ON MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2000 AT 6:30 P.M.
Mr. Dan DeCarlo, Neighborhood Project Specialist, called the meeting to order at
6:34 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending. Tonight's meeting will be an
overview of what the Neighborhood Forum has accomplished over the last two to
three years.
Mr, DeCarlo stated that he and Ms. Sherrod would be presenting a Power Point
presentation and the following topics would be addressed:
Updating Visions 20/20 Relating to Neighborhood Goals
Review of our existing projects and programs
· Neighborhood Assistance Program
· Capital Improvement Program
Council of Neighborhoods DiscUssion
Capital Improvement Planning (CIP) Program, which will be presented by Mr.
Quintus Greene, the DireCtor of Development/CRA
Updating Visions 20/20 Plan and Defining Successful Neighborhoods
Mr. DeCarlo pointed out that a successful neighborhood has many issues to deal
with such as people issues, crime prevention and growth. Many neighborhoods
have received funding for beautification projects.
Neighborhood Delineation
Neighborhood delineation applies to how your neighborhood relates to other
surrounding neighborhoods and assists in determining what should be done
Traffic Calming
This will be discussed at the end of the presentation and what other cities have
done will be presented.
April 24, 2000
Developing a Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Strategy
Mr. DeCarlo stated this is tied in with the new budget processing and the City as
a whole is looking at funding for drainage issues and other items that need to be
dealt with.
A slide presentation on the following topics was presented.
Neighborhood Assistance Program
Capital Improvements Program
Overview of Successful City Projects
The first project shown was the Ridgewood Hills where lighting to the circles will
be added and the light poles will be repainted. Also, grass and laurel oak has
been planted and the neighbors are very pleased with these improvements
Seacrest Court before and after slides were presented. Irrigation was added,
together with new landscaping.
A great deal of time was spent improving the Rolling Green/17th Avenue
Neighborhood. Trees were planted in the medians. The right of way next to the
Hester Center is being looked at for improvement. Also, the fencing around the
Hester Center will be upgraded.
Ocean Parkway will be the last project being worked on during the first round of
funding. Irrigation is scheduled to be installed beginning next week, and Sable
Palms will be planted up and down the Parkway.
Because of the new improvements going in on Gateway some of the ficus hedge
had to be removed and Village Royale on the Greene wants to enhance their
entryway on Gateway.
The Hampshire Gardens project was recently completed which included
installing a new fence along Federal Highway last year and this year some
hedging has been added.
Mr. DeCarlo noted that there was a very good working relationship between his
department and the Parks Department. Barbara Meacham of the Parks
Department has just completed a design for a new garden at Sterling Village.
April 24, 2000
Also, the City is looking at different areas to create pocket parks and one is
preposed for the City-owned preperty located at the entrance to Harbor Hall on
Federal Highway. The property will be resodded and flowers will be planted.
Design Capabilities
The City has a great professional staff in the Parks Department, as well as
Planning and Zoning and the Development Department to help neighborhoods
with their design work.
10-Acre Parcel
It is anticipated that the 10-acre park will become a real anchor to the
neighborhood and is an important component to the north end of the City.
A great many plans are in the process for Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. A
new health center is being planned and a County representative will be present
to make a presentation at the next Community Relations Board meeting.
Ultimately, a steering committee will be formed to assist with the health center.
Slides were shown of new signs that were installed in various neighborhoods.
There is a nine-acre site between the Meadows and Nautica Sound that is
being considered for a passive park.
Trees are being planted in the right of way of Old Boynton Estates. This is a
neighborhood that is currently in a transitional stage. Therefore, enhancement of
the neighborhood is very important.
Mr. DeCarlo asked if anyone in the audience had any comments or questions.
A gentleman inquired how his neighborhood, Mariner's Village and Manatee
Cove, could apply for an entrance similar to the Coquina Cove entrance. He also
asked about the financial arrangements. Mr. DeCarlo replied that the premise of
the Neighborhood Assistance Program is not only for the City to supply money,
but also sweat equity from the neighborhood. In most cases, these projects
would cost between $8,000 and $12,000 and the City would contribute up to
$5,000. The neighborhood would pay for the remainder. Ways to improve the
program are being looked at.
April 24, 2000
A woman in the audience asked how they could put in a request for a project and
Mr. DeCarlo stated first the neighborhood assistance program form must be
completed and then submitted for consideration. Mr. DeCarlo presented further
details on how to apply for assistance with a neighborhood project. The question
was asked how the $5,000 is usually spent. Mr. DeCarlo responded that usually
the funds are used for beautification projects, such as trees, shrubs, and signage
and operates as an enhancement for beautification of neighborhoods.
Ms. Dee Zibelli asked how the City planned to deal with cars that are parked all
over the swales? Mr. DeCado said that they usually look at projects on a street-
by-street basis and on a need basis. He acknowledged there is a problem with
people parking on swales and this needs to be addressed.
Ms. Jeanne Heavilin inquired how the City could help older neighborhoods that
don't have any funds and don't collect dues? Mr. DeCarlo responded that
basically there are four different types of neighborhoods in the City:
· Neighborhoods where persons residing pay a fee to the homeowner's
association and the money is used to maintain the common areas,
· Homeowners' associations that collect a very small fee and don't have much
money at all.
· Homeowners' Associations that are organized and have no funds except for
fundraising efforts.
· Lastly, there are neighborhoods that are not organized at all.
Mr. DeCarlo stated that the City needs to be flexible and looks at each
association or neighborhood individually and there are many factors that are
Mr. Finkelstein inquired if the funds for these projects come from the $500,000
that was set aside for neighborhood projects that was recommended in the
Visions 20/20 Plan? Mr. DeCarlo responded that the City has funded $25,000
per year for the Neighborhood Assistance Program. The $500,000 has been
used as funding for some of the larger projects, such as the 17th Avenue Circle
and Ocean Parkway. Currently, there is a balance of $225,000 in the fund.
Mr. Greene stated this is not a new concept, but a different approach to CIP
Planning is being taken in the City. This year residents will be given an
opportunity to have some input in the process. The definition of Capital
Improvement is projects, which because of their size or cost, are not funded in
the normal course of the City's departmental operating budget. Usually Capital
Improvement Projects cost $50,000 or more. This could include street
resurfacing, drainage, building expansion, construction and other major items.
April 24, 2000
All capital improvement projects will be looked at and ranked. The projects will
be ranked in terms of the City's goals and objectives and also in terms of some
very specific criteria. Staff has come up with 15 weighted criteria to rank each
and every CIP Project. Some of the criteria would include-
· whether or not the project is grant funded;
· whether or not there is strong public sentiment forthe project; and
· whether or not the project would generate ongoing operating costs;
Each Commissioner during the month of May will host a public meeting in his
district and at the meetings the public will have an opportunity to identify specific
projects in their neighborhood that they would like to see included in the CIP
Plan. Projects that are submitted by neighborhoods will be weighted with the
same criteria as projects submitted by City staff. Therefore, all CIP Projects
would include not only City CIP Projects, but neighborhood CIP project, as well.
Mr. Greene stated that it must be kept in mind that all CIP projects will not be
funded this year and nor next year, because there isn't enough money to do what
everybody wants. However, it is important to identify and prioritize the needs,
and then the City Commission can decide in which direction it wants to go.
Mr. Brian Edwards hoped that when the ClP meetings with the Commissioners
take place that the priorities did not get locked in and there would be no changes.
Mr. Edwards also suggested that when the meetings are held that there be
applications available.
Commissioner Fisher inquired if every suggestion would be evaluated provided it
meets the dollar criteria? Mr. Greene replied that every project will be evaluated.
Flyers on the various ClP meeting dates and places were distributed as follows:
Thursday, May 4, 2000 @ 6:30 p.m.
United Way Building, Quantum Park -
Commissioner Black
Thursday, May '11, 2000 @ 6:30 p.m.
Congress Middle School Cafeteria
Mayor Pro Tem Sherman
Monday, May 15, 2000 @ 6:30 p.m.
Rolling Green School Cafeteria
Commissioner Fisher
Wednesday, May 24, 2000 @ 6:30 p.m.
Bethesda Hospital Clayton
Conference Center
Vice Mayor Weiland
Wednesday, May 31, 2000 @ 6:30 p.m.
Library Program Room
Mayor Broening
April 24, 2000
Mr. Edwards inquired about the procedures that will take place at these
meetings, Mr. Greene stated that staff would be present to take down pertinent
information and then the information will be converted to a form.
Ms. Brenda Williams inquired how the people would become aware that there is
a meeting taking place on Thursday, May 4, which is just a few days away? Mr.
Greene stated that the flyers handed out tonight would be distributed
everywhere. Also, Commissioner Fisher pointed out that a person could go to
any meeting and doesn't have to be limited to the district they live in.
Staff is looking at various types of traffic calming and Mr. DeCarlo presented
slides of variations of traffic calming available -
· Center island narrowing, which has plantings and which has been done on
17th Avenue, Ocean Parkway and Federal Highway.
· Chicanes, which basically gives a roadway a curved effect, with landscaping
in between and changes the line of sight.
· Chokers which is another traffic calming mechanism.
· Neckdowns, which are successful in neighborhoods with four lanes that
merge into two lanes, just before the intersection.
· Speed humps that would have more depth.
Ms. Zibelli pointed out that traffic calming measures are greatly needed on
Seacrest Boulevard and Mr. DeCarlo replied that staff has been looking at
Seacrest Boulevard and how to address this problem.
Ms. Sarah Williams asked if there was a certain amount of funds available to
assist homeowners in installing circular driveways along Seacrest. Mr. DeCarlo
noted that Seacrest is a real problem, but he is not familiar with installing circular
driveways and staff and the County are looking into other ways to improve the
Consideration is being given to establishing a committee to work with staff to look
at the types of projects that need to be funded. Another committee is being
considered to deal with public safety issues.
Ms. Zibelli inquired since Seacrest is a County read, why isn't the County coming
up with funding to make improvements along Seacrest? Mr. DeCarlo said that
staff has looked into this and is trying to determine where Seacrest stands on the
County's list of items to be done.
April 24, 2000
A woman in the audience asked if anything could be done about the trailers and
vehicles parked along Federal Highway near the Boat Club Park. She felt this
was a dangerous situation that should be looked into. Mr. DeCarlo introduced
Mayor Broening and requested that the Mayor respond to this question.
Mayor Broening reported that the City would be receiving $900,000 from the
County to provide additional boat trailer and pick-up truck parking at the existing
Boat Club Park and this is still in the fact-finding stage and the amount of funding
could be increased. The objective is to get all these vehicles off Federal Highway
as soon as possible. The question is do we want to put these vehicles on the
remaining 10 acres, or does the City want to find another place to park the
trailers. Mayor Broening concurred that this is dangerous as well as unsightly
and is presently under discussion with the County.
This same woman inquired if a fee could be charged to anyone utilizing Boat
Club Park that is not a City resident, similar to what is charged to-use the Beach.
Mayor Broening pointed out that at least 75% of the people utilizing the Park are
not City residents. Mayor Broening stated he did not want to see these trailers
parked on the 10 acre Intracoastal Park. The City is also looking into purchasing
the 3 ¼ acres next to the 10-acre Park.
Mr. DeCarlo noted that he had not introduced the City dignitaries and staff that
were present tonight and did so at this time. Introduced were:
Mayor Pro Tem Sherman
Commissioner Fisher
Commissioner Black
City Manager, Kurt Bressner
Jose Alfaro, Planning & Zoning
Mark Law, Utilities Department
Fire Chief Bill Bingham
Code Administrator, Scott Blasie
Community Improvement Manager, Octavia Sherrod
Mr. DeCarlo reported that Mr. Scott Blasie has been working closely with himself
and Ms. Sherrod compiling a survey of the neighborhoods and requested that Mr.
Blasie address the audience. Mr. Blasie said he was looking for volunteers to
help with the neighborhood survey, which is focusing on the condition of the
properties in the City. Mr. Blasie reviewed the items that the survey was
targeting, such as street lighting, abandoned vehicles, etc. Mr. Blasie stated that
if anyone present would like to volunteer, to please feel free to speak with him at
the conclusion of the meeting. Surveys of areas completed are north of City Hall
to the C-16 Canal, on the east side of Seacrest, and the west side to 1-95 should
be completed by the end of the week. Also, an area southwest of City Hall has
April 24, 2000
been completed. All residential properties east of 1-95 will be surveyed. Also,
volunteers are needed to input the information garnered into the City's database.
Mr. DeCarlo also introduced Police Chief Marshall Gage and Barbara Meacham
of the Parks Department who is helping a great deal with the design work.
Ms. Sarah Williams thanked the City for completion of the median and circle on
17th Avenue. She also thanked Police Chief Gage for the work he is doing to
make the neighborhoods safe and Mr. Blasie for his fine work as well.
Mr. DeCarlo reported that a Church group of 150 volunteers on Saturday helped
clean up many of the neighborhoods and a groat job was done. Mr. DeCarlo
also thanked Ms. Farace and the Library staff for their assistance in preparation
for tonight's meeting.
Mr. Brian Edwards inquired if the Committee item would be finalized tonight? Mr.
DeCarlo said that anyone who is interested in serving on the committee should
sign up tonight.
Mr. William Murphy of Seagate Village suggested that the three current
committees be dissolved before starting a new committee.
Mr. William Murphy moved that the three standing committees be
eliminated and a single overlook committee be formed and any
subcommittees that may be necessary to work in conjunction with the
neighborhood staff. Motion seconded by Brian Edwards and unanimously
All associations will be receiving an update and each one will be asked what they
feel the new committee should be addressing and will be asked to select
someone to participate.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)