ON MONDAY, ~TULY 24, 2000 AT 7:00 P.M.
Mr. Dan DeCarlo, Neighborhood Project Specialist, called the meeting to order at
7:05 P.M. and thanked everyone for attending.
At Mr. beCarlo's request, Commissioner Charlie Fisher gave a "state of the City"
message to acquaint the attendees with the status of various current projects
within the City.
· Marina Pro~ect
Commissioner Fisher stated that the Marina project was on track. After the
lawsuits were settled, it was necessary to wait thirty days before proceeding with
the project. Everyone is happy and ready to move forward.
· Ocean Avenue
When the final bid proposals came in to re-do Ocean Avenue, they were on the
higher side and staff found that by removing this first block from Seacrest we
could bring the bid price down by $500,000, which was in keeping with the original
targeted figure. Since the City intends to re-do the Library area in the next year
or two anyway, it did not make a lot of sense to do it twice.
hue to the reduction in scope, the timeline has improved as well. The number of
days required for the project has been cut down considerably which will be great
for the people living and working in the area. They should be starting near the end
of August or the beginning of September. Also, their schedule is based on a seven-
day work week, not a five-day one so if they said it would take ?00 days that would
include Saturday and Sundays.
Boat Club Park and the 10 Acre Park
The County Commission approved the entire amount that Boynton Beach requested
for this project.
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 24, 2000
Boat Club Park will be a place to put your boat in the water. The focus in this park
will not be on pavilions and picnic tables. In order to get the money there had to be
a certain amount of parking spaces for the boats. Right next door will be the lO-
acre park with its emphasis on playgrounds, picnic tables and recreational activities.
· Budget Time
The budgets will be discussed and set for the coming fiscal year during the next
couple of months. Commissioner Fisher invited interested part/es to attend the
next City Commission meeting to express their opinions on August 1 at 6:30 p.m.
where they would be discussing such issues as term limits, salaries, and single
member districts.
A member of the group asked when the Bridge would be opened. Commissioner
Fisher responded that the projected date was the end of October or beginning of
November and Pond B will be done at at the same time. By Federal mandate, the
pond has to be ready to take the water when they open the bridge. Pond B might
actually be done by the end of September. The City is trying to work out a joint
bridge opening ceremony between Boynton Beach and Ocean Ridge.
Ms. Zibelli asked why they did not build the gazebo in Pond B using the same
recycled materials they used at the beach? Commissioner Fisher said that the
recycled alternative was thoroughly explored and eventually dismissed due to its
high cost.
Ms. Zibellrs second question was concerning Boat Club Park. She commented that
the County was allowed to use the park, the same as the city. 5he asked why they
could not have the same thing as at the golf course, which was run on the basis of a
percentage of people - "X" number from the City, and "X" number from the County
and other areas. Commissioner Fisher stated that staff and the Commission were
considering several user fee increases and schemes including charging to launch a
boat and raising the beach permit fees.
· Drainage Zssue
Mr. DeCarlo introduced a special guest, Ms. Dana Ackerman White, the Director
of Community Affairs with the Lake Worth Drainage District. The City Manager
was at a meeting last week and said we needed to have some input from this
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 24, 2000
Ms. White stated that they maintained 511 miles of canals in the southeastern
portion of Palm Beach County. Their boundaries are from Okeechobee Boulevard
south to the Broward County Line, approximately :[-95 west to the Refuge (a little
west of State Road 7). They maintain all the secondary canal systems, open the
Dates, and discharge water into the South Florida system. She stated that she was
there to help the homeowner's associations, educate everyone on their drainage
situation, and answer questions. Ms. White had some information about the
maintenance of drainage systems and adjustable drainage systems. Ms. White said
that adjustable drainage systems have a wheel, which can be opened up to release
water at a fester rate. They need to be regulated and they may only be operated
and opened with the permission of the Lake Worth Drainage District's permission,
as a safety precaution.
Ms. White pointed out that this was the first year the Hurricane Survival Guides
distributed by Publix stores had included flooding as part of their guide, tt also
has flood safety tips, maps of the drainage systems, and contact phone numbers.
Commissioner Fisher asked a question about evacuation in times of hurricane
emergencies and whether it was necessary to evacuate everyone west of 3:-95. Ms.
White stated that the City should contact the Emergency Operations Center of
Palm Beach County, who were the ones who monitored and sent out the evacuation
The property manager for The Meadows in Boynton, Mr. Scott Straleau, spoke of
the major flooding problems that occurred in The Meadows last fall. There was
some disagreement as to when the storm gates should be operated, when they
should be opened, and when they should be closed. He said that they were open
prior to the storm starting and someone said they should be closed but they were
completely submerged by that time. At the time the Lake Worth Drainage District
did come out and noted that the floodgates were open. Ms. White stated that she
was being told a different story by the personnel in the Lake Worth Drainage
District, which was that they had come out and opened the gates for The Meadows
and that the gates were not open. According to Mr. Straleau, the gates were open
and locked in the open position. Ms. White said that could have exacerbated
matters, saying that if they were open and in the locked position during the storm,
they probably Dot canal water in the development. She said that under no
circumstances should the gates be opened DUR]:NG a storm event. They may be
opened prior to a storm event and after the storm event but never during it for
that reason, that you would get canal waters into your system. They have installed
three additional phone lines that are set aside for hurricane use and said that she
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit
Boynton Beach, Florida
,Tuly 24, 2000
would get those numbers out to everyone. 5he offered to come out and talk to the
homeowner's associations and give a presentation.
Mr. DeCarlo said that 18 inches of rain with six inches prior to that was really
catastrophic and that there wasn't anywhere for the water to go. The storm also
changed the way people look at those types of storms. Everyone had been focusing
on wind but not as much on that much rain over an extended period of time. Ms.
White said that they were examining that event and a lot of good had come from it
due to people becoming aware of their storm drainage systems and learning how to
use them.
Ms. White spoke of other factors that affected last fall's flooding. ,She said that
,South Florida Water Management did not open their gates completely and when
they did they did not leave them open. On Saturday she was in a helicopter and
they finally opened them up when they realized that they were under surveillance.
Also, high tide came in. The canal system was fully open by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday
Mr. Straleau commented also that the road construction also affected the flooding
because there had been blockage dams put up and they were not removed until
afterwards, but at that point it was too late anyway.
Mr. Straleau asked another question about the maintenance on the Lake Worth
Drainage ditches as to the grass and the weeds growing there in profusion. Their
community has had a lot of problems there in that they are not allowed to maintain
them. Their concern was that the grass is allowed to grow 12 to 15 inches high
before anyone comes out and then they spray it. It takes two weeks for it to die.
Tnstead of having 15" green grass you have 15" brown grass for two weeks, which
looks ever worse!
Ms. White explained that they were not allowed to maintain the ditches for liability
Mr. DeCarlo thanked Ms. White for coming and said he looked forward to
establishing a closer relationship between the City of Boynton Beach and the Lake
Worth Drainage District.
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 24, 2000
Current Neighborhood Assistance Projects (DeCarlo)
Mr. DeCarlo spoke of the status of various current neighborhood assistance
projects. He noted that at the Commission meeting last August several
neighborhood projects were approved and they were now finishing up. There were
the Circle Zslands, Seacrest Court, 17th Avenue and Ocean Parkway. Ocean Parkway
is being done right now and should be completed by next week.
Mr. DeCarlo spoke of the value of the neighborhood projects and how they have
shown how just a little bit of money and sweat equity can make such a positive
difference in our neighborhoods. The recent publicity has created a lot of calls
from neighborhoods who had not participated in the past. From the City's point of
view, the ability to plan a community was very valuable. When they do a project,
they go in and do a three to five year plan.
Zn the next budget year we are proposing raising the amount budgeted for
Neighborhood Assistance Projects from $Z5,000 to $35,000 and we are
proposing that the $500,000 be kept in the budget for our larger projects. That
will be going to the Commission for approval in August and September so we can
plan from there.
The Harbor Hall community gardening project was discussed. Mr. DeCarlo is going
to propose the Harbor Hall project as a demonstration garden. The garden would
be maintained with the help of the County Extension Service and the INCA
neighborhood association.
Mr. DeCarlo will also be proposing some improvements to Martin L. King, ,Tr.
The Focus Groups were brought up and Mr. DeCarlo said that the two that stood
out as being of primary interest were the Safety Focus Group and the Traffic
Calming Focus Group. He hoped to do a mailing in the next few weeks as a follow up
to this evening's meeting and ask for people who would be willing to serve on either
of these two committees.
Traffic Calming
Mr. DeCarlo discussed the difference between speed bumps and speed humps.
Speed humps have a gradual incline and a plateau on top, making them much more
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 24, 2000
friendly to emergency vehicles and cars in general. They are also much more
effective and inexpensive. An Ordinance is being drafted pertaining to this. As a
demonstration next year they would like to install speed humps in certain
neighborhoods as traffic calming devices to show how they work. There are a lot of
other cities in 5outh Florida who have had great success with the speed humps.
The Traffic Calming Committee would work with various departments in the City
and select two or three different sites where they would like to try them.
Commissioner Fisher mentioned various residential streets that had evolved into
high traffic streets such as 5.W. 8th in front of Home Depot. Tt was residential
forever but then ,urned into o cut-through street. Mr. DeCarlo stated tho, when
Loew's and the Baptist Church open up, traffic will only get worse, not better. This
is one of the issues we won, ,o discuss and maybe this is one of the areas we will
select ,o try something. Once the ordinance is in piece then we know of some si,es
,ha, need something ASAP.
Mr. beCarlo reported that the beautification effort seemed to be taking care of
itself because of ,he in,erest we now have in our neighborhood assis,ance projec,s
and the o,her ,hings we ore working on. An area tho, needed improvemen, was the
City's issue abou, having trees in ,he rights-of-way. He was looking at areas where,
with proper safety considerations, trees may work. They were looking into Laurel
Hills and even Leisureville for ,his effor,.
Other Concerns:
Mr. DeCarlo made the group aware of the upcoming Florida Neighborhood
Conference being held in Fort Lauderdale October 5-7, a great event. Mr. DeCarlo
urged as many neighborhood people as possible to get together and attend. He said
he was looking into the possibility of a bus to take the group there and back in one
day. ]:t is a wonderful opportunity to learn and gather ideas that have worked for
other areas and bring them back for application in our own neighborhoods.
The topic of the new water meters being installed by the City was brought up. Mr.
Law, Deputy Director of the Utilities Department, stated that the project was
being handled by Bob Kenyon and the City is putting in a new "radio read" meter.
This will allow the meter to be read by the meter reader driving down the streets
where the meters are located. They are installing them in the new communities and
retro-fitting the older communities and the work has been ongoing for several
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit
Boynton Beach, Florida
,Tuly 24, 2000
Mr. DeCarlo asked if it was publicized? Mr. Law said it was Mr. Kenyon's project
and he did not know for sure. Mr. DeCarlo thought it would be a good idea to get
the word out to the various communities and associations so people would
understand. Mr. Law replied that there were 31,000 meters in the system so the
job was being done in phases. They started in the neighborhoods that have rear
easement water mains and meters, trying to bring them out in the front and then
converting them to the new style meters.
Ms. Currier said that all the painting and fix-up being done on North Seacrest
was wonderful and that it was quite a transformation from its previous condition.
Mr. DeCarlo mentioned that the City was working with an active Haitian community
and one church in particular on Seacrest and that this would be one of the locations
for a community garden. There ore o lot of people there interested. We see it as
a way to get them involved in different activities. Zt has been a real challenge.
Ms. Currier said that in her neighborhood gardens were flourishing with a large
number of banana plants and pigeon peas and that her neighbors were very proud of
their gardens, often taking visitors through to admire them.
Commissioner Fisher stated that he was contacted by some of the Boy Scout troops
with the comment that they had several Eagle scouts waiting to do their projects
and suggested this as a resource for labor and assistance for neighborhood
Ms. Currier asked about the gardening project on Martin L King Boulevard and
whether it was still "on". Mr. DeCarlo said that Ms. Girtman was going to allow the
City to use her property for $1.00 a year, after speaking with her attorney. A
meeting is planned this week to firm up planS. Ms. Currier said that the growing
season was underway and that the children wanted to plant a garden. According to
Commissioner Black, Home Depot will give the group what they need over and above
what the Extension Service provides, to include help maintaining that particular
Brian Edwards asked if there was anything that the people living east of
could see that told them their status regarding the drainage plan. Mr. Law said
there was a document being formulated and going to the City Manager soon. The
City Manager already has a list of capital projects and there is a secondary list of
capital projects being forwarded to his attention, which includes ALL drainage
projects, from the highest to the lowest priority.
Meeting AAinutcs
Neighborhood Summit
Boynton Beach, Florida
,Tuly 24, 2000
Mr. Edwards also asked who was responsible for inspection of sea walls? Mr. Law
said that, with few exceptions, the sea walls were on private property. Mr. Law
believed that it was primarily an engineering issue but offered to research the
matter for Mr. Edwards. Mr. Edwards' neighborhood group believes they have some
sea walls that should be maintained by the City.
Mr. Edwards asked about traffic calming and street lighting. They have a
committee working on street calming in their neighborhood. They are looking at
what they want and are considering putting it into a Neighborhood Assistance
package. Mr. DeCarlo stated that he had met with several members of the group on
street lighting and that he would like members of INCA involved in the Traffic
Calming Committee.
Mr. DeCarlo said right now if you need street lighting it is assumed you have to do a
map of your neighborhood showing the location of the existing lights and the
location of the new lights you are requesting. Zt first goes through Engineering to
determine if the need is valid and then it goes on to FPL. One of the things we will
be able to do with the new GZ$ system is all the FPL light locations will be on our
map so you can pull it up on the computer. The information in the computer includes
the lumens on the individual light pole. You can do a survey of a particular block in
the City and see where your dark areas are. This is an incredible tool. You can take
a plot map and survey where lights are and where you want them to be and input
that into the computer. Another issue is that some of the existing light poles are
not functioning well. The INCA area is one of the examples of a neighborhood that
is trying period lighting.
Ms. Zibelli said that in 1985 or 1986 the City went to the Iow sodium light to save
money but they are not adequate in terms of brightness. 5he asked if the City was
considering this. Mr. DeCarlo said that this was an Engineering issue also and that
FPL required their sign off prior to doing anything.
Fire Chief Bingham spoke of the City's actions being taken for hurricane
preparedness such as a lot of tree-trimming. He advised residents to begin
removing all loose debris from around their yards and businesses. The City recently
had a special trash pickup for this purpose and if storm conditions threaten, it is
likely that a second pickup will be done. Chief gingham reported that there had
been no warnings to date and that the situation was quiet but that August and
September are typically the highest in hurricane activity so now was the time to
prepare. The Fire Department has been testing their equipment and an Emergency
Operations Center has been set up in the Water Treatment Plant. Everyone
Meeting Minutes
Neighborhood Summit
Boynton Beach, Florida
,Tuly 24, 2000
involved is revisiting the Hurricane Plan to get ready. Residents were cautioned to
begin gathering flashlights, food, gas for cooking, and all the necessary supplies.
Chief Bingham stated that there were going to be two Citizen Fire Academy
classes in the near future and they are currently soliciting for interested residents
to attend. One course will be October 7 and the other will be in ~Tanuary of ;>001.
There are approximately ;>0 individuals per class and it is an eight-week program.
~Zt meets on Wednesday night for three hours each session. Chief Bingham passed
out applications and asked that they be sent out to the neighborhood associations.
The previous classes have been very successful, always garnering good reviews and
Ms. Currier remarked that during the year at all times but especially during bad
weather, that people be mindful of the old and infirm individuals in their
neighborhoods. Ms. Currier stated that many of these individuals are alone, unable
to drive to pick up groceries or supplies, and would be most appreciative of offers
of assistance.
Ms. Zibelli asked for help on the maintenance/trimming/removal of the holly
trees on a 25-foot section on an FPL right-of-way in her neighborhood. 5he has
asked the City, who says it belongs to the County, and the County, who say Jt
belongs to the City. 5he wondered who owned it and who was supposed to maintain
it. There is holly growing in the area and the residents on each side are cutting
their side but are not allowed to cut down the plant material in the right-of-way.
Mr. Law said that was actually an easement and that she owned the property to the
property line. All the fence means is that you cannot construct something on the
easement but it is your property. Mr. Law asked if she had a survey of the
property. Mr. Law offered to look at the plats for her to help ascertain ownership.
Ms. Elizabeth ,Tenkins spoke of some concerns relating to the light poles in her
neighborhood, Ridgewood Hills. Mr. DeCarlo said that in this neighborhood they
did some circle islands. They had some light poles that were built in the 1c~30's and
at one point of time they had electricity running into them and lights but the City
found it would cost too much money to run in electric so they are looking at doing a
solar thing that is less expensive. They are still looking at that, they are going to
do it and there is money in the budget to do it according to Mr. DeCarlo.
Meeting Minutes ~
Neighborhood Summit
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 24, 2000
Ms. ~Tenkins was also concerned about the condition of the grass and grounds at
the Boynton Terrace Apartments, stating that cars parking there were ruining the
grass. Considerable discussion followed. Inspector Roy of Code Enforcement
stated that if the vehicles were inoperable or unregistered they could assist but if
they were not, their hands were tied. The Police Department can assist if the
vehicles are blocking traffic. Inspector Roy went on to say that there was nothing
in the Code at present that prohibited parking on the swales.
The idea of putting up signs prohibiting parking was discussed but not seriously
considered as a viable solution. Mr. DeCarlo stated that the older homeowner's
associations did not have covenants as do most present-day ones.
Mr. Quintus Greene, Development Director, remarked that he was aware of many
shortcomings in the current Code of Ordinances. He spoke of other cities where it
was illegal to park on any unpaved surface, even on private property. Mr. DeCarlo
thought that an ordinance of this type would be an excellent idea.
Commissioner Fisher asked if cones could be placed that would make parking more
difficult as some property owners do at this time. Mr. 5traleau thought there
would be a liability issue on this. Inspector Roy stated that the round turtles were
O.K. but the cone pyramids were not.
Mr. Scott 5traleau, from the Meadows Homeowners group, stated that the
Development Director, Mr. Quintus Greene, had helped his association
tremendously in their landscaping project by getting permits moved along through
the process and so forth. He was very appreciative of the assistance.
Mr. DeCarlo stated that the October meeting might be at the Women's Club
instead of the Library. He thanked everyone for coming and at 8:10 P.M., the
meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(2 tapes)