Amelia "Terry" Benell
Betty Collins, Chairperson
Olive Field
Jeanne Hasty
Bernice Joyce
Carolyn Sims, Recreation Supervisor
Peggy Stranahan
Barbara Weisman
Betty Brophy
Anthony Zerilli
Elizabeth Jenkins, Alternate
Denise Chamberlain
Christine T. Wilson
Chairperson Collins called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. and led the
members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of silent
prayer for all the seniors in the City.
Chairperson Collins requested that the Recording Secretary call the roll. A
quorum was present.
Ms. Joyce moved to approve the motion, which was duly seconded by Ms. Field
and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
Ms. Benell moved to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2000 meeting which
was duly seconded by Ms. Hasty and unanimously carried.
Chairperson Collins noted that the Senior Center has been opened for one year.
She pointed out that this Board feels that the Senior Center needs a Director.
Also the Board has recommended certain guidelines and would like to see job
descriptions for the volunteers. The main goal of the Senior Advisory Board was
to get the Senior Center open. A second goal of the Board was the introduction
of transportation into the City, which is now in place. Chairperson Collins pointed
out that the Senior Center is not only for recreational purposes, but is also
intended to inform and provide all the services and benefits to which seniors are
entitled. Many seniors in the City do not know where to turn to in times of trouble
or when assistance is needed.
It was pointed out that Wally Majors is now the Acting Recreation Director and
Chairperson Collins stated she has met with Mr. Majors. Also, she and Ms.
Stranahan have met with the new City Manager. Although the Senior Center
currently is addressing a need in the City, there are a great many more things
that are needed. Mr. Majors is aware of this and wants the Senior Center run
under the Guidelines of the National Institute of Senior Centers.
Also, Chairperson Collins pointed out that the Senior Center is not receiving the
entitlements it should be receiving besides the meals. She pointed out that the
federal funds received by Palm Beach County go to the Mae Volen Center and
should be coming here, but are not because the Senior Center is not a multi-
purpose senior center. Mr. Majors is now working to gain accreditation for the
Senior Center. The Senior Center needs to have a social worker on board.
Chairperson Collins distributed to members the guidelines of the National
InstitUte of Senior Centers, which was reviewed. She pointed out that the Mae
Volen Center should be providing a social worker for the City's Senior Center and
is receiving the City's money for this purpose. The services and programs that a
senior center must provide for accreditation were reviewed as follows:
Health and wellness programs. These services should be provided not only
for participants at the Senior Center, but also for homebound seniors.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
Arts and humanities programming, some of which is already being offered.
Intergenerational programming.
Employment assistance for people in need of employment because of their
financial condition.
Information and referral services.
Social and community action opportunities. The word needs to get out that
there is a Senior Center in the City.
Transportation Services. These are already available in the City.
Volunteer Opportunities. These are available at the Senior Center, but they
should also be available for other places.
Educational opportunities.
Financial and benefits assistance.
The meal program is being offered.
The purpose of a senior center is to be a resource for the entire community for
information on aging, support for family caregivers, training professional and lay
leaders and students and for developing innovative approaches to addressing
aging issues. Senior center staffs are obligated to create an atmosphere that
acknowledges the value of human life, affirms the dignity and self-worth of the
older adult and maintains a climate of respect, trust and support. Chairperson
Collins pointed out that it is very important that no one feel left out.
Also, the National Institute of Senior Centers states that a senior center must
meet certain community standards and must make services more accessible
through cooperative service delivery and referral linkages with other community
agencies and organizations. A senior center must -
Define population and geographic areas. The City needs to know how many
seniors are actually home bound and how many are handicapped and cannot
leave their homes.
Identify agencies, organizations and providers that offer services to older
adults. Chairperson Collins noted that there are services currently available in
the County that assist seniors. RSVP is operating in the City that provides
places where seniors can volunteer besides the Senior Center. However,
registration for all volunteering should take place at the Senior Center.
Community Caring is available to assist seniors with financial assistance and
Chairperson Collins will provide information on this at the next meeting.
Encourage providers to deliver their services at the Senior Center.
Gain Senior Center representation on agency boards, committees and task
forces. The City of Boynton Beach does not have any representation on the
Area Agency on Aging. Also, Chairperson Collins would like the City to have
representation on the Mae Volen Board.
Meeting Minutes ~
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
Chairperson Collins proposed that a Task Force be formed for the Senior Center.
She noted that when the Senior Advisory Board has recommendations, they
cannot go to the Department Head without permission. Whenever the Board has
an item it wants to bring up, it must go to the City Manager or the Commission.
Also, Chairperson Collins said that the Senior Center needs to have a director for
its volunteers. The duties and responsibilities of a Task Force were discussed. It
was determined that the Task Force should meet more than monthly to assist in
getting the Senior Center accredited. Mr. Majors is aware of what is necessary
to get the Senior Center accredited.
Ms. Sims asked how many people would be on the task force and Chairperson
Collins estimated between 20 to 25 people. Any one who is interested in helping
senior citizens would be welcomed.
Next reviewed were the Governance Standards, which would be comprised of
written documents, organizational charts and lines of communication. This would
include advisory committees to inform and advise, which in this case would be to
the City Commission, about the operations and programs, problems and issues,
and provide feedback about participant satisfaction and current services and
activities. Chairperson Collins asked how many people that were present would
be interested in forming a Task Force and everyone at the table indicated that
they would like to participate.
Ms. Hasty asked where th~ funding for the social worker would come from?
Chairperson Collins responded that the City's grant writer is addressing funding
needs. She also pointed out that there is already funding for the social worker
which is being received by the Mae Volen Center, which they are supposed to
provide to the Senior Center.
Ms. Hasty also asked why the meal donation is given to the Mae Volen Center
since the Federal Government has already paid for the meals? Chairperson
Collins pointed out that the City has no control over the meals and Mae Volen is
in charge of this. No one has to pay for the meals and that a specific donation
amount should not be requested. Chairperson Collins said she asked Mr. Majors
to review the contract that the City has with the Mae Volen Center.
Chairperson Collins pointed out that it is important that the City have a
representative present at the hearings for funding, which was not done in the
Ms. Stranahan asked if the Board would be able to determine which grant funds
are being applied for? Chairperson Collins stated that this Board could ask to
see a report on grant requests. Ms. Stranahan requested that this information be
available to the Board at its next meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
Election of Vice Chairperson
Chairperson Collins informed members that Ms. Stranahan has moved out of the
City, but still intends to remain active with the Senior Center. However, because
Ms. Stranahan was Vice Chairperson of the Board, it will now be necessary to
replace her. The floor was opened for nominations for Vice Chairperson.
Ms. Hasty nominated Ms. Olive Field for Vice Chairperson. Ms. Benell seconded
the nomination, which was unanimously carried.
Various needs of seniors were discussed including the need for the City to
maintain an emergency list of seniors in the City in the event of a catastrophe.
Secondly, members of the Senior Center should have to register and be provided
with membership cards.
Members were asked for their comments on having a Task Force and everyone
liked the idea. After discussion, it was determined that the Task Force should
begin meeting twice a month. Chairperson Collins would like to have gathered
enough information utilizing a Task Force to appear before the City Commission
at a November meeting to present their findings of the needs and requirements
for the Senior Center.
The first Task Force meeting will take place on Monday, September 18th at
3:00 p.m. at the Senior Center
Ms. Hasty pointed out that fundraising has already taken place at the Senior
Center and said there is no accountability as to where those funds went.
Chairperson Collins noted that the Task Force would not do any fundraising, but
could come up with a recOmmendation for an auxiliary. The auxiliary would be
comprised of officers, including a Treasurer that would be accountable for any
funds raised.
Ms. Weisman stated that the volunteers raised a great deal of money that all
went back into the Center and that every party put on in the Senior Center was
paid for by the volunteers from funds raised. They also paid for the digital
camera which was purchased for the Senior Center that costs over $1,000.
There were remaining funds of $297.90. Mr. Lulkin then informed her that the
volunteers were no longer allowed to raise money by selling coffee.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 11, 2000
Ms. Sims stated that whenever funds come in, they are sent to the
Administrator's Office and then forwarded to the Finance Department. All funds
that have been spent can be accounted for.
Ms. Hasty questioned if the City could tell volunteers what to do because the
volunteer organization was a separate entity. Chairperson Collins stated she
was informed that volunteers should be treated the same as staff.
Chairperson Collins requested that the word get out over the next week about the
Task Force being formed and to get as many persons to attend next Monday's
meeting as possible.
Ms. Hasty noted that at the last meeting she had suggested that a letter of
commendation be sent to the City's bus drivers, for their fine work. Chairperson
Collins replied she did not have an opportunity to write a letter, but did speak to
Mr. Majors and Mr. Bressner about the bus drivers.
Ms. Benell moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Ms. Field. The meeting
properly adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)