Minutes 04-14-99 MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1999 AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT Ron Washam, Chairman Hank Ackermann, Neighborhood Specialist Floyd Beil, Voting Alternate Blanche Girtman Beth Miller Brenda Lee Williams ABSENT Maynie Boles Joy Currier, Vice Chairperson Stephanie Mingo-McKoy I. OPENING, PLEDGE, PRAYER Chairman Washam called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. and asked Ms. Miller to lead the members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of silent prayer. II. ROLL CALL The Recording Secretary called the roll and a quorum was declared present. Ms. Girtman informed members that Ms. Maynie Boles was in the hospital. Chairman Washam introduced Hank Ackermann, the City’s Neighborhood Specialist to the Board. Chairman Washam informed members that Mr. Ackermann would be the Board Liaison until further notice. III. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS None IV. AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Beil requested the addition under Old Business of Item F, “Participation at the G.A.L.A.”. MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 1999 Chairman Washam asked if there were any other changes or additions to the agenda. Hearing none, he called for a motion to approve the agenda. Motion Ms. Girtman moved that the Agenda, as amended be approved. Motion seconded by Ms. Miller. Motion carried unanimously. V. MINUTES APPROVAL – Regular Meeting of March 10, 1999 Ms. Miller requested that her absence from the March 10, 1999 meeting be an excusable absence, since she tried to attend the meeting, but on her way into City Hall she fell in the City Hall Parking lot and had to go to the hospital and received seven stitches. Motion Ms. Williams moved that the minutes of the March 10, 1999 meeting be approved. Motion seconded by Ms. Miller. Motion carried unanimously. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Washam announced that Sunday at the Royal Palm School volunteers are desperately needed for the Guinness Book of World Record Book breaking attempt for th signing a single song. The event is scheduled for Sunday, April 18 at 2:00 p.m. Chairman Washam stated that many more people are planning to attend than originally anticipated and volunteers are needed for crowd control, selling sodas and tee shirts, assisting with parking and anything else as determined. Chairman Washam said the old record was 541 and 714 participant tee shirts have been sold. Chairman Washam is anticipating a turnout of approximately 1,500 to 2,000 people. VIII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE None VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. Meeting Locations Chairman Washam stated that tonight’s meeting was originally intended to be held at Rolling Green Elementary School. Vice Chair Currier had contacted Rolling Green Elementary School to determine if the Board could hold a community meeting, but there 2 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 1999 was a miscommunication and Vice Chair Currier was informed that the Board could use the School at a $50.00 fee. Chairman Washam will follow through on this to determine what actually transpired and that Vice Chair Currier should be commended for her efforts in trying to set this up. Chairman Washam would like this Board to take its meetings into the community to get more people involved. Ms. Girtman suggested holding the May meeting at the rd Headstart Day Care Center, which is located at 909 NE 3 Street. Chairman Washam requested that Ms. Girtman coordinate this and report back to Chairman Washam. Chairman Washam also said that it is important that this Board participate in the Community Forum Meetings, which are held at the Bible Church of God. Ms. Miller asked Mr. Ackermann if he had any other suggestions for holding the Board meetings and Mr. Ackermann stated that the two mentioned were very good locations. Mr. Ackermann said that the Community Forum meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of every month. Mr. Ackermann noted that the next City Neighborhood Forum Meeting is th June 7 at the Library Program Room at 7:00 p.m. and this will be the eighth meeting. Mr. Ackermann said that all the neighborhood and homeowner associations in the City are invited to attend. A meeting is held every three months and is open to the public. Also, Mr. Ackermann suggested that the Board could schedule a meeting at some of the homeowner and neighborhood meetings and said the Inlet Cove Association has five sub-groups and changed their meeting night to Monday nights. Mr. Ackermann noted that the Inlet Cove Association meets at the Royal Palm Clubhouse. Mr. Ackermann also informed the Board that the neighborhood from Boynton Beach Boulevard from Seacrest to I-95 is a large area and they have now formed one neighborhood association. This area is experiencing a great deal of transitional problems and the association is being headed by Bruce Black. Chairman Washam said he would follow through with Mr. Black on this. Also, Mr. Ackermann noted that the City and the School District have an agreement and that the Board should be able to hold meetings at the schools without any fees involved. Ms. Girtman suggested that flyers be prepared and handed out to the residents and businesses in the area informing them of the meeting scheduled for the Headstart Center. Ms. Miller suggested preparing a press release. After discussion it was determined that the meeting scheduled for May at the Headstart Center would take place at 7:30 p.m., which is the regular time of this Board’s meetings. 3 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 1999 B. Advisory Board Forum Chairman Washam noted that this Board must set a date for the next four Board Forum to take place sometime this summer. Chairman Washam stated that the four Board Forum includes this Board, the Education Advisory Board, the Children and Youth Advisory Board and the Senior Advisory Board. Chairman Washam suggested continuing to hold these meetings at the Library, which appears to be popular. Chairman Washam said it is very important to have full Board participation at the meetings. Chairman Washam noted that last year when this Board sponsored the four Board Forum the participation was very poor not only by this Board but by the other Boards as well. Ms. Miller noted that the last Board Forum was very successful and took place on a Saturday morning. Ms. Miller suggesting holding the Board Forum on a weekday in the evening. Ms. Williams also suggested that there should be a time limit for the meeting. Mr. Ackermann did not think the evening hours would be good for the Senior Advisory Board. Also, Mr. Ackermann noted that the Senior Advisory Board generally does not meet during the months of July and August. Chairman Washam suggested the four Board Forum take place sometime in June. After discussion, it was determined that the four Board Forum could be held on a Saturday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Library. Mr. Ackermann noted that to date there is nothing scheduled for any Saturday, except th Bruce Black’s Block Party, which takes place on June 19. Chairman Washam suggested the meeting could tie in with the Block Party. Chairman Washam said he would speak with Mr. Black about this possibility. Mr. Ackermann said Mr. Black’s party begins at 4:00 p.m. and runs to 10:00 p.m. Ms. Miller suggested announcing that when the meeting is over, that everyone is invited to the party across the street. There was a consensus on the Board that this was a good idea. Mr. Ackermann will check to see if the Library is available on that date and will get back with Chairman Washam. C. Homeless Veterans’ Project Chairman Washam said that this Board visited the homeless veterans’ house and has a wish list of needed items. Chairman Washam said this Board should continue to work with them and he has two cartons of food, which he will be delivering to the home. Ms. Miller also noted that they run a thrift store and what the home can’t use, they would sell. Chairman Washam informed the Board that there is a homeless veterans’ house th located in the City on 19 Street, across from Hester Park. Ms. Miller said she has been working with the veterans in assisting them becoming involved in the community through volunteerism. Ms. Miller suggested they might be available to assist with 4 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 1999 Sunday’s event. Chairman Washam would like this item to remain on the Agenda and it could be discussed at the Forum. Chairman Washam noted it is important to get these men back into the community and they need a great deal of help. D. Youth in Government Day Chairman Washam noted that Santaluces and Atlantic High Schools would be participating and that Dr. Beil visited the Middle Schools for their participation. Chairman Washam noted that Youth in Government Day would be held on Thursday, April 22, 1999 and a good turnout is expected. Chairman Washam requested that Board members try to attend as many events as possible. Chairman Washam said the mock Commission meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. The day starts with the students first meeting in the Commission Chambers at 8:00 a.m. for orientation and meeting the City Officials and the Interim City Manager. Ms. Girtman inquired if the students still toured the Water Treatment Plant. Mr. Ackermann thought that they did. Chairman Washam said the students have lunch at 12:30 at the Madsen Center and then at 7:00 p.m. the mock Commission meeting takes place. Chairman Washam noted that this event could not take place without the assistance of the City staff and thanked the staff for their help. Chairman Washam said he planned to be present for all three events. Chairman Washam noted that he participated in the first ever Youth in Government Day which had been originally organized by Ms. Blanche Girtman. E. Commission Orientation Chairman Washam noted that the Commission Orientation day has been scheduled for th Wednesday, April 28 and said it is important that everybody attend. Chairman Washam explained that there are three new members on the City Commission, two Commissioners and the Mayor and each “people” Board has been invited to participate in order to orient the new officials on what the Boards do, their past endeavors and their future goals. Chairman Washam stressed that these Boards are advisory boards and are becoming involved in more programs and projects. Chairman Washam noted this Board’s responsibility is to keep the City Commission advised of what is going on in the community. Chairman Washam said he would contact all members on the exact time and date for . (The Recording Secretary confirmed that the four people the orientation Boards are to meet with the City Commission on Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. at the Library – See attached Notice) . 5 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 1999 F. Participation at G.A.L.A. Chairman Washam said this item was added to the agenda at the request of Dr. Beil. Dr. Beil stated that every time the Board plans do something, he changes his plans in order to participate, but when the time comes, no one ever shows up and nothing ever happens. Dr. Beil said he was disappointed in the S.T.A.R. programs lack of success during the second week when not one prospective employer showed up. Dr. Beil feels this shows a lack of communication with all these businesses of which there were 12 to 15 scheduled to participate. Also, Dr. Beil said that half of the members of the Board did not even know there was going to be a float entered in the Christmas parade, which again is a lack of communication. Thirdly, members were to meet at Dr. Beil’s office for the purpose of visiting the homeless veterans’ shelter and only two people showed up. With regard to presentation of the plaque during Black Awareness Week, a time was set for the presentation, but the plaque was given out way before any Board member showed up and also a lot of members did not know about the presentation of the plaque. Lastly, Dr. Beil said he rearranged his time so that he could be at this Board’s booth at the G.A.L.A. and when he arrived, the table had a name tag on it, with not one piece of literature on it and that there was no participation from the Board at the G.A.L.A. Dr. Beil said he determined from the Children and Youth Board that none of this Board’s members showed up all weekend and there was absolutely no information available about the Board. Dr. Beil feels that he is wasting his time with this Board and that this Board needs to get going. Dr. Beil said he felt good that Mr. Ackermann was now the City Liaison for this Board and perhaps things will improve because of his position in the community. Dr. Beil said that in all the months that he has served on this Board, there has never been one person from the community come to the Board with a problem and feels that most people in the City do not even know that this Board exists. Dr. Beil said this Board cannot perform its function of advising the City Commission of problems in the community if no one ever comes to the Board with a problem. Dr. Beil felt the Board is entirely useless, a waste of taxpayers’ money and that two City employees are being paid to be present at the meetings. Dr. Beil said he is looking at other options and may decide to go to a Board that is more useful. Dr. Beil said he would be taking part in the Youth in Government Day, but was uncertain if he wished to continue to participate on the Board after that date. 6 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 1999 Chairman Washam commented that he agreed with some of the points Dr. Beil has raised, but said he has shown up for every event that Dr. Beil mentioned and perhaps this is not the right Board for Dr. Beil and that is his decision. Chairman Washam took exception that the Board is entirely useless and said this Board has done a great many things and there are plans currently underway for future programs and projects. Chairman Washam noted that serving on the Boards is voluntary and the Board is comprised of a cross section of the community. Chairman Washam said that even though people do not come to the meetings, this Board is aware of what is going on in the community. Also, Chairman Washam said this was the first time for the S.T.A.R. Program and that commitments had been obtained from the businesses to participate. Chairman Washam said the program is a good program and this is one area that needs to be looked at and revised. Chairman Washam said that he agreed that the participation at the G.A.L.A. was not as good as last year because he was heavily committed during those months and could not participate this year. Chairman Washam said he has always participated in prior G.A.L.A.’s and they have been a success. But unfortunately, this year he could not be involved. Chairman Washam said there was a time set for Board members to be present at the table, but people can’t be forced to show up. Ms. Williams said that she went to the table on her allotted time. Also Ms. Williams took exception to Dr. Beil’s comments and said that whenever she has committed herself she has always shown up. Ms. Williams said when she reported to the table at the G.A.L.A. there was no one there and there was no material on the table and therefore she left. Ms. Williams said there was no point to sit at a table with nothing to hand out. Ms. Williams said someone on this Board was supposed to prepare flyers for handout at the G.A.L.A., but there were none. Chairman Washam said that Ms. Mingo-McKoy was supposed to prepare the flyers, but is not sure what happened and did not know why the flyer was not prepared. Chairman Washam said that having a handout is not the most important thing and that just being present to speak with people is also very important. Chairman Washam agreed with Dr. Beil that participation on this Board needs to be improved. Ms. Girtman pointed out that the role of the Community Relations Board has changed over the years. When the Board was first appointed, it was for the purpose of addressing racial problems in the community, which were taking place in this City in the late 60's. At that time, people would come to City Hall with their problems. Now, the Community Relations Board is addressing different problems that affect the entire 7 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 1999 community. Ms. Girtman agreed that the Board needs to get out more into the community. Ms. Girtman said she had a problem that she would like this Board to address. Ms. Girtman informed the Board that young mothers two years ago were informed that they must have a job in order to be eligible for childcare and other benefits. As a result, some of these young mothers are running out of time and will no longer be allowed to utilize the childcare centers, nor will there be food to feed their families because they don’t have a job and they don’t have anyone to take care of their children. There are going to be social problems that this community is going to have to face on how to take care of these children and these are the issues that this Board needs to address. Chairman Washam said to Dr. Beil that the Board needs his assistance to make the Board a better Board and agreed that there are areas that this Board needs to improve on. Ms. Miller said that she feels that everyone on this Board has the same goals, but is having difficulty working together. Ms. Miller said that when the meeting is advertised in the newspaper, it should be noted that the meeting is open to the public. Ms. Miller suggested that the young women needing jobs that Ms. Girtman mentioned should be included in the S.T.A.R.’s Program in order to assist them in securing employment. Ms. Miller feels there are many resources in the City that can help these young women and that there are volunteers available for computer and other training. Ms. Miller said it is important to have flyers available wherever this Board goes to inform people what this Board is all about. Ms. Miller requested that everyone contribute something they would like included in the flyer and that she would prepare a flyer. Dr. Beil suggested that Ms. Girtman’s project be included in the agenda along with the Homeless Veterans’ project and perhaps a workshop should be held for this purpose. Workshop on Wednesday, April After discussion, it was determined to have a 21, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the preparation of a flyer. Chairman Washam informed the Board that Ms. Miller and Ms. Girtman were re- appointed to the Board at the last Commission meeting. It was noted that Dr. Beil and Vice Chair Currier’s appointments expire in April 1999. Mr. Ackermann agreed that the Board needs to become involved in more projects and to connect up with other agencies and groups in community with the same types of projects and goals. Mr. Ackermann said it would be a very good idea for members to attend and participate in the Forum Meeting that is held on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Mr. Ackermann stated these meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. 8 MEETING MINUTES COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 1999 Mr. Ackermann also informed the Board that the Community Caring Center of Boynton Beach provides a great deal of emergency services to people in the City and further th stated there is a possibility this Center will be relocating to a duplex at 145 NE 4 Avenue. Mr. Ackermann said they might be able to assist in the wages program. IX. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Ackermann announced that at the Congress Middle School on Friday, April 23 would be hosting a benefit basketball game between the students of the Career Education/ROTC Class and the City’s Police Department. The proceeds will benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. th Mr. Ackermann announced that on Saturday, April 24 is the Great American Cleanup will take place and presented a flyer to the members. Mr. Ackermann said that last year at least 300 volunteers participated and suggested that the Board assist in this project and said he was in need of some volunteers to hand out tee shirts, trash bags and gloves between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Mr. Ackermann suggested that the Community Relations Board could be a joint sponsor of the benefit. Chairman Washam and Dr. Beil said they would assist. Mr. Ackermann said that last year Publix donated 400 bottles of water and hopes they would do the same this year. Also, volunteers would be needed to pass out the water to the workers. Mr. Ackermann said this would be very good visibility for the Board. Chairman Washam said this could be further discussed at the workshop meeting next week. Mr. Ackermann said that an award is being offered to the neighborhood that has the most participants involved in a neighborhood clean-up and last year the Inlet Cove Association won. They were recognized at a Commission meeting and received a trophy. X. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Girtman moved that the meeting adjourn. Motion seconded by Ms. Williams. The meeting properly adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, __________________________ Barbara M. Madden Recording Secretary (two tapes) 9