Betty Thomas, Chairperson
Elizabeth L. Pierce, Alternate
Ed Harris*
Bali Ramnarace
Tom Williams*
Dan Winters
Wally Majors, Acting Recreation
John Wildner, Parks Director
Also present on the tour was Mayor Gerald Broening.
James R. McMahon
Mike Fitzpatrick
Members met at 6:30 p.m. in front of the West Wing, City Hall, Boynton Beach
and were taken on a tour of the East Industrial Avenue art area called the
Boynton Beach Neighborhood Gallery. Mr. Richard Beau Lieu of Beau Lieu
Studio's and Neighborhood Gallery had arranged the tour.
Members toured the entire area where art and sculptures of various artists from
throughout the United States and other nations were on display. One of the
purposes of the tour was to determine a location for a sign to be located at the
beginning of Industrial Avenue to assist citizens in locating the area. Mayor
Broening, Mr. Wildner and Mr, Beau Lieu discussed locations and designs for a
sign, Mr. Wildner suggested that the sign could be made in-house by Public
Works, which Mr. Beau Lieu felt would be appropriate. Mr. Ramnarace also
suggested that it might be possible to include a sign on 1-95.
After members toured the studio, Mr. Beau Lieu furnished each member with
various articles that had been written about the Boynton Beach Neighborhood
Gallery that has been in place for the Past three years. Anyone desiring further
information on the BoyntOn Beach Neighborhood Gallery can also check out its
web site at www. neighborhoodgallery.com.
*Only attended meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 25, 2000
Members left Industrial Avenue at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting reconvened in Conference Room C, West Wing, City Hall at 7:25
Chairperson Thomas called the roll and a quorum was declared present.
Messrs. Williams and Harris joined the meeting.
Chairperson Thomas introduced John Wildner, Parks Director; Wally Majors,
Acting Recreation Director and the Recording Secretary.
Mr. Mclvan Desir was also present at the invitation of Mr. Ramnarace to discuss
utilizing a City field for his soccer league.
Chairperson Thomas asked if there were any changes or additions to the
minutes. Hearing none, Chairperson Thomas stated that the minutes be
accepted as distributed.
A. Hester Center Breezeway Enclosure
Mr. Majors reported that Bill DeBeck still has a few outstanding comments that
need to be addressed on the permit application, which should be resolved soon
and the permit should be issued within a couple of weeks. After the permit is
issued, it will take another 120 days for completion of the paperwork and an
additional 120 days for construction.
B. Senior Center
Mr. Majors reported that he and Chairperson Thomas met with Betty Collins in
reference to some concerns expressed by the Senior Advisory Board regarding
the Senior Center. Mr. Majors feels that these concerns can be resolved and that
staff is doing a very good job. The Senior Advisory Board would like the Center
to focus more on sOcial services. Aisc, they would like to have a Director for the
Center. Mr. Majors read a list of the social services that are currently provided
at the Senior Center on a weekly basis as follows:
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 25, 2000
v' Blood pressure screening;
v' Visions testing;
,/ Hearing testing;
v' Cholesterol testing;
v' Glucose testing;
~' Prostrate cancer testing; and
v' Free foot screenings.
Also offered at the Senior Center are a widowed persons peer support group; the
SHINE Program; a seniors' assistance program that meets three times per week;
foster grandparents' program; senior companion program; job placement
program; and an AARP 55 Alive Program.
Mr. Majors reported that many surveys have been done at the Center. About
95% of the surveys have been very positive and that the seniors patronizing the
facility are pleased. Mr. Majors stated that staff is doing a good job and he
supports their efforts. A self-assessment of the facility will be undertaken
sometime in October or November. Also, Mr. Majors would like to get the Center
accredited by the National Institute of Senior Centers.
Mr. Winters asked about staffing and Mr. Majors stated that Ms. Carolyn Sims is
the Manager; Steve Lulkin, Recreation Specialist; there is a full time office
assistant and a part time recreation specialist. The Mae Volen Center provides a
food services manager. Mr. Winters felt that this size staff was excellent and his
position is that recreation professionals should do the staffing and volunteers
should be kept at a minimum.
It was suggested that Ms. Collins be invited to attend a Parks and Recreation
Board meeting to present her viewpoint of the services she would like provided at
the Senior Center. Mr. Majors will follow through with contacting Ms. Collins.
Chairperson Thomas asked if the Board received any answer to its letter to the
City Manager on completing the Senior Center? Mr. Majors reported that at l~he
CIP meetings completion of the Senior Center was given high priority. Mr. MajOrs
reported that the grant writer is looking for grants and it is difficult to find grants
for capital programs. Mr. Winters reported that there is a foundation in Delray
Beach that contributed a great sum of money to the gymnasium for Atlantic High
School and suggested Mr. Majors contact Mr. Kevin Logan at the High School
who could supply the particulars on the foundation.
Mr. Williams said that more playground equipment is needed at the Hester
Center for the small children. Also, Mr. Williams noted there were no nets on the
tennis courts at Sara Sims Park. Mr. Williams stated that the nets won't last
unless the gates are locked at night; otherwise they will be continually
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 25, 2000
vandalized. Mr. Wildner advised that the nets will be replaced and he will do
something about securing the gates.
Mr. Williams also asked for an update on the status of the pavilions at Hester
Center. Mr. Majors reported that the budget was approved and this should go
out to bid in the near future. Mr. Williams said that he has some people who
could help with the cement work.
C. Boat Club/Intracoastal Parks
Mr. Wildner reported that the construction plans for Boat Club Park are
progressing well. The construction date has been targeted for February 2001.
With regard to Intracoastal Park, the City is in the process of renewing its
contract with Wallace Roberts & Todd to provide consulting services for the
construction and this will appear on the next Commission agenda for approval.
Mr. Bressner will be sending a letter to Commissioner McCarty to apprise her of
the City's timelines on moving forward with the project.
D. Tennis Center (North American Corporate Games, October 26-29)
Staff is making preparations for the hospitality tent. The City will also have a
display area in the International Pavilion in West Palm Beach, where all the
athletes must check in.
Mr. Wildner reported that a great deal of work is being done at the Tennis Center
in preparation of the games. Mr. Winters inquired what the fees were at the
Tennis Center and Mr. Majors stated between $225 and $250. Mr. Winters
would like the fees to remain affordable so that everyone can take advantage of
the recreation being offered.
D. Special Events
Mr. Majors reported on the following:
The TNT Concert has been rescheduled from last Friday due to the
rain to Friday, October 6th.
Staff is planning for the holiday events. There will be a tree lighting
ceremony this year, which is a new event that would include
traditional and non-traditional participants. This is scheduled for the
first weekend in December.
The Holiday Parade is scheduled for Sunday, December 3rd at 3:00
Staff is trying to get as many residents to participate in City events for the
purpose of weaning City staff away from the programs and to involve the
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 25, 2000
community more'. Staff is also looking to locate a local dignitary for honorary
Grand Marshal for the Holiday Parade. Members discussed various possibilities
for Grand Marshal.
Black Awareness will remain on the agenda because the City was
awarded a $10,000 Planning Grant and there is a company that is
working with staff to develop a 5-year plan for Black Awareness.
Plans for GALA have already begun.
E. Greenways Network (Mike Fitzpatrick)
In the absence of Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Wildner reported that Mr. Fitzpatrick is
continuing to assemble information on greenways and a special taxing district.
Mr. Fitzpatrick met last month with the City Manager who encouraged him to
include the western areas as part of the planning process for the taxing district,
but to emphasize greenways. Hopefully, Mr. Fitzpatrick will have a report at the
next meeting.
F. Monthly Report
The monthly report was included in the
reviewed. Mr. Winters commended staff in
agenda packet, which members
putting this report together each
A. Items for City Manager's Attention
Mr. Winters would like to know the City's position on whether a Director for the
Parks and Recreation Department will be hired or does the City plan to have two
department heads. Mr. Winters feels a City of this size should have a Parks and
Recreation Director.
Mr. Winters pointed out that the National Parks and Recreation Meeting will be
held in Phoenix, Arizona in October and there is a great emphasis on citizen
involvement at the meeting. Mr. Winters would like the City to consider
sponsoring two Board members to attend. Mr. Winters said he would contact the
City Manager to determine if this were possible.
Mr. Williams requested that the Board be informed when these meetings are
scheduled so that Board members could plan to attend, especially since the last
meeting was held in Orlando and he was not aware of this. Mr. Williams inquired
where next year's meeting is scheduled and was informed it would be held at
Saddlebrook in the Tampa area.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 25, 2000
Mr. Hards asked if the new YMCA and the Boys and Girls Club coming to
Boynton Beach would have any effect upon the City's recreation programs? Mr.
Harris has concerns that these organizations could come in and try to take over
all the wonderful programs that the City's recreation department has instituted
and run over the years.
Mr. Wildner pointed out that the YMCA is located out on Military Trail and is not
convenient for City residents. Mr. Williams also noted that the Jewish
Community Center is offering programs as well. Mr. Wildner pointed out that a
great many programs that the City runs would not be run by those organizations,
such as youth soccer and football. Mr. Majors said that he has met with the
YMCA Director and he did not think this would be an issue. It was noted that the
Boys and Girls Club is in West Palm Beach and Delray Beach, and no one is
aware of any plans currently to come into Boynton Beach.
Mr. Williams commended the City's Recreation Department and all the groat
programs that the City offers including kiddy programs, summer camp programs,
Mr. Winters inquired about the criteria for selection of a Grand Marshal for the
Holiday Parade. Mr. Majors stated it was a short list and would be a local person
who has devoted much time and energy to community service. Mr. Winters felt
that Charlie Frederick would be a good candidate. Mr. Majors said he would bring
this up at the next meeting.
Ms. Pierce inquired if a Boat Parade is scheduled and was informed that the
Chamber of Commerce usually puts this on. Unfortunately, participation has
slacked off. Ms. Pierce said she would contact Mr. Grogg Myer, who is
associated with Channel 12 to see if he could offer any assistance.
Members wished Mr. Ramnarace a happy 50th Birthday.
Mr. Desir addressed the Board and stated his soccer league has about 60
children between the ages of 8 and 18 who are mostly Haitian in nationality.
Their parents do not have money to put into the program for the children to
participate. Mr. Desir stated that he has been putting his own money in for the
children. He stressed that they have been having problems locating a field and
asked if there would be anything available for the children. He noted that last
year their soccer team was number 2 in the nation and the children play all year
Members discussed various fields that could be made available for soccer. Mr.
Wildner noted that the City has been working with Dr. Voss to get the Rolling
Green field in good shape, but the irrigation system needs to be repaired by the
School Board. Once this is done, the City will regrass the field and it could be
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 25, 2000
made available for soccer. Hopefully, this will be completed in a few months.
Mr. Ramnarace volunteered to take care of the field once it gets fixed. Mr.
Ramnarace stated the field currently is in very poor condition and could be
dangerous to the children playing there. The field needs to be graded and
regrassed. Mr. Wildner stated this alone will cost around $35,000, but would be
a great asset to the neighborhood children who want to play soccer. Congress
Middle School was suggested, but Mr. Desir stated there is a transportation
problem with getting the children to the School since there are only two cars
available for 60 children.
After discussion, it was determined that Wilson Field could be made available to
Mr. Desir. Mr. Wildner will have Mr. Brenton Rolle contact him to make
arrangements for the field and asked Mr. Desir for his phone number. Mr. Desir
stated his beeper number was 710-6061.
VI. NEXT MEETING: October 23, 2000
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(2 tapes)