Minutes 06-28-00Boynton Beach City Ubrary
Advisory Board Minutes
-lune 28, 2000
Board Members Present: Alice Otis, .lane Zimmerman, Valerie Pieasanton, Marion
Grammer, Dan Holthouse, .ludy Sanders, and Ubrary Director Virginia Farace.
Guest: Ass't Ubrary Director A.D. Henehan
Absent: Dorothy Walker, Marva Collins, Alice Warren
The Board met a 3:00 PM in the Program Room of the BoyntOn Beach City
Library. Virginia announced that Dorothy Walker has resigned as chair, so an
election of officers was held. Valerie Pleasonton was elected chairperson, and
Marion Grammer was elected co-chair. As no one was able to assume the duties
of secretary, the Board suggested that members take tums taking notes at
meetings until a secretary can be elected. Marion agreed to act as secretary for
today's meeting.
Virginia handed out loose-leaf notebooks to all board members with copies of by-
laws, budget information and other pertinent information relating to the library.
The Board discussed the bylaws and amended the section relating to date and
time of meetings..ludy moved to amend by striking the date and time and
inserting "the Board will meet at least nine times each year at dates and times
determined by the Board." Motion passed.
Virginia reviewed the proposed budget for 2000-2001. She pointed out that she
had been directed by the City Manager to reduce the library's budget request by
about $88,000. She and A.D. discussed the areas being considered for reduction
and the reasons for the vadous cuts.
A motion was passed "that the Advisory Board recommend that the Book Budget
be restored to $150,000, without taking money from other areas of the library
The next meeting of the Advisory Board will be held on .luly 26 at 3:00 PM in the
Ubrary Program Room. The.4!~oard requested that members be called to remind
<:~ern~o~/this meetij~g. ._
Ma~rion Grammer --
Acting Secretary
Approved ~/ocq~L'/c~°