Minutes 07-09-08
Brian Miller, Chair
Victor Norfus, Vice Chair
Belky Cruz
Paula Melley, arrived 7:10
Stanley Sorgman
Phyllis Stern
Judy Immer, Alt
Blanche Hearst-Girtman
Eddie Mitchell
I. Call Meeting to Order - Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and determined a quorum was present.
III. Recognition of Visitors
Chair Miller recognized Ms. Gertrude Sullivan, and Mr. Keith Oswald, the new
principal at Boynton Beach High School.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Chair Miller announced Mr. Oswald would be heard first.
Ms. Melley moved to approve the agenda as amended with Mr. Oswald
presenting under New Business. Vice Chair Norfus seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IX. New Business
a) Board Discussion: How can the board get involved with the
Boynton Beach High School Programs
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 9, 2008
Chair Miller announced there had been a change in leadership in Boynton Beach
High School and Keith Oswald was the new Principal. He had been in the school
system since 1993, he has a Principal for five years and an Instructional
Superintendent in the South Bronx for two years. Last year he was a
Restructuring Administrator in the main office. He would be discussing some of
his ideas and leave the board with some of his thoughts what could be done to
make the high school one of the best.
Mr. Oswald, who lived in the area, remembered how exciting it was for the high
school to be constructed and acknowledged it has been a struggle with student
achievement. The school scores were released and the school was rated a liD"
school. It was his objective to change the score to a B in one year. He was
working to recruit high quality teachers and build teacher capacity to meet the
student needs. The recruited teachers would be some of the best teachers in the
State and would know how to help struggling students, especially in core subject
Working with the school district, they would be a training site for reading teachers
and they would be using the reading workshop program, which was used in New
York and other areas. It resulted in great gains in reading achievements.
Students would learn reading was a life-long skill. Mr. Oswald advised they
would build classroom libraries and reach out to the board for book drives. The
goal was each reading teacher would have approximately 1,000 books in each
With the boards help, and through churches and the community, they would seek
to get in touch with the parents, especially the working parents. Student
attendance needed to be improved and students should be on time.
Pam Whigham, Director of Choice Programs and Community Relations, would
work with the Guidance Department, and through parents and community
relations, get the community involved with the school. She requested the boards
help and support in that regard.
The sports program would be available, but academics were the first priority. He
distributed the football schedules and announced Rick Swain would be in charge
of football. They wanted the stands filled and have the community support the
students. They also wanted to bring back students who have left Boynton and let
them know good things were occurring at the high school.
The school had a $9M black box theater for voice dance and drama, which was
an incredible opportunity for students in the performing arts.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 9, 2008
Chair Miller left the dais at 7:18 p.m.
The school also had a partnership with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
which would assist students with scholarships and which had a dedicated staff.
Chair Miller returned to the dais at 7: 19.
Mr. Oswald advised he was competitive and determined this year would be the
last year the school received a liD" rating.
Regarding the football program, Mr. Oswald reported many families could not
afford equipment and they would sell banners to raise funds. Season tickets
would be offered for $20 and included a free tee shirt. He asked the board
members to spread the word and request even if they could not make the games,
to buy the tickets anyway and wear the tee shirts. Mr. Oswald expressed
anything the board could do to get businesses to support them, such as food
donations for school games would be great. Mr. Oswald advised he would return
with additional ideas the board could support in the future. He asked their
support at football games, even at the away games. The first game was against
Park Vista on August 28, and they would like a big showing of Boynton residents
The board members had the following questions:
Ms. Cruz asked if Mr. Oswald had an open door policy with parents, so they can
go directly to him instead of making various appointments. She reported she
saw that as a great need. Mr. Oswald responded he did have an open door
policy, but if issues could be resolved through a counselor or teacher, parents
needed to know they could turn to them as well. He would never turn parents
Ms. Immer knew a student in the aeronautics program and she extolled it had a
fabulous reputation. She also volunteered to be a liaison between the
Community Relations Board and the high school. She explained she was
neighbors with Ms. Wigham.
Ms. Wigham's role was to be a liaison for parents. She explained volunteers
have talents, but they had not assessed all the needs. Mr. Oswald reported they
may need people to volunteer in the counseling reception office.
Mr. Sorgman inquired how many students were enrolled and expressed he
believed the success of any program required community involvement. He
offered to purchase a season ticket and he would review any other kind of
assistance needed. Mr. Oswald explained they were projected to have 1,400
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 9, 2008
students this year. Boynton Beach High School fell under the No Child Left
Behind program. It was known 48 parents exercised their option to have their
child attend another high school.
Vice Chair Norfus had questions about the school boundaries. Ms. Wigham
explained they were not square There were maps on the school board website
and the area the school served was shaped like a fish. He asked if they were
targeting certain subject areas to improve.
Mr. Oswald explained the reading scores suffered this year and there was a large
population of students speaking a second language. The math scores
experienced some gains. It was emphasized the research was clear that in order
to read better, the student had to read often. Mr. Oswald's background included
reading and literacy work and he explained there were many curriculum units to
work with. There was a readers workshop model that was used around the
country which gave students a lot of time to read. This helped the teachers to
know the students as readers, and to know the comprehension strategies and
mini-lessons needed. The model was to teach the teachers how to teach the
students. He thought at least 30 minutes a day at home was needed at a
minimum and studies reflected if the students read two hours a day, their
percentiles in reading were in the 80 to 90 percent.
He explained they could be taught about genre, and that was why they needed
so many books; they needed to learn what their own interests were. Studies
were showing one out of four teenage students did not know what they wanted to
do after graduating high school. The kids needed a direction and a purpose. He
advised a good way was to just teach teachers how to teach smarter.
Vice Chair Norfus explained an Intergenerational Day was scheduled for July 19,
2008, which was designed for the entire community. Mr. Oswald was interested
in being part of it and thought it went hand in hand with being part of the
community. He explained the students needed to see their leaders in the school,
so they understand how it affects their lives.
Ms. Stern inquired whether the high school had the resources to pick up the book
donations if they collected a sizable amount of books. She advised her
community had an ongoing library that recycled books. She thought they would
find a good home at the high school and inquired if they had flyers to circulate.
Mr. Oswald responded they were redoing flyers and he would get them to Chair
Ms. Melley asked whether the theater was open and ready to be used. She
advised that facility could be a great beacon for the community and that
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 9,2008
a liD" grade was demoralizing. Additionally, a teacher indicated the problem was
Congress Middle School. She inquired if he had any communication with the
Congress Middle School Principal to stop the issues the high school had to
manage. Mr. Oswald responded the principal there was aware and was working
on those issues. He was also working with other elementary school principals as
As far as reading scores, there was discussion a ninth grader could still turn their
reading scores around. Diane Pacheco who works with literacy was referenced
as a good resource.
Ms. Melley inquired about the turnover rate and the methodology for establishing
terms at the school. Mr. Oswald intended to be at the school for the long term
and become an area superintendent. Training people and helping them was his
forte. He believed principals should stay in the school to have long term
success. He believed the school was poised to take off and should be
recognized for accomplishments down the road.
Weston Seville, a resident of Boynton Beach, explained they just started a
community center, and they were trying to recruit local residents and teach
computers and English. He asked what the plan was for non-English speaking
parents to get involved with their child's education.
Mr. Oswald explained they were working to have a self-contained program for
students brand new to the country and then transition them into the classes.
There would be a parent liaison, and through her they could determine what type
of programs they wanted. They offered parent programs in the evening, and they
have a night school with large course offerings. During the day they had
guidance counselors to work with immigrant families and facilitators to help
immerse them into the language. Parents were welcome to sit in classes so they
could learn the programs as well. They would also work with the Haitian and
African American communities because there was racial tension. At the moment,
there were translators for Spanish speaking students, and a certain ratio of
students were needed before a facilitator would be sent. It was noted
Guatemalans had never been to school, they were tribal Indians with no type of
education and they would need assistance.
Chair Miller thanked Mr. Oswald for attending.
v. Approval of Minutes
Ms. Stern moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Cruz seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 9, 2008
VI. Announcements: Reminder - 2008 Intergenerational Gathering
Event - Victor Norfus.
Vice Chair Norfus announced the Intergenerational Gathering Event was
scheduled for July 19, 2008 and there were many vendors and events planned.
He was involved in the voting registration portion of the event. The event would
be held at the Carolyn Sims Center.
Gertrude Sullivan inquired where to put the names of the volunteers attending
the event in the program. Chair Miller expressed he was working with the board
liaison on that and they would have a table at the event with CERT volunteers
and possibly the high school. If a member wanted to volunteer even for an hour,
they should contact Chair Miller.
Vice Chair Norfus announced on the 25th of July, there would be a Voters League
of Palm Beach County in City Chambers at 7 p.m. and he would be facilitating
the event. He also announced he attended a Sand Castle neighborhood meeting
and it was a good meeting.
VII. Pride in Boynton Update
a) Heart of Boynton (HOB) and Federal Highway Trash Receptacles.
Chair Miller announced the 24 trash containers for the HOB and Federal
Highway area were anticipated to arrive next week. The CRA wanted to work
with the CRB to make a presentation regarding their distribution in the
community. Anyone wanting to volunteer for that project should speak with him
after the meeting.
b) CERT Summer Program: Hurricane Expo
Mr. Sorgman announced the training exercise went well and had great turnout.
The event was a refresher course for what was taught in the classes. The
Hurricane Expo was held at the mall and many CERT members participated.
Chief Ness was retiring and the members did not know whether anything was
planned for his retirement but thought something should be done for him as he
would be hard to replace. Mr. Sorgman reminded the members to prepare for
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 9, 2008
hurricane season. In his community they were forming a communication team
and will be in contact with the Fire Department.
Ms. Stern announced Hunters Run invited Chief Ness, his family and auxiliary
from CERT for the Gala dinner that turned out to be a successful experience that
all enjoyed.
VIII. Old Business
a) Summer Break: There would be no meeting on August 13, 2008.
IX. New Business
This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.
Chair Miller advised there are many programs and they needed more
subcommittees. Ms. Immer would be involved with the high school committee,
as would Ms. Stern and Chair Miller.
At the April 15th City Commission meeting there was an unfinished business item
to approve the final recommendations put forward by the American Assembly
Subcommittee. There were 26 items passed. The 26th item was to establish a
community relations team and create a roadshow. Chair Miller asked for a
committee to be formed to prepare a program for the City Commission to
approve and fund. It was suggested the members write down ideas and send
them to Chair Miller so he could meet with the City Manager. At the September
meeting they would discuss the mission and the budget.
Chair Miller requested any member who signed up for Boynton Beach High
School Football season tickets to send him the check. Ms. Immer volunteered to
man the table at the Intergenerational Gathering from 1 :00 - 2:00 p.m. and Ms.
Melley volunteered from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m., Mr. Sorgman volunteered for 9:00 to
11 :00 a.m.
X. Adjournment
Ms. Stern moved the meeting be adjourned. Ms. Cruz seconded the motion that
unanimously passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry U
Recording Secretary