ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2000 AT 6:30 P.M.
Mr. Dan DeCarlo, Neighborhood Project Specialist, called the meeting to order at
6:35 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending.
Mr. DeCarlo introduced Mayor and Mrs. Gerald Broening, Commissioner Charlie
Fisher, Police Sgt. Dave Gainsborg, Mark Law, Deputy Utilities Director, Deputy
Fire Chief Steve Gale, Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator, and City
Manager Kurt Bressner. Also present from the City were Wayne Segal, Director
of Public Affairs and Ms. Carolyn Sims, Recreation Supervisor III.
Tonight's meeting will consist of an overview of common neighborhood interests
and creating a common theme throughout the City. Mr. DeCarlo stated he would
be presenting a Power Point presentation on various projects taking place within
the City and encouraged participation among the audience. Some of the issues
to be discussed will be-
safety issues,
police protection issues,
communications among the neighborhoods,
any other issues that the audience would like to discuss.
Mr. DeCarlo opened up the meeting for questions from the audience.
A woman asked what is being done with Ocean Avenue to attract businesses
into this area that would bring people into the area? Mr. DeCarlo replied that
when the infrastructure improvements are completed together with the capital
'mprovement programs, the City will be encouraging private investment to come
into this area.
Mr. Bressner replied that the first thing that needs to be done is to complete the
infrastructure, get the streetscape in place and noted that discussions are
already taking place within the development community regarding this area.
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 23, 2000
She also asked if there was a plan in place. Mr. Bressner said that an economic
and marketing study needs to be done first and consideration needs to be given
to engage the services of a marketing and economic development consultant to
determine what needs to be done. Also, Mr. Bressner said when the new census
data comes out, the City will be able to determine the disposal income in this
area and what type of retail could be supported.
Another woman asked how their community, Boynton Isles, could get a "Children
at Play Sign" put up? Mr. DeCado suggested that she telephone his office
tomorrow and he would follow up on this.
Ms. Dee Zibelli noted that the City worked very hard to get a High School in
Quantum Park and it was anticipated that the new High School would be for all
Boynton Beach students. Ms. Zibelli finds it upsetting that the School Board is
now redefining their districts and students residing between Miner Road and
Menton Road are being cut out from attending the new High School. Ms. Zibelli
pointed out that this was unfair to the children in the City and also noted that the
children in this area of the City don't even have a place to play. Ms. Zibelli
would like the City to address this problem.
Mr. DeCarlo introduced Ms. Diana Tedtmann, Chairperson of the Education
Advisory Board, who was present tonight to discuss the School Boundary Issue.
Ms. Tedtmann distributed and reviewed a handout on the issue, a copy of which
is attached to the original minutes of this meeting. Ms. Tedtmann read the letter
to the audience explaining what is taking place within the City regarding the
School Boundary Issue, as well as addressing the racial balance issues. These
changes could result in predominately White schools west of the City and
predominately Black schools along the coast.
There are already lawsuits that have been brought challenging the redistricting
and the School Board has hired a law firm to handle this. Ms. Tedtmann noted
that these are proposed changes and are not in place yet. She urged anyone
who would like to speak on the issue to call the Palm Beach County School
District and to speak with Harry Fix, School District Planning Department,
Advisory Boundary Committee at 561-434-7343. Also, Ms. Tedtmann can be
contacted at 561-734-3163.
Ms. Zibelli asked what the timeframe was and Ms. Tedtmann stated it was very
short and this will be going to the School Board on November 27th and voted on a
week later.
Mr. DeCado suggested that it might be worthwhile to hold some neighborhood
meetings throughout the City to address this issue. Mr. DeCarlo thanked Ms.
Tedtmann for her remarks.
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 23, 2000
Mr. Brian Edwards noted that he received a package from the City on traffic
calming. He wanted to know what steps the City was going to take in his
neighborhood and feels there is a need for some criteria on who would be
responsible for what. Mr. Edwards further stated that this has become an
important issue in his neighborhood due to the fact that a lot of new families have
moved in with small children.
Also, Mr. Edwards requested an update on the Intracoastal Park. Mr. Edwards
stated he is very pleased to see the progress taking place within the City,
especially the garden project.
Mr. DeCarlo responded that with regard to the traffic calming issue, staff has
been preparing an Ordinance and this should be ready by the first of the year.
After that the City will be in a position to know which way to go. Hopefully, this
issue can be updated at the January Neighborhood Summit Meeting.
Ms. Zibelli complimented the City on placing the Sable Palms along Ocean
Parkway. Since they have been planted, they have acted as a traffic claming
Mr. Ed Tedtmann, President of the Laurel Hills Neighborhood Association, noted
that the Visions 20/20 Plan recommended that the neighborhoods have a
pedestrian friendly street system with limited outside accessibility. Mr. Tedtmann
pointed out that on NW 7th Street, they have no sidewalks. Further he said he
had been furnished with sources of revenue for having sidewalks installed, but
since that time, Mr. Bressner informed him that there were other funds available
within the City for sidewalks.
Mr. Bressner stated there are funds available for these types of improvements
and the City has been looking for alternative revenue streams for capital
improvements for infrastructure improvements. The grant team is working on
identifying these revenue sources and will be going after some of these funds.
Mr. Bressner discussed how the priorities for placing sidewalks throughout the
City are determined and high pedestrian traffic areas would receive sidewalks
Commissioner Fisher announced that on Thursday, November 16th at 6:00 P.M.
there will be a Commission Workshop on Traffic Calming at the Library.
A woman asked about the status of the neighborhood inspections that had been
taking place. Mr. Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator, stated that his staff
had been performing a survey of the neighborhoods, but were not actually
looking for violations. The survey was more for determining neighborhood needs.
Currently it is on hold and will be worked in with the GIS Program that the City is
implementing. Mr. Blasie stated they surveyed up to Gateway Boulevard.
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 23, 2000
The question was asked when the Gateway Project would be completed and Mr.
Bressner stated by December 31st of this year. Mr. Bressner pointed out that the
contractor has been in the penalty stage since June, which means that the
contractor is paying all engineering services. Mr. Bressner apologized for all the
dirt and dust and said staff is doing their best.
Ms. Currier asked about the fire at the Ocean Avenue Bridge and would this
delay the opening? Mr. Bressner replied that it should still be opening on
November l~th, h~wever, he will know f~r certain on Wednesday.
Power Point Presentation
Mr. DeCarlo gave the following presentation:
Ocean Avenue Bridge Opening will bring neighbors together with shared
goals and dreams.
Neighborhoods mean working person to person. It also involves working with
the Police Department.
Current Projects in the City are as follows:
1. The Neighborhood Assistance Program is available which allows staff to
work with specific neighborhoods.
2. The 17th Avenue Median Project has just finished and there was an article
in the newspaper over the weekend about this project. Next to be
completed will be the right-of-way which will have a positive effect upon
the Hester Center and the neighborhood.
3. Village Royale on the Green is an example of a neighborhood doing most
of the work and the City providing some money. The entrance of Village
Royale on the Green will be tied into the Gateway street improvements.
4. The Ocean Parkway project is nearly completed; all that is remaining are
plantings and the addition of some color. Ninety-eight palm trees were
planted on a 2,000' median. This project has had a tremendous impact
upon the neighborhood and people are now fixing up their yards and
improving their property because of this.
5. The Community Gardening Project is taking place in conjunction with
Palm Beach County and the 4H Program, involving many children. This
will be a neighborhood improvement project and landscaping will also be
6. The Circle Islands Project, which is located northwest of City Hall, is
almost completed and all that is needed are light fixtures on top of the
7. High Point is a new project. The front entrance to this community will be
improved and work should begin next week.
Meeting Minutes '
Neighborhood Summit Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 23, 2000
8. Golfview Harbour has two projects that they are paying for while working
in conjunction with the City. A new sidewalk is being built from the
clubhouse to the street and the City will be adding some landscaping on
the corner and installing a new sign. This project should start within 60
9. The Seagate Project on South Federal Highway addressed changes to the
entrances to the community. The creation of a small water feature is
being considered at the entrance. Seagate would provide most of the
money and the materials. The City will be assisting with planning and
design work. The City likes to do the design work thereby keeping the
continuity of a certain look for the City.
10.The Sterling Village Project was a great success. A tree that was blown
down was replaced with the assistance of Barbara Meacham of the Parks
Department who designed the corner with new plant material. The project
was financed through the Neighborhood Assistance Program.
11.With regard to Boynton Beach Leisureville, staff is redesigning all the
entrances and the designs will be submitted to the landscape committee
for review.
12. Last year Mr. DeCarlo stated he had been contacted by a resident
regarding some property that the City owns behind the Holiday House
Restaurant on Federal Highway and 6th Avenue. This resident felt that
something more could be done with the property. Staff met with the
County and representatives from the Parks Department and it was
This project should
decided to turn this land into a demonstration garden.
be completed by next Spring.
Mr. DeCarlo pointed out that the Neighborhood Services Office is dedicated to
working with residents to improve our neighborhoods. They focus on
beautification efforts to enhance the quality of life in the City. Neighborhood
Services serves the community and offers various types of programs including -
v' Partnership Grants,
v' Special Events,
v' Community Gardening, and
v' City-sponsored improvement projects,
GIS Program
The GIS Program is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing data that
integrates databases with geography. GIS also creates a centralized database
for City programs and increases efficiency and accessibility. Mr. DeCarlo
explained how the program can be of great use to the City and displayed a map
of current projects in the City.
Meeting Minutes '~
Neighborhood Summit Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 23, 2000
Art in the City
Mr. DeCarlo also pointed out that he has been working with Leisure Services to
obtain a grant in order to provide art lessons for elementary school students. The
City should learn in a few weeks whether it has been accepted for the grant.
Martin Luther King Corridor Planning Grant
This program will help to build a sense of community awareness and if the grant
is awarded, neighborhood residents will be mobilized to work, monitor, and
evaluate the project. This project will be a benefit to the entire City. Some of the
improvements envisioned are:
***. Streets & sidewalks,
.:. Lighting & landscaping,
*:* Zoning overlay to encourage development,
-**- Commercial revitalization, and
..** Community building.
Mr. DeCarlo concluded his presentation and opened up the meeting for
questions and comments.
Communications, Safety, Beautification & Landscaping Focus
Commissioner Fisher announced that this year the City will be presenting a
month-long celebration for the Holiday Season. Holiday lighting will take place
on December 1St by the Civic Center and lights will be placed throughout this
section of the City. On December 3rd, the Annual Parade will be held.
Commissioner Fisher welcomed everyone to participate in the parade.
Jim Miriana questioned why the City wasn't developing more of Federal Highway.
Mr. Miriana would like to see more improvements between 5th and 7th Streets.
He also noted that there are propane gas tanks stored at Amerigas and said that
the City should have plans in case of a disaster in this area.
Mr. Bressner responded that the focus of tonight's meeting was on neighborhood
associations and was not intended to discuss the zoning in progress study that is
currently underway on Federal Highway. He pointed out that there is a deadline
of six months for the study to be completed and submitted to the City
Commission for their review. Mr. Bressner pointed out that the Neighborhood
Specialist is now working under the City Manager's Office and is no longer part of
the Development Department. This means if Mr. DeCarlo needs anything, he
goes directly to the City Manager's Office.
Meeting Minutes - '
Neighborhood Summit Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 23, 2000
Mr, Tedtmann noted that there is a regional group that will be holding a
conference on "are we running out of land" that will include Dade, Broward and
Palm Beach Counties. Mr. Tedtmann felt this would be a good opportunity for
our City Officials to attend this meeting to present what the City has available in
terms of redevelopment. Mr. Bressner felt this would be worthwhile and asked
Mr. Tedtmann to supply him with the dates and details of the conference.
Mr. DeCarlo thanked Shana Weinstein, his Administrative Assistant for her help
and assistance with tonight's meeting.
Mr. Robert Narducci, the President of Mariners Way Association said they turned
in a project for NE 12th Avenue and were informed by Mr. Law that the City was
going to be doing some work on the roads and curbs and that their project would
have to wait until the City has completed the repairs. There are 96 homeowners
between Mariner's Way and Mariner's Village and they would like to line the
entrance with Palm Trees. Mr. Law replied that there is some water main
damage that needs to be repaired and that the landscaping could take place
once the work completed.
Also, Mr. Narducci would like to see the road widened because people who rent
U-Hauls across the street on Federal Highway use their street to try to turn
around and discover that it is a dead end. Mr. DeCarlo said that the City could
put up some kind of sign informing people that the road is a dead end.
A gentleman from Village Royale said he would like to see something done with
neighborhood clean-ups. Also, he. feels that the practice of putting the trash out
3 to 4 days before the pick up day should be stopped and would like the City to
address this problem. Mr. DeCado acknowledged that this is a problem and Mr.
Blasie said he would speak with the gentleman at the conclusion of the meeting.
Mr. Brian Edwards asked if the NeighborhOod Assistance Program is still handled
as originally set up? Mr. DeCado stated that it was. Mr. DeCarlo also noted that
because a neighborhood came to the City with a project in the past, doesn't
mean they couldn't come back the next year with another project.
A woman from Boynton Isles stated there is a traffic problem when entering
Federal Highway and Major Jim Cummings suggested that she should call him at
the Police Department. The Police Department has a traffic department that
addresses these types of problems and could perform a traffic study.
A gentleman complained about the problem of the U-Haul trucks parked out to
the Street on Federal Highway and people exiting from NE 12th Street cannot
turn around. Major Cummings explained that Federal Highway is under the
control of the Department of Transportation and the City has little control over
Federal Highway. The Police Department has issued complaints and the only
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 23, 2000
way to change anyth ng is for the City to petition the State to make changes. Mr.
Bressner said that he has a contract with the State and suggested this gentleman
contact Major Cummings with the details. Mr. Bressner Said he would try to
address this at the State level.
Mr. Blasie said that the U-Haul Company was issued notices to correct their
parking violations. A District Manager became involved and the site has been
cleaned up. Mr. Blasie requested that if anyone sees any vehicles on the road,
to contact hiS office. Originally Mr. Blasie stated there were 70 U-Haul trucks and
now they are down to around 30 trucks.
Other Issues and review
Next Meeting - January 22, 200'1
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(2 tapes)