Minutes 09-27-00Boynton Beach City Library Advisory Board Minutes September 27, 2000 Present: Board members: Marva Collins, Madon Grammer, Alice Otis, Valerie Pleasanton, Dorothy Walker, Alice Warren, and Dan Holthouse. Library Director: Virginia Farace. Absent: Judy Sanders (out of town), Jane Zimmerman (broken hip) Co-Chair Marion Grammer opened the meeting at 3:10 PM in the program room of the Boynton Beach City Library. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as distributed. There was no correspondence. Unfinished Business: The library budget was approved by the city commission without additional funds for the book collection. The city manager suggested that the additional funds be raised through donations. The Board discussed vadous ways to increase donations. The library is listed as the second item on the Capital Improvement Project list. It was allocated $20,000 in the budget to start the process so that the library can meet the April 1, 2001 deadline to file for a state construction grant. The grant (maximum of $500,000) would be allocated in 2003. Boynton Beach City Library Long-Range Plan was approved by the City Commission at its September 19 meeting. The State Library requires that each library's Long-Range Plan be approved by their governing body. New Business: At a request by member Valerie Pleasanton, the starting time of the Board meetings was adjusted to 3:15 pm. Director's report: PowerCard: September is National Library Card Sign up Month and this is being incorporated and marketed as part of PowerCard initiative. LSTA Grant: Described grant that was approved by the City Commission and sent to State Library for their final approval. Business Expo: The Library had a booth at the Boynton Beach Mall as part of the Chamber's Business Expo. Good exposure for the Library and signed-up 24 borrowers. Friends of the Library assisted in staffing the booth. Portable Walls: Explained that Patricia Spoerri, the city's new professional development manager would be housed in the library so office space was created in the Reference area. At the same time, we also created a new space for small group, library/city meetings, as the library is being requested to accommodate more and more of the city's board and committee meetings. Reserve Books: The library has increased the number of reserves from 2 titles at one time to 4. Increase has been well received by the public. Discard policy: Stated that staff was reviewing the library's policy concerning gifts and discards. The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 PM. The next Library Board meetings will be held on October 25 and November 29 (Nov/Dec combined meeting), at 3:15 PM. in the Library. Submitted by, Alice Warren, Acting Secretary Approved: October 25, 2000