Minutes 12-13-99
ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1999 AT 3:30 P.M.
Betty Collins, Chairwoman Steve Lulkin, Recreation Supervisor II
Amelia “Terry” Benell Carolyn Sims, Recreation Supervisor
Olive Field
Bernice Joyce
Esther “Peggy” Stranahan
Elizabeth Jenkins, Alternate
Helen Schwartzenberg, Alternate
Mary Coma
Christine Wilson
Chairperson Collins called the Senior Advisory Board meeting to order at 3:30
p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. A moment of silent prayer for
all seniors in the City was observed.
The Recording Secretary called the roll. A quorum was declared present.
Also present was Ms. Shanna St. John, Chairperson of the Advisory Board on
Children and Youth, Bruce and Leo Capsuto from ABC Sign Emporium, and
Barbara Weisman, Volunteer Coordinator for the Senior Center.
Ms. St. John requested to address the Board in order to clarify an issue that she
had read in the minutes of the November meeting of the Senior Advisory Board.
The minutes intimated that the Children and Youth Advisory Board received a
budget from the City and Ms. St. John stated this is not the case. The Children
and Youth Advisory Board does not receive a budget and all the funds in the
Board’s account are raised by soliciting donations from corporations, businesses
and individuals.
Ms. Stranahan said she raised this question because no other board has a bank
account. Ms. St. John responded that the Children and Youth Advisory Board
solicit donations for the Board’s programs and because they are in the thousands
BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA December 13, 1999
of dollars, the Board asked for a City account. Also, Ms. St. John stated their
Board follows the City’s policy for obtaining quotes and bids.
Ms. Stranahan inquired if the City keeps track of these funds and Ms. St. John
said that she could request a statement of the funds at any time. Chairperson
Collins noted that the Senior Advisory Board does have an account through the
Recreation Department when donations are received, but no one on the Board
has access to the account.
Ms. St. John said that whenever donations are received, they are earmarked for
various Board programs. Ms. St. John explained about the various programs that
their Board is involved in. Also, she stated that the Board is charged accounting
fees like other City departments. In order for the funds to be accessed, a request
must be made in advance to have a check cut.
(Taken out of order)
Mr. Lulkin stated that Bruce and Leo Capsuto from ABC Signs were in
attendance today to present a quote for a new sign for the Senior Center. Mr.
Capsuto stated that the quote calls for replacing the paneling on the current sign,
which is 6’ x 10’, plus a 2’ x 8’ panel on the bottom for the channels. This would
have to be special ordered. Also, the quote included taking the old panels down
and putting the new ones up in their place. Installed, the cost would be
approximately $3,800.
Chairperson Collins asked if this was the type sign where there would be an
activity board that could be changed and was informed that this was on the
bottom portion of the sign. Chairperson Collins inquired about the size of the
letters and was told that the letters would be 6”, as are currently being used
throughout the City. Six-inch letters could be seen from 60’ away. It is possible
that larger letters could be used if the Board wished, however, this would effect
the size of the message.
Mr. Lulkin said that the lettering currently being used on the Senior Center sign is
the same size lettering used throughout the City on other signs and felt it would
be best to stay with the same size. The price of the sign includes 100 letters.
The City has been ordering letters in black and numbers in red. The current sign
is electrical and the electrical department from the City would have to perform the
necessary work.
Mr. Capsuto said that ABC has now become a distributor of a product called
polystone and this is becoming very popular. He presented a sample of a
polystone sign to the members. If polystone is used to replace a concrete
monument sign, the cost is 30% to 40% less. Also, when the sign arrives it is
delivered finished and ready to be put up. It only takes about three hours to
BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA December 13, 1999
install as opposed to three weeks for a traditional sign. All the work is fabricated
offsite, which avoids making a mess during installation.
An acrylic stucco finish is applied to the outside as opposed to cement stucco.
The sign is fully weatherproof, sealed and made for exterior use. This sign could
replace the current electrical sign. However, the polystone sign would not be as
tall as the current sign and would not be internally lit. The new sign would also
have a changeable message panel and Mr. Capsuto presented a sample of what
the sign would look like.
The estimated price for a new polystone sign, similar to what is being presented
today, which would be double-sided with raised lettering, would be $3,800. This
is approximately the same price as just replacing the facing on the current sign.
Light could also be added to the sign. Installation could be done either by ABC
or by the City. After members looked at various designs, the “plantation” style
sign was preferred. Mr. Capsuto said this style would probably be about the
same price as the sample. There was a consensus on the Board to proceed with
the polystone sign. The sign being proposed is 70” wide and 48” high. A
concrete monument sign of comparable size would run around $6,000.
Proposals for various styles of polystone signs will be presented at the January
10, 2000 meeting for final decision by the Board.
Chairperson Collins requested that Ms. Joyce make a report under Item 7, Senior
The agenda was accepted as presented.
Ms. Benell moved to approve the minutes of the November 1, 1999 meeting.
Motion seconded by Ms. Field, which carried unanimously.
Chairperson Collins stated she would like to see the Senior Center identified as a
multi-purpose center. The seniors in the north end of the City have their lunch at
Boynton Bay and should become part of the Senior Center. Mae Volen should be
requested to make this change. It also needs to be taken into consideration that
the seniors in the north end want to continue their shopping arrangements with
Mae Volen, which is being provided free of charge. Chairperson Collins inquired
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if the seniors from the north end would like to come to the Christmas party and
Ms. Jenkins said that the transportation issue would have to be taken up with the
supervisor of the Mae Volen Center. Chairperson Collins asked Mr. Lulkin what
is being planned for the Christmas party.
Mr. Lulkin reported that the Christmas party would have the following:
a live band for dancing,
an M.C. to perform comedy,
refreshments will be served,
pizza is being donated by Papa John’s next door,
Expicare is donating a large basket as a giveaway, and
the band is being sponsored by Alterra and Ms. Weisman.
Mr. Lulkin stated that the Center is limited to a capacity of 299 persons. Ms.
Jenkins inquired about the date and time of the Christmas party. Chairperson
Collins reported that the Christmas party would take place on Thursday,
December 23.
Ms. Joyce reported that four persons are still being served at the Boat Ramp
Park. Chairperson Collins said this should not be the case and those persons
should be served at the Senior Center. Chairperson Collins will follow through on
this. The Senior Center should be available to all seniors within the City limits.
Chairperson Collins would like to see some type of identification card system put
in place to identify people who reside in the City. Mr. Lulkin pointed out that the
City of Boynton Beach is an open City and no one is turned away, but they have
to be senior citizens. Mr. Lulkin stated that the City allows anyone to use its
facilities as long as they meet the age criteria. Chairperson Collins and other
members felt that the Senior Center should be limited to residents of the City.
Chairperson Collins pointed out that the Senior Center can only hold so many
people and it would not be fair to turn City residents away from having lunch,
while people from other cities are being fed. Mr. Lulkin pointed out that the lunch
program is a federal grant program. Chairperson Collins would like this issue
referred to the City Attorney.
A woman in the audience asked if the Center accepts volunteers from outside the
City and Chairperson Collins said it was not expected to use volunteers from
outside the City. Initially, all funds for Delray Beach, Boca Raton and Boynton
Beach were given to the Mae Volen Center and that is the center for seniors in
this area. However, it is too difficult for seniors from Boynton Beach to drive
down to Boca on a daily basis for lunch and activities. Mae Volen is supposed to
help the City’s Senior Center because they still receive all the money.
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Chairperson Collins asked Mr. Lulkin if the social worker was in place yet and he
said the Center is still working on this. She stated that the Area Agency on Aging
did not pay the City, but gave the funds to Mae Volen. Also, she noted that the
Mae Volen Center receives funding from the United Fund.
A woman in the audience asked if it was this Board’s contention that only
Boynton Beach residents should be served lunches and Chairperson Collins said
this is how it is supposed to be.
One of the volunteers in the audience pointed out that the Senior Center would
lose volunteers, because a great many come from out of the City. Chairperson
Collins said that if it is agreeable, she did not see why volunteers could not be
accepted from outside the City. Chairperson Collins said she would never turn a
volunteer away regardless of where they came from and all volunteers would be
welcomed. However, Chairperson Collins stated when there are limited
arrangements for special events, and Boynton Beach seniors should come first.
Chairperson Collins said she appreciates all the work that the volunteers have
put into the Center and they are welcomed.
Ms. Jenkins asked how the Center would be able to accommodate those seniors
who come from Boynton Bay? Mr. Lulkin said that the food service manager
takes a count the day before from people who call in before 2:00 p.m. and that
number is turned in. Sometimes when there are people who do not show up and
there are extra meals, instead of throwing the meals away, they are offered to
people in the Center.
Chairperson Collins inquired if people have been turned away from the meals
and Mr. Lulkin stated this is very rare. Currently, approximately 70 to 80 lunches
are served daily. Mr. Lulkin said the Center is trying to get seniors to come down
and there is a “Make a New Friends Group” to get lonely seniors into the Center.
Ms. Joyce said that she felt that no handicap people under 60 years old should
be allowed into the dining room and that people should be required to show proof
of age when they complete the forms. Also, she would like to have the volunteers
furnished with nametags for identification purposes.
Members were informed that when people sign up for the Senior Center they
must supply their social security number and date of birth.
A member of the audience stated that younger aged handicap persons on
disability are treated the same way senior citizens are treated. She said there
are severely disabled people coming to the Center who live alone and thinks it is
BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA December 13, 1999
a shame for a 40 or 50 year old handicap person to be turned away from having
a meal.
A man in the audience stated he was on disability and has been embarrassed,
humiliated and insulted in the Senior Center. Chairperson Collins said that no
one should come to the Center and be insulted or treated unfairly and it should
be reported.
Chairperson Collins said that she is disappointed that the meals on wheels
program has stopped and homebound people are suffering. This is an item that
the Board is planning to address after the New Year.
Ms. Jenkins stated that age limits hurt a great many people who are in need and
Chairperson Collins pointed out that a great many handicap people cannot get
into senior housing. Mr. Lulkin said that the Center does not make this
determination and that the forms are completed and submitted to Mae Volen who
submits them to the federal government and they must meet certain guidelines. If
Mae Volen states a certain person is not old enough or cannot have a meal it is
reported back to the food service manager.
Ms. Joyce inquired why volunteers couldn’t perform some of the jobs being
performed by staff? She said that there are not enough jobs for volunteers
because staff is performing them. She feels that more seniors could be utilized
instead of hiring more staff. Mr. Lulkin stated that the City budgeted for these
Previously addressed.
Chairperson Collins inquired about the following:
If a beautician was coming to the Center to do hair? Mr. Lulkin stated that a
person has volunteered to give free haircuts and manicures. Ms. Joyce
stated that this person requested her own room to perform this function. Mr.
Lulkin said this is not going to happen.
How often the line dancing took place? Mr. Lulkin said it takes place every
Tuesday afternoon. Chairperson Collins asked to have a second group for
beginners. Mr. Lulkin said that a new person started today who will be
teaching beginners.
BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA December 13, 1999
Requested that Mr. Lulkin have available for the next meeting a list of the
programs and the number of persons who have attended the programs.
NEXT MEETING; JANUARY 10, 2000 AT 3:30 p.m.
Ms. Jenkins moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Ms. Fields.
The meeting properly adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)