Betty Thomas, Chairperson
James McMahon, Vice Chair
Mike Fitzpatrick
Bali Ramnarace
Tom Williams
Dan Winters
Elizabeth Pierce, Alternate
Ed Harris
Charles Jackson, Alternate
Wally Majors, Acting
Recreation Director
John Wildner, Parks
Chairperson Thomas called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.
Chairperson Thomas called the roll and a quorum was declared present.
Chairperson Thomas asked if there were any changes, additions or deletions to the
minutes. There being none, Chairperson Thomas declared that the minutes would stand
as presented.
A. Hester Center Breezeway Enclosure
Mr. Majors reported that his department is waiting for the permit to be issued. When it
is, some comments are anticipated that will require attention from Mr. DeBeck, and
some modifications may need to be made. Once the modifications have been made
there will be approximately 120 days for the paperwork to go through, and another 120
days for the actual work itself to be completed.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 28, 2000
B. Senior Center
Mr. Majors stated that the Senior Center sign had run afoul of the City's newly tightened
sign ordinance in that it was too high. Mr. Majors passed around a picture of the sign at
Meadows Park on Congress, which was an acceptable height.
Chairperson Thomas spoke of the Board's desire to continue working on the Senior
Center expansion and the fact that to do so would require funding. Chairperson Thomas
read a draft of a letter to Mr. Bressner and the text follows: "Dear Mr. Bressner, Based
on our discussion at the last Recreation and Parks Board meeting and your recent visit,
we strongly recommend that funding be sought for Phase 2 of the Senior Center.
Additiona funding through the grants will increase priority in the CIP process. Thank
you for your support and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Betty Thomas,
Chairperson". The Board gave its approval of the letter.
Mr. Majors stated that one of the employees in the Recreation Department was charged
with the responsibility of looking for grants and funding for the Senior Center on a weekly
basis. The Board discussed the ways and means of accomplishing the Senior Center
expansion and some "brainstorming" thoughts that came from the Board's discussion
were as follows:
Is a lobbyist available that could assist to advance the interests of the
Senior Center?
Begin lobbying effort on the part of Senior Advisory Board members, with
their making calls and pursuing funding on their own.
Recreation Department offered their van for use in lobbying effort.
Inquire as to whether some part of the Senior Center could be eligible for
United Way funding.
Inquire into possibility of private funding - someone may really like the
idea of having their name on the Center.
C. Boat Club/Intracoastal Parks
Mr. Wildner reported that he, the City Manager, and the Development Director, Quintus
Greene, had visited with County Commissioner, Mary McCarty, recently on this issue.
Commissioner McCarty was very interested in the timeline on the Boat Club Park
improvements, which was given to her. Mr. Wildner continued, saying that on the next
City Commission agenda there would be an item, which would give the City Manager
authority to negotiate the Master Plan and consultant revision process for this project.
There was a compromise that the City Commission made of moving 25 parking spaces
from the Intracoastal Park site to the Boat Club Park, so now there will be 75 parking
spaces. We did this by putting 50 spaces in the green space to the southern front of the
park and another 25 spaces around the semicircle, which extends to the eastern side of
the park. We reported that to Commissioner McCarty and she was very pleased and is
looking forward to a timeline on the Intracoastal Park site as well. Based on that
Intracoastal Park site timeline, she would anticipate that we would be able to recapture
the remaining $1.7M. She conveyed that meeting deadlines on the timeline was crucial
to the continuance of the grant. Mr. Wildner commented that as long as reasonable
progress was being made, this should not be a problem.
Meeting Minutes _L _._
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 28, 2000
The usage of the park was discussed and Mr. Wildner said that once Boat Club Park
was reopened after the improvements were made, that would be the appropriate time to
consider a decal process. He believed that there would probably also be a daily fee. It
was thought that a decal process could be done for a modest amount and the daily fee
could be monitored on weekends only as there was no problem during the week. It was
hoped that the decal, the daily fee, and the additional 75 parking spaces would help to
regulate the number of visitors to the Park and keep the boats and trailers off Federal
Highway. The grant runs through September of 2001 and the timeline shows completion
in the summer or fall of 2001. Chairperson Thomas asked Mr. Wildner if they had
received a lot of complaints about the conditions on Federal Highway from the
Department of Transportation. Mr. Wildner responded that the complaints had come
from the neighborhood people, who were concerned about the safety issue of people
dashing across the street without a crosswalk.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked how long the Park must be kept in its current configuration
according to the agreement and Mr. Wildner responded, 30 years.
Ms. Pierce asked if Mr. Wildner had an answer on whether there would be voting at Boat
Club Park or not. Mr. Wildner stated that voting would take place there but that it should
not be a problem. Ms. Pierce said she believed that what was set up for voting so far
was September 5, October 3, and November 7, 2000, all from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Ms. Pierce also inquired about whether the City was ever going to replace the lighted
posts with numbers formerly used in the Park. Mr. Wildner said the City had a separate
intedocal agreement with Palm Beach County to assist the City with dredging the
channel, which runs from Boat Club Park out through the Intracoastal to the Inlet. Part
of that process includes the engineering and placement of those markers. The ones
there eroded. The Coast Guard has asked for notification when the dredging has taken
place so they can replace the markers. Mr. Wildner stated that the City had applied for a
grant from the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) to reimburse up to $25,000 for
that dredging.
Tennis Center (North American Corporate Games, October 26-29,
Mr. Majors reported that at the moment staff was working on the hospitality tent for the
games. The City will have a table at a large reception area called the Super Center
where all the athletes will be checking in. This table will be the responsibility of Wayne
Segal, the City's Director for Promotions and Media. Mr. Majors related that the North
American Corporate Games had asked the City for sponsorship in the amount of
$10,000 but the City believed this was too much, offering $2,500 instead. This was
believed to be sufficient, especially in light of the major improvements that were being
made at the Tennis Center. The North American Corporate Games organization has
verbally committed that Boynton Beach will be the venue for the 2002 Sunshine State
Games Tennis Competition. One of the Recreation Department's long-term goals is to
promote more destination type events.
Meeting Minutes '-~
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 28, 2000
E. Special Events (TNT Concerts, Holiday Events)
Mr. Majors reported that the last TNT Concert had attracted approximately 800 people
and continues to draw larger crowds. The City met with the Town Manager of Ocean
Ridge, who is allowing some parking for overflow at the beach on the Town Hall site. Mr.
Winters asked Mr. Majors if all the TNT concerts were going to be at the beach and he
replied that they were searching for alternate sites for the event. Various sites for events
were discussed to include the new stormwater cachement area east of Federal Highway
and Boynton Beach Boulevard.
F. Greenways Network
Mr. Fitzpatrick reported that a meeting was set up with the City Manager to determine
his views on the Greenways program. Mr. Wildner stated that in a recent meeting with
the City Manager the idea of a special taxing district to help cover the Greenways
program was discussed and the City Manager was quite enthusiastic about it. It was
believed that the western community needed to be involved and that their desire to keep
their surrounding areas as natural as possible was in concert with the Greenways
program. Chairperson Thomas commended Mike Fitzpatrick on the thorough job he had
done on researching the situation and presenting it, believing that because of his work,
the idea had a good chance of succeeding.
G. Monthly Report
Mr. Ramnarace asked Mr. Majors if their Summer Camp program had been profitable.
Mr. Majors responded that it was not run with the idea of profit in mind but that they were
filled to capacity and they were proud of the fact that they were able to allocate funds up
to the full grant amount. He said that next year they would have their new bus and
would do even better. They were in the process of getting bids to have the bus painted
white and the Board discussed various Iogos that could be put on the side of the bus.
Chairperson Thomas remarked that there had been a volunteer recognition night at the
Woman's Club recently and that it had been a huge success, with a nice dinner and
many awards for the volunteers. She said that this was going to be an annual event.
1. Appointment of Permanent Recreation Director
Mr. Winters broached the subject of the permanent Recreation Director, recommending
that the Board send a letter to the City Manager strongly recommending that Mr. Majors
be appointed permanent Recreation Director. After a brief discussion, a motion was
Mr. Winters made a motion that the Advisory Board on Recreation and Parks send a
letter to the City Manager stating that the Recreation and Parks Board highly
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 28, 2000
recommends the hiring of Mr. Wally Majors for the permanent position of Director of the
Recreation Department for the City of Boynton Beach. The motion was seconded and
carried unanimously.
2. Cricket Field
Mr. Ramnarace thanked Mr, Wildner for his able assistance in bringing the cricket field at
Rolling Green School to fruition. Mr. Ramnarace stated that the cricket field was unique
in the United States and that he had spent over 600 hours getting the field into playing
condition. He was able to get some help recently from the Probation Department who
sent someone to work with him. A little more work remains to be done. Mr. Wildner
stated that the City had an interlocal agreement with Rolling Green to use the south part
of their property for the cricket field. He stated that Mrr Ramnarace had been working on
the surface of the playing field and that the irrigation system had not worked for a long
time. He stated that the School Board had agreed to fix this. Once that is working the
City intends to laser grade the surrounding field around the pitch and lay new sod. Mr.
Ramnarace stated that more facilities needed to be provided for adult cricket. Ultimately
the field will have to have lighting and this issue will be addressed when the time comes.
He said the County accesses the field via a gate and when they do, the field is damaged
each time. Mr. Wildner stated he is working with the School Board to move the gate
farther to the east to alleviate this problem. Mr. Ramnarace was hoping to get the area
businesses to help finance the cricket field ultimately.
1. Sculpture Garden/Art Area on Industrial Avenue
Mr. Rick Beaulieu and Mr. Ray Marsakovski were in attendance at the meeting and
wished to acquaint the Board members with a project they began two and a half years
ago to clean up and beautify Industrial Avenue. They cleaned up and hauled more than
sixty trailer loads of trash from the sides of the road, working full time on the project at
their own expense. The City cooperated to the extent of providing trailer dumpsters. The
business owners graded the area, built it up with fill, erected a new fence, brought in
coral sand, palms, palmettos, and began to place some art work along the street. The
area has gotten some publicity and recognition from such sources as Associated Press
and Gary Schwann from the Palm Beach Post, who likened the area to the Norton
Sculpture Gardens, the Boca Raton Art Museum, the Morikami Museum and Eaton Fine
Arts. It is basically an outside painting and sculpture exhibit, which now consists of
about 70 pieces, which are on display. It is free. It supplies entertainment and
education. There is a HeadStart program for young artists who need a place to put their
first piece of artwork. They asked for the City's cooperation in the form of a sign that
would direct people down the street and make it easier for people to find. Mr. Beaulieu
showed them a prototype of a sign. Mr. Wildner suggested using the right-of-way for a
City-sponsored sign and making it using the City's sign machine.
Mr. Winters stated that Mr. Beaulieu was being much too modest and suggested that the
Board meet one half hour early for the next meeting, take a bus and tour the art area on
Industrial Avenue, saying that one picture was worth a thousand words. Mr. Winters
said that this area was "the best kept secret in Boynton Beach". Mr. Wildner will have
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 28, 2000
his secretary call the Board members the day before the meeting to remind them of the
change in time.
VI. NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 6:30 P.M. (Tour Prior to Meeting)
The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)