Minutes 06-04-08
HELD ON JUNE 4, 2008, AT 5:30 P .M. AT THE
Stacey Robinson, Youth Violence Prevention Program Coordinator
Buck Buchanan, Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce
Erin Johnson, Palm Beach Community College
Nate Nichols, Children's Services Council, Palm Beach County
Sgt. Suzanne Gitto, Boynton Beach Police Department
Vickie Henderson, Teen Advisor
Jose Rodriguez, Chair
Beverly Johnson, Executive Director
Robert Taylor, CFO, Bethesda Memorial Hospital
Elivio Serrano, Vice President, Programs, United Way of Palm Beach County
Lt. Kelly Harris, Boynton Beach Police Department
Kathleen Perry, Boynton Beach Community High School
Jim Kidd, South Tech Academy
Laura Elena Santos, LaPalma News
Vinola Rada, Non-Voting Member
Stacey Robinson, Youth Violence Prevention Program Coordinator welcomed all
to the meeting and called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m.
I. Welcome and Opening Comments - Jose Rodriguez, Chairman
There were no opening comments made since Chair Rodriguez could not be
II. Roll Call - Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary called the roll.
III. Introduction of Guests
Ms. Robinson explained there was one guest present, Mr. Romey Miller, who
was a member of the teen council.
IV. Approval and/or additions to the Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 4,2008
Mr. Nichols moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Buchanan seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
V. Approval and/or additions to the minutes of Wednesday, April 2,
Ms. Johnson moved approval of the minutes. Ms. Robinson seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
VI. Chairman's Comments
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
Romey Miller spoke about the Youth Empowerment Center and explained the
program helped him. He explained staff takes time from what they do to help
other people. Because of that, he returned to school. He explained there are
programs to help youth, programs to help youth get jobs and programs for other
things youth might want to do. The program meant a lot to him and he received
a great deal of assistance from staff. In one instance, Ms. Robinson drove him to
school, and he explained Vickie Henderson, Teen Advisor, was always available
and had helped many youth.
Ms. Robinson explained Mr. Miller made significant life-changing choices and at
times, met with resistance from family members. He brought his grades up from
an "F" to a "B" in about four weeks and would like to become the president of the
Teen Council. The committee members had great expectations for him and
agreed Mr. Miller was the reason for the program. Leadership was in him and he
was encouraged to be anything he wanted to be. It was noted, Mr. Miller was
entering the ninth grade.
A. Summer Programming - Drums, Computers, Horse Camp, Mission,
Ms. Robinson explained the committee selected programs, based on cost, and
what the youth wanted and the four programs above were the ones selected.
She distributed information about the computer program which could
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 4,2008
accommodate 12 to 15 youths. She announced that any child that participated in
the eight-week computer course to learn about the software and rebuild the
computers would take the computer home at the end of the course. The provider
involved worked with other youth programs and was able to offer the computers
to the students. The cost for the summer program would be $1,300, and
approval to fund the program was needed.
Another program Ms. Robinson sought approval for was through the Center for
Creative Arts, for drum lessons. An instructor would offer lessons at the center
and teach how to play, however the cost for the snare drums would be the
responsibility of the program. The least expensive set was $1,800. Ms. Robinson
noted there was youth interested in learning. There were 15 different items
needed and the instructor would teach as many youngsters that wanted to sign
up. The instructor was available three days a week, or at certain times on
Saturdays. The drums would remain at the center.
Ms. Robinson announced a professional horse trainer offered to instruct
interested individuals about horses at a horse camp for one week from 9:00 a.m.
to 3:00 p.m. The cost was between $300 and $500. This was a special activity for
the youths who had made significant improvements. Funding would equate to
$100 per student, including transportation and lunch, which was significantly
lower than prices normally charged for this type of instruction. Ms. Robinson
announced she was seeking approval of the program cost.
Another item needing approval was a Youth Mission trip at the end of June. Ms.
Robinson explained they were planning on taking nine youths from the Youth
Empowerment Center and three youths from Church of the Palms, and
combining with another church in Winter Garden for a vacation bible school in the
inner city. During the day, the Youth Empowerment Center youngsters and the
participants from the Church of the Palms would work in soup kitchens and food
pantries in Orlando. This was thought to be good for the youth since in provided
an opportunity for them to see they may not have it as bad as they think,
compared to others in the community. Most youths have not been outside of
Boynton Beach City limits and this was an opportunity for youngsters to provide
community service and temporarily remove them from the situations they were in.
The concept was the community would get to know the youths and the
youngsters would learn what it feels like to give.
The vacation bible school activity was approved by the County and it was noted
faith-based activities were encouraged as part of the program. The total cost
would be slightly over $2K and it was explained the churches were offered the
opportunity to sponsor the youths. The Youth Empowerment Center paid for the
housing and the program fee, which was slightly more than the $2K, but it was
hoped the church's sponsorship dollars would offset the amount needed. It was
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 4, 2008
also hoped the churches would remain involved, as sponsors, and mentors for
the youth. The activities build bridges and community relations.
A question was raised when the funds were expended whether the programs
would continue. Ms. Robinson explained some programs may be able to
continue but if funds were depleted some programs could be discontinued. Ms.
Robinson announced she anticipated in the future they would have no funding for
programs, but they would still have the equipment. It was hoped the individuals
teaching the programs who made connections with the kids would continue to
mentor and be involved with the center. The goal was to foster community
relations with the Center and provide activities for the youth.
Ms. Robinson advised recently, there were five center youths that stole MP3
players from WalMart and downloaded the music onto the center computers.
Staff had a lengthy discussion with the youths and consequences were imposed.
She explained there is still a lot of work to do and 1.5 years probably was not
enough time to do it, but the members all agreed, the programs were worthwhile.
Currently, the total cost for all four programs was $5,600.
Sgt. Gitto moved to fund all four summer programs. Mr. Buchanan seconded the
motion. There were no objections and the motion carried.
B. Update on Steering Committee
There was no update given.
C. Update on Teen Council Meeting - Vickie Henderson
Vickie Henderson, Teen Advisor, announced they held the first Teen Council
meeting and 11 youths attended. She asked the youths to read the brochure
prepared about the program and explain what the purpose was. The members
selected a name for the center, which was the "Boynton Beach Youth
Empowerment Center." Three of the youths that were familiar with graphic art
would design a center logo. She anticipated four or five more youth would join
the council. The next meeting would be Friday, June 13th at which time they
would finalize the logo and the rules for the center. The council would determine
the rules, attire, disciplinary actions, and would campaign for the election of
officers for the Teen Council. The youths were excited and she hoped to have 15
to 20 youths involved with the council. An update about the youths that attended
the meeting was distributed and it was noted Ms. Henderson required the youths
to participate in at least one of the programs at the center.
D. Request from Intergenerational Gathering for funds - Stacey Robinson
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Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 4,2008
Ms. Robinson advised the event organizers were requesting $4K and she asked
them to articulate what the funds would be used for in addition to food and
children's activities. To date, no response had been received. She noted last
year they had a booth at the event, and previously they had donated supplies.
They were planning on having a booth again this year as well.
Ms. Robinson preferred the funds go to programming for the center and noted
the Youth Violence Prevention Project would hold a few large events such as a
Grand Opening, a Bring Your Own Parents (BYOP) Night and staff wanted to use
the funds for those programs. The decision was up to the committee, but Ms.
Robinson felt funding the Intergenerational Gathering really would not serve the
youth. The gathering was a street festival. Previously the YVPP walked up and
down distributing information about the program.
Sgt. Gitto moved not to fund the Intergenerational Gathering unless they received
specific information about what the money was for or there would be some
benefit to the youth.
Mr. Nichols suggested amending the motion and thought the request was to
offset expenses. He suggested a letter or conversation was needed and he
elaborated that with the current economic instability, the committee may not be
able to support the request but should not totally close the door. He suggested
advising the committee did not have the resources and to undertake due
diligence and inquire what the dollars were for.
It was also suggested the Intergenerational Gathering provide a total itemized
budget and how it would help improve the situation for the youth. It was agreed
the youth would be better served by sending them on a mission trip as opposed
to attending a street festival, however good it might be.
Mr. Nichols seconded the motion to not fund the request this year; that they do
due diligence by inquiring what the funds would be used for and for next year,
and in the future years to come, because the committee did not want to close the
door, to advise the organizers they needed a more detailed itemization of the
It was emphasized the committee supported the initiative but could not financially
contribute to it, given the mandate of the committee, the late date of the request
and the lack of specifics to support it.
Ms. Robinson would draft a letter to that effect.
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 4,2008
There was a vote on the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
E. Outcomes for YEC and service providers/program survey - Stacey
Ms. Robinson explained all of the program's service providers officially had
outcome measures and staff was beginning to request report cards and police
reports to tabulate the information. The information was being received and
assembled to substantiate the effectiveness of the program as a measurable
output. It was known significant progress was made from February to June but
there was more work to do. She advised they would have a basis for evaluating
events next year and they worked very hard to get some of the service providers
to provide the required information.
Ms. Robinson gave a report for the month of May and explained the youth sign in
when coming to the center. During the month, there were 156 youths that
entered the center. Out of those 156 youths, 60 entered the center more than
once. Thirty-two out of the 60 used the center more than 5 days; 16 out of the 60
used the center up to 10 days, and 11 of the youths, who were council members,
had been at the Center for 18 days, which was the total number of days the
center was open. The program, on the whole and with no duplication of the
youth counted, serviced 177 youths during the month of May. These were
youths that consistently visited the center and she advised many of the
youngsters participated in every program that was available.
There was a brief discussion whether the center was on target with the projected
number of unduplicated youths that participate in the program. Ms. Robinson
explained the target was to reach 250 youths within the first six months and they
almost achieved their goal. There was a brief discussion about how the
committee could advocate the program on the County and State levels as it
pertained to funding. There were cuts occurring and if there was no focus on
specific areas, the program would be in jeopardy. Ms. Robinson explained they
would welcome those conversations.
F. Update on Police presence at Sims - Lt. Harris
Sgt. Gitto explained there was a police presence at the center and a detail officer
assigned from Monday through Saturday from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m, which
provided some assistance for the staff. She noted it encouraged zone officers to
stop by and meet the residents and center patrons. Sgt. Gladys Cannon was
assigned full time to provide a positive police presence and to meet the
youngsters and determine their needs. Sgt. Cannon would visit the schools,
check on legal hearings regarding center youth, and attend the Department of
Meeting Minutes
Youth Violence Prevention Project
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 4, 2008
Juvenile Justice hearings and other legal proceedings pertaining to the center
participants. It was noted one member of the council was going to be sent away
to camp last week, but because of Sgt. Cannon's presence in court, the Judge
made other accommodations. The Judge indicated he was impressed with Sgt.
Cannon's dedication. It was felt Sgt. Cannon was making significant connections.
Sgt. Cannon stopped by to say hello and meet the members. She thanked all for
the opportunity to be a part of the program.
IX. Member Comments
X. Guest Comments
Guest comments were made earlier in the meeting.
XI. Adjournment
Ms. Robinson moved to adjourn. Mr. Buchanan seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
The meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry I
Recording Secretary