for their contributions. Ms. Robinson noted she
sent an email to the Police Media Distribution reaffirming that anyone requesting
information pertaining to the Youth Violence Prevention Project or the Youth
Empowerment Center should be advised to contact the Police Department's PIa. It
was noted the media would be present for the Spring Break program. Releases to the
media should be provided to either Sgt. Gitto or Ms. Slater for distribution to the Police
Media Distribution.
Lt. Harris returned at 6:26 p.m.
Mr. Buchanan left the meeting at 6:29 p.m.
C. Spring Break Schedule and Activities - Vinola Rada
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 2, 2008
Ms. Robinson noted a flyer generated by Ms. Henderson was included in the packet and
set forth the activities planned for Spring Break. Ms. Rada was in charge of the
activities for "Tainted Tuesday," April 8, 2008, a student field trip to DuPuis Preserve.
The outing, a collaboration between the Florida Atlantic University's Center for
Environmental Studies and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), is
intended to introduce the youths to the wonders of nature. Some of the activities
planned included fishing, exploration of the Habitat Trail, identification of wildlife and
service learning activities such as planting, chopping, mulching and weeding.
Ms. Robinson spoke about "Wild Wednesday," Game Day. The Police Department and
Lake Worth Reapers, a semi-pro football team, were invited to play basketball, flag
football and other games with the youths. "Express Yourself Thursday," Arts Day, will
provide an opportunity for the youths to draw, paint and color fish that represent their
diverse cultures. Known artists would be working with the youths. The activities for
"Frantic Friday" will remain a surprise, although a day at the pool is being considered.
On Saturday, an art exhibit will be held and a barbeque will be given for the
community. This will provide parents with an opportunity to view projects undertaken
by their children and activities in which their children participated. Ten children had pre-
registered for the program to date, and it was hoped more children would register.
Spring Break will run from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for youths aged 12-18. Permission
slips are required to be signed by parents and a waiver of liability will be required for
the DePuis outing.
D. Update on Steering Committee and Teen Council - Vickie Henderson
Ms. Robinson and Ms. Henderson will be scheduling the first meeting of the Teen
Council after Spring Break, and invitations will be sent to all the youths that signed up
for the program. The Steering Committee met last week and only one member
attended. In addition, many of the members were new. Ms. Robinson communicated
to the Steering Committee that regular scheduling had resumed, although the time of
the meeting had changed to accommodate requests of members. It was noted many of
the members had not attended meetings because of conflicts. Additionally, the
committee had not been effective, as the Teen Council was not yet in place.
Board members suggested reaching out to others to determine interest, as well as
communicating with original members who might have more interest now that the
center was operational. Ms. Robinson suggested the board also make
recommendations, and she would contact those people.
Board discussion ensued. It was suggested the structure of the YVPP be explored. It
would make sense for Ms. Robinson to meet with youth groups in order to determine
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 2, 2008
their needs. Thereafter, Ms. Robinson could make a recommendation, supported by
documentation, to this board, and a decision could be made. This would streamline the
process and obviate the need to continually revisit the issue. The board agreed this
suggestion merited consideration.
The board discussed whether or not to combine the Executive and Steering
Committees. Ms. Robinson advised she would send an email or letter to the current
members, inquiring as to their interest in remaining on the committees, and provide an
update on the responses at the next meeting. It would then be clearer whether the
committees should be combined, or whether the Steering Committee should be
dissolved or restructured to represent the Teen Council. The CDC would be consulted
prior to any decision being made. It was also suggested the by-laws be explored in
order to determine the appropriate process.
IX. Member Comments
Ms. Robinson noted she contributed an article to the Department of Juvenile Justice
X. Guest Comments
Ms. Robinson moved to adjourn. Lt. Harris seconded the motion. The meeting duly
adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Stephanie D. Kahn
Recording Secretary