MAY 8, 2000 AT 3:00 P.M.
Betty Collins, Chairperson
Amelia "Terry" Benell
Bernice Joyce
Esther "Peggy" Stranahan
Christine Wilson
Olive Field
De nise Chamberlain, Alternate
Elizabeth Jenkins, Alternate
Steve Lulkin, Recreation Supervisor II
Carolyn Sims, Recreation Supervisor
Jeanne Hasty
Chairperson Collins called the meeting to order at 3:05 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag was recited, followed by a moment of silent prayer for all the seniors in the
City, especially those seniors in need.
Chairperson Collins requested the Recording Secretary to call the roll. A quorum was
declared present.
A request was heard to add "Seniors Helping Seniors" to the agenda, Ms. Joyce
Moved to accept the agenda as amended. Ms. Field seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
Ms. Benell moved to accept the minutes as written. Ms. Chamberlain seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Chairperson Collins welcomed the new member of the Board, Denise Chamberlain.
Chairperson Collins reported that there needed to be an election for a new Chairperson.
Ms. Chamberlain moved to nominate Ms. Betty Collins as Chairperson. Chairperson
Collins agreed to do the job for one more year.
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Ms. Esther "Peggy" Stranahan was nominated as Vice Chairperson.
Ms. Benell moved to approve the above two nominations. Ms. Chamberlain seconded
the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Chairperson Collins said that the Board had been concentrating on the Senior Center
for a long time and it was starting to meet the needs of the seniors in this City. The main
things the Board wanted to offer were the noon meal and social services. The noon
meal is a reality and the Chairperson Collins stated everyone was happy with the
number of people who are coming but they did not get the social worker. Chairperson
Collins stated that the social worker would be an eligible funding request for a multi-
purpose Senior Center. She expressed concern that since there were so many needs in
the Recreation Department the Senior Center needs may fall by the wayside. If a
person looked at all the funding that was given out in Palm Beach County she did not
see anything for Boynton Beach. Last year the City missed out. Chairperson Collins
said that she was unable to talk with Debbie Majors about it but she planned a meeting
to discuss this. Chairperson Collins spoke to a member of the Area Agency on Aging,
which distributes Federal funding. What we get from the Florida legislature are the
"extras". Mr. Ron Klein said we would get it but if we don't apply in time, we won't get it.
We have to make sure the funds are requested. The City cannot fund us.
One of the things I think we have to address this year as a goal is to determine what the
unmet needs are, whether they are real, and what can be done for the seniors of the
City. The Census report will be out and will, she predicted, have a very large number of
Ms. Chamberlain asked if the City could request funds from the County. Chairperson
Collins said they only had $10,000 and $50,000 amounts. Ms. Chamberlain said that on
Tuesday night she heard they got funding for a park. Chairperson Collins said that was
still in the hands of the City and that the biggest funding came from the Area Agency on
Aging. They are the federal funding agency. That is how the food program is funded.
The other is more or less a gift she explained. An agency presents its needs to the
Florida legislature, This is money that each legislator tries to direct to his City. Boynton
did not get anything this year.
Chairperson Collins stressed the need for social services at the Senior Center and noted
that she would be meeting with the new City Manager, Kurt Bressner to discuss how the
City might be able to get a social worker for the Senior Center.
Ms. Joyce asked if the City didn't get a social worker this year, would Mae Volen do
something? Chairperson Collins said that the City would have to depend on Mae Volen
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because the money for seniors is still going to them, but they did not get any extra this
year either.
Chairperson Collins asked for a report on the Senior Center.
Mr. Steve Lulkin said that they did put in for a grant through the State legislature for
Phase II of the Senior Center. They asked for $500,000. All the paperwork was done
and Senator Klein was helping to sponsor the funding. Apparently, these programs go
into a group of what they call "Turkeys" and this program fell in that and this is why it
didn't enter into the House or Senate budgets. The Governor's Office sent our packet
down to the Area Agency on Aging and we are in contact with them and are trying to get
into their budget for this year for the Phase 2 funding for the Senior Center. Hopefully
that will come out at the end of June when their budgets are supposed to be presented.
They were one of the groups that wanted to see the Senior Center become a focal point
in this area of the County so we were hoping they would put us in their budget so the
second phase could be completed.
The sign has been ordered and is being worked on at this time. They are
bringing over a City logo and once that is approved they can finish the
Mr. Lulkin spoke to Mr. DeBeck about the door closers but he has not had
a chance to have them installed - they have been ordered and have
Membership cards have come in and we are starting to fill them out now
and we are also doing a national background check on the volunteers
throughout the City.
On May 16 from 9:00 to 3:00 the first Senior Health Fair will be held.
There are over sixty vendors coming out. The street in front of the Senior
Center will be closed down as some of the vendors would be outside and
some inside. We are also giving away a free 27" color stereo TV to a
senior. The television was purchased through fees charged to vendors.
Two weeks ago the first Senior Easter Party was held. There were about
60-70 people there which was a great success. There was an Easter
Bonnet contest and somebody donated an organ to the Senior Center
and a presentation was made to that person and it turned out nice.
They had a Spring Fling Dance, which had about 50-60 people. We are
seeing a slowdown with summer coming up. They have gone from 150
meals to 100 meals and now today down to 67 meals. A lot of the people
are going away and some of the volunteers are leaving. They are coming
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up with new progrems, which will, hopefully, draw more people to the
facility for the summer.
There has been a question about trying to get more input from the people
in the north end of the City so Ms. Sims and Mr. Lulkin are putting
together a small Gospelrama, which will showcase some local talent.
They will be picking people up, bringing them to the event, and bringing
them back home. Hopefully this will get more people from the north end
to come down to the Center.
Ms. Carolyn Sims said that with the teen club, she went from door to door
putting out programs for the month. Hopefully there will be a response
from that.
Chairperson Collins spoke of reading in the paper where some seniors in a community
took it upon themselves to look for those who needed help.
As far as transportation was concerned, Chairperson Collins stated that even with a bus
there were some people who could not get on a bus,
Ten years ago Chairperson Collins started the We Care Pregram in her community that
has continued over the years and takes people to doctor's appointments and shopping
for food. It is particularly good for those with vision and hearing problems, Some of
them are too timid to get on the Shopper Hopper bus. We encourage seniors not to
drive so we work with volunteers.
Chairperson Collins had done a lot of research on Seniors Helping Seniors. While they
expect a lot of seniors to continue working up to 70 and beyond, they are looking for as
many seniors as possible that would want to join a Seniors Helping Seniors program.
This could be a program I'd like to present in the fall to the Commission and let it take off
with volunteers. It could be down at the Senior Center or in another place. Sometimes
there are people who never have a phone call, people who never get a birthday card,
and when someone takes the time to respond to these needs, it is so very meaningful to
the seniors.
I know if any of you are in senior retirement communities you know there are people that
are lonely. The longer they are at home, the more they are suffering from loneliness and
they stop eating. It is sad in any city where people are living alone and frightened and if
they just had a visitor it would make all the difference. I think if the City offered through
our Senior Board that there would be somebody who would be willing to make calls just
to check in it would be so useful. If we ever had a disaster the Police and Fire have a list
of who lives alone and in a disaster would not be able to get out but we do not know
where they are and the list is not complete. Neighbors do help but in most places in
Florida a lot of people are seasonal so they pack up and go. This is when We find out
that someone has a kind neighbor that is there for six months and the rest of the time
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they are alone. This is a big underataking but it has been done in many cities, not
through funding but through kindness. I think seniors are a great source of volunteers.
Sometimes churches have groups of people who work on this kind of thing. I think
herewe need to identify those people who need help and if they do need help do they
know where to go. Ms. Chamberlain said that she lived in High Point and sometimes this
kind of information can be obtained by approaching the Boards of different complexes.
Chairperson Collins stated the Board would meet in June but not in July or August and
reminded the group that if they were not able to come to call the City Clerk's office.
Ms. Chamberlain asked how they were to go about getting lists of those people who are
alone. Chairperson Collins said people have to call and say "1 need some help". The
City can't do it. We have no right to go to someone and say, "You need help."
Ms. Chamberlain asked Chairperson Collins if she thought people would call?
Chairperson Collins said yes, that if the Board established a phone number they could
call and advertise it. Chairperson Collins reiterated that she would like to present
something on this to the Commission by the fall. Ms. Chamberlain asked if there was a
Senior Hot Line and the response was no.
Chairperson Collins continued by saying that there were things that were available and
people don't know they are available for them. If you went into the mall on a hot
afternoon in the summer, you will see a lot of people cooling off there rather than being
at home where they would have to have the air conditioning. The other thing is people
are not eating right. Chairperson Collins thought it was a shame the City did not have
the Food Bank that used to be here. When people are alone and ailing, they do not
bother to cook.
Ms. Sims asked who was in charge of the Food Bank? Chairperson Collins said that it
was a church group that had a little place and that without Meals on Wheels people were
hurting because there were many people who cannot come out to the Senior Center.
These are the people that have needs and I know there are churches that will help us. I
know that at St. Marks they tried having' what they call Good Samaritans but they
couldn't get people to continue doing it.
Chairperson Collins stated that she thought more seniors were in need than any other
group in the City. When people stop going to church because they don't have
transportation it is very sad. It is most difficult to get anyone to take someone to church
Chairperson Collins stated that more than just senior volunteers were also needed and
that sometimes you needed strong arms. Chairperson Collins stated that much planning
needed to be done before going out and getting volunteers and that the Board would
have to make a presentation to the Commission to get permission to do the program.
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Mr. Lulkin remarked that an idea would be that the Teen Advisory Board was looking for
projects for their teens to do. This could be a great idea of the teens could put together
a program to help serve the seniors of the City. A lot of them drive and have cars and
would be able to deliver things to the seniors. He mentioned that he could speak to Ms.
St. John of the Children & Youth Advisory Board. Chairperson Collins asked him to wait
until the planning had taken place in workshops that would be held during the summer
Chairperson Collins asked that when people came to the June meeting to come
prepared with ideas on paper of the kinds of senior needs that could be met, and ideas
on how the people could be identified.
Chairperson Collins stated that a benefit of seniors caring for seniors was that the
seniors did not have to ask a lot of questions like the Government does. Also, she said,
there are people that could get help from FPL. Some people don't know how to ask.
They don't know they are even eligible.
Ms. Chamberlain asked if educational programs could be set up at the Senior Center or
somewhere else so people could become aware of all the facilities and programs that
were available to them if they were in need. Chairperson Collins stated that the trouble
was that the people who come out to the meetings and who can read are not the ones
that need to be reached. Chairperson Collins said that the June meeting would be a
good time to try to get somebody in from Florida Power and Light to explain their
Ms. Wilson stated that she had a lot of people coming into the Senior Center asking
questions on behalf of their parents who are in their 80's and 90's. One lady wanted to
know why her light bill went up $5.00 and we ended up calling FPL for her. Ms. Wilson
also stated that there was a daycare center at Lena Rahming's that had a program that
would help people pay their light bill if needed. Ms. Wilson asked that this information be
passed on.
Chairperson Collins asked that this and other similar ideas be brought to the June
meeting. She wanted ideas of places that are available, church groups that are doing
something, and things of this kind.
Ms. Stranahan remarked that there was a spot on the FPL bill that may be checked off if
you wish to donate to a fund which pays for people that need help.
Ms. Joyce commented that on two recent trips the seniors went on there were some
snags involved. In one case they went to a concert which was attended by some
handicapped people and the bus driver had a hard time finding a place for them to get
out of the bus. Also, she said, at Sunfest on the past weekend, whoever.organized it
didn't realize that it began at 5 p.m. so they had to shift around and took them to T.J.
Friday's for lunch. Ms. Joyce asked if these things could be corrected?
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Steve Lulkin said he was not told anything about the two problems that were mentioned.
He did not see why finding a place to Park would have been a problem since all areas
were handicap accessible.
Ms. Field stated that the roads were difficult and also the music was not to their liking at
all, it was hard rock and the seniors were very disappointed.
Chairperson Collins stated that the next meeting would be on June 12, 2000 at 3:00 p.m.
in the Chambers.
The meeting was properly adjourned 3:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan S. Collins
Recording Secretary
(one tape)