Minutes 02-23-00Boynton Beach City Library Advisory Board Minutes February 23, 2000 Present - Board Members: Dorothy Walker (Chair), Marva Collins, Daniel Holthouse, Alice Otis, Maryann Tara, .lane Zimmerman. Ubrary Director: Virginia Farace. Guest: Arleen Dennison, 1913 Schoolhouse Museum Executive Director. Absent: Valerie Pleasanton, Alice Warren. A Quorum being present, Chair Dorothy Walker opened the meeting at 4:05 P.M. Minutes of the .lanuary meeting were approved as distributed. The Chair reported that four persons need to reapply for reappointment to the Board. Unfinished Business: The Ubrary Director passed out copies of the Electronic Information Policy Statement and December's Monthly Report to Collins and Tata. The BookFest Book Bazaar profit for our library was close to $900. The Library Friends committee has decided to do it again next year and is looking at potential sites. The children's entertainment portion was not well attended and will not be repeated next year. Two hundred twenty-seven people (vs.180 last year) attended the Fdend's Annual Benefit Luncheon. This year more of our author's books were sold than in previous years. The Director passed around pictures from the Bazaar and from the luncheon. New Business: Chair Walker requested an update on the museum. Arleen Dennison reported that a contract is being negotiated with a professional museum exhibit designer. The Ubrary is helping with the historical research to "tell the story" of Boynton Beach. The City is about to enter into a tri-party agreement that will bring $1M to the Museum for the exhibits. The $1M is frOm the $37M County recreation and culture bond referendum that was approved last year. The architect is finalizing drawings for an outdoor amphitheater, which is funded by a State grant and will be located next to the Schoolhouse. Susan Berman has been hired as Administrative Secretary to work with Arleen. The Library Board decided to hold its March meeting at the 1913 Schoolhouse to see the inside of the renovated building. Library Director's Report: COALA- Delray Beach Library is interested in rejoining COALA. PowerOa/d- Activities are planned during National Library Week to encourage children to get a library card. The Friends are giving financial support. There will be a formal kickoff at 4 PM on April 3rd at Belvedere Elementary School Media Center. Library Board members are invited to attend. Youth P.r,_o~_,r_a..m,_.s~- Patricia Mooar made three visits and spoke to eight different classes at Congress Middle School about Bla~k H/story in Literature and Poetry;, _lames Shelton trained 18 youth volunteers in -lanuary who have given over 100 hours to the Library already; Pok~mon Pals Club will be held on the third Tuesday of the month from 5:30 to 6:30 PM for school children to trade cards, watch a Pokemon video, and check out Pokemon books. Traffic Counter- Was recently installed in front lobby to monitor number of patrons. Vacant Library StaffPosition~ - Still waiting to be filled. Zssues & Projects- New City Manager asked for input (see attached). Next M..eet!ng: The next Library Board meeting will be on the fifth Wednesday of the month, March 29, at 4 P.M. in the 1913 ~choolhouse. Meeting adjoumed at 5:00 PM. Maryann Tata, Secretary Approved