Minutes 12-19-07
Michele Costantino, Chair
Richard Yerzy, First Vice Chair
Kathleen Carroll
Robert Foot
Mark Karageorge
George Moyer
Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator
I. Call to Order
Chair Costantino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
II. Approval of Agenda
Senior Code Officer Pierre announced the following changes:
Case # 07-350 was removed; Case # 07-647 was removed; Case # 07-3020 complied.
Ms. Carroll moved approval of the agenda as indicated. First Vice Chair Yerzy
seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
III. Swearing in of Witnesses and Introduction
David Tolces, Board Counsel, explained the hearing procedures and administered an
oath to all who would be testifying.
IV. New Business
A. Cases to be Heard
Officer Pierre called the roll and determined who was present. He also advised an
attorney was present regarding the Ralph and Rosies, Inc. case.
Chair Costantino requested hearing the Ralph & Rosies, Inc. case first. There were no
objections to the request.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Case # 07-3358
Ralph & Rosies, Inc.
2007 S. Federal Highway
BBA FBC '04105.1.1.
BBA to FBC '04 109.3
BBA FBC '04 104.3
Obtain all proper permits for bar
structure including the plumbing and
electrical. Chickeeltiki hut is in violation
of F.S. 553 exemptions - constructing
bar structure including plumbing and
electrical. Remove construction from
chickie structure or permit all work (see
copy of Red Tag Issued 10/30107)
Karen Roselli, Attorney with Baird and Roselli, and counsel for the City Staff for the
Ralph and Rosie case, advised she spoke with Mr. Morell, Counsel for the Respondent.
The Respondents were willing to admit the violation occurred and the Board would enter
an order finding them in violation. She explained Code Officer John Herring would give
further details, but the Board would not have to hear the case. She explained the issue
was a bar with plumbing and electric was added to the chickeeltiki hut it without permits.
The violation was noticed on October 30, 2007 and a Notice of Violation was issued on
November 27,2007. The compliance date was December 10,2007, and they came into
compliance on December 17, 2007. She indicated they were bringing the issue to the
Board to enter an order finding them in violation of the Boynton Beach Code as charged
and the City would waive their costs, in agreement to their stipulation to the violation.
John Herring, Code Compliance Officer, explained the case arose as the result of a
citizen complaint. The initial inspection date was November 26, 2007 for the above.
The initial notice issued was a written notice giving 10 days to comply. Notice was sent
on November 27,2007 via regular mail. The issue was revisited on December 4,2007.
The Notice of Hearing was hand delivered on December 11, 2007.
Officer Herring reported on December 30, 2007 (sic) a Stop Work Order was issued for
the bar, and he continued to work on the bar, installing electrical and plumbing, although
the Stop Work Order was issued. On December 4, 2007 the issue was revisited and a
Notice to Appear issued. As of December 17, 2007 Mr. Herring reported the
Respondent was in compliance.
Mr. Foot requested the attorney review the details with the previous actions of the
Respondent. Attorney Roselli explained this was a new case. The chickeeltiki structure
itself was exempt from the Florida Building Code, but the structure was modified and a
bar constructed inside the structure with electric and plumbing. There were photographs
showing what was done. The Respondents removed all of those structures and the
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
electrical and plumbing. It was the construction of the bar structure and installation of
electric and plumbing that was the violation.
Attorney Tolces explained the Appeal regarding the Notice of Violation for failure to get
site plan modification approval for the chickeeltiki structure was still under appeal. This
was a separate case.
Officer Herring clarified what was sited was they built the structures without a permit.
The issue was the plumbing and electric and those amenities were removed.
Attorney Roselli explained there was a verbal stipulation between the City and Attorney
Morell, Attorney for the Respondents. The evidence of the violation from photographs
and the Code Officer's, Police Department and Building Inspector's records, were in the
City's file. She recommended receiving those into evidence.
Mr. Foot so moved (to admit the records into evidence.) Ms. Carroll seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Attorney Mike Morell, POB 18649, West Palm Beach, representing the Respondent
was present. He reported they were in compliance. He was retained on December 3,
2007 to develop a voluntary compliance program as quickly as possible. Ralph and
Rosie were still represented by Robin Bretsky in the Appellate matter.
He agreed with Ms. Roselli about the oral stipulation. There was a Powerpoint
presentation and 51 pages of documents showing compliance. He distributed the
written documents, and asked the board recognize the documents as part of the
evidence and the board acknowledge the compliance. Mr. Morelli explained his
presentation contemplated that both cases would be discussed at the same time. The
cases, however, were separated out.
Ms. Roselli explained she had not reviewed the evidence proffered by Mr. Morell. Mr.
Morell explained he had not seen the Board evidence. Ms. Roselli explained to the
extent any of the evidence pertained to the sign Code violations, which was the other
case, they were not relevant and she objected to receiving them into evidence for this
case. She offered Mr. Morell the opportunity to review their evidence. was the other
case, which was a lien certification matter, having been heard previously and found to
be in violation. Ms. Roselli concurred with Mr. Morell that the City would waive the cost
and have no fine imposed, but the City would be entitled to their $500 fine for each time
the violation was repeated.
Mr. Morell explained he only learned that Ms. Roselli was counsel for staff and he that
he filed public records requests that have not been complied with. He believed what
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Ms. Roselli submitted into evidence was within the scope of his request. He explained
he attempted to show what his client was doing to come into compliance on both cases.
The system was built on bringing the land owner into compliance. He explained while
his submission dealt with both cases, it was reflective of their efforts to comply. He felt
Ms. Roselli was beyond her scope. He asserted to the extent that evidence was being
submitted, that they were not submitted with their due process rights to know the facts
against them. He preserved his objection to Ms. Roselli's evidence as he explained
she objected to their evidence.
Attorney Tolces explained the board needed to decide what to do with the documents
submitted by Mr. Morell. They had not made a motion to receive Mr. Morell's documents
into the record.
Mr. Yerzy moved the board accept what was proffered by counsel, but accept it only for
what the board felt it was worth.
Mr. Morell had no objection.
Mr. Yerzy amended his motion and moved to admit into evidence the document
proffered by counsel and consider them for their worthiness. Mr. Foot seconded.
Mr. Karageorge requested clarification the board was not separating out one case from
another. The board was not. A vote was taken and the motion unanimously passed.
Morell documents were admitted as Ralph and Rosies Exhibit A.
The date for compliance would have been December 10,2007.
Based on testimony and evidence in Case #07-3358, Mr. Foot moved that this board
find that Ralph & Rosie, Inc. was in violation of the Code sections as cited until
December 10' 2007.
The correct compliance date was December 17, 2007.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Mr. Foot acknowledged the new compliance date. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case # 07-1992
Ralph & Rosie Inc.
2007 S. Federal Highway
Officer Herring presented the case and reported the Notice of Violation date was June
26, 2007. He read the violations which had to do with address numbers being posted
on the building and removing all unpermitted signs. The address was posted on the
building. The Code Compliance Board meeting date was October 17, 2007, with
Attorney Robin Bresky appearing on behalf of the Respondent. The compliance date
and proposed fine set by the board was to Cease and Desist by October 27, 2007 or
incur a $250 per occurrence fine. He advised there were new tallies associated with the
case which were a total of 32 inspections as opposed to 30 at $96.03 per occurrence,
totaling $3,072.96. The affidavit filing costs were $250. The total administrative costs
were $3,322.96. The daily fines were $7,500 bringing the total to $10,822.96 plus
attorney fees at $650. The grand total was $11,472.96.
Michael Morell, Attorney for the Respondent, spoke with Ms. Roselli earlier and he
understood the board certified the fines until the Respondent fully came into compliance
and then can mitigate. He recognized the system was designed to gain compliance and
commented the Respondent had paid a large fine in an earlier case.
Mr. Morell explained he would not reargue the violations, but noted in the appellate
briefs the City Attorney's Office filed, in the case dealing with the modification of the site
plan, they argued Ralph & Rosie, Inc. had two opportunities to argue the violation
issues; the first time at the hearing and the second at the certification hearing. He
explained the City's counsel was asserting a position contrary to that in the appeal, and
they were actively pursuing negotiations with the City to abate its appellate litigation,
and were working to come into compliance. His client's position on the remaining non-
compliance issues pertaining to this case were the question of the banners that were
purported to hang from the bar ~ marquee sign on Federal Highway. The
Respondent asserted they were never noticed in the original banner violation. The
original violation was for beer banners and signs under the tiki hut. He explained it was
orally represented to the Respondent the canvas sign was a banner sign and that he
was not apprised it was a banner sign.
The sign was the original sign that was there since the storm blew out. The City
encouraged owners to get a temporary sign and apply for permits before the temporary
signs could be removed and replaced with permanent signs. Mr. Morell acknowledged
his client should have applied for the permit for the sign. He was told by Mr. Blaise they
would be in violation if they took down the canvas banners. Their position was the
canvas banners were added as an afterthought to the violation issue. The assumption
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
of the issue as non-compliant was one the client did not have notice of, was after the
fact and inconsistent with better policy. Mr. Morell explained one wouldn't know the sign
was canvas unless they were upon it. It is secured with rivets. They applied for the
permit and when the new sign is ready, they can put it up within 72 hours of receiving
the permit. They objected to the certification to the extent they think it is a non-issue
and it is inconsistent with the way they argued it in their briefs and with other approvals
for temporary signs. Mr. Morell contended the City's argument that the temporary sign
was a banner sign was a bogus argument.
Ms. Roselli explained the original violation was for all unpermitted signs which included
the banner sign. She requested the board accept into evidence the photographs she
had showing the 30 additional days of non-compliance on two existing signs. She
explained there were other signs on the property that were also the subject of the
violation that had been taken down. She explained if those signs go back up and the
signs complied, there would still be a violation. Mr. Morell objected to the relevance of
the statement and felt future violations should not be considered. Ms. Roselli explained
the hurricane was two years ago and should have been a permanent sign a long time
ago. She repeated her request to enter the photographs into evidence showing the
signs, which were taken since the last fine certification and which reflected the ongoing
violation. They supported the City's request to certify the lien.
Mr. Herring explained the signs were there before he entered into City service one year
ago. Mr. Herring put on the record that he took the photographs and initialed
photographs he had taken, as did the officer who took photos on the weekend.
Mr. Yerzy moved to receive the photographs into evidence. Mr. Karageorge seconded
the motion that unanimously passed. Said photographs are marked as the City's
Exhibit A.
Mr. Yerzy recalled the large sign was brought to their attention many times in addition to
other illegal signs there. This was not a surprise.
Mr. Foot requested clarification that at the last meeting there was a certification for the
same violation for what was reduced to two days. Attorney Tolces explained the total
was $8,700 for 30 days at the last hearing. Ms. Roselli explained until all of the signs
are in compliance, there is a violation. This was the second certification of the Cease
and Desist Order.
Mr. Karageorge requested clarification that this was a multiple sign issue that was
ongoing for up to 24 months. Ms. Carroll explained this violation occurred and he was
cited on June 27, 2007. There was a hearing on October 17, 2007 which found the
Respondent in violation and a Cease and Desist Order entered, and then another
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Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
hearing in November to consider the violation based on that order up until that time
Since the Cease and Desist Order continues to run, each order is for 30 days. They
were in violation for two years.
Mr. Morell explained they had a temporary sign that was tagged on to a banner
complaint this last June. Mr. Karageorge explained this property is in violation and the
issue comes and goes.
Chair Costantino asked whether there was a process for a temporary sign and if there is
a window of opportunity to put something up temporarily that wasn't permitted.
Mr. Blaise responded he was not aware of a procedure for post storm signage. The
City allows banners to be given permits on a temporary basis while the applicant is in
the process of securing a permanent sign. At time of application for the temporary
sign, the applicant indicates when the permanent sign would be ready, and the City
grants the temporary permit for that time. Mr. Blaise had no knowledge that process
was followed by the Respondent.
Mr. Morell explained they applied for the permit and at Mr. Swierzko's recommendation
they added issues they were not noticed. Those were in the documents filed on the
December 17. The receipt was in the evidence. He asserted now that they applied for
the permit, it could be viewed as a temporary sign and as compliant.
Mr. Blaise explained regarding the current application there are two signs. There was a
cabinet sign on the roof and he did not know if the Development Department would
issue a temporary permit sign while they were waiting for a permanent sign, when there
was already a permanent sign there. They would put both signs in the permit
application. Mr. Morell agreed those signs were both included in the permit. The one
sign on the roof was not evident to traffic, the marquee sign that was a temporary
canvas panel was visible to traffic and was in question.
The roof sign was permitted by a previous owner. All the Respondent did was change
the name by two letters.
Ms. Carroll moved to find Ralph & Rosies, Inc. IS in violation. There was a brief
discussion which motion to use.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-1992, Mr. Foot moved that
this Board find that the Respondent Ralph & Rosies Inc., was in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code Sections as cited, subsequent to the date of compliance specified
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
in this Board's Cease and Desist Order of October 17, 2007, and in consideration of the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent to remedy the violations,
and any and all previous violations of the Respondent, that this Board impose and
certify a fine in the amount of $250 per day for the 30 days from November 20th to
December 19, 2007 for a total of $11, 472.96 which includes administrative costs and
attorneys fees. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Chair Costantino requested hearing Case #07-2338 first, due to the Respondents in that
case having a small child with them. There were no objections to the request.
Case #07-2338
Jean Kenol
2760 NE 5th Court
Code Officer Vestiguerne Pierre presented the case which pertained to obtaining
permits for conversion of a garage into a bedroom. The Notice of Violation was July 24,
2007. The Notice of Hearing was September 19, 2007 with no one appearing. The
compliance date set by the board was October 16, 2007 or incur a $50 per day fine.
There were 63 days of non-compliance.
A woman named Josie Ann, residing at the same residence as the Respondent served
as a translator. The applicant Jean Kenol was present. It was explained this was a lien
certification. The violation still exists and he still did not have a permit. It was indicated
when he purchased the property, the room was pre-existing. Mr. Kenol indicated he
would apply for one and was requesting time to solve the problem. To date, nothing
has been provided to the City.
Mr. Yerzy asked how he planned to remedy the matter. Mr. Kenol responded he
needed more time to get the permit because he doesn't have the money. He was not
working and he requested a year.
Chair Costantino explained this was putting him in jeopardy because the City does not
know if the structure is safe. Mr. Kenol asserted the structure was safe, he just started
to do a lot of work. The Board inquired if he realized this was cited in July. Mr. Kenol
was out of town due to his mother passing away. The fine had been running since
October 16, 2007 and even if they gave him a year to come into compliance, the fine
would continue to run at $50 per day. Mr. Kenol asserted he did not know anything
about it, so there was no reason for the Board to charge him
Chair Costantino explained he had accrued $3,150 worth of fines. Mr. Kenol also
indicated Officer Pierre sent him a letter that gave him two years to come into
compliance. Officer Pierre had photos which were shown to the Respondent and to the
Mr. Blasie explained the photos showed the garage was fully finished with central air
ducts and electric. It was unknown how the amenities were installed and if it met Code.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Staff indicated normally they could inspect it. The only option was to restore the garage
or get the design professionals to certify the structure. There was nothing preventing
the Respondents from getting a building permit.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2338, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
September 19, 2007, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $50
per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent
comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3156
South Florida Devco Inc.
986 Cortina Blvd
LDR CH 7.5 Sec.19C
Seed and mulch all areas of
vacant land void of ground cover.
Skip Lewis, Sr. Code Compliance Officer, presented the case which pertained to
seeding and mulching the property. A representative for the Respondent was present.
Thomas Mullen, Attorney with Ruden McCloskey, 200 E Broward Boulevard, Suite 500,
Ft. Lauderdale, pled no contest and requested 30 days.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3156, Mr. Moyer moved
that this Board find that South Florida Devco Inc. is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before January 18, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past January
18, 200+ 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3296
Michael K. Tam
407 NW th Street
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Removed dead tree limbs, trash
and debris from yard, sod
bareldead spots in yard.
Skip Lewis, Senior Code Compliance Officer, presented the case that resulted from a
routine inspection. The initial inspection date was November 16, 2007 and the above
violations were noted. A written notice giving 10 days to comply was given. Service
was obtained by posting the property on December 7, 2007. Officer Lewis explained
this property had a previous violation of the same nature.
Michael K. Tam, property owner of 407 NW 7th Street, pled no contest and requested
45 days to comply. Officer Lewis explained the City was recommending 60 days to
come into compliance. Mr. Tam preferred to seed; however, there was agreement sod
was needed. There were photographs Officer Lewis showed to the Respondent and the
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3296, Mr. Moyer moved
that this Board find that Michael K. Tam is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before February 17, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past February 17, 2008, plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the
City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of
the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Chair Costantino explained after February 17, 2008, a $50 per day fine will start to run.
As soon as the violation was corrected, the Respondent should contact Officer Lewis so
he could re-inspect the property and be cleared.
Case #07-1964
445 Boynton Holdings LLC
445 N. Federal Hwy
Officer Herring presented the case. The Notice of Violation date was June 25, 2007 for
violations pertaining to mow, weed and trimming property, including the right-of-way.
The Code Compliance Hearing Date was September 19, 2007 with no one appearing.
The compliance date was September 29, 2007 or incur a fine of $150 per day. There
were 64 days of non-compliance.
Don Thomas, 400 NE Olive Way, was present and advised he was a managing
member of the company. He advised it took three contractors to do the job. He
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
appeared before the board 30 days ago and explained he had hired folks to take care of
it. The third individual showed and he cleaned the garbage and the weeds. He
explained there was so little grass, he could not find anyone willing to take the job. Mr.
Thomas did secure the dwelling.
Mr. Foot thought if the Respondent paid the fine immediately, the board could just fine
him the administrative costs without the affidavit filing costs. Mr. Thomas agreed to pay
the fine immediately which was $384.12. Attorney Tolces advised the board they should
not condition the payment of the fine on a certain amount of time because the board
would be recording its order. He recommended making the order for $384.12.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-1964, Mr. Foot moved that
this Board find that the Respondent, 445 Boynton Holdings, LLC, was in violation of the
City of Boynton Beach Code Sections as cited, subsequent to the date of compliance
specified in this Board's Order of September 19, 2007, and in consideration of the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents to remedy the violations,
and previous violations of the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine in
the amount of $384.12 including administrative costs, for a total of 63 days of non-
compliance. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #06-678
Deliverance Holy Temple Inc. 202 NW 9th Avenue
Pastor R. Smith
Pete Roy, Chief Code Officer, presented the case and reviewed the violations, which
pertained to a permit requirement for an interior remodel. The Notice of Violation was
March 14, 2007, with no one appearing. The compliance date was March 31, 2007 or
incur a fine of $150 per day. The violation still existed having 262 days of non-
Pastor Smith, 202 NW 9th Avenue, was present and introduced Lamont Robinson, Vice
President of King Edwards construction. Mr. Robinson explained he obtained all
licenses and permits and would take care of all issues to rectify the situation. He
already spoke to the Building Department, had a permit application in; and was
addressing all comments.
Officer Roy was aware there were plans in plans check, but they have been there for a
long time and Mr. Robinson just picked them up. The comments were made in July and
he had not spoken to the Building Department recently about them.
Mr. Robinson explained comments were picked up but some comments were not clear,
and he felt some issues were not Code issues. He was trying to rectify this as
expeditiously as possible. He asked if the board could table the matter to allow him to
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
get all issues in line. Initially he was told he needed to obtain a general contractor and
they were general contractors. He had to go through other subcontractors.
Mr. Foot inquired how the church was going to pay him; there were no services
occurring so there were no revenues coming in and the church was empty right now.
Mr. Robinson explained he thought he could meet the City's requirements and was
pretty good at rectifying Code issues. He explained they have subcontractors that were
willing to do extra for the church. Mr. Robinson requested the item be tabled. The fee
for the permit had already been paid. He could provide one tomorrow.
Mr. Yerzy expressed he was adamant about further tabling of the matter, but was
impressed with what Mr. Robinson had told the board and felt they should make a
special consideration and table this.
Chair Costantino wanted to see proof of a receipt for the permit. She explained she was
looking to see earnest movement.
Ms. Carroll moved to table Case #06-678 for 60 days to February 20, 2008. Mr. Moyer
seconded the motion that passed 5-1, (Chair Costantino dissenting.)
Case # 07-520
Deliverance Holy Temple Inc. 202 NW 9th Avenue
Pastor R. Smith
Pete Roy, Chief Code Officer, presented the case and reviewed the violations, which
pertained to having a licensed contractor obtain permits for the air conditioning. The
Notice of Violation date was February 26, 2007. The hearing date was May 16, 2007
and Pastor Smith appeared. The compliance date set by the board was June 15, 2007
or incur a fine of $50 per day. The violation still existed having 186 days of non-
Ms. Carroll moved to table Case #07-520 to February 20, 2008. Mr. Karageorge
seconded the motion that passed 5-1, (Chair Costantino dissenting.)
Case #07-2823
Luc C. Vildor
317 NE 10th Avenue
Code Officer Roy presented the case which pertained to replacing broken windows,
patching holes in the wall, replace cover on panel box, repair fence, remove trash and
debris and secure unit at windows and doors. The Code Compliance Hearing date was
November 19, 2007, and no one appeared. The compliance date was set for November
29,2007, or incur a fine of $250 per day.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19,2007
Luc Vildor, 634 NW 42nd Street, explained the property was in foreclosure, and they
were financially unable to take care of the property. Part of the reason the property was
being foreclosed was due to the tenants not paying rent over the past few months. He
could not afford the property and advised the bank was aware of the matter. He had
explained this to Code Officer Mike Melillo and that it was costly to make the repairs.
The windows and doors were secured and they posted a sign so anyone entering the
property would be trespassing.
Officer Roy advised the property was accessible and there were people in the first
apartment. He further advised the police were at the premises several times. Mr. Vildor
was under the impression the property was vacant.
Attorney Tolces advised the board could ask the City Commission to declare this as an
emergency situation due to health safety and welfare of the public. The City would
recoup their loss by placing a lien on the property. The panel box was secured,
however, Mr. Vildor did not know if FPL disconnected service since the prior tenant paid
for electric and it was now vacant.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2823, Mr. Moyer moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
November 19, 2007, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of
$250 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the
Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Mr. Moyer moved, in accordance with section 279(A) of the Boynton Beach Code of
Ordinances, that the Boynton Beach City Commission be notified of the health and
public safety issues associated with the property. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
It was explained to Mr. Vildor the City Commission will put a lien on the property to
recover the costs of securing the property.
Case #98-1952
Theodore F. Ryan'
Gerhard Degen
1014 NE 7th Street
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Scott Blaise, Code Compliance Administrator, explained Mr. Degen did quite a bit of
work. Mr. Ryan was stockpiling fill on the property. The property was completely
overgrown, and boats and other items were stored there. It took a substantial amount
of work to come into compliance.
Mr. Degen explained 15 years ago they bought the property as a joint ownership
project. During the first 2-10 years he was in Austria, all was fine. He had no real
knowledge of Code Enforcement. He reported his uncle had a different idea of how to
run things, so it took him a while to learn of the issues. He was made aware of Mr.
Ryan's doings, and it had been an ongoing process but the land was finally split. Mr.
Degen reported his half of the property was currently a vacant lot and he put up a fence.
Mr. Erskine Rogers, an attorney appearing as a witness, was available to testify to Mr.
Degen's actions.
Mr. Rogers provided the history of the property and explained Mr. Ryan was in complete
control of the property. He was eventually retained by Mr. Degen and was the attorney
who partitioned the property with Mr. Ryan retaining the south half and Mr. Degen
retaining the north. Mr. Rogers testified the fence was erected and that Mr. Degan
spent money to rectify the matter. Although he was overseas, he acted very
Mr. Foot inquired how the City would handle the matter since the docks were on Mr.
Ryan's property. Attorney Tolces advised the Release of Lien would be granted on the
property owned by Mr. Degen, but it would remain on the property owned by Mr. Ryan,
who also had the right to request a lien reduction as well. He further explained the lien
attaches to a legal description not address. The legal description now encompassed two
Ms. Carroll noted the property came into compliance in 2004, prior to the property being
partitioned in that same year.
Mr. Rogers noted there were two liens, this one being heard and a second lien that will
impact Mr. Ryan as well Mr. Degen. If the board wants to address that as well, they
There appeared to be consensus to release Mr. Degen from the lien. Any release filed
only applied to the property owned by Mr. Degen owning the northern part of the
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #98-1952, having been advised
that the Respondent, Gerhardt Degen owns only part of the original property, Mr. Foot
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
moved that this Board release Mr. Degen individually, and his property, from the lien
placed in this case. Mr. Yerzy seconded.
Mr. Foot amended his motion to read, Based on evidence and testimony and having
been advised the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth
in Section 2-84 through 2-89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Mr.
Foot moved that this board release Gerhardt Degen, individually, and his property, that
was part of this case. Mr. Yerzy seconded the amendment that unanimously passed.
Case #01-2627
Edmundo & Laura C. Manterola
2215 NE 4th Court
Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator, explained this case pertained to an
Business Tax Receipt being required, removing trash and debris and a truck from the
property. Grass needed to be installed in bare spots, and repairing or installing a new
driveway was required. Mr. Blasie had two photos taken December 18, 2007. There
was a copy of a quit claim deed recorded in August, 2007 and two photos which were
taken May 13, 2002 and July 15, 2002.
(Mr. Karageorge left the dais at 9:03 p.rn.)
James Monus Munoz was present and explained the Respondent was his mother who
passed away four years ago. Mr. Blasie showed Mr. Monus and the board photos. He
reported she bought the home seven years ago with the intention to move in but
decided to rent it out. She did not know she needed a business tax license. They made
some repairs. When his mother passed away, his stepfather moved in. Eventually the
stepfather moved out and he was taking possession of the property and intended to live
in the dwelling. He explained he obtained a permit and when they were taking steps to
transfer the property to his name, they learned of the open violations. He was not
aware there was any amount associated with the violations.
(Mr. Karageorge returned to the dais at 9:05 p.rn.)
Mr. Blasie explained there was an addition on the back of the dwelling he had to
remove. It was noted the carport had rust so that was removed as well. He has done a
great deal of work to get to this point. There were plans in the City and they are ready to
go. The Respondent explained all was approved and all fees were paid.
Mr. Foot thought reducing the lien to only administrative costs would be appropriate.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #01-2627, and having been
advised that the Respondents have complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth
in Section 2-84 through 2-89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Ms.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Carroll moved that this Board reduce the fines instituted in Case #01-2627, by virtue of
this Boards Order of May 15, 2002, to an amount of $922.21 which includes
administrative costs. Mr. Foot seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #06-78
Rubio Fortunato & Veronica Pantoja
859 NW 8th Ave.
Scott Blasie reviewed the case which pertained to securing the pool, an occupational
license being required and violations of the Community Appearance Code as it
pertained to trash & debris, and weeding and sodding the yard. He reviewed the board
established two orders with the case. The first order, to secure the pool, was complied
on April 10, 2006 and the board certified no fine. The second order was March 17,
2006, or incur a $50 per day fine. The second order came into compliance on October
24, 2007 with 585 days of non-compliance. Mr. Blasie reported the Respondent was
Chair Costantino asked what caused the delay in the repairs.
Veronica Pantoja 580 NE 2nd Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, explained there was almost a
$30K lien and it was because she tried to fix something and she wasn't knowledgeable
about how to properly fix it. When she fixed one thing, Code Enforcement found
another. She's has been working for two years on the property, which was empty. She
was not intending to rent it and she may move into the property.
Ms. Blasie advised, there was an initial inquiry on May 22, 2006 and a report was
generated on May 24, 2006. There were 10 items that needed to be corrected. They
were then notified in October of this year the Respondents were interested in a lien
reduction. He inspected the premises with the 2006 punch list which had five
outstanding items which were now corrected. He advised the Respondents were in
pursuit of a lien reduction for at least a year. Some items were permit items, which
were corrected.
Mr. Yerzy was extremely impressed with the property and thought the Respondents
should be given every consideration. Mr. Foot thought 5% of the fine $1,460, plus
administrative costs totaling less than $2,400 would be appropriate.
Ms. Carroll thought $922.21 for administrative costs was appropriate since she secured
the pool within two months and the fence right away. Code Enforcement kept finding
other things not related to the case, and each time Code Enforcement inspected there
was another item. Ms. Carroll expressed more than 50% was corrected right away but
she couldn't come before the board because of the other issues. Since the Respondent
tried and the pool was secured so quickly she thought reducing it to the $922.21 was
fair. Mr. Foot felt for the neighbors.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Ms. Carroll expressed installing sod was expensive and the yard was comprised of two
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #06-78, and having been advised
that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth in Section
2-84 through 2-89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Ms. Carroll
moved that this Board reduce the fines instituted in Case #06-78, by virtue of this
Board's Order of February 15, 2006 to an amount of $922.21, including administrative
costs. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that passed 5-1 (Mr. Foot dissenting.)
Case # 06-2690
Rigaud & Yolaine Saintfort
1515 SW 2nd St.
Mr. Blasie explained this violation pertained to trash & debris, and
unlicensed/inoperable vehicles in the driveway. Additionally, the driveway was to be
repaired. The case was heard on October 23, 2006 and no one appeared. Staff
documented compliance on May 8,2007. The driveway repair took, the longest time to
repair causing the 78 days of non-compliance. Staff had photographs which were taken
on April 16, 2007 and September 26,2007, which he distributed for viewing.
Rigaud Saintfort was present and was put under oath. He responded he did not have
the money to fix the driveway which cost about $4K. The trash and inoperable vehicles
were removed. Officer Webb advised the vehicles were removed almost immediately.
This was a concrete driveway which was expensive. The only violation that created the
fine was the driveway.
Based on having testimony and evidence presented in Case #06-2690 and having been
advised that the Respondents have complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth
in Section 2-84 through 2-89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Ms.
Carroll moved that this Board reduce the fines instituted in Case #06-2690, by virtue of
this Board's Order of December 12, 2006 to an amount of $730.13, which includes
administrative costs. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion.
Mr. Foot thought the motion did not recognize what the neighborhood put up with. Ms.
Carroll explained he took care of the vehicles immediately, but the only issue left was
the driveway which likely required a permit and $4,000 out of pocket expenses for the
There was a vote on the motion which failed 2-4 (Messrs, Karageorge, Foot, Moyer and
Chair Costantino dissenting.)
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #06-2690, and having been
advised that the Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth in
Section 2-84 through 2-89 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Mr. Foot
moved that this Board reduce the fines instituted in Case #06-2690, by virtue of this
Board's Order of December 20, 2006, to an amount of $1,120.15 including
administrative costs. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that passed 5-1 (Ms. Carroll
Ms. Carrol/left the meeting at 9:28 p.m.
The board recessed at 9:29 p.m.
The board reconvened at 9:35 p.m.
Case #07-3073
Violation( s):
Valerie Lewis
2031 NW 1st Street
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(E) Inc.
Remove blue tarp from room, roof
deterioration is more than 20%, reroof
the structure.
Courtney Cain, Code Officer, presented the case and explained the City was
recommending 30 days be given, (by January 18, 2008) for compliance.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3073, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Valerie Lewis is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code
Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on or
before January 18, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past January 18, 2008 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the
City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of
the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case #07-3074
Riche Vilaire & Meranvil Marie
149 NE 16th Avenue
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(E) Inc.
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Paint House & Facia Boards, install
driveway, mow yard and swale area.
Code Officer Cain presented the case and explained the City recommended 120 days
be given for compliance, by April 17, 2008. The issue was the Respondents were trying
to obtain a refinance, and due to the holidays and amount of work, the time allowance
was warranted.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3074, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Riche Vilaire & Meranvil Marie are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violations on or before April 17, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past April 17,
2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered
to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for
re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Foot seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3288
Violation( s):
Christine Beauvais
2122 NE 1st Court
CHP13,ART 1, SEC 13-16
Business tax receipt required
Code Officer Cain presented the case which involved a business tax receipt and
indicated the City was recommending 10 days, until December 29, 2007 be given for
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3288, Mr. Foot moved
that this Board find that Christine Beauvais is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before December 29, 2007. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past December 29, 2007
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Case #07 -3289
George Hommel & Mary Ellis
2151 NE 1st Street
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
10-20 B.B.C. of Ord.
424. Through 10
Remove trash & debris from property
(lawn mowers, pipes, car parts, trailers,
motorcycles) secure pool and repair
Code Officer Cain presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 30 days be given, until January 18, 2008, for compliance.
Mr. Moyer asked if there was a problem with the pool. The only remaining violation was
trash, the lawnmower and mise items; the pool was complied.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3289, Mr. Foot moved
that this Board find that George Hommel & Mary Ellis are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violations on or before January 18, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past January
18, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3022
Violation( s):
Michael Jeantral
1117 Meadows Circle
CHP13, ART 1, SEC 13-16
Repair patio screen, handle on tub,
leaking ale and hot water heater,
remove abate mold from unit, dry
carpet, obtain a current business tax
Officer Herring presented the case and reviewed the violation. The City was
recommending 10 days be given for compliance, by December 29,2007.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3022, Mr. Foot moved
that this Board find that Michael Jeantral is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before December 29, 2007. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past December 29, 2007
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3083
Daniel E. Morton
9754 Nickels Boulevard 206
CHP13, ART 1, SEC 13-16
Current Business Tax Receipt needed
Officer Herring presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 10 days, until December 29,2007 to correct the violation or incur a $100
per day fine.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3083, Mr. Moyer moved
that this Board find that Daniel Morton is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code
Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on or
before December 29,2007. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past December 29, 2007
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3207
Deutsche Bank National Trust
Company, Trustee
1418 Meadows Circle
Remove mold from property and secure
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Officer Herring presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 10 days, until December 29, 2007 to correct the violations or incur a fine
of $250 per day.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3207, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, Trustee is in violation
of the City of Boynton Beach Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the
Respondent correct the violations on or before December 29, 2007. The Board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any
previous violations by the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does
not comply with this Order, a fine in the amount of $250 per day for each day the
violation continues past December 29,2007 plus administrative costs shall be imposed.
The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify
compliance with this Order. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2471
Socorro Mendoza
418 NW th St.
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
CH 15-ART.IX-15-120(E) Inc.
BBA FBC '04105.1.1.
Remove construction waste and
supplies and materials from the
property. Repair and replace soffits on
the building, secure building and
electrical permits for new door and
windows, outdoor lights, wires and metal
Skip Lewis, Senior Code Officer, presented the case and reviewed the violation. The
City was recommending 60 days, until February 2+, 17, 2008 to comply. There were no
safety hazards remaining, only the permit issues. The Respondent had indicated to
Officer Lewis he would need 60 days to comply.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2471, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Socorro Mendoza is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before February 2+, 17, 2007. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past
December 29, February 17, 2007, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The
Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance
Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with
this Order. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3118
Elie & Marie Macius
420 NW ih St.
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) 1lnc.
Mow and trim overgrown yard areas.
Remove trash and debris. Repair or
replace broken fence.
Code Officer Skip Lewis presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 10 days, until December 29, 2007 to comply.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3118, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Elie & Marie Macius are in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before December 29, 2007. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order, a
fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past December
29, 2007 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2415
U.S. Bank National Assoc. Tr
2711 N. Haksekk Ave. #900
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
Obtain roof permit to make roof repairs
Pete Roy, Senior Rehabilitation Officer presented the case and reviewed the violations.
The City was recommending 10 days to comply, by December 29,2007.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2415, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that U.S. Bank National Assoc. Tr. is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct
the violations on or before December 29, 2007. The Board has considered the gravity
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by
the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this
Order, a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past
December 29, 2007 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr.
Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3019
Alice W. Hollis
327 NE 11th Avenue
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
Mow grass and weeds in the back yard,
remove trash and debris
Code Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 10 days be given to comply, by December 29,2007. It was unknown if
the dwelling was occupied; however, Officer Roy advised this was an estate issue.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3019, Mr. Foot moved
that this Board find that Alice W. Hollis is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code
Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on or
before December 29, 2007. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past December 29, 2007
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded the
Mr. Foot amended his motion to a $100 per day fine. Chair Costantino passed the
gavel to Mr. Yerzy and seconded the motion which passed 4-1, (Mr. Karageorge
Case #07-2822
Sujery Castillo & Juan Vargas
440 NE 27th Avenue
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
Weed the driveway and mow the yard,
remove trash and debris
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Code Officer Pierre presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 15 days be given to comply, by January 3, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2822, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Sujery Castillo & Juan Vargas are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violations on or before January 3, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondenst and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past January
3, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Moyer
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2992
Emmanuel & Jeannette Thomas
2601 NE 1 st Street
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
Weed and mow the yard, remove trash
and debris, replace broken window.
Code Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 15 days be given to comply, by January 3, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2992, Mr. Moyer moved
that this Board find that Emmanuel & Jeannette Thomas are in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct
the violations on or before January 3, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of
the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the
Respondents and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past January
3, 2008 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further
ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to
arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3014
Sharon Sullivan
301 Ocean Parkway
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
Mow yard and trim hedges and tree
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Officer Pierre presented the case. The City was recommending 10 days, until January
18, 2008 for compliance.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3014, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Sharon Sullivan is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before January 18, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past January 18, 2008 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the
City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of
the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3209
Donald L. Smith, Jr.
2622 NE 4th Court
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
Vehicle does not comply with City Code.
Register vehicle & have vehicle
Code Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 10 days be given to comply, by December 29,2007.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3209, Mr. Foot moved
that this Board find that Donald L. Smith, Jr. is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before December 29, 2007. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past December 29, 2007
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2729
Ella & L.L. Lester
406 NW ih Avenue
CH 15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
10-3 B.B.C. ofOrd.
Remove outside storage trash and
debris, unregistered vehicles and parts,
and construction equipment from the
Code Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 10 days be given to comply, by December 29,2007.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2729, Mr. Moyer moved
that this Board find that Ella & L. L. Lester are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondents correct the violations on
or before December 29, 2007. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations,
the actions taken by the Respondents and any previous violations by the Respondents
and hereby orders that if the Respondents do not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $150 per day for each day the violation continues past December 29, 2007
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Karageorge
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2974
M.A.J. Properties LLC
623 N. Railroad Avenue
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
10-3 B.B.C. of Ord.
Remove outside storage trash and
debris, unregistered vehicles and parts,
and construction equipment from the
Code Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 10 days be given to comply, by December 29,2007.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2974, Mr. Karageorge
moved that this Board find that M.A.J. Properties LLC is in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct
the violations on or before December 29, 2007. The Board has considered the gravity
of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
the Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this
Order, a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past
December 29, 2007 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is
further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order
to arrange for re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order.
The building was not secured. Mr. Karageorge amended his motion to reflect a fine
amount of $250 per day. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
It was noted the only other issue on this property was a demolition. The debris was
cleared out on Railroad Avenue.
Case #07-3172
Everard K. Addison
712 NW 1st Street
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
Mow and Maintain property to comply
with City Ordinance
Code Officer Roy presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 10 days be given to comply, by December 29,2007.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3172, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Everard K. Addison is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before December 29, 2007. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations,
the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent
and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past December 29, 2007
plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to
contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-
inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Karageorge
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2672
Barbara P. Garside
207 SE 4th Avenue
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(E) Inc.
BBA FBC '04105.1.1.
Repair roof and obtain permits.
Business Tax Receipt needed to rent
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Officer Webb presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 30 days be given to comply, by January 18, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2672, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that Barbara P. Garside is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before January 18, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past January 18, 2008 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the
City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of
the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2967
Violation( s):
Rony & Marie David
319 SW 9th Avenue
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
BBA FBC '04 105.1.1.
Remove trash & debris, obtain permit for
Officer Webb presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 15 days be given to comply, by January 3, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2967, Mr. Moyer moved
that this Board find Rony & Marie David are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach
Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the violations on
or before January 3, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the violations, the
actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past January 3, 2008 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the
City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for re-inspection of
the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Case #07-3121
Rich Guerin & Angela Mitchell
409 SE 20th Ct.
CH15-ART.IX-15-120(D) Inc.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Mow and trim property. Remove trash &
Officer Webb presented the case and reviewed the violations. The City was
recommending 15 days be given to comply, by January 3, 2008.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-3121, Mr. Moyer moved
that this Board find Rich Guerin & Angela Mitchell is in violation of the City of Boynton
Beach Code Sections cited and moved to Order that the Respondent correct the
violations on or before January 3, 2008. The Board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent and any previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby orders that if the Respondent does not comply with this Order,
a fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past January
3, 2008, plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered
to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for
re-inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Mr. Yerzy seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
Code Officer Pierre recommended the following fines be certified at $50 per day:
Case #07-352
Case #07-2701
Case #07-352
Annie Jones
314 NW 3rd Street
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-352, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
August 15, 2007, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken
by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $50 per
day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent
comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2701
Vinnette Williams
340 SW 10th Ave.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case # 07-2701, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
November 19, 2007, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $50
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent
comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Pierre recommended the following cases be certified at $75 per day:
Case #07-2743
Case #07-2655
Case #07 -27 43
Deutsche Bank Nat'l Trust Co. 322 Glen Arbor Terrace
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2743, Mr. Foot moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has have not complied with this Board's Order
dated October 17, 2007, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $75
per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent
comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2655
Stewart A. Houghtaling
222 SE 4th Avenue
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case # 07-2655, Mr. Foot moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
October 17, 2007, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken
by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $75 per
day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent
comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Pierre recommended Case # 07-2238 be certified at $100:
Case #07-2238
Lancore Nursery LLC
2632 N. Federal Hwy.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case # 07-2238, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
September 19, 2007, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of
$100 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Pierre recommended Case # 07-2353 Case # 07-2901 be certified at $250
Case #07-2353
Andre St. Juste
925 Greenbriar Dr.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case # 07-2353, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
September 19, 2007, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of
$250 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the
Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2901
Vinnette Williams
340 SW 10th Ave.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case # 07-2901, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
September 19, 2007, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions
taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of
$250 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the
Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Officer Pierre recommended the next case be certified at $500.
Case #07 -2673
Omari Murray
211 SE 4th Ave.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case # 07-2673, Mr. Yerzy moved
that this Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated
October 17, 2007, and having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken
by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the amount of $500 per
day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until the Respondent
comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Officer Pierre recommended the following cases receive "No Fine":
Case #06-2782
Case #07-1830
Case #07-2169
Case #07-2563
Case #07-1100
Case #07-1636
Case #07-2622
Case #06-2782
Boynton Flex LLC 3479 High Ridge Rd.
Disaster America of Florida
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #06-2782, Mr. Yerzy moved that
this Board find that the Respondent Boynton Flex LLC, Disaster America of Florida, was
in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code Sections as cited subsequent to the date
of compliance specified in the Board's Order of January 17, 2007, and in consideration
of the gravity of the violations and the actions taken by the Respondent to remedy the
violations and the previous violations of the Respondent, that this Board impose and
certify "No Fine." Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-1830
Yachtsman Properties LLC
Andrew P. Cohen
1600 N. Federal Hwy.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-1830, Mr. Yerzy moved that
this Board find that the Respondent, Yachtsman Properties LLC, Andrew P. Cohen,
was in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code Sections as cited subsequent to the
date of compliance specified in the Board's Order of August 15, 2007, and in
consideration of the gravity of the violations and the actions taken by the Respondent to
remedy the violations and the previous violations of the Respondent that this Board
impose and certify "No Fine." Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously
Case #07-2169
Mislaine Dormil & Abija Emilcar
171 SE 287th Place
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2169, Mr. Yerzy moved that
this Board find that the Respondents, Mislaine Dormil & Abija Emilcar, were in violation
of the City of Boynton Beach Code Sections as cited subsequent to the date of
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
compliance specified in the Board's Order of September 19, 2007, and in consideration
of the gravity of the violations and the actions taken by the Respondents to remedy the
violations and the previous violations of the Respondents that this Board impose and
certify "No Fine." Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-2563
Debborrah D. Washington
1950 NW 1 st Street
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2563, Mr. Yerzy moved that
this Board find that the Respondent Oebborrah D. Washington, was in violation of the
City of Boynton Beach Code Sections as cited subsequent to the date of compliance
specified in the Board's Order of October 17, 2007, and in consideration of the gravity of
the violations and the actions taken by the Respondent to remedy the violations and the
previous violations of the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify "No Fine."
Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-1100
Menorah Realty LTD.
1920 Corporate Drive
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-1100, Mr. Yerzy moved that
this Board find that the Respondent, Menorah Realty L TO, was in violation of the City of
Boynton Beach Code Sections as cited subsequent to the date of compliance specified
in the Board's Order of August 15, 2007, and in consideration of the gravity of the
violations and the actions taken by the Respondent to remedy the violations and the
previous violations of the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify "No Fine."
Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Case #07-1636
United Realty Management Inc.
135 NE 11th Avenue
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-1636, Mr. Yerzy moved that
this Board find that the Respondent, United Realty Management Inc., was in violation of
the City of Boynton Beach Code Sections as cited subsequent to the date of compliance
specified in the Board's Order of October 17, 2007, and in consideration of the gravity of
the violations and the actions taken by the Respondent to remedy the violations and the
previous violations of the Respondent that this Board impose and certify "No Fine."
Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed
Case #07-2622
Mike & Cheryl M. Levy
720 SE 3rd Street
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #07-2622, Mr. Yerzy moved that
this Board find that the Respondents, Mike & Cheryl M. Levy, were in violation of the
City of Boynton Beach Code Sections as cited subsequent to the date of compliance
specified in the Board's Order of October 17, 2007, and in consideration of the gravity of
the violations and the actions taken by the Respondents to remedy the violations and
the previous violations of the Respondents that this Board impose and certify "No Fine."
Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that unanimously passed
Officer Pierre recommended the Board table the following cases to February 20, 2008:
Case #07-675
Case #07-561
Case #07-564
Case #07-1103
Case #07-298
Case #07 -67 5
LaBella Properties LLC
Dennis Eakin - Dennis Hines
3010 SW 14th PL 10
Mr. Yerzy moved that Case #07-675 be tabled until the Code Compliance Board
meeting to be held on February 20, 2008. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case #07 -561
Yachtsman Properties LLC
Andrew P. Cohen
1600 N. Federal Hwy.
Mr. Yerzy moved that Case #07-561 be tabled until the Code Compliance Board
meeting to be held on February 20, 2008. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case #07-564
Yachtsman Properties LLC
Andrew P. Cohen
1600 N. Federal Hwy.
Mr. Yerzy moved that Case #07-564 be tabled until the Code Compliance Board
meeting to be held on February 20, 2008. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
Case #07-1103
Exotic Motorcars & Jewelry Inc.
103 Commerce Rd.
Mr. Yerzy moved that Case #07-1103 be tabled until the Code Compliance Board
meeting to be held on February 20, 2008. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Case #07-298
Therese M. Fredrickson
1708 SW 16th Street
Mr. Yerzy moved that Case #07-298 be tabled until the Code Compliance Board
meeting to be held on February 20, 2008. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Officer Pierre recommended Case #06-2328 be tabled to the June meeting:
Case #06-2328 Boynton Shoppes Acquisition 2212 N. Congress Ave.
Mr. Yerzy moved that Case #06-2328 be tabled until the Code Compliance Board
meeting to be held on June 18, 2008. Mr. Karageorge seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Approval of Minutes of August 23,2007.
Mr. Yerzy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Moyer seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Approval of Minutes of September 27, 2007.
Mr. Moyer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Approval of Minutes of November 19, 2007.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach Florida
December 19, 2007
There were three corrections to the minutes which were Case #06-1441, the address
should read 2810 SE 5th Circle, on page 14, the Vinnette Williams Case # was 07-2901
and Case #07-1063, the name should read Lue Gennie Williams.
Attorney Tolces also wanted the clarify the minutes are reflective of the board's
intention, regarding the Ralph and Rosie Case, which was properly recorded in the
order. The minutes included the fine would run up until the time of compliance. The
fine, as noted in the order, ran only up to that date. As noted this month, the
Respondent came forward for this time period.
Mr. Foot moved to approve the minutes amended to reflect the board order for the
Ralph and Rosie Case. Mr. Yerzy seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Mr. Foot moved to approve the November 19, 2007 minutes as amended. Mr. Yerzy
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Attorney Tolces advised at the request of Chair Costantino, he checked on board
elections because the City Commission makes the board appointments in December
and not in the spring. The Code only provided for the board to elect a chair and it did
not provide a specific date. Mr. Foot thought that should be done next month. Attorney
Tolces advised the board has not adopted any rules about the matter. He would
develop these rules and work with staff to provide information on how the board
operates. Election of the Chair and Vice Chair would be put on the next agenda.
There being no further business before the board, there was consensus to adjourn. The
meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.
Recording Secretary