ON MONDAY, JUNE 26, 2000 AT 7:00 P.M.
Betty Thomas, Chairperson
Mike Fitzpatrick (arrived at 7:20 p.m.)
Ed Harris (arrived at 7:10 p.m.)
James R. McMahon, Vice Chair
Bali Ramnarace
Tom Williams
Dan Winters
Wally Majors, Acting Recreation
Charles Jackson, Alternate
Chairperson Thomas called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Chairperson Thomas called the tell and a quorum was declared present.
Chairperson Thomas asked if there were any corrections or additions to the
minutes of the May 22, 2000 meeting? Hearing none, Chairperson Thomas
stated that the minutes stand approved as distributed.
A. Hester Center Breezeway Enclosure
Mr. Majors reported that at the City Commission meeting on July 5, 2000 the
Commission would be requested to authorize Mayor Broening to execute the
agreement between the City and Palm Beach County authorizing the City to
receive the $200,000. The City will be matching this with an additional $134,000
for the project, which involves enclosing the breezeway at Hester Center and
other renovations. The ramp will be moved and two to three offices will be built.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26,2000
The ramp will be placed further north. Also a computer lab will be added and the
open storage room will be enclosed. Mr. Majors said that the computer lab
should be able to hold approximately 10 computers. Staff is working with
Stephanie Mingo-McCoy, who runs a program that involves computers and is a
long-time volunteer at the Hester Center. Ms. Mingo-McCoy will be one of the
main instructors. Staff is very excited about providing this service to the
community. Mr. Majors stated that the computer lab would be available to all
It is anticipated that the project would be completed in February of next year. Mr.
Majors also informed the Board that staff is working closely with the City's ITS
Department. Peter Wallace, the ITS Director, has shown a great deal of interest
in the project. Mr. Wallace has also been very helpful with the Senior Center and
the Lifeguard operations, which are satellite units of the City.
Chairperson Thomas inquired if the programs would be free and Mr. Majors
stated it is their goal to make the programs affordable and they intend to offer
many free classes. Also, when the breezeway is enclosed, it will eliminate a lot
of bicycle traffic and the area will look much more professional, as well as
becoming safer. Mr. Majors also pointed out that there will be a receptionist on
duty and Chairperson Thomas asked if the receptionist would be paid or a
volunteer. The receptionist in the beginning would be mostly through volunteers
in order to see how this works out.
Vice Chair McMahon noted that over 18,000 people used the Hester Center and
Mr. Majors stated a great deal of the use of the Center is attributable to the
summer camps. Mr. Williams stated that attendance would increase once the
football season begins. Mr. Majors noted that there have been no problems with
garbage or graffiti. Mr. Williams acknowledged that the Park's crew has been
doing a very good job.
B, Senior Center
Mr. Majors reported that the Senior Center is doing well and recently held a
fashion show on Friday, which was very successful. One hundred seventy-two
people attended and Old Navy sponsored the fashion show. Attendance at the
Center remains strong.
Mr. Winters inquired when the Center would be completed? Mr. Majors stated
that they did not receive the additional grant funding. Mr. Winters felt that the
money should be taken from the City's account to pay for completing the
remainder of the Center. Mr. Majors said that their Department's grant writer
would be focusing on grants for the Senior Center. Mr. Winters feels that the City
is in need of a lobbyist to assist in situations such as this.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26,2000
Mr. Majors noted that the Department of Elder Affairs is eager to provide funding
for programs, not capital projects. Mr. Winters inquired if the City would be open
to consider naming the building after a product, if the product would pay to
complete the building? Mr. Winters said this is an area that should be looked at
for funding. Mr. Majors said that approximately $400,000/$500,000 is necessary
to complete the building. Mr. Majors said that he has been looking at funding
through the Internet to determine what grant funds are available.
Chairperson Thomas requested that the minutes reflect that Mr. Fitzpatrick and
Mr. Ed Harris had arrived.
C. Boat Club/Intracoastal Parks
Mr. Wildner was not present to make his report.
D. Tennis Center (North American Corporate Games, October 26-29)
The project to make maior improvements and renovations to the Tennis Center
has been approved. Not only will the facility be a great facility for the corporate
event, it will become a great facility for the residents. The games will be taking
place during the third week of October. The Center will be painted and new
lights will be added. Also, some major irrigation and landscaping will be added.
The major problem with the Tennis Center when it was built in 1982 is that the
well only had to service eight courts. Now, there are 17 courts. Therefore, the
existing well was insufficient. The new well will now meet the needs of the
It is expected that over 300 players would be participating in the games and
hopefully there will be an additional 1,000 people accompanying the players.
One of the goals is to hope that some of the people who come here like it so
much that they would come back to vacation or even relocate here. Chairperson
Thomas noted that at a recent City Commission meeting two representatives of
the Corporate Games spoke and they were very effective.
Mr. Williams inquired if there is adequate parking available and Mr. Majors said
there is. Discussion has been taking place about holding one special event for
the weekend for everyone. Mr. Williams inquired if there would be concession
stands at the event and requested that the Bulldogs be allowed to operate a
concession stand in order to raise money for the teams.
Vice Chair McMahon inquired if the new Public Relations person for the City
would be involved in the event? Mr. Majors said that his department has been
working closely with Mr. Segal who is doing a wonderful job for the City.
Meeting Minutes '
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26,2000
E. Special Events (July 4th, TNT Concerts, Holiday events, GALA)
Mr. Majors announced that the schedule for the July 4th festivities.
· The activities will begin at 3:30 p.m.
· Radio Disney will be present to participate in the intera
· The band Kaw-z6 will begin playing around 6:00 p.m.
· Color guards will be present.
· Fireworks will start at 9:00 p.m.
Mr. Fitzpatrick requested that the music be turned don
display, which members agreed was too loud last year.
Mr. Majors announced that the TNT Concerts are doing,
now an issue because the attendance has risen. Mem
the concerts at various facilities throughout the City and n~
Planning is now underway for holiday events and a n
planned along with the Holiday Parade. Staff is unable
the plans for Ocean Avenue are determined.
The dates for GALA have been set for March 16,
location for GALA needs to be determined and areas
impacted by the event would receive a monthly ne'
informed on what is taking place. Also, staff is looking al
focus on a carnival/festival atmosphere, or fine art show,
really don't mix well.
F. Greenways Network (Mike Fitzpatrick)
Mr. Fitzpatrick reported that on a recent City Co~
Commission was being requested on first reading to appr(
the 13 acres where Old Dixie meets Federal Highway (th
Mr. Fitzpatrick requested that the Commission table the
would give a concession for 200' of land running al(
amounts to about 5 acres. The developer is requesting
:tive family games.
during the fireworks
/ery well and parking is
3ers discussed holding
)t just Oceanfront Park.
;al snow day is being
to formulize plans until
17 and 18. Also, the
vithin the City that are
~/sletter keeping them
whether to continue to
~s in the past. The two
3mission agenda, the
)vea zoning change for
e Villa Del Sol project).
tern until the developer
ng the railroad, which
:o put in 300 units, and
there is a regulation in place that developers must give L~p a certain percentage
of land. However, Mr. Rumpf, the Planning and Zonin(j Director said that this
was not the forum to do this. However, the CommisSioners did instruct the
representative of the developer that this may be coming ~Jp at a future time. Mr.
Fitzpatrick will be following through on this and will report back to the Board.
Mr. Winters inquired if a developer has the choice between giving up some land
or paying a fee to the City. Mr. Fitzpatrick was under the impression that it must
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26,2000
be land, but the City is allowed to let the developer pay a fee in place of land, but
that would be up to the City.
Mr. Fitzpatrick informed members that he had previously appeared before the
Planning and Development Board when the Villa Del Sol item was on the agenda
and presented the same request for the land.
Mr. Fitzpatrick also noted that his son attends camp at Congress Middle School
and there are two Burrowing Owl nests in the football field on the south side of
Congress Avenue. This could be dangerous if anyone steps in any of these
holes. Mr. Fitzpatrick expressed concern about children stepping in these holes
and hurting themselves. Mr. Williams suggested putting cones around the nests
so that no one could step in them. However Mr. Winters pointed out if these
areas were blocked off, the children wouldn't be able to play football on the
football field. Mr. Williams also suggested obtaining permission to move the
Owls after the nesting season.
G. Monthly Report
Members complimented staff on the fine job they have been doing in preparing
the monthly report.
Some members inquired when their terms on the Board were up and the
Recording Secretary informed all members of their term expiration dates.
Currently only one vacancy for an alternate member exists.
Mr. Winters inquired if excused absences were allowed and was informed that
there are no excused absences for any of the City Boards. However, if a
member is removed due to absences that member could immediately apply for
Establishment of a Parks, Recreation and Greenways Taxing
Mr. Majors distributed a letter to members that Chairperson Thomas signed and
sent to City Manager Kurt Bressner regarding the Board's support for the
establishment of a Parks, Recreation and Greenways Taxing District.
Mr. Williams asked if the budget has been reviewed? Mr. Majors stated that his
Department's budget was reviewed on Thursday. Mr. Williams inquired if the
Department budget had been cut and if Park Rangers were included in the
budget? Mr. Majors replied that one Park Ranger was budgeted. Mr. Majors
replied that his department would probably be asked to cut at least 2%. Mr.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26, 2000
Majors informed members that the department requested 14% more than last
year, due to the fact that recreation is now running the City Hall in the Mall
operations. Also, special events are now the responsibility of Recreation, which
used to be budgeted under the City Manager.
Mr. Williams inquired if the purchase of the buses was approved? Mr. Majors
stated that the buses should be purchased before October. The purchase of one
bus should be approved at the July 5th Commission meeting and hopefully, Chief
Gage will be agreeable to purchasing the other bus. The first bus is a 65-
passenger bus that is being purchased from the School Board at a cost of
$8,500. It is anticipated that to get the bus painted and insured would cost
upwards of $16,000/17,000 and an additional cost for the driver and yearly
operational costs would be approximately $14,000.
Mr. Williams suggested that Mr. Majors speak with Officer Tome regarding
fundraising by the Bulldogs to assist with the buses and other items that they
want. Mr. Majors noted that the City assisted PAL in putting on a dance, which
was a great success and there was absolutely no trouble whatsoever. Over 200
children attended and more than $1,000 was raised for PAL.
Mr. Williams noted that a festival that took place recently at Sara Sims was a big
success. Mr. Majors said he is requesting that Mr. De Carlo, the Neighborhood
Specialist who planned the event, keep them abreast of any activities so that the
Departments could work together. Mr. Williams stated that the Park looked
really good and wanted to compliment Mr. Wildner on a fine job. Mr. Williams
said that Commissioner Black offered to assist in getting two large pavilions with
tables for the Park. The Park could then be rented out for family and other
Vice Chair McMahon suggested that the Board invite City Manager Bressner to
attend one of the Board meetings and members felt this was a very good idea.
Chairperson Thomas will follow through with this.
Chairperson Thomas announced that the next Board Meting is scheduled for July
24, 2OOO.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 26,2000
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjOurned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)