Minutes 06-26-08
HELD ON THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M.
Stephen Waldman, Chair
Pamela Camel (arrived at 7.'16 p.m.)
Carol Lundquist
Hattie Miller
Lesha Roundtree
Loretta Wilkinson (left at 8:00 p.m.)
Lisa Pierre, Student, Reg. Non-voting Member
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Roberta Fasano, Alternate
Robert Chiste, Student, Reg. Voting Member
Brianna Frank, Student, Reg. Voting Member
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silent Reflection
The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Ms. Wilkinson, and
observed a moment of silent reflection for our troops in harm's way.
III. Approval of Minutes of May 29, 2008
Ms. Claude noted a correction to the minutes on page 2 under Public Audience. The
youth team traveled to Virginia on May 1, 2008, not 2007.
Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve the minutes of May 29, 2008 as amended. Ms.
Lundquist seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Chair Waldman advised he would be adding one item to New Business regarding
"Character Counts."
Meeting Minutes
. Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2008
There was consensus to approve the agenda as amended.
V. An no u ncements/Presentations/Corres pondence
VI. Public Audience
Myra Jones, a resident of the City, thanked the Board for its letter of support regarding
keeping Galaxy Elementary open. She approached the Board earlier this year soliciting
community support in her endeavor to keep the school open. She also invited Board
members to attend the Black History Month event at Sims Center, which is scheduled
for the first Saturday in February 2009.
VII. New Business
Chair Waldman distributed the letter that had been sent to Commissioner Ross. He and
Ms. Wilkinson attended the visioning meeting at the City of Oelray for Character Counts.
Oelray has declared itself a "A City of Character" by infusing the six pillars of character
(Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship) into their
daily routines. He noted this is already being done by the School Board in the schools.
He would like to see Boynton Beach adopt this as well. The Board will await
Commissioner Ross' response to see if this is something that the City would be
interested in pursuing.
VIII. Old Business
A. Youth Volunteer Bank
Ms. Claude distributed the section of the Code of Ordinances that established the
Education and Youth Advisory Board and lists its duties. Chair Waldman questioned
Sec. 2-119 (b) regarding attendance, which appears to be different from the general
board attendance policy. Ms. Claude will get clarification on this.
There was consensus that the Youth Volunteer Bank is something the Board wants to
continue. Chair Waldman stated that now the Board needed tactics to accomplish its
objectives and for the program to grow.
Ms. Wilkinson thought that they should start with the younger kids, building a core group
of elementary-aged students. She thinks they are too focused on the awards. The
focus should be on 6-12 year olds and appealing to the parents in order to get the
young children involved.
Ms. Camel suggested making contacts with principals and pre-school directors to get
the information to the students. They could piggyback on activities organized by other
organizations, such as the Red Cross, Easter Seals and Community Relations Board.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2008
Non-Title I schools could "adopt" a Title I school in Boynton Beach. The Board could
recognize the entities who participate in events co-sponsored by the Board.
Ms. Pierre advised that students at Galaxy Elementary each have their own "mailbox"
and this may be one way to get information to them. Ms. Lundquist suggested
advertising what the Board is doing in the community via the newspapers. Ms.
Roundtree said she didn't know about the Youth Volunteer Bank until she joined the
Board. Another way to get through to the youth is via the youth department at
churches. Ms. Miller said she has tried to do that. In addition, a lot of information left at
the schools never gets from the office to the students. Ms. Camel advised that all
schools are responsible for career development components and the Board must have
direct contact with the schools. The School Advisory Councils won't reach the masses
as well as Guidance Departments. She stressed that all board members would have to
be responsible for making and maintaining these contacts and reporting on their
progress at board meetings.
Chair Waldman indicated that a plan was needed; including what schools would be
targeted, what to say, a timetable, etc. Ms. Lundquist suggested a presentation to
parents at the beginning of the school year. Chair Waldman reminded everyone they
must have something to "sell".
Ms. Camel suggested highlighting things that were already on calendars as special
days or holidays, such as Arbor Day or National Literacy Month. The Board would
keep in contact with the schools and report back at each meeting and recognize
students who participate. Ms. Wilkinson suggested choosing two or three dates. She
also thought that incremental rewards were important. Ms. Camel suggested there are
various and creative ways that children could volunteer, including donating coloring
books to hospitals and making cards for sick children.
Chair Waldman suggested starting small to see what works. A plan needs to be
developed at the next meeting on how to proceed, including what schools will be
targeted, how they will be contacted, what the talking points will be, etc.
IX. Future Meeting Dates: July 24,2008
August 28, 2008
X. Adjournment
The meeting properly adjourned at 8: 1 0 p.m.
Jeu~ (~((Nvc~
Sherri Claude
Assistant to the Recreation & Parks Director