Minutes 12-13-99
MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1999 AT 10:00 A.M.
Chuck Magazine, Chairman Risk Management
Bob Borden Fire Rescue
Mark Bobich Utilities Admin/EWTP
Bill Coup Library
Wendy Danysh Police Department
Phyllis Dixon Communications
Tom Egnaczyk Golf Course
Bob Lee (Richard Fiege) Public Works
Barbara Madden City Clerk’s Office
Wally Majors Recreation
Eugene Ruffolo Utilities WWTP
Jeanette Taylor Human Resources
Dan Nobile Finance/Warehouse
Mike Rumpf Planning & Development
Sharon Tierney ITS
Norman Turner Parks
Chairman Magazine called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.
The Recording Secretary called the roll. A quorum was declared present.
Chairman Magazine welcomed the two new members to the Committee, Tom Egnaczyk
from the Golf Course and Richard Fiege from Public Works.
Mr. Majors moved to accept the minutes of the November 8, 1999 meeting. Motion
seconded by Assistant Fire Marshal Borden. Motion unanimously carried.
BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA December 13, 1999
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
“Accident Prevention – A Municipal Self-Inspection Guide”
Chairman Magazine informed the members that there is a new system for safety
inspections. The Florida League of Cities has prepared a new Self-Inspection Guide
that will be utilized. He distributed an abbreviated copy to members and reviewed some
of the salient points in the Guide. Chairman Magazine said that the Safety Coordinators
are responsible for the safety inspections and any corrections that may be necessary
within their own areas. If a problem is discovered during a safety inspection, an action
plan needs to be determined to cure the problem. Also, it is important that the problem
be followed up to make sure it has been corrected.
Chairman Magazine also noted that if any department needed a special inspection by
an outside source, to please contact him to arrange for this. It was also suggested that
the safety inspections could be delegated and rotated among various employees within
the department.
Mr. Egnaczyk asked who would be responsible for inspections at the restaurant located
at the Golf Course? Chairman Magazine said the County’s Health Department would
do this and this is not a City function.
Chairman Magazine said that the inspection checklists are available on the safety folder
sharedata drive and there are checklists for various departments. It will be up to the
individual safety coordinators to determine if some items need to be added to the
checklist. It was noted that the vehicle checklist does not have to be turned into Risk
Management. Those are for the department’s own use.
Also, Chairman Magazine would like the safety inspection checklists to be completed
and sent to him using the City’s email. The form itself can be filled out on the computer
and emailed to his department. This procedure should begin in January 2000.
Mr. Majors asked if these new forms would replace the current ones and was informed
that the new forms will now be used.
A. Fire Drills
Assistant Fire Marshal Borden reported that he attempted to contact the Library to set
up a fire drill with the safety coordinator. However, the safety coordinator is on vacation
and Ms. Farace requested that the fire drill be delayed until a future date. Assistant Fire
Marshal Borden asked that Ms. Farace inform him when the fire drill could be held.
However, the fire drill itself will be unannounced. There have been no other fire drills
scheduled. Assistant Fire Marshal Borden stated this was his Department’s first attempt
BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA December 13, 1999
to set up a drill at any of the City’s facilities and he will be doing the drills without any
assistance. Therefore, it will take extra time for him to schedule the fire drills. It was
noted that the purpose of a fire drill is to determine how staff reacts to the alarm and to
determine the speed and safety on how the building is evacuated. The fire department
itself is not being tested.
B. Safety Newsletter
Chairman Magazine reported that Mark Bobich would be contributing a column in the
Newsletter on OSHA news. He also pointed out that the newsletter now contains
inserts announcing prizes and people have been calling as directed. This is only
available to City employees. Some prizes have been given out and this practice will
C. “Proud to be a Safe Worker” Awards
There were none to report. Chairman Magazine reported that there is a special pin that
is given out to employees who do something above and beyond what is required. The
safety coordinator or any supervisor could make this recommendation.
D. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Chairman Magazine distributed an updated matrix of the departmental inspections and
safety meetings to the members. Mr. Bobich noted that his department’s inspection
form was not included on the chart and said he turned in his report at the end of
November. Chairman Magazine will follow through on this.
Chairman Magazine reminded members that it is not necessary to have a special safety
meeting every month. The safety meeting could be included during a regular
departmental meeting or any other type of meeting. When a safety meeting is reported,
the only items necessary to be reported are –
Persons present,
Topics discussed, and
Report can be emailed to Risk Management.
Assistant Fire Marshal Borden reported that the Fire Department held their safety
meeting last week and he will be turning in the report shortly.
Chairman Magazine requested that the Recording Secretary prepare an attendance
report for the safety meetings for the year 1999. The report will be submitted to the City
BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA December 13, 1999
The Safety Council of Palm Beach County gives out its annual awards in March. Risk
Management will be preparing the necessary paperwork for the award nominations
during February and if any department had anything they would like to submit, to please
do so.
E. Defensive Driver Course
Chairman Magazine reported that there would be no courses scheduled for the month
of December. He also stated that there is a problem with no-shows and tardiness. The
classes are scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Trainings
will be rescheduled for January.
F. Safety Belt Use Project Team
Mr. Bobich reported that the most recent survey shows there is a 75% seatbelt use.
The City’s goal is 80% use.
The question was asked why the target figure should not be 100% use? Chairman
Magazine said that this is an eventual target figure, but first the City would like to attain
a realistic goal of 80%. Assistant Fire Marshal Borden asked if the Fire Department had
been checked and was informed they were not part of the check. Assistant Fire
Marshal Borden said that the firemen could not leave the firehouse without their
seatbelts on. Chairman Magazine told Assistant Fire Marshal Borden that he could
conduct his own survey and submit the results to him.
Mr. Egnaczyk inquired if there would be times when staff is working on vehicles in the
garage and the wearing of a seatbelt might hinder their work if they were looking for a
particular noise or sound? Chairman Magazine stated if an employee was sitting in a
vehicle and it is parked and not in motion, a seatbelt is not required. However, once the
vehicle is put in motion that person is operating a vehicle and the seatbelt must be
worn. Just because you are listening for a noise, should not deter an employee from
wearing the seatbelt. If a vehicle is being moved within a lot, a seatbelt must be worn.
“A buckle up” bumper sticker has been ordered from DOT and will be available for
vehicles in the very near future.
G. Incident Review Board Referral
1. Oceanfront Park Boardwalk Slip and Fall Risks
George Mantel from Roads and Streets informed Chairman Magazine that the particular
piece of equipment that they had been waiting for has been received. Staff will be
trained on it, and Mr. Mantel will be getting together with Mr. Evans at Oceanfront Park
for a test.
BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA December 13, 1999
Mr. Fiege said that Mr. DeBeck should also be involved in the testing of the boardwalk.
Chairman Magazine will follow through with this.
Members were referred to a memo dated November 15, 1999 from Assistant Fire
Marshal Borden, as Chairman of the Incident Review Board, to John Guidry, Director of
the Utilities Department regarding manhole covers. Chairman Magazine read the
memo to the members concerning the type of equipment used for opening manhole
covers. The IRB Board would like to see an improvement in the equipment necessary
to open manhole covers. Mr. Bobich will follow through on this. Chairman Magazine
requested that a copy of the memo be filed with the minutes of this meeting.
Chairman Magazine inquired how much a manhole cover weighs and Mr. Bobich replied
it could be from 20 pounds to several hundred pounds.
H. Safety Manual Review
Chairman Magazine asked members if they had an opportunity to review the Safety
Manual? Members agreed that the Safety Manual was a good guide for the City and
felt if the Manual was any more detailed it might not be utilized as much. Mr. Bobich will
be providing information on HAZCOM that will be included in the new Manual.
Mr. Lee suggested that something should be included in the Manual on cell phone use
while operating a vehicle. Mr. Lee pointed out that all manufacturers recommend that a
person operating a vehicle while using a cell phone should get off the highway and stop
while using a phone. Mr. Lee will furnish further information on cell phone use to
Chairman Magazine.
A request was made to include how to spot hazardous chemicals being sent through the
mails and how employees could avoid being injured and/or contaminated while opening
mail. Chairman Magazine suggested contacting the U.S. Postal Inspectors to determine
if they have literature available on the subject. Chairman Magazine said if the Clerk’s
Office received any information on this, to please provide it to him because it could be
useful for all departments.
A. Other
Chairman Magazine reported that he had sent out information previously asking for
ideas for safety trainings and only received one response from Mr. Bobich who
suggested three areas of training as follows:
BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA December 13, 1999
Florida right to know law.
Personal protective equipment policies.
(Chairman Magazine noted that if an employee is injured on the job and not
wearing their PPE, they will receive their wage replacement reduced by 25%. That
is a State law that is available to the City. Assistant Fire Marshal Borden noted that
the equipment had to be issued to the employee, that it be in working order and
available to the employee.)
Fire and emergency procedures guidelines.
Assistant Fire Marshal Borden said that when the fire inspectors inspect City facilities
they find continuous violations dealing with extension cords. He suggested that some
type of training should be given on fire code violations.
Chairman Magazine announced that the Safety Council of Palm Beach County would
be holding forklift training. Mr. Bobich said he would be scheduling training.
IX. NEXT MEETING DATE: Monday, January 10, 2000 @ 10:00 a.m.
Mr. Majors moved to adjourn the meeting, which was duly seconded by Ms. Taylor. The
meeting properly adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)