Minutes 07-22-08
HELD ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2008 AT 6:30 P.M.
Shirley Jaskiewicz, Chair Mike Rumpf, Planning Director
Roger Saberson, Vice Chair Jamila Alexander, Assistant City Attorney
Matthew Barnes
Sharon Grcevic
Candace Killian
Jeff Lis
Steve Myott
Amber Barritt, Alternate
William Poznak, Alternate
1. Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Jaskiewicz called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Ms. Killian.
2. Introduction of the Board.
Chair Jaskiewicz introduced the members of the board and welcomed Mayor Taylor to
the meeting.
3. Agenda Approval
Vice Chair Saberson moved to approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Barnes
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
4. Approval of Minutes.
Vice Chair Saberson moved approval of the minutes as presented. Mr. Barnes
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
5. Communications and Announcements.
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 22, 2008
A. Planning and Zoning Report
1. Final disposition of the June 24, 2008 Planning and Development
Board meeting agenda items
Mike Rumpf
, Planning and Zoning Director, announced the City Towing Land Use
Amendment, Rezoning to Industrial Use and Abandonment items were approved at the
July 1, 2008 City Commission meeting.
At the July 15, 2008 City Commission the following occurred:
The Holiday Inn Express Height Exception and Major Site Plan Modification were
approved; the Boynton Loft Site Plan Time Extension was approved and the
2008 update to the Capital Improvements Element was approved under first
reading for transmittal to the State of Florida.
The two City-initiated Text Amendments, the M1-Industrial District Corridor Use
Amendment and Administrative Adjustment revisions were tabled.
Staff had received correspondence from a resident advising staff the August meeting
falls on Primary Election Day. There were five items scheduled to be heard on the
August agenda and it was up to the board to determine whether it would move forward
with the meeting or not. If the board opted not to move forward with those items, they
would need to be readvertised. Ms. Grcevic gave notice she would not be able to
attend the meeting because of the election. After further deliberation, the board decided
to hold the August meeting as scheduled.
Mr. Rumpf advised the Chair had requested Utility Department staff be available to
answer questions on water needs and capacity for existing and approved projects since
some of the members had questions.
Pete Mazella
, Deputy Utilities Director, explained there was concern about water and
how the City would handle its water needs in the future. The City’s Future Water Supply
Plan would reduce consumption, upgrade the East Plant to a full 24 million gallons per
day (MGD) and obtain 8 MGD from the Floridan Aquifer.
The goals of the Phase I Reclaimed Water project were to reduce potable water
consumption for irrigation via an alternative water supply; redirect potable water
capacity to future growth areas, and fully utilize existing reclaimed water lines. The
intention was to use as much reclaimed water as possible as a replacement of the
potable water used for irrigation. Reclaimed water was high quality water, and it had a
direct benefit to be used on the ground. Once that occurred, they could redirect potable
water capacity to new growth. This would also allow the City to fully utilize the
reclaimed water main they already had.
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 22, 2008
Mr. Mazella provided a map showing the reclaimed water line that was installed about
10 years ago to service five golf courses. They were now constructing a 24 inch
diameter line to serve as a trunk line from Congress Avenue to Seacrest Boulevard and
then run a reduced sized line to the City Hall campus. Some of the users would be
Bethesda Health Center, Caloosa Park, Congress Avenue Park, Crosspointe
Elementary School and then east to High Pointe development, Forest Park Elementary
School, the cemetery, the Little League Field, the City’s Water Treatment Plant, Pence
Park, Sterling Village and the City Hall area. He noted these areas used potable water
because of the proximity to the Coastal Zones.
The City anticipated recapturing, during Phase I, about .5 MGP of potable water and
replacing it with reclaimed water. Other phases would contribute another .5 MGD per
day for a total of 1 MGD which was a better use of the City’s resource.
The overall system demand and capacity through the year 2025 was reviewed. The
population had a direct impact on how much water would be used since the City did not
have large industrial users. The 2007 average demand was 16.2 MGD of potable water
and in 2025, the average demand was anticipated to increase to 2025 MGD.
Mr. Mazella explained water treatment plants were designed to meet the maximum
average daily flow and must be able to handle the peak demands. In 2007, the City’s
had a 44% peaking factor, which meant it could handle 144% of the average daily
demand. In 2025, the peaking factor would be increased to about 161% of demand.
About 24% of the City’s water would be drawn from surficial aquifers going to the East
Water Plant and the West Water Treatment Plant would be converted to handle water
from the Floridan aquifer which would contribute 8 MGD. The City also has purchased
water on a permitted basis from the County.
The City planned to interconnect the east and west wellfields and wells would be drilled
to draw from the aquifer. The treatment plants would be connected by a six-mile
connection with a 30-inch water main.
The schedule to accomplish this was to obtain a permit by 2009, complete the wellfield
interconnection by 2011, complete the Florida Aquifer wells by 2011 and convert the
West Water Treatment Plant to reverse osmosis by 2013.
There was a question about obtaining the permit and whether the City anticipated it
would receive the allocation they requested. Mr. Mazella explained the City was using
water from multiple sources, such as alternative sources, reclaimed water, pulling from
two separate aquifers, and two aquifer storage and recovery wells which help moderate
the seasonal demands on the surficial aquifer. The program was well rounded and has
been well received. The program took into consideration the current restrictions, but
they were a short time fix. The City was requesting a 20 year permit with 5 year review
periods so the district can review and modify the program if needed. The City was
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 22, 2008
focusing on large users for reclaimed water, eliminating the need for 14 MGD of potable
water. Currently the City has about 17 MGD going through the regional wastewater
plant, with half of that going to Delray Beach and half to the City. There would never be
enough wastewater reclaimed to meet all the irrigation demands of the area. It would
need to be a mixed approach. Desalinization was reviewed but was cost prohibitive.
Chair Jaskiewicz opened the public hearing.
William Vanrine
, 3044 Quantum Lakes Drive, inquired if the City had any way to put
the gray water system in place in the future so apartment complexes and PUD’s could
convert to gray water without tremendous cost to the developer. Mr. Mazella explained
communities near the line would have access. Most of the redevelopment did not have
a big demand for irrigation, but could have access. Along Congress Avenue, the issue
was cost benefit. He explained several large users were interested in tapping into the
Chair Jaskiewicz closed the public hearing.
7. Unfinished Business
Gulfstream Gardens
Master Plan Modification
Gulfstream Gardens (MPMD 08-002)
AGENT: Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning
Consultants, Inc.
OWNER: Jeffrey B. Meehan, Gulfstream Gardens, LLC
LOCATION: West side of Federal Highway, approximately
¼ mile north of Gulfstream Boulevard
DESCRIPTION: Request for Master Plan Modification to update
the proposed unit type from townhouse units to
rental units; to eliminate one (1) access
driveway; and to revise building layout, project
circulation, and associated parking areas.
Gulfstream Gardens (MSPM 08-004)
AGENT: Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning
Consultants, Inc.
OWNER: Jeffrey B. Meehan, Gulfstream Gardens, LLC
LOCATION: West side of Federal Highway, approximately
¼ mile north of Gulfstream Boulevard
DESCRIPTION: Request for Major Site Plan Modification to
revise the type of housing approved from 308
townhouse units to 308 multi-family rental
units; to eliminate one (1) access driveway; to
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 22, 2008
unify and expand recreational amenities; and
to modify layout and design of buildings and
associated parking areas.
Kathleen Zeitler
, Planner, presented the request and explained although they would
present the Master and Major Site Plan Modifications together, they should be voted on
The previously approved site plan for Phases I and II contained 308 townhouse units in
28 identical buildings, each three stories with 11 units per building. The buildings were
a mix of one, two and three bedrooms ranging between 1,265 and 2,600 square feet
under air. The proposed site plan included 308 multi-family rental apartments in 32
buildings, each three stories, with three different building types. The mix of one, two
and three bedroom units ranged between 888 to 1,685 square feet under air. Each two
and three bedroom unit would have a one car garage plus a parking space in the
There would be a one story recreation building with over 4,400 square feet, a tot lot and
usable open space areas with benches, bike rack and continuous pedestrian paths. The
landscape materials were similar to the previously approved materials with offsite
buffers to the south and west.
The applicant submitted a recorded landscape agreement and a release agreement
with the property owner to the South (Public Storage) and an agreement, releasing the
City from liability for landscaping within the Old Dixie Highway right-of-way.
Staff reviewed the plans and recommended approval subject to the 42 conditions of
approval contained in the staff report.
Bradley Miller
, Miller Land Planning Consultants, agreed with the conditions of
approval and gave a brief PowerPoint presentation showing the project. His clients
wanted to move the project forward based on a project they did in Coral Springs. The
access points were off Federal Highway and then a second access on Old Dixie
Highway. The Federal Highway access would include a northbound left turn and a
landscaped median. The project focused around a central recreational area. There
were three types of buildings. Type one was a three-story structure with one bedroom
units and no garages. The type two buildings were a mix of two and three story
buildings with garages and type three had a façade that had a mix of two and three
stories and the garage units. Fourteen units were changed from three bedroom to one
Chair Jaskiewicz opened the floor for public comments.
Attorney Alexander administered the oath to Sarah Renshaw.
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 22, 2008
Sarah Renshaw
, 48 Heather Cove Drive, owned a condo in Seagate and inquired if
that would be torn down. Mr. Miller responded the site was already cleared.
There were no other comments and Chair Jaskiewicz closed the public hearing.
The board members inquired about the style of the project, which was previously Old
French Country with stone at the building base. It was thought it previously looked
fancier because it was a for sale product; however, the concern was it may be similar to
the Mirabella project. It was also noted the prior plans had two swimming pools.
Mr. Bradley explained one pool of the two previously approved pools was a splash pool;
however, his clients found that one amenity would service the community adequately.
His client’s project in Coral Springs went condo conversion which this project would as
Mr. Poznak expressed his concerns regarding the drainage plans. Mr. Miller responded
the drainage design was established and part of the site plan application reviewed by
the City. The majority of the drainage was via an exfiltration trench constructed under
the parking lot. There was over 5K linear feet of trench under the parking lot and water
was caught by a catch basin from the parking lot and graded to those locations. The
South Florida Water Management District gave conceptual approval to the design.
There would be follow-up permitting after the Planning and Development Board and City
Commission approval to receive the final drainage permits from the City, Lake Worth
Drainage District and the South Florida Water Management District. The financing was
nearly complete for the project.
Some members were concerned the project would be a huge rental community instead
of an ownership community. When cash flows were not available, the property
becomes degraded and it was reported that scenario was occurring all over Florida.
Another concern was when the conversion occurred, the units would be substandard
because they started out as a rental community and a lack of amenities, such as
elevators, would make it difficult to sell third floor units.
Mr. Miller explained his clients were still involved in the Coral Springs project after over
four years. Additionally, with a condo market, many residents were transient and were
seasonal, as opposed to a rental community which housed individuals who lived and
worked in the community on a daily basis.
Ms. Zeitler clarified that Engineering staff and other departments review the applications
and impose conditions of approval regarding drainage and water and sewer. The full
drainage plans, including the calculations and permits, would be submitted when they
applied for their building permit. At this stage it was only conceptual.
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 22, 2008
Chair Jaskiewicz asked for a motion to approve the request for Master Plan Modification
to update the proposed unit type from townhouse units to rental units; to eliminate one
(1) access driveway; and to revise building layout, project circulation, and associated
parking areas. Ms. Grcevic so moved. Ms. Killian seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Mr. Barnes moved to approve the Major Site Plan Modification of Gulfstream Gardens.
Mr. Myott seconded the motion. Chair Jaskiewicz clarified the motion was to revise the
type of housing approved from 308 townhouse units to 308 multi-family rental units; to
eliminate one (1) access driveway; to unify and expand recreational amenities; and to
modify layout and design of buildings and associated parking areas subject to the 42
conditions of approval. Mr. Barnes amended his motion to include that language. Mr.
Myott amended his second and the motion unanimously passed.
8. New Business
Sunshine Square
Conditional Use
Sunshine Square (COUS 08-003)
AGENT: Arianne Nielsen, Land Design South
OWNER: Woolbright Sunshine, LLC
LOCATION: Southwest corner of the intersection of South
Federal Highway and Woolbright Road
DESCRIPTION: Request for conditional use approval for a
Cosmetology School to locate within existing
Building “C” in the Sunshine Square shopping
Kathleen Zeitler
explained the request was for a conditional use and included interior
renovations. The floor plan included stations for barber, cosmetology and hair styling
services. The request met the required standards for conditional uses, and was
compatible with the surrounding development. Staff recommended approval and a
period of one year be given to secure the permits for the interior renovations.
There was one letter in opposition to the request from a surrounding property owner on
the basis she owned a similar business in the adjacent shopping center. (The letter is
on file in the office of the City Clerk.)
Arianne Nielsen
, Land Design South, was present to answer any questions.
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 22, 2008
The board members had questions about parking, which had a deficit of 72 spaces.
The board acknowledged the parking could accommodate the use, but the concern was
it was not known what development was coming behind this application and whether
there would be enough to support all the uses in total. As a school, the use would
attract parking and the center would be an active center. The board previously approved
an item with a parking deficit and now was approving another item with an Institute of
Transportation Engineers (ITE) generation rate. It was pointed out the use could
potentially have a much stronger generation rate than the ITE specified rate.
The project had shared parking with mixed uses. Ms. Nielsen acknowledged the
board’s concerns and explained the allocation for parking was appropriate for where the
users would be parking and using the space. The end product would provide the
parking for the other uses across the site.
Chair Jaskiewicz opened the floor for public hearing. No one coming forward, the public
hearing was closed.
The occupancy classification for the use was mercantile. The board then discussed the
back façade of the complex that faced Publix, which was unsightly from Federal
Highway. Chair Jaskiewicz indicated it was her understanding that would be renovated
and improved. The Publix store would be entirely renovated and in a different location.
The members thought that aspect should be taken into consideration in Phase II and it
was noted many buildings in different areas of the State were required to have four-
sided building facades.
Mr. Myott moved to approve the conditional use. Mr. Lis seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Mr. Myott left the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
Country Inns and Suites
Site Plan Time Extension
Country Inns and Suites(SPTE 08-
AGENT: Robert E. Currie of Currie, Sowards, Aguila
OWNER: Anand Patel LLC (Anand Patel, Managing
LOCATION: 2201 South Federal Highway
DESCRIPTION: Request for a one-year site plan time extension
for site plan development (NWSP 06-026) for
construction of a 42,367 square foot, 62 room
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 22, 2008
hotel and a 9-foot height exception (HTEX 06-
008), approved on November 21, 2006,
thereby extending the one-year time extension
to May 21, 2009.
Mike Rumpf explained the request for the site plan time extension and height exception
would be reviewed together.
The applicant was requesting a Site Plan Time Extension which was previously
approved in November 2006 for 62 rooms in a four-story building. The height exception
was for two dormers, and the proposed hotel was designed to resemble a Key West,
multi-family type of project with a metal roof. The drawings were not complete and the
financial conditions were not economically feasible to complete the project at this time.
Traffic concurrency was approved with a build-out date of 2008 that will expire. An
updated analysis and approval for the traffic is required. The Utility Reservation Fee is
due and without payment, the Utility Department indicated it could not ensure the
capacity will be available.
A letter of objection was received indicating the traffic on South Federal Highway was
enough and the project would exacerbate the condition. The County indicated, during
the initial site plan approval, 20 daily vehicle trips were associated with the project and
no capacity issues were raised.
Staff recommended approval of the request for the one-year time extension and height
exception subject with all prior conditions of approval. If approved the time expiration
for the project, including the concurrency requirement, would be extended to May 21,
Robert Currie
, 134 NE 1 Avenue, confirmed that financing was difficult. The owner
had some preliminary financial abilities that had changed and was bringing on a partner.
He anticipated commencing construction in February of 2009. He distributed a picture
for the board to review.
Chair Jaskiewicz opened the public hearing. No one coming forward, the public hearing
was closed.
Chair Jaskiewicz requested a motion to approve the request for a one-year site plan
time extension for site plan development for construction of a 42,367 square foot, 62
room hotel and a 9-foot height exception approved on November 21, 2006, thereby
extending the one-year time extension to May 21, 2009.
Vice Chair Saberson moved to approve the staff recommendation. Mr. Lis seconded
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 22, 2008
the motion.
Ms. Killian disclosed the applicant was her neighbor. Attorney Alexander explained
there was no pecuniary interest, and being a neighbor did not pose a conflict.
The motion unanimously passed.
8. Other
Chair Jaskiewicz advised she attended the City Commission meeting for the hotel
renovation items and the City Commission agreed with the board's recommendations.
9. Comments by members
10. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry
Recording Secretary