Minutes 11-29-00Boy. ton Beach City Library
Advisory Board 14inures
November 29, 2000
Present: Board members: Alice Otis, Valerie Pleasanton, Dan Holthouse, 3udy
Sanders, Dorothy Walker, Madon Grammer. Library Director: Virginia Farace.
Absent: Marva Collins, Alice Warren, ]ane Zimmerman.
Chair Valede Pleasanton called the meeting to order at 3:20.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
There was no correspondence, chair's report or unfinished business.
The Library Director reported on the following:
z. Poetry night at the library for young people has been a continuing
success. Virginia handed out press dippings reporting on the program.
2. The library is carrying through on the LSTA Grant.
3. The city has sent out purchase orders for updated security measures, but
none of the updates am in pla~e yet.
4. Them was a headng on'the school boundary issue on Monday 27 and the
~.~t~i board will be holding a meeting soon to hear the concerns of the
5. Staff update:
Patricia Mooar is expected to return to work next week.
There have been two applicants for the Youth Program Assistant position, which is
authorized in the budget to be filled on 3anuary 2, 2001.
Mildred Zwart, a former long time employee of the library, died recently.
There is a book endowment in her name and anyone may add his or her contribution.
6. The library w~! be dosed between December 22 and 25 and on 3anuary lsL
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45. The next meeting will be held on 3an. 24,
2001, at 3:15 P.M.
.~.~/~d;.C~_~Submitted by, 7~
Marion Grammer, Acting Secretary
Approved //~. v/,~ /